Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 102: Fishing in troubled waters


Samira is a spy of the Norman Empire. Attention all trial students, pick up your weapons. The Provisional Supervisory Committee will disarm all members of the Samira Merchant Group and don’t let those possible spies escape...

This voice came from Baghdad. As soon as this guy pulled his neck and screamed, almost the entire Wild Wolf Castle heard it.

Seeing the situation develop to this point, Zhang Tie also felt that there was no point in standing here. Moreover, the way the teachers on the temporary inspection committee looked at him made Zhang Tie feel like he was looking at a prehistoric animal. Feeling creepy and noisy outside the hall, Zhang Tie shrank his neck and was about to slip away with oil on his feet, but was caught by Jerome, who had quick eyes and quick hands.

Zhang Tie, you have made a meritorious service this time, then come with me to disarm the rest of the Samira Merchant Group. You can identify them carefully and see if any of those guys who want to catch you and cause trouble have taken the opportunity to escape. ? Jerome said this righteously, but he winked at Zhang Tie as he spoke.

I don’t know what kind of medicine Jerome sells in the gourd, but it’s good to be able to leave here at this time. Zhang Tie also nodded quickly.

When Jerome rushed out of the Wild Wolf Castle with a large number of trial students armed with various weapons, the employees of the Samira Merchant Group who were still in the Wild Wolf Castle Square had not even arrived yet. I understood what happened, but suddenly, a bunch of trial students holding long spears rushed out from the castle. Those trial students holding long spears surrounded them, and the sharp long spears were steaming. They were pointed at them unceremoniously. As long as they made any move, dozens of spears would definitely be pierced into them. The faces of all the people in Samira's business group changed drastically, and they had no idea what was going on. Facing this forest of spears. Several third- and fourth-level guards from the Samira Merchant Group did not dare to move.

Seeing Jerome and a group of students walking over, a small leader of Samira's business group who had not figured out the situation shouted angrily, "Teacher Jerome, what happened? You must give us An explanation, where is our boss Samira

In addition to the Samira Business Group, there were many students in the square outside who didn't understand what was going on, and they were all watching with wide eyes.

All employees of Samira Merchant Group, please note that your boss Samira is a spy for the Norman Empire. His identity has now been exposed, and the Interim Supervisory Committee has taken coercive measures against him. If you don't want to be implicated by Samira, immediately put down your weapons and follow our arrangements. People from Black Flame City's Ministry of Internal Affairs are rushing to Wild Wolf Castle to deal with this matter. Before the people from Black Flame City arrive, the Temporary Supervision Committee will restrict your personal freedom, but it will ensure your personal safety. Dare to resist and Anyone who does not cooperate with the measures of the Interim Supervision Committee will be punished with espionage! Jerome's loud words while standing in the square stunned everyone in the Samira business group. Samira was a spy for the Norman Empire. This accusation shocked everyone so much that their faces turned pale. Several guys who were still holding weapons quickly dropped their weapons on the ground. The employees of the Samira Business Group are all working people with ordinary salaries. Let’s hear the whole story. There are a few people who dare to be involved in the Norman Empire spy case. At this time, everyone is wise enough to protect themselves, and they dare to jump out to question those who stir up trouble. They are obviously tired of living.

finally. The seven members of Samira's business group who were still in the square all surrendered obediently and obeyed the measures of the temporary inspection committee. Following Jerome and a group of students on duty, they left Wild Wolf Square peacefully...

When leaving with the people from Samira's business group, Jerome patted Zhang Tie on the shoulder and looked at the piles of supplies that the business group had brought and piled them on the square. What did he say? He didn't say anything, just blinked and left.

It wasn't until Jerome left and looked at the pile of unattended things left by Samira's business group that Zhang Tie realized what Jerome meant. Jerome is indeed a sinister guy, but hehehe, I like it!

For a moment, Zhang Tie was excited.

The other students in the square were still talking about what had just happened. Zhang Tie had already waved to Barry and the others. The guys from Barry rushed over with excited expressions. Just as Barry was about to say something, Zhang Tie had already covered him up. Shut his mouth.

Listen to me, do you see these things? Zhang Tie pointed to the hill-like piles of things left by Samira's business group in the square, and whispered, hurry up, take whatever you want, take as much as you can, remember, move fast, and take as much as you can. Steady, don't be anxious, keep your attitude calm. No matter how much you take, it will be the compensation from the Samira Business Group for infringing on my reputation!

This... is no problem! Wright swallowed with gleaming eyes.

Zhang Tie grinned and said nothing. Instead, he took his mining basket from Shavin's hand and pointed to Shavin and Doug where the weapons of Samira's business group were stacked. And pointed to the places where food was piled up.

