Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 121: The Lions Club was disbanded


Leaving a bunch of animals in a daze, Zhang Tie met up with the rest of the brotherhood. The way those guys from the brotherhood looked at Zhang Tie made Zhang Tie feel great again.

"How did you do it?" Siesta asked Zhang Tie seriously on the way, "Do you know that you created a new genre in the world of picking up girls tonight? This is simply a great initiative? "

"What school did you create?" Zhang Tie asked in confusion.

"Animal flow..."

Holy shit!

Zhang Tie didn't know that among the crowd of onlookers, there were actually several bystanders who were the so-called "benefactors" of the Ancient God Society that he had made up. On the next day, rumors were already spreading in the Wild Wolf Castle. There are various gossips about a woman who confessed her love to three girls at the same time in the Wild Wolf Plaza last night, and successfully confessed her love, and conquered three women at once, and in the mine, when those 64 guys were brainwashed by Zhang Tie When they found out in the secret morning meeting that the woman was Zhang Tie, the mining guys were all excited—really, really, it must be true. This is definitely the effect of the Great Blessing Technique. Only the Great Blessing Technique can Let the initiate use such shocking language to express his love to three women at the same time, in the same place, and still succeed. Apart from that, absolutely no one in this world can do the same thing. This is simply a miracle!

Zhang Tie himself didn't even know that because of what happened last night, those guys who had been brainwashed by him had become extremely certain of the effect of the Great Blessing, and their belief in the fictitious Ancient God Society had become even more pious.

The next morning, when the guys in the mine were preaching about the "miracle" of the Enlightener, many things happened in the entire Wild Wolf Castle and Wild Wolf Valley at the same time.

At the treehouse base, Zhang Tie packed his bags early in the morning. A man embarked on the journey of the Lone Walker Trial. Zhang Tie’s first goal for this Lone Walker Trial was to find and kill the two wolves that ran away yesterday. When Zhang Tie left, , Barry and others did not stop them, but stood in front of the Dragon Claw tree one by one, staring at the six small holes in a straight line on the trunk. Except for the members of the Brotherhood, no one knew about the holes in the tree. Where did those six small holes come from

In the Wild Wolf Castle, Pandora woke up. Suddenly I found that other girls looked at me differently than before. In the past, all the girls who knew her looked at her in a way that was full of something called alienation, but today. Pandora saw a trace of envy and jealousy in that alienation—yes, envy. And jealousy. For the first time in her life, Pandora saw someone cast such an emotional look on her from the eyes of another woman.

"I heard that Zhang Tie's first trial partner was Pandora..."

"Yes, I heard that Zhang Tie confessed to her in Yelang Square last night!"

"I really can't figure out what's so good about this Pandora. In terms of figure and appearance, I have to surpass her in every aspect. Why didn't Zhang Tie choose me?"

"Don't forget, Zhang Tie also has Alice and Beverly by his side!"

"Those two sluts, besides having pretty faces, my figure is no worse than theirs. I can do what they can do!"

"Who told them to be so bold back then? I heard that those immature boys like this kind of girl who is both sexy and cheating."

"Do you think it's too late for me to post it now?"

"It's probably too late..."


"Because those women from the Rose Club have already beaten you. Can you beat those bitches from the Rose Club who pretend to be noble..."

In the girls' bathroom, the door was closed. Pandora was sitting alone on the toilet seat, quietly listening to the discussions of several girls outside. After the girls left, Pandora took out Zhang Tie from her arms. The wolf tooth given to her was placed in her hand and she looked at it carefully with a smile on her face.

Coming out of the bathroom, Pandora unexpectedly met Alice and Beverly.

"Pandora, we seemed to have made that guy too proud last night!" Alice said with some worry, "As a result, that guy became completely famous!"

"We have caused a big trouble for ourselves. The more famous the boys are, the more fiercely the girls will rob them. This is a war between girls. We don't want to lose!" Beverly also frowned slightly.

"So what, I said, I won't mind even if he has 100 women!" Pandora smiled.

"Are you really not worried?" Alice and Beverly looked at Pandora in surprise.

"Then do you think other girls have a chance to get close to him now?" Pandora asked them.

