Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 101: Tongue breaks bones


Zhang Tie ignored Samira, but turned around and asked Teacher Qili a question, "Teacher Qili, during this trial, will the temporary inspection committee represent Black Flame City at Wild Wolf Castle?" Officially, does the Temporary Supervisory Committee have the authority to supervise and manage all matters related to this trial?"

"Yes, as long as it is related to this trial and the trial students, it will be supervised and managed by the Temporary Supervision Committee. The rights of the Temporary Supervision Committee have been fully registered in Black Flame City. Now it represents the official body of Black Flame City. , has the power to manage all matters here, including law enforcement and judicial powers! The rights and responsibilities of the temporary inspection committee will not change before receiving official notification from Black Flame City. I don’t know what Zhang Tie’s gourd is selling. Medicine, Teacher Qili could only answer seriously and truthfully.

"Okay! Now that it has been proven that I am not a thief and am innocent, I am here to formally sue the Samira Merchant Group to the Temporary Supervision Committee. In this incident, because the Samira Merchant Group regarded me as a thief and interfered with My normal trials, pursuing me with great fanfare, and even fighting with me have had a bad impact on my reputation and even my personal future. According to the principle of protecting citizens' reputation rights under the laws of Black Flame City, I hereby request Sami The business promotion group must give me adequate compensation for this misunderstanding and the harm caused to me!" Zhang Tieyi said sternly.

"Asshole, are you crazy about money? At this time, you have taken full advantage and you still want compensation. Are you simply dreaming?" Samira yelled. Not getting her wallet back already made Samira feel like her heart was bleeding, and Zhang Tie actually asked for compensation at this time, which was like a handful of salt in Samira's heart.

"Of course I'm not crazy. If there is anything in what I just said that conflicts with the laws of Black Flame City, please tell me, Boss Samira, and I will humbly correct it. I take back what I said!" Zhang Tie smiled. He looked at Samira like he was looking at a pile of gold coins.

Samira was at a loss for words. Indeed, none of Zhang Tie's words conflicted with the laws of Black Flame City.

Zhang Tie looked at the animals outside the hall door and said loudly, "I know that Black Flame City is facing an unprecedented crisis. Under such a crisis, even though Black Flame City may be in danger, in my eyes Here. The laws of Black Flame City are still extremely sacred, and the authority of Black Flame City is still unquestionable. And some people, at this time, Black Flame City has not yet been annexed by the Norman Empire. And they have indeed begun not to treat Black Flame City The laws and authority of the people are taken seriously!" The animals outside began to whisper, and Wright's voice screamed strangely from behind the crowd. "Is the Pamela Business Group ready to trample the lost authority of Black Flame City under its feet at this time? Is the Pamela Business Group ready to surrender to their future master at this time?" The animals were talking a lot, but Samira's face turned pale. There were so many people now. If such rumors spread to Black Flame City, it was anyone's guess what the consequences would be.

"You... are talking nonsense. When did Samira's business group not take the authority and laws of Black Flame City into account?" Samira pointed at Zhang Tie angrily and cursed.

"Am I talking nonsense?" Zhang Tie laughed, his face suddenly stern, and he pointed at the students outside the hall, "Because everyone still respects the laws and authority of Black Flame City. So in this hall that serves as a temporary court, everyone The students who were observing were all standing outside the door. Boss Pamela, you are neither the plaintiff nor the defendant, nor a member of the temporary supervision committee responsible for this trial. When did the laws of Black Flame City and the Andaman Alliance allow an outsider? Sitting here arrogantly on such an occasion, jumping around, speaking randomly, and interfering with the interrogation of the Provisional Supervisory Committee, what are you doing if you are not blatantly trampling on the laws and authority of Black Flame City?"

Zhang Tie pointed at Samira with a stern tone. The momentum coming from Zhang Tie made Samira take two steps back. She came in to sit and listen, speaking at will. This was Samira's own possession of Abi. Master An serves as his backer, and he doesn’t take this temporary inspection committee seriously. In Samira's view, these were all insignificant things and insignificant details. He never expected that Zhang Tie could find loopholes in such trivial matters and put such a big label on him. The hat may be just a joke in normal times, but when Black Flame City is facing the threat of the Norman Empire, there is no guarantee that anyone will make a big fuss about this matter. In any case, the Consular Inspection Committee is the official body of Black Flame City. An organization recognized by the organization, and he was just a businessman with no official status. Thinking of some terrible consequences, Samira's face turned pale and she broke out in a cold sweat. Seriously speaking, Samira is also a small person, Samira I know very well that if a little person like me is useful to the big people, the big people won't mind giving him a little sweetness and good looks. But if this little person is full of stench, the big people will just avoid him for fear of getting in. Who really want to let him go? It looked so dazzling that others would just dig a hole and bury him without feeling any pity at all.

