Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1: The Black Iron Age is coming


It had just stopped raining all night, and the unbearable coal ash and dust in the air was suddenly washed away. Zhang Tie breathed in this rare fresh air and walked alone on the road to school. The sky should be bluer, Zhang Tie thought boredly, as he walked, carefully avoiding the concrete floors on the road. There are puddles of black water. Because it is in a factory area, after it rains, the water on the ground is black and smells of coal ash. While this city brings people safety, it also brings constraints and crowding.

Zhang Tie looked into the distance. The group of huge chimneys looked particularly dazzling under the blue sky.

The teacher said that those chimneys are the symbol of human civilization and the guarantee for human reproduction and survival. Looking at the towering chimney of the factory, Zhang Tie felt that it looked like something he had been doing recently, and the black smoke that came out was more like what he shot* *, black smoke is polluting the air, ** is polluting the inner reservoir, it’s the same. I can’t remember who it was in the dream last night, but when I got up this morning, the inner reservoir was sticky and uncomfortable. This is already This is the third time this week. Because it has been raining these past few days, the inner treasury of the first two times has not been dry yet. In this era of extreme shortage of all kinds of living materials, Zhang Tie only has four inner troughs, two of which are for use. Zhang Tie's father had remade a worn-out vest, and his brother had saved two pairs for himself. So this morning, Zhang Tie could only report to school sadly wearing a pair of half-dry and half-wet vests.

The texture of the coarse cloth will become very hard when it is half dry and half wet. It is indescribably uncomfortable to wear in pants. When walking, it will rub Zhang Tie's little brother a little bit. It is also very cold, and a gust of wind blows. , Zhang Tie couldn't help but shiver, and the little brother of the 15-year-old green boy suddenly shriveled up. It felt really cào dàn.

I heard that before the catastrophe, human society was extremely rich in materials. At that time, the inner treasury was sold for sale, not to mention a single inner treasury, many things, even precious cigarettes, alcohol, meat, etc. There are also all kinds of weird things that can be easily bought from stores and even places called supermarkets where all kinds of goods are said to be piled up like mountains. At that time, an ordinary man could earn a day's work for a day's work. If you change it to food, such as rice or wheat, 40 to 70 kilograms is enough for a person to eat for half a month or even a month, and some are even more. I heard that in that era, humans could use a kind of electricity called "electricity" With its mysterious energy, it can do all kinds of incredible things, and it also has various powerful weapons. With these, human beings have become the unique rulers on this planet. They are arrogant and ignorant. They are really the last happy years of human beings. !

Zhang Tie often thought that maybe it was the insatiable greed of human beings in endless happiness that made God unable to bear it. That was why there was a great catastrophe and the Star of God was created. God, overnight, Knocking mankind down from its peak, bringing mankind back to the Stone Age, and forever losing the many magics brought by technology, no electricity, no nuclear energy, no explosives, no so many The miraculous weapon, according to the most recognized theory today, is that certain particles in the mysterious rays carried by the Star of God cause all the matter on this planet to undergo reversible changes at the most microscopic level. The original planet Just like a pot of boiled water, one day God or some god or god becomes dissatisfied with human beings, and out of boredom, sprinkles a handful of salt or chili powder on it. That boiled water is not boiled water, and this planet is not this planet either. .

Perhaps the only thing that makes people feel lucky is that after the catastrophe, all things and rules have changed, but steel is still so hard, it can still be used to forge swords and armors, and arm human armies, and the black coal can still be burned to provide human Bringing light, heat and energy, everything brought by the combination of the two, swords, armor, heat energy, steam engines, has become the greatest reliance for human beings to survive in this era...

It takes more than forty minutes to walk from home to school, passing through the slum settlements in the west of Heiyan City and the barren area on the edge of the city's factory area, which is the school. The name of Heiyan City comes from the Heiyan City near which the city is located. Mountains. It is said that before the Cataclysm, the Black Flame Mountains were one of the longest mountains on the Kunang continent. At that time, humans created machines that flew in the sky. That machine could fly faster than sound, even if In this way, before the catastrophe, it would take several months to fly from one end of the Black Flame Mountains to the other on a machine that could fly extremely fast in the sky. Take Black Flame City as an example. This city is actually close to only a small branch on the south side of Black Flame Mountain Range. Even this small branch is more than 20,000 kilometers long. This length is difficult for many people living in this era. He said that it was possible that they would not be able to reach such a far place in their lifetime.

