Case Files 013

Chapter 99: Qualities of a venture capitalist


Luobei City, Lin Dafa's ancestral home, is a day away from Dongxing City. We don't know if Lin Rong is still in Luobei City after four years have passed, but we conclude that Lin Rong must know that her father escaped three years ago. We couldn't leave, so we had to ask the local people to find Lin Rong and bring her to us.

Gu Chen stayed with the tobacco boss, while Xiao Liu followed Liu Yinyan every step of the way. Guan Zengbin and I are the only ones who can move freely now. And I don't know what Jesse and the others are doing. It has been two days since the garage was separated that day, and the Jesse trio has not been seen, and I don't know if they have any new clues.

In the evening, there was no further call. I was just about to fall asleep when Xiao Liu called. On the phone, Xiao Liu told me that Liu Yinyan finally remembered what he had done and wanted me to go there. Listening to Xiao Liu's tone, it seems that there is no need to delay. It is conceivable that Liu Yinyan must have thought of something important.

Guan Zengbin had fallen asleep at this moment, so I didn't wake her up again, but drove to Liu Yinyan's villa alone. The night is already deep, but the streets are still full of traffic. Dongxing City is a city that never sleeps, and the people here seem to never stop. Busy, like ants looking for food one by one.

He drove the car directly into the villa area and parked in front of Liu Yinyan's villa.

The villa was brightly lit, as if it was waiting for me alone.

When I walked into the villa, I saw Liu Yinyan and Xiao Liu sitting on the sofa, surrounded by a housekeeper and several bodyguards. Seeing me coming in, Liu Yinyan said: "You guys go down first, I will talk to him alone."

Everyone didn't say much, turned and left.

And then, Liu Yinyan told me a story about him.

This story happened thirty-three years ago, when Liu Yinyan was thirty-five years old. Thirty-five-year-old Liu Yinyan just became a shareholder of Rongding Group, not long ago. At that time, the company was still very poor. In the first few years of the start-up company, no capital dared to flow into this small company. Although Liu Yinyan had a carefully calculated No one believed him when the documents came out.

After all, in this industry, there is no right or wrong, only accurate vision. Before investing, no one dares to guarantee that the order will definitely make a profit. This is an industry that depends on qualifications and abilities. Having no qualifications means that others dare not put money in your basket.

That day, the founders of the company were sitting together.

A shareholder said: "If there is no capital inflow this year, we alone will not be enough to maintain the company's operations. In other words, after half a year, we will be dissolved. Just think of us as a company. Let’s hold it for two years, and then go find a job later, we are still young.”

The rest nodded.

But these people were all in their mid-twenties, and Liu Yinyan was already thirty-five at this time. Liu Yinyan is ten years older than them, and this ten years older is not just about age, but more importantly, Liu Yinyan lacks the time to start all over again. If Liu Yinyan fails, then this industry will not allow such an old man to join again.

Young people have plenty of opportunities to try and make mistakes. For these young people, two years is just an insignificant period of time in their lives. But for Liu Yinyan, two years is too much for him to waste. Liu Yinyan is thirty-five years old, he doesn't even have a home of his own, not even a girlfriend.

These young people are stunned young people who have just started in this industry, and no one is optimistic about them.

"That's it, pack up, we're going to file for bankruptcy." Several founders said this.

If this company goes bankrupt, then Liu Yinyan will really have nothing. He has no savings, not even a kidney, and he has no chance of making a comeback.

"Don't worry." Liu Yinyan stood up.

Among the founders of the company, he is the oldest, and at the same time, he is actually the most capable one. These young people all know and believe that if Liu Yinyan is given enough capital, Liu Yinyan can become one of the best venture capitalists. This is what they have seen in the process of getting along for two years.

However, there is no funds, and no one believes Liu Yinyan.

They were discussing in one go, but Liu Yinyan remained silent. Until this time, Liu Yinyan spoke.

Everyone was waiting for Liu Yinyan's next words.

Liu Yin looked around and said in a firm tone: "Isn't it still possible to last for half a year? It's not too late to talk about it after half a year. During this half year, leave everything to me. If it's done , I will share according to the shares, if it fails, I will bear it alone."

They looked at Liu Yinyan, Liu Yinyan's eyes seemed to say: trust me.

So this group of young people chose to trust Liu Yinyan.

Then, they didn't see Liu Yinyan for three months.

What did Liu Yinyan do? Funding, of course.

As long as there is enough financial support, Liu Yinyan has a way to expand it several times in a few years. In the first month, Liu Yinyan traveled all over Dongxing City and knocked on the doors of all rich people. The answer that can be obtained is that no rich man is willing to pay to maintain a venture capital firm that is about to go bankrupt.

"If it were you, what would you do?"