When Shawen came over, he actually brought Zhang Tie's mining basket and mining tools. These two things had just been left outside the hall. Since they belonged to Zhang Tie, Shawen helped Zhang Tie bring them over.

Barry and the others were still in a daze. Zhang Tie, who had taken the ore basket, walked towards the place next to where Samira's business group was stacking food. There were still a lot of talking students around that place, facing people going upstairs. In the empty Samira Business Group, no one has yet realized what happened.

Zhang Tie calmly walked into the small trading circle surrounded by boxes by the Samira Merchant Group, took a deep breath, looked at the things on the ground, turned the ore basket upside down and placed it on the ground. He knocked hard a few times, shook off the ashes, and then began to load things into the mining basket.

Dry milk, good stuff...

Sausage, good stuff…

Beef jerky, good stuff…

Dry food, hey... hey... The space in the mine basket is limited, and I don't have time to talk to you at this time.

Zhang Tie had just loaded half a basket of dried milk and sausages, and Barry and the others had already run over. Everyone exchanged glances with each other, and without saying a word, they all started to think about themselves with their mouths sullen, their faces red, and their eyes shining. He found a sack and picked up the things. Everyone remembered the key points Zhang Tie said - move quickly, be steady, don't be anxious, and have a calm attitude.

After a while, the sacks of several guys were filled to the brim. Zhang Tie also packed a mine basket with good things. Finally, he carried the full basket on his back, weighing about eighty kilograms, which was heavier than he usually carried. The ore was even lighter and could still hold up. Then Changtie looked at the things next to him, then picked up a large piece of ham with one hand, and two large pieces of beef jerky weighing more than 20 kilograms with the other hand. Done.

While Zhang Tie and the others were loading sacks into the cargo pile of Samira Merchant Group, the guys who were waiting in line to exchange for food stopped talking. Instead, they all looked at Zhang Tie with wide eyes. Look at them, you look at me, I look at you, it's like watching a play, they don't understand what's going on.

What are these guys doing? Are they employees of the Samira Merchant Group? They don't look like Ai. What are they doing

Finally, when he saw Zhang Tie's full basket of minerals, the ham and beef jerky in his hand, and the faces of the brothers in the brotherhood, who looked like they were about to be crushed by the sacks, they took them one by one. With the things in hand and ready to leave, a guy who had been standing nearby swallowed hard for a few times before asking with difficulty, Brother, you... what are you doing

It’s nothing, the Samira Business Group owes me, I’ll get something to compensate first! Zhang Tie answered calmly, then looked at Barry and the others, and found that there was no room for them to hold anything anymore, and then walked out of the trading circle.

Sorry, please give me a chance... Zhang Tie and the others squeezed out of the cargo pile of Samira Merchant Group with their things. Then Zhang Tie saw Shavin and Doug over there carrying a sack each, and carrying something in their hands. He was holding a box and was about to leave. Zhang Tie, Barry and others hurried over to join Shavin and Doug. Everyone looked at each other what they were holding, and their faces were all red with excitement.

The things on the body were very heavy, but no one felt the weight at this time. Everyone burst out with great strength, and everyone hated themselves for having fewer hands.

Hurry up and go to the tree house, it's going to be chaos here! Zhang Tie whispered something, and all the guys in the Aircraft Brotherhood looked at each other, and with their heads sullen, they disappeared into the Wild Wolf Square with their things in their hands and shoulders.

I remembered that the Samira Merchant Group seemed to owe me something... I kept watching Zhang Tie and the others disappear into the Wild Wolf Square, and looking at the mountains of things from the Samira Merchant Group that could not be guarded now, The guy who had just been talking to Zhang Ti finally reacted, and then he rushed into the small circle, picked up a piece of dried meat in one hand, and left quickly.

Seeing the second guy taking away two large pieces of dried meat, more of the surrounding onlookers reacted.

I also remembered that the food I stored here seems to have not been picked up yet! Another guy rushed up, took something and left.

I also remembered that the Samira Merchant Group seemed to still owe me a share of the food I redeemed last time...

I also remembered...

More people began to rush forward, and many were still hesitant...

Brothers, Samira is a spy of the Norman Empire. During the trial, the alliance's wartime decrees were implemented. Have you forgotten that these things belong to the Samira Merchant Group? In other words, Samira is the enemy. , these things are trophies, what are you doing standing still? According to the rules, whoever gets these trophies belongs to whoever gets them, grab them...

A large number of animals in the square were instantly ignited by these words. Then, a frenzied robbery involving nearly a thousand people broke out. At first, the animals were robbing, and later even the girls were not willing to be outdone. Sleeves joined in. What's the point of being polite at this time? Haven't you heard that Samira is a spy of the Norman Empire? Do you need to be polite to the enemy's property

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