During the great cataclysm, the earth-shaking geology and plate movements on this planet caused the infinitely vast continent of Kun'ang, which spanned countless billions of miles, to be divided into several pieces like a piece of bread robbed by a group of children. I don’t know how many there are, and some have simply disappeared. People today can no longer imagine the majesty of the Black Flame Mountains and the majesty of this continent. But even so, this world is still too big for everyone. Even now, on the school map, the places 800 kilometers away to the west and north of Black Flame City are still an unexplored black area on the map. No one knows what is there. The area south of the Black Flame Mountains where the entire Black Flame City is located covers an area of more than 400 million square kilometers and is home to more than 9 billion people. The human gathering area composed of many countries, city-states and family forces is just a small area on the map of the entire continent. This narrow strip, with vast mountains to the north and west and boundless ocean to the south and east, is a human living area with a relatively high population density. On the map, there is only one name - the Blackson Human Corridor. .

After the Cataclysm, it took humans nearly 100 years to figure out what happened on the planet during the Catastrophe, and then it took the remaining humans nearly 100 years to slowly recover a little bit of their vitality. Finally, I was shocked to discover that on this planet, humans are no longer its only masters. Not only that, but those weird monsters and dark races from the underground that emerged on this planet after the cataclysm, Everyone regards human beings as delicious snacks and objects for slavery, making this planet more dangerous than ever before, and human survival is facing unprecedented severe challenges.

Today is the 889th year of the Black Iron Calendar after the Cataclysm. The surviving humans have multiplied and multiplied, and have regained a foothold on the continent of Kunang. Driven by countless steel and steam engines, they have rekindled their desire to conquer the world and explore the entire planet. ambition.

As a proof of mankind's recovery and renewed ambition, Black Flame City was built less than 40 years ago. Among the many human countries and city-states south of the Black Flame Mountains, Black Flame City can be considered a relatively young city. A city built by merchants and factory owners, an industrial city with a seat in the Andaman City-State Alliance Parliament, just like most emerging human cities in this era that relied on certain types of resources, Black Flame The place where the city was built contains extremely rich coal and mineral resources. Almost all of the more than 3 million people in the entire city and its surrounding areas depend on the rich underground resources near Heiyan City. The Heiyan City Coal and Steel Federation rules this place. In this city, there is an endless stream of steam locomotives transporting the coal, steel, swords, armor, various weapons and equipment produced by the factories to the outside every day, and also transporting some things from the outside in.

Under the thickest one is the factory where Zhang Tie's father works. It is a steel factory that operates almost non-stop 24 hours a day. From the day Zhang Tie was born to now, the chimney of that factory has been There is no moment when black smoke is no longer spitting out. In this era, mankind's determination to rise again is proved by that strong chimney.

As usual, when Zhang Tie arrived at the school, Captain Colin, the school's military representative and dean of students, was standing at the entrance of the school with a tower-like body, staring at everyone who walked into the black flames with one eye like an ox egg. A student of the No. 7 National School in the city, a frightening iron rod more than half a meter long clattered in the palm of his hand like a toothpick. Every student who entered the school did not dare to stand in front of him. Look at his cheeks covered with eye patches and scars, and everyone walks by quickly with their heads lowered.

"Stop!" An unlucky man walking not far in front of Zhang Tie was stopped by Captain Colin. When Captain Colin opened his mouth, his thunderous voice made everyone around him tremble. Everyone was watching. After realizing that the person being called was not them, they all quickly lowered their heads and passed through the school gate quickly, while silently praying in their hearts for the unlucky guy who was called.

The unlucky man's face turned pale with fright. He looked at Colonel Colin walking over. His legs were shaking so much that he even stuttered when he spoke, "Co... Colin... Captain..."

The most terrifying one-eyed dragon in the school, and possibly the most terrifying one-eyed dragon in the entire Black Flame City, prefers others to call him Captain Colin instead of Director Colin. This knowledge was brought about by many seniors in this school with countless blood and tears. Valuable experience. In front of this man who is said to be able to fight terrifying monsters, any resistance and rebellion are futile struggles. This kind of struggle will only bring greater pleasure to the game for this man.

