Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 13: Castle of Black Iron


In the blur, Zhang Tie felt that the environment around him seemed to be in a trance, as if he had suddenly walked out of a tunnel by car or train. The temperature around him had changed somewhat, and his body seemed to become warmer. At the same time, the air he breathed in his nose also changed. It seemed different, it seemed fresher. It was the smell of the park after the rain. Zhang Tie opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Zhang Tie's mouth was so shocked that he didn't close it for a long time. He didn't wake up until his saliva flowed out. come over.

What appeared in front of Zhang Tie's eyes was a square, vast and flat land. Zhang Tie stood in the middle of the entire land. The area of the entire land was many times larger than the entire Heiyan City No. 7 National School. Standing in the middle , Zhang Tie made a visual inspection, and found that the length and width of the four sides of this land were probably more than 700 meters, and it seemed extremely empty. There were not many things on this land, and it looked like a barren land. The only protrusions were this In the center of the land, not far from Zhang Tie, there was a small tree as tall as one person. Other than that, the surrounding area was empty.

With deep curiosity, Zhang Tie looked at the small tree.

The small branches were growing lushly, and each leaf seemed to be flowing with a special brilliance, so it was particularly conspicuous. What surprised Zhang Tie was that the leaves of the entire small tree actually showed many different shapes. With different colors, basically no leaf has the same shape, which gives people an extremely strange feeling. Although it feels strange, looking at these leaves with different shapes hanging on the small tree makes people feel inexplicable. The harmonious feeling seems to be perfect like this, but the material of the whole small tree is neither gold nor wood, and it is unclear what kind of thing it is.

In the sky and around this space, traces of colorful mist are constantly twisting and changing into various shapes. Just looking at those changing shapes for a moment will make people feel refreshed and calm.

The scene he saw in the crystal egg a few hours ago was now completely before his eyes—the strange little tree, the colorful mist...

Is this a dream

Looking at his body, he still wore the same clothes as when he was sleeping. He only had a pair of underpants on his whole body. He didn't even change his posture when he was sitting on the bed. He suddenly appeared in this place. Zhang Tie, who was sitting on the ground, pinched himself hard. The little brother knew that he was not dreaming, so he stood up from the spot with bare feet. The place where he was sitting was not far from the small tree, only about ten steps away. Next to the small tree with flowing light, he circled around the small tree twice. For some reason, Zhang Tie always felt that he and this strange small tree had a warm feeling of blood connection.

Being related to a strange tree, Zhang Tie felt like he was going crazy.

After walking around the tree several times, he didn't see anything special. He just felt that it was a bit strange to have such a tree with different leaves. Zhang Tie decided to explore this place because the soil here is fine and soft and the humidity is moderate. , there is no impurity at all, stepping on it is like stepping on soft and wet sand. Zhang Tie simply barefooted and spread his legs. This area is not very big, maybe a little more than 0.5 square kilometers, yes Personally speaking, it is not a small space, so I ran around and explored the surrounding environment. On the edge of this space, I could see the colorful mist from a distance. The mist was rolling at the edge of this space. There was a strange elastic force that made it impossible for Zhang Tie to cross over no matter how hard he tried. At a place less than 300 meters away from the small tree, Zhang Tie found a deep black swamp pit on the ground. The pit covers an area of more than 200 square meters. The swamp inside is as black as ink and bubbles are constantly rolling, but it has no smell and feels a bit scary. After looking around, Zhang Tie found that apart from himself, not even a single ant could be found in this space.

"Is there anyone here? Where is this place"...

"Who can tell me where this is?"

"anyone there?"…

Zhang Tie shouted several times at the top of his lungs, but no one answered, not even an echo. After spending more than ten minutes checking the space, Zhang Tie finally confirmed that apart from the tree, he was really the only one here. biological.

Finally, Zhang Tie decided to learn more about this strange place starting from that tree.

He circled around the tree twice again. The more he looked at it, the more friendly he felt. Zhang Tie finally couldn't help but gently stretched out his hand and touched the small tree, where every leaf seemed to be flowing with brilliance. At that moment, a translucent light blue dialog box suddenly appeared in Zhang Tie's eyes, and a line of text appeared in the dialog box. Zhang Tie was startled by what suddenly appeared in front of him.

—Manshu Shahua Cause and Effect Ten Thousand Fruits Treasure Tree

- Baoshu senses that the body energy of the fusion person is in a state of dissipation and leakage. Currently, the leakage-free fruit can be generated by using this dissipation and leakage of energy. Will it be generated


There are two option buttons below. Although Zhang Tie had never touched it before, he understood it at a glance. Zhang Tie was stunned. After taking his hand away from the leaf, the dialog box disappeared. As soon as he touched it, the dialog box appeared. He tried again and again. This happened several times. Although Zhang Tie didn't know what this thing was, Zhang Tie knew that this thing was absolutely amazing...

Although Zhang Tie couldn't figure out what kind of energy in his current body would escape and leak, it seemed that this choice would not harm him. So after trying it a few times, Zhang Tie reached out and selected in the dialog box. "Yes", this feeling is very strange. There is obviously nothing in front of me, but when Zhang Tie's hand touches it, it really feels like he has touched something -

—The fruits are being produced without leakage, and there are still 168 hours left before the ripening time!

—Manjushahua Karma Ten Thousand Fruit Treasure Tree space management system template has been created!

—The fusion person is asked to name this space. Please note that once the name of this space is determined, it cannot be changed!

—Space name:------(followed by a row of flashing light spots)

The old dialog box disappeared and a new dialog box appeared. Looking at the row of flashing light spots at the last space name, Zhang Tie stood still for a while before he figured out what it meant. After thinking about it, he finally said Say four words—Black Iron Castle!

As soon as he finished speaking, four words appeared on the flashing light spot, which was - Castle of Black Iron. This situation made Zhang Tie stunned again.

—Space name: Black Iron Castle!

—OK... Reselect

Zhang Tie reached out and pressed the OK button. After the button is pressed, the old dialog box disappears and a new dialog box appears.

—How do you want the system to address you

—The honorific you want is:-----(followed by a row of flashing light spots)

With the experience just now, Zhang Tie already knew how to do it. Zhang Tie thought for a while, no one knew it anyway, it was okay to be arrogant, and he was not afraid of being said to be disgusting, so Zhang Tie decided to let this thing be called his —The handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle!

This should be nothing, no one knows anyway! When pressing the OK button, Zhang Tie thought a little weakly. In the end, he was still heartbroken and shamelessly pressed the OK button.

—The name of Black Iron Castle is confirmed, and everyone in Black Iron Castle is confirmed!

—The Black Iron Castle primary management system template has been created!

The dialog box disappeared, and the thing in Zhang Tie's eyes changed again. A light blue translucent icon with a small tree in the middle and the words "Black Iron Castle" under the small tree appeared in the upper left corner of Zhang Tie's field of vision. And began to flash. Zhang Tie, who gradually became more courageous, clicked on the icon with his hand. The icon instantly enlarged in front of Zhang Tie's eyes. Several lines of text immediately appeared on the trunk of the icon, turning into a tree-like menu. column. There are four major options inside.

—Basic attributes of Black Iron Castle

—Space and terrain creