Case Files 013

Chapter 93: twisted love


Song Zhe is a thin, dark-skinned man. He was wearing a school uniform, and under his feet were a pair of sneakers that had been washed white for countless times, and the original color could no longer be seen. This kind of dress is really unique in college, and it seems that he is really poor.

We asked Director Wang for an office where no one would disturb us, and both Zhang Yunhu and Song Zhe were in it. Compared to Zhang Yunhu's fluent answers and Hou Yao's generous spirit, Song Zhe seemed very restrained, neither sitting nor standing, looking at me and Guan Zengbin with innocent eyes.

Guan Zengbin revealed his identity, Song Zhe was obviously taken aback, with a slightly evasive expression. But this doesn't mean anything. Many ordinary people have never dealt with us in their lives. The first reaction is not to feel safe, but to feel a little inexplicable fear. I don't know if this is a kind of sadness.

"Sit down, Song Zhe." I sat across from the desk and said to Song Zhe who was at a loss.

Song Zhe just sat down: "What did you ask me for, I didn't do anything, I've always been very law-abiding."

I put Song Zhe's diary on the table, flipped through it and said calmly: "Director Wang said that no one will come here, that is to say, only the four of us can hear the next conversation."

Seeing me take out the diary, Song Zhe's expression changed obviously, and he wanted to take it subconsciously, but seeing me flinch again, with his hands shrunk in the air, not daring to move, he murmured after a long time: "Look Other people’s diaries are immoral…”

It's really not good to tell someone's secret, but now finding Liu Fei'er is the most important thing, so I don't care about Song Zhe's feelings.

"So when did it start?" I looked at Song Zhe.

But Song Zhe lowered his head, faltering and refusing to speak.

"Speak." Seeing Song Zhe like this, I slammed the table.

Song Zhe was taken aback, and then he opened his mouth to tell us his story.

If a person's three views collapse and he finds that the world he once saw is not the real world at all, I think many people will choose to commit suicide or go crazy.

For Song Zhe, when he came to Dongxing City, his three views were almost shattered. As a person who doesn’t even have a TV at home, he unexpectedly discovers that there are such things as computers in this world. As a person’s biggest dream is to build a house and marry a wife, but he finds that there are countless rich real estate, with “three Wives and four concubines".

Song Zhe seemed to have come to another universe.

It's not that there are no poor people in the class, but there are no poor people like Song Zhe.

In that computer operation class, Song Zhe asked the students next to him in a low voice: How to open this thing

"You haven't even seen a computer?"

Song Zhe could never forget that classmate's loud voice and the laughter of the students around him. Those laughters pierced his heart like sharp knives. For the first time, Song Zhe understood that the word "heart cut like a knife" was not the dry combination of Chinese characters in the book.

But Song Zhe also smirked, as if laughing with everyone, he would forget that he was the one being laughed at. Song Zhe is out of tune with this world. He sat blankly in the dormitory, trying to mingle with the rest of the buddies in the dormitory, but Song Zhe found that they were talking about topics that he didn't understand at all.

He doesn't know what League of Legends is, what a Ferrari is, what Louis Vuitton and Hermès are.

He also found out that a meal costs several hundred yuan, which he couldn't believe.

Song Zhe said that in the village, her mother earns 300 yuan a month. The rest of the dormitory couldn't believe it at all, saying that Song Zhe was just stingy. In fact, Song Zhe couldn't believe that their parents' monthly salary was more than his own parents' annual salary.

Each of them believed what the other said, and they lived in two worlds at all. It's like a frog in two wells, except that one is a broken well, and there is nothing missing in the other.

If it wasn't for his excellent academic performance, Song Zhe might have never been out of the mountains all his life, just like his parents, and he would never know that the world outside the mountains turned out to be so wonderful and bizarre.

Song Zhe became silent, his self-esteem had long been unknowingly shattered by other people's unconscious words. But at this time, Zhang Yunhu appeared. Zhang Yunhu learned about Song Zhe's family background and knew that what Song Zhe said was true. Zhang Yunhu is a kind person. Every time he eats, he always checks out before Song Zhe. Every time he buys something, Zhang Yunhu always thinks about Song Zhe.

Zhang Yunhu is a rich second generation, the money is nothing to him.