Captain Colin didn't say anything, but pointed at the unlucky guy's school uniform pants with the iron rod in his hand. The unlucky guy's school uniform pants had stains on them for some unknown reason, probably because of the rain, on the way to school. There were a few mud spots on it and the appearance was not neat, which was also a crime in Captain Colin's opinion.

"I... I'm going to clean it up right now?"

Captain Colin raised his wrist, looked at the shiny watch exposed on his sleeve with an expressionless face, posed, silently concentrated for more than ten seconds, and then slapped the iron rod on his hand. Patting.

Captain Colin's action of looking at his watch made Zhang Tie suspect that this guy just wanted to show off the valuable watch on his hand, and his action of slapping the iron rod reminded Zhang Tie of a wagging tail. Big bad wolf.

"If you still look like this when I see you after school, you know what the punishment will be!"

"Yes... yes..." The unlucky guy ran into the school as if he had been amnesty. Zhang Tiezheng was wondering why Captain Colin became so talkative today. Unexpectedly, the one-eyed dragon turned his head and looked at Zhang Tie, and then quickly sorted it out. He stroked his hair, which was as luxuriant as lion's hair, straightened his waist, straightened out his well-developed chest muscles, and assumed a majestic pose. He also made his chest muscles tremble exaggeratedly like a bitch. Next, there was even a smile on his ferocious face. His smile frightened Zhang Tie and made him stunned.

"Good morning, Teacher Dinah!"

A gust of fragrant wind blew past Zhang Tie, and a mature and beautiful figure walked past Zhang Tie. Without looking, Zhang Tie knew who was coming. The dream he had last night seemed to suddenly become clear. Just looking at it from behind When he saw the exaggerated undulating curves of his waist and hips, Zhang Tie felt as if his breathing was about to stop. With the attention of all the male animals at the school gate, the goddess Dinah with beautiful curly brown hair walked into the school gate. The proud goddess just nodded to the one-eyed dragon who greeted him, and the one-eyed dragon's face turned red with excitement. If he didn't pay attention, the iron rod in his hand suddenly became bent in the one-eyed dragon's hand. Realize the terrifying power of the Cyclops.

At the No. 7 National School in Black Flame City, Teacher Dinah, a newlywed widow whose husband died on the front line not long after she got married, is the dream lover of all the boys in the school and the object of their sexual fantasies. She is a goddess and the only scenery in the school. It is a flower that blooms on cliffs and cliffs, and is also the object of Zhang Tie's secret love. Because of her, the lives of the adolescent beasts in the entire school no longer seem so depressing...

"In two years, I will be able to raise money to buy a house in the core area of the city!" The goddess walked away, and the one-eyed dragon shouted at her back, like a ferocious lion, no, a wild boar. , this nasty wild boar, when thinking of Zhang Tie’s goddess Dinah moaning in pain under this beast, Zhang Tie wished that... that person was himself...

"What are you looking at?" The one-eyed dragon that regained its true nature fired a fierce look in a circle. With a roar, everyone, including Zhang Tie, ran away with their heads in their arms and quickly rolled into the school gate. There was a faint trace of light in the air. Zhang Tie took a few greedy breaths at the fragrance. That beautiful and mature figure always made Zhang Tie feel ashamed in front of her, and Zhang Tie didn't even have the courage to look at her head-on. If Goddess Dinah is the noble and beautiful swan that walks gracefully on the tranquil lake, Zhang Tie feels that he is just a wild duck with no feathers, the kind that fell into a mud pit full of soot. , Zhang Tie lowered his head and looked at the old leather boots his brother wore on his feet, feeling a little inexplicably depressed. Even Captain Colin was struggling to pursue the goddess Dinah. As a poor student, what could he give her? ? ? When, like Captain Colin, you save enough money to buy a house in a safe city with tall city walls, and when you are qualified to live in the city in the future, how many years will it take, thirty or forty years? Thinking of these, Zhang Tie's mood instantly dropped, but the alluring fragrance full of mature and mature body exuding in the air made the guy in Zhang Tie's pants get shamefully hard again. Already…

As soon as I entered the school gate, I was greeted by a few large characters on a stone wall - Welcome to the Black Iron Age.

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