Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 112: A natural born magician


In the dark belly of the mountain, everyone was immersed in the mysterious atmosphere created by Zhang Tie. The whole cave was quiet and could be heard. Only Zhang Tie's voice was echoing in a cadence, resounding to everyone. ears, shaking everyone's heart...

Zhang Tie has now taken control of everything...

"When God wants to give you strength, it will make your heart suffer. Those ignorant and ignorant people are like farmers who only sow but don't know what to harvest. They have experienced pain but forgot to harvest strength!"

"When God wants to give you strength, it will make your body work hard. Those ignorant and ignorant people are like farmers who only sow but don't know how to harvest. They have gone through hard work but forgot to harvest strength!"

"When God wants to give you wisdom, it will make you go through trouble. Those ignorant and ignorant people are like farmers who only sow but don't know what to harvest. They go through trouble but forget to harvest wisdom!"

"The greatest blessings from God and the gods to you always appear in another appearance. This is the biggest secret in the world. Those who know this secret, all the sufferings are God's blessings to you. The sufferings are for you. For you, it is the sweetest fruit. With a grateful heart, welcome all God’s blessings to you. With the King’s Seal as a contract, you will eventually be free!”

No one understood the incantation of the Great Blessing Technique that Zhang Tie said earlier, but everyone understood the following words. Everyone was instantly enlightened and shocked. It turned out that this was the big secret hidden behind mining. While others regard this matter as a chore, the enlightener continues to reap blessings from God in this mine. In loneliness, he reaps perseverance, and in hard work, he reaps strength. ◎Literature Hall may be honing his combat skills as he wields the mining pick again and again...

Zhang Tie made a vague drawing on his forehead with his hand. Only then did the teenagers who were kneeling on one knee react. Each one of them drew three lines on his forehead with his bloody finger with great piety. horizontal line.

"This is the king's seal. The first horizontal line symbolizes the difficulty of heaven, the second horizontal line symbolizes the difficulty of earth, and the third horizontal line symbolizes the difficulty of man. After being blessed by the Great Blessing Technique, when you learn to use When I harvest the blessings behind these sufferings with a grateful heart, when I use this stick stained with the blood of your brothers to penetrate these sufferings and complete the seal of the king, in the future, each of you will have an extraordinary life. Achievement, you will be free from all suffering, and that suffering is the source of your strength..." Zhang Tie said, and then he dipped his fingers into the blood in the pit on the stone, and then said with great piety A vertical stroke was made on the forehead of Potter who was half kneeling in front of him, connecting the three horizontal strokes on Potter's forehead into the word "king".

When Zhang Tie's fingers touched Porter's head. The boy was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

"This king's seal will be imprinted in your heart from now on, reminding you all the time when facing suffering. You should think and face like a king. All suffering is just an appearance. Only those who truly have the king Only those who have the seal can reap the blessings from God behind this appearance. As a fire bearer, you will also receive the seal of light, which can fill your heart with light forever, even in the darkest place. The light will not be extinguished..." Zhang Tie said seriously and seriously, then dipped his finger in a little blood and drew a fire-shaped thing on Potter's forehead. The original fire-shaped thing was drawn on Potter's forehead. On the left side of Porter's forehead, after looking at it, Zhang Tie found that it was not asymmetrical, and drew another one on the right side of Porter's forehead. Now it was symmetrical. The three words written in blood looked really full when paired together. A sense of mystery.

The others looked at Potter with envy.

After Porter, there was the second, third, and fourth... All the teenagers knelt on one knee in front of Zhang Tie, and asked Zhang Tie, the pretentious guy, to draw a vertical line on their foreheads with blood. There is a word "王" left on it.

Several "fire holders" have become the envy of everyone at this time, because in addition to the word "king" on their foreheads, each "fire holder" also has two characters "fire" on their foreheads. Zhang Tie said that it was the Seal of Light, which could fill people's hearts with light in the darkest places.

After all this tossing, Zhang Tie struggled so hard that he even resorted to the bitter trick. However, looking at the faces of the guys in front of him that were full of joy and hope, and the enthusiasm coming out of their eyes. In particular, Zhang Tie found that it was all worth it when he was completely different from the two people he had just entered the cave.

So what if it's fake, it doesn't matter if it's true or false at this time. After all this messing around, as long as these guys can live a happy and hopeful life in the future, then my goal will be achieved, but just in case something happens. , Zhang Tie, this guy, bought himself another insurance policy.