In the first year, Song Zhe had a huge psychological gap in his heart. In class, he sat in a daze in his seat. After class, he sat on his bed in a daze. In the exam that year, Song Zhe was the last one in the class.

Out of nine courses, he failed eight.

That year, he faced persuasion.

However, a person came into Song Zhe's sight. This person was none other than Liu Fei'er. Liu Feier is the psychological committee member of the class, and Song Zhe's taciturnity made Liu Feier feel the need to communicate with Song Zhe. In this class, no one is willing to take the initiative to chat with Song Zhe.

In fact, Liu Fei'er didn't say anything at all, Song Zhe opened up his chatterbox. Song Zhe thinks that he doesn't bother to join this world, but in fact, the world doesn't like Song Zhe at all. It's not that he's withdrawn, it's just that no one wants to talk to him.

Song Zhe hopes to be dissuaded by the school, otherwise his parents will definitely not let him choose to drop out.

Liu Fei'er told him that there are such things as scholarships in this world. As long as you study well enough, there is no problem with tuition fees and living expenses. Song Zhe was stunned, he had never heard of such a good thing. But this year, he no longer has this opportunity, because this semester is over.

Liu Fei'er told him that she could help him pay for this year's tuition in advance, and he can pay it back when he has money later.

Liu Fei'er told him that her father was also a child from the mountains, and he had never seen anything in the market. But now, as long as her father is mentioned, there is no one in Dongxing City who does not give a thumbs up.

Poverty is only temporary, as long as you work hard, there will be hope.

At that time, Song Zhe thought this girl was a fairy who descended from the sky.

The document persuading him to quit has not been sent to Song Zhe for a long time, and the school decided to give Song Zhe another chance.

But at this time, Zhang Yunhu found out about it through Liu Fei'er. Zhang Yunhu claimed to be Song Zhe's good buddy, and immediately held a fundraising party in the whole class, with the purpose of raising funds for Song Zhe. That night, many people participated in the dance, people from other classes in the same class, and those who majored in other majors, all came.

Two people became famous that day, one was Song Zhe, and the other was Zhang Yunhu, the planner of the party.

From that day on, Zhang Yunhu has become the male god in many people's hearts. Handsome, rich, and kind, what girl doesn't like such a person

And Song Zhe also became a celebrity, because the school directly exempted him from tuition fees for four years.

When eating in the cafeteria, the uncle in the cafeteria said to him: "You have to study hard. Although the family is hard, but the people are poor and have a lot of ambition. If you come here to eat, I will not charge you money."

When going to the bathhouse to take a bath, the boss said to him: "I know you, you are the child in the mountain, to tell you the truth, I am also the child in the mountain, but everything will pass, you go, I will not accept you money."

When he went to the fruit stand to buy watermelon, the stall owner said to him: "I know you, I haven't eaten watermelon for a long time, I'll give you the biggest one, and treat it as my treat."

Song Zhe's academic performance never fell behind. In the second year, he was the first in his major.

But what no one knew was that Song Zhe was even more out of tune with this world than in the first year. Song Zhe discovered that the more painful thing than everyone looking down on you is to make everyone sympathize with you.

Everyone has their own bottom line, and many people think that being kind can break in at will.

In fact, kindness makes Song Zhe more painful. He becomes inferior and conceited, he looks down on others and himself.

Except that fairy, except Liu Fei'er.

At this time, Song Zhe's heart was already twisted, he began to collect things used by Liu Feier, and began to fall in love with Liu Feier silently. Song Zhe would pick up the beverage bottles that Liu Fei'er drank. Song Zhe wanted to touch the stool that Liu Fei'er sat on.

People always rely on something to survive, and Song Zhe relies on this.

He knew that he would never be able to get Liu Fei'er, but just like this, he felt extremely happy.

Originally, Liu Fei'er had agreed to pay her tuition in advance, but Zhang Yunhu insisted on intervening.

Song Zhe hated Zhang Yunhu, and even more hated that Zhang Yunhu fell in love with his goddess. So he agreed to Hou Yao's conditions, but unexpectedly, Zhang Yunhu was still with Liu Fei'er in the end.

Song Zhe knew that he was hopeless, but he couldn't control himself.

When you like someone, you like everything she touches.

Song Zhe told himself so.