In the huge hall, there are only me and Liu Yinyan. He spoke in a low voice, as if deliberately lowering his voice. There was a vague smile on his face, but upon closer inspection he was full of helplessness. He crossed his hands on the crutch, leaned forward, and put all his strength on it.

I thought for a moment, then shook my head: "If it were me, I have nothing to do, I might just ask my good friend to borrow some, but I won't take other people's money to take this risk."

Liu Yinyan sighed, but did not continue, but asked me: "So you can't be a venture capitalist. I often tell others, what is the most important thing to be a venture capitalist? The answers given to me are all kinds of strange. , Some say capital is needed, some say sharp business acumen, and some say strong analytical ability.”

I was a little curious: "Then what do you think is the most important thing?"

Liu Yinyan did not answer, but continued to tell the story.

No one is willing to hand over the money to Liu Yinyan, although Liu Yinyan knows that as long as he has funds, even a small part of them, he will only make steady profits without losing money. And once this opportunity is missed, I am afraid that this document will lose its timeliness and become pieces of waste paper.

Liu Yinyan thought of a way to get a lot of money.

Thirty-five years have passed since this incident, so much so that Liu Yinyan forgot this most important thing in the long years, so much so that Liu Yinyan even forgot how he got his first pot of gold. Some people say that the primitive accumulation of capital is bloody. Different people have different opinions on this sentence, but Liu Yinyan's capital accumulation is indeed bloody.

Liu Yinyan is a genius, he thought of a brilliant way.

A shareholder of the company has a relative who runs a gold shop. Liu Yinyan first found him and stayed in the gold shop for a month before Liu Yinyan left. No one knew what Liu Yinyan said in it, and no one knew what Liu Yinyan did in it. In short, after Liu Yinyan left, he never entered that gold shop again.

Half a year later, Liu Yinyan raised a considerable amount of money, and he invested all the money in an Internet company that was established only about three years ago, holding 35% of their shares.

Soon, Rongding Group went bankrupt, but the shareholders of Rongding Group all held shares in this Internet company.

The Rongding Group was established again, three years later.

In just three years, that Internet company quickly became one of the best Internet companies in the industry. The company's shares have multiplied countless times. Even if the holders of the shares don't have to do anything, it is definitely enough to squander their lives. This Internet company began to gradually repurchase shares. They sold off their shares, and each of them was worth tens of millions.

There are tens of millions at the age of twenty, which is something that many young people dare not even think about.

The Rongding Group was established again, and they joined in without hesitation. At this time, Liu Yinyan has actually become the main shareholder of Rongding Group. Since then, Liu Yinyan's name has been established in Dongxing City, and a lot of funds have flowed in.

Liu Yinyan no longer has to worry about lack of funds.

"But how did you get the initial capital?" I looked at Liu Yinyan suspiciously: "What did you do in the gold store? Could it be that the owner of the gold store is willing to invest tens of millions of dollars for you? This is a bit too legendary Now, a person with nothing can borrow tens of millions with just one mouth?"

Liu Yinyan stood up. Looking at the empty hall, the corner of his mouth moved slightly: "Wu Meng, have you seen this hall? Do you know how much such a villa costs in Dongxing City?"

I shook my head and guessed casually: "I don't know, tens of millions, right?"

"Tens of millions?" Liu Yinyan laughed: "You probably don't plan to buy a house in Dongxing City, do you know how expensive the housing prices in Dongxing City are? The average housing prices far away from the city center is 61,000 square meters. Two hundred thousand and one square meters. Tens of millions, but the price of an apartment."

I really didn't pay much attention to this, it seemed to be too long in the future, and I never planned to get married and buy a house. I suddenly understood why Xiao Liu bought lottery tickets every day. The probability of winning the first prize in the lottery is so low, which is almost the same as the probability of being struck by lightning.

But why do so many people buy lottery tickets every day, hoping that pies will fall from the sky? It's not that they don't understand how low the probability of winning tens of millions is, but they clearly know that if they rely on their own wages, it is impossible to earn tens of millions in a lifetime.

The odds of winning a lottery are low, at least greater than 0.

Seeing that I was silent, Liu Yinyan laughed again and said, "Three hundred million! Do you know what three hundred million is?"

For the rest of my life, I dare not imagine that I can earn as much as three hundred million yuan. In fact, I dare not even imagine ten million yuan.

"The weight of one hundred yuan is about 1.15 grams, and three hundred million is three million one hundred yuan. That's 3450 kilograms, that's 3.45 tons!" Liu Yinyan stood up.

"What kind of qualities should a venture capitalist have!" Liu Yinyan said word by word: "Seize the opportunity, the most lacking thing in life is the opportunity, as long as you can seize the opportunity, you will have everything..."