"You guys remember, the most critical point of the Great Blessing Technique is that in the face of any hardships and challenges, you must keep your hearts grateful and joyful. Even if it is something you absolutely don't want to face, you can leave and wait until you are ready. Come back again, but you can't complain or doubt. If you start to complain and doubt in your heart, then, without the power of faith, the effect of the Great Blessing Technique will never appear, and God will not give any blessing to a resentful guy, then Suffering will really turn into suffering, remember this, complaining and doubting are blasphemy against the Great Blessing!"

Everyone nodded.

"Dear initiates, may we be lucky enough to know which group or sect this complete secret of the Great Blessing Technique comes from? Will we have any obligations after we accept such an inheritance?" Crowd One of the guys came out, saluted Zhang Tie, and then asked respectfully. At this time, Zhang Tie's image in the eyes of everyone was tall and mysterious.

The Black Iron Age was an era when mysticism was rampant. Secret groups and sects emerged in endlessly everywhere. This was not a big deal. Instead, many people were proud to join these groups and sects, and they walked out of the crowd. This guy's question ignited everyone's curiosity, and everyone's eyes flashed with this light, and then they stared at Zhang Tie.

At this time, even if Zhang Tie said that these things were improvised and thought up by himself, everyone would think he was joking and no one would believe it. Fortunately, Zhang Tie was prepared for this problem.

"The Great Blessing Technique is a secret of the Ancient God Society. Those who accept the Great Blessing Technique have no obligations other than confidentiality and brotherly love and mutual assistance. You are all free now. Will the Ancient God Society require you to do anything? Something!" Zhang Tieyun said calmly. At this time, Zhang Tie couldn't help but admire himself, Zhang Tie, you are really a born magician. The moment your mouth opens and closes, a mysterious ancient god will come out.

"Dear Enlightenment, can we join the Ancient Gods Association?" This question suddenly raised the voices of many people. Many people looked at Zhang Tie with burning eyes. The name of the Ancient Gods Association is very impressive. Wow, it seems to be very connotative and powerful. "The Ancient Gods Association only recruits those devout believers who have the strongest beliefs and have been blessed by heaven. In fact, the Great Blessing Technique is a criterion for selecting believers by the Ancient Gods Association. All those who have been blessed by the Great Blessing Technique are those who have received blessings. Some of you who have received grace will deeply feel the power of the Great Blessing Technique in the future, and you will be able to draw great power from all suffering and difficulties. When this great power resonates with your awe , this is where piety comes from. Only the most pious people can join the Ancient God Society after being recognized by me as the enlightener!" Zhang Tie's words made many people slightly disappointed, but those disappointed people, after a little After thinking about it, his eyes became firmer and more eager. Zhang Tie knew very well that as Tang De said, the best things are things that cannot be obtained and things that can be obtained through hard work. If he loosened his words now, these guys would think that joining that ancient god would be like this. It's easy. Then this ancient society that you made up temporarily will not have any future in the future, so don't waste your time.

After some twists and turns, when Zhang Tie and a large number of people reappeared in front of the four "victims" Wood, Jones, Gandhi, and Franza, Wood, Jones, Gandhi, and Franza immediately I felt the difference between the people behind Zhang Tie, because everyone brought water bottles, and the blood on everyone's foreheads had been cleaned by this time, but after Zhang Tie's "baptism", everyone's mental outlook and temperament have undergone tremendous changes. In the eyes of Wood and the other four people, if these guys were still a chaotic mob when they left with Zhang Tie, then when these guys reappear with Zhang Tie now, these guys This guy already has a quiet, firm, yet extremely pious and mysterious temperament on his body.

Zhang Tie walked in front of everyone. Those people followed Zhang Tie calmly. A group of people walked out of the darkness. The scene felt like a preacher leading his believers out of the abyss of hell. So impactful.

Walking next to Zhang Tie, it was Porter who was still holding the torch for Zhang Tie. Wood still remembered Porter. This guy had some inferiority complex before entering the cave. He basically did not dare to look at others when looking at people. After disappearing for a while, this guy Porter had a temperament that even surprised Wood. That temperament was firm and had an indescribable fanaticism. When he looked at Wood again, this guy Porter... Not only could he look directly at Wood, but he also smiled calmly.

There was a "ding" sound, but it was because Wood, who was staring blankly at Zhang Tie's team, let go of his hand, and the dagger he was holding fell to the ground unknowingly.

Is this because of the Great Blessing Technique? The four victims glanced at each other, and each one saw the burning fire and shock in each other's eyes. Such a secret message is really powerful...