Zhang Tie's words were like an ax, striking at the place where Pamela felt the most pain and fear.

"Also, do you know how arrogant you are? The trials of Black Flame City students have always been protected and recognized by Black Flame City officials. During the trials, the trial students accepted semi-military management, and the execution was According to the wartime management decree of the Andaman Alliance, the entire Wild Wolf Valley is half a military camp. You, the Samira Merchant Group, ignore the regulations and traditions of Black Flame City and Andaman Alliance laws on student trials, forcefully break into the Wild Wolf Valley, and hold open fire at will. Capturing students during the trial is not trampling on the laws and dignity of Black Flame City, nor is it treating the wartime decrees of the Andaman Alliance as child's play. Now I am wondering if you are from the Norman Empire. The spy deliberately sabotaged this trial by capturing me, in order to shake everyone's confidence in Black Flame City and the Andaman Alliance... "

While talking, Zhang Tie aggressively pushed towards Samira, while Samira backed away step by step, sweating profusely, her face getting paler and whiter, her mouth open but unable to speak, because of what Zhang Tie said. They are all facts and cannot be refuted at all. And listening to Zhang Tie's words, the noise of the animals outside became louder and louder. Many people were yelling, and words like traitors and spies were constantly heard. Several guys from the Brotherhood Agitating outside. Let the momentum become louder and louder.

The teachers on the Supervisory Committee were all having a hard time enduring it, but now they heard that Zhang Tie put such a big label on Samira's head. The more he said it, the more serious it became, and their faces became serious.

At this moment, Samira really started to regret from the bottom of her heart. Why did she provoke Zhang Tie today? Just now, he thought Zhang Tie was a poisonous snake. But now, looking at Zhang Tie's mouth, he felt that it could swallow him completely. The bloody mouth of the monster.

"You are so slanderous... he... they are chasing you because... because they misunderstood that you stole their wallet?" Samira counterattacked temporarily and was able to survive until today. Samira’s knowledge is not shallow. “According to the laws of Black Flame City, everyone has the right to stop the crime and prevent further losses when they discover that someone has committed a crime. This right even overrides the Andaman Alliance Parliament’s opposition to members. Above the immunity. So, don’t you think of putting any big label on me!”

"Ha... Ha... Ha..." Zhang Tie laughed. Samira finally found the net. "You are right. The right to stop the crime at the time and at the scene does override the immunity of the Andaman Union Parliament to the members. If I stole the wallet, this law does apply. The name of the Norman Empire spy is indeed It won’t fall on you, but the problem is that I didn’t steal the wallet!”

"Since you didn't steal the wallet, it can only mean that it was a misunderstanding. You are not guilty, but you can't use this misunderstanding as an excuse to slander me!" Samira said calmly.

"What if it's not a misunderstanding, but you deliberately framed me, just to cause trouble by slandering me. The purpose of disrupting this trial is to get rid of the thousands of students who participated in this trial. The future soldiers of Black Flame City will weaken the authority of Black Flame City and make everyone disappointed in Black Flame City. If that is the case, do you still dare to say that you are not spies of the Norman Empire or traitors with ulterior motives?" When Zhang When Tie said this, not only Samira's expression changed, but also the expressions of the business group guards and the teachers of the temporary inspection committee changed. The animals listening outside were silent.

Having said this, Zhang Tie no longer looked at Samira, whose face turned miserable. Instead, he looked at the guards of Samira's business group who had turned pale, and Jiagra who had thrown his wallet in his mining basket. , smiled with his white teeth, "Do you know what Black Flame City and the Andaman Alliance will do if they catch traitors and spies at this time? The whole family will be hanged!" Zhang Tie's smile at this time was simply worse than the one in the eyes of several guards. The devil is even more terrifying, "Moreover, you will not die happily even if you want to. Before you die, you will fall into the hands of those professionals. In order to interrogate you, your whole family, men, women, old and young, will not have an inch of skin intact." I think you all know the torture methods used to deal with spies..."