Alice and Beverly looked at each other, "Humph, that guy belongs to us. If he dares to have other ideas when he comes back, we will deal with him together!"

The three girls laughed together...

Also in the Wild Wolf Castle, some people were in a worse mood early this morning. Among the people who were in a worse mood, one was Christine and the other was Teacher Qili. The two women, thinking of what happened last night, Thinking of Zhang Tie's extremely shameless confession to the three girls last night, each of them felt that their blood pressure was rising. Christine always felt that the kick she kicked Zhang Tie was too light, and Kelly Siting always felt that when she saw Zhang Tie, a shameless man, talking nonsense in the square, she should have thrown this guy into the dungeon of Wild Wolf Castle and could not release him until the end of the trial.

- How can there be such shameless people in this world! Both women cursed Zhang Tie in their hearts, how dare you do this? One felt that the shameless man must have secretly done more "terrible and disgusting things" to him in his mind these days, and the other was worried that the shameless man would do "terrible and disgusting things" to more girls. Disgusting thing." Then Zhang Tie made two women angry at him at the same time.

Seeing Teacher Qili's extremely cold face, the teachers in the temporary inspection committee all chose to keep a certain distance from this dangerous woman, but Captain Colin, who was a little nervous, didn't know why. Early on, after meeting Teacher Qili, Captain Colin took the initiative to say hello to Teacher Qili. Unexpectedly, Teacher Qili gave him a vicious look, and then Teacher Qili turned her head and left, ignoring him. All of a sudden, Captain Colin was extremely depressed.

"What's wrong with this woman?" Captain Colin rubbed his lion-feather-like head inexplicably.

Everyone shrugged. At this moment, Captain Colin saw Jerome walking over with a strange expression. When he saw Jerome's face, Captain Colin knew that something must have happened.

"The Lion Club was disbanded..." As a teacher of the Temporary Supervisory Committee, I naturally know the dynamics of these larger groups among the trial students. "You will never guess how the Lion Club was disbanded!"

"Hahaha, it's better to disband. So that those idiots will not be used to find their own death, and I will have to wipe their butts for them..." Captain Colin laughed, and finally asked out of curiosity, "How did it dissolve?"

"Bolvik went to see Zhang Tie yesterday, and something suddenly happened between the two of them. The Lions Club was automatically disbanded this morning!" Then Jerome told what happened between Zhang Tie and Bolvik yesterday. Say it completely, don't say Captain Colin. Even the teachers next to him looked at each other in shock after hearing what happened.

"First Samira. Then there's Bolvik. Is this Zhang Tie born to be the villain's nemesis? How come these guys who want to plot against him are always beaten back to their original shape one by one by him! Captain Colin , your school really has a great character among the students this year!"

"That is, as early as when I was in school, I discovered that Zhang Tie is very extraordinary and can always do some unexpected things. From that time on, I have deliberately cultivated him!" Captain Colin said with a blushing face. He jumped and said, "I didn't expect that this boy really didn't disappoint me! Jerome, where is this boy Zhang Tie. After solving the problem of the Lion Club and letting those guys calm down, I must reward him well!"

"I'm afraid you can't find him now!" Jerome said, shaking his head.


"Because that guy has already gone to participate in the Lone Wanderer Trial!"

"What?" Everyone, including Captain Colin, was shocked again. "A first-level soldier has the courage to participate in the Lone Walker Trial. Could it be that besides Bruce, can there be another Lone Walker among these students?"

"I don't know where he got this confidence!" Jerome shrugged, "Maybe, after just a few days and suffering enough outside, he will come back, or maybe he will come back this time. It's hard to guess what kind of miracles it will create..." Jerome said in an understatement, but there was a cunning light flashing in his eyes.

"How about we make a bet on when Zhang Tie will come back?" A teacher suddenly suggested that when there are no students, the teachers on the inspection committee will not always pretend to be serious.

Jerome laughed.

"Okay, how do you bet?" Someone immediately responded.

"With two gold coins for each person, you can guarantee that he will come back within a week, come back within two weeks, come back within three weeks, or you can persist until three weeks later..."