"No, no, we are not spies or traitors..." several guards stammered with pale faces.

"Whether you are a spy or not is not up to you. It depends on whether you deliberately slandered and framed me, and then wanted to cause trouble by slandering me to disrupt this trial. The spies of the Norman Empire are now I wish the people in Black Flame City would be in panic and chaos..." Zhang Tie looked quietly into the eyes of the guards and Jiagra. At this time, the calves of these people began to tremble. Seeing that the time had come, Zhang Tie suddenly shouted loudly. Drink, "You are all about to die. Don't you still admit it? Do you have to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Black Flame City to report you? Do you have to have others come up with the contract of the oath of soul and blood? Do you have to let the powerful people in Black Flame City The department will throw your whole family into jail until you are completely bruised. Only then will you tell the truth. At this time, Black Flame City is in turmoil. For the salary of Samira’s business group, for a spy from the Norman Empire and a traitor from Black Flame City, really Is it worth asking your whole family to die for him?"

Jiagra suddenly collapsed, and the original sufferer pointed at Samira and shouted, "I said, I said everything, it was him, it was Samira who asked me to throw a wallet into your mining basket. , you want me to frame you as a thief, and then arrest you... "

The sudden collapse of Jiagra, who was under the greatest pressure, was like a bursting dam, instantly destroying the psychological defenses of several other people. The teachers of the Temporary Supervisory Committee and all the animals outside the door were shocked, and then there was noisy The uproar.

"I said, I said, it was Samira who asked us to catch you after Jiagra pretended that her wallet was stolen. We wanted everyone to get the stolen goods. It was Samira who wanted us to make the matter bigger. I want everyone to know about this..."

"It's Samira. It's Samira who wants to disrupt this trial. It has nothing to do with us. We are just guards with ordinary salaries, not spies or traitors of the Norman Empire..."

"Samira said that as long as we do this well, he will reward us. We really didn't know that he was a spy with ulterior motives who wanted to mess up the trial..."

Several business group guards suddenly started shouting and howling, fearing that they would be robbed by others if they spoke too late and would not have the chance to prove their innocence.

Listening to these testimonies, Samira felt her eyes go dark and fell to the ground.

After the huge uproar and shock, the hall and the door suddenly became quiet. Facing the sudden twists and turns and the unbelievable ending, everyone's minds were blank at this time.

Captain Colin, Jerome, Qili, all the teachers and all the animals outside the door looked at Zhang Tie at this moment, as if they had seen a ghost. Everyone had witnessed with their own eyes how this mining guy could do it with just one mouth. Through this shocking reversal, how to reveal Samira's hidden "identity as a spy of the Norman Empire" step by step.

This is so scary! So exciting! Too fucking dramatic? Many people have grown up and have never seen such wonderful things happen in front of them.

Jerome was the first to react. Jerome, who looked like a big bird, jumped out from behind the row of tables and chairs where he was sitting, and came to Samira's side in one step. Samira had just woken up. He moved his head, but was kicked unconscious by Jerome, a sinister guy.

"An unexpected situation has occurred now. Samira may be a spy of the Norman Empire. I don't know if there are some dangerous people with ulterior motives hidden in Samira's business group. All students, follow my order and pick up your Weapons, follow me to disarm the rest of the Samira Merchant Group..." After saying this, Jerome turned to Qili and said seriously, "Teacher Qili, please immediately disarm the rest of the Samira Merchant Group in the name of the temporary inspection committee. Report what happened here to Black Flame City, and ask Black Flame City to send someone to take over the handling of subsequent matters and the interrogation of Samira."

Teacher Qili, who glanced at Zhang Tie again, seemed to have regained her composure and nodded, "I will truthfully report everything that happened here to Black Flame City!"

At this time, many animals who had witnessed the interrogation process were already shouting outside, "Samira is a spy of the Norman Empire!" "Samira is a traitor to Black Flame City..." This loud noise gradually made Wild Wolf Castle **stand up…

When things have developed to this point, everyone knows that even if she can save her life in the end, Samira is completely doomed...