"Okay!" More than a dozen teachers responded on the spot. A bunch of teachers closed the door, signed and pledged their names, took out gold coins, and left vouchers in the office of the Temporary Supervision Committee. Most of the teachers bet that Zhang Tie would be able to do it in one or two days. When they came back within a week, only two teachers thought about Zhang Tie's behavior when he exposed Samira, so they were detained for three weeks.

"Jerome, do you plan to escort Zhang Tie back in a few weeks?"

"Since everyone thinks that the little guy can't last until three weeks later, then I'll bet on this big upset after three weeks!" Jerome threw out two gold coins.

"What about you, Captain Colin?"

Looking at the more than twenty shining gold coins in front of him, the one-eyed dragon rolled his eyes and glanced at Jerome, "I'll bet you three weeks too!"

Captain Colin saw the corner of Jerome's mouth twitching slightly, so he became more and more sure in his heart. This guy Jerome is really cunning, but I, Captain Colin, am not a fool. At this time, as long as I follow the most Just the cunning guy will do, Zhang Tie might surprise everyone again, hey... hey...

While a group of unscrupulous teachers at Wild Wolf Castle were setting up a private gambling bureau, several things were happening at the same time in Wild Wolf Valley. At the treehouse base, less than two hours after Zhang Tiecai left, a group of girls from the Rose Club had already When they arrived at the treehouse base, the arrival of the girls from the Rose Club made the group of girls who had teamed up with the fraternities for the trial feel threatened. When this group of girls arrived, only Doug was left at the treehouse base, and the others Everyone went to harvest the prey in the trap. Looking at the group of girls in the Rose Club, Doug drooled. The target of this group of girls from the Rose Society is of course Zhang Tie. With just a few words, these girls were able to figure out Zhang Tie’s whereabouts. After hearing that Zhang Tie had gone to participate in the Lone Walker trial alone, these girls one by one His face was shocked and disappointed.

"If Zhang Tie comes back, please tell him that Angel, the blond girl who picked pine cones with him, came to see him!" Before leaving, a beautiful girl in the Rose Club said to Doug.

Doug nodded stupidly.

So at noon, the entire Wild Wolf Castle was rumored that Zhang Tie would become the second lone traveler in this trial, in addition to the sharp archer Bruce. At this point, the name Zhang Tie began to be used in the Wild Wolf. Becoming dazzling among all the students of the castle and trials.

When the name Zhang Tie began to shine, the name Bolvik became dim on this day...

… ?At the station of the Lion Club, although he rested for a night and the broken ribs had been re-bandaged and treated, the marks left on his face after being beaten by Zhang Tie could not be eliminated in such a short time.

Bulvik, who had a bruised nose, a swollen face, and two panda eyes, one large and one small, stood numbly at the entrance of the cave, trying in vain to save the last few members of the Lion Club. Perhaps it was because he looked so miserable now. , completely turned into a pig head, so any words coming out of his mouth made people feel a little funny. Bolvik's good eloquence failed this time. The Lion Club, which had been a little depressed after experiencing the blow of the Samira incident, was completely broken up this time. After knowing what happened last night and several members of the Lion Club carrying Bolvik back, the Lion Club The hearts of the Lion Club were completely shattered. Regardless of whether there was any despicable and ulterior motive behind Bolvik inviting fraternity members to join the Lions Club in front of other members of the fraternity, and then inviting Zhang Tie to be the vice president of the Lions Club, Bolvik It is an indisputable fact that Zhang Tie beat him so badly that he was beaten like a dead dog. Such a tragic fact was enough to completely shatter the aura that Bolvik had condensed in him. No one wanted to keep him. Being around such a loser and doing his bidding.

The Lion Club did not completely disband and disappear. Many people who left the Lion Club gathered together spontaneously and formed a team to cooperate in hunting, just like before, but Bolvik was excluded by everyone.

Bolvik stood alone in the Lion Club's station for a long time, and finally laughed nervously, starting with a low laugh, then laughing, and finally laughing like a wolf crying, just listening to That laughter makes people feel creepy...

"Zhang Tie..."

A shrill howl of a wolf seemed to be heard in the Lion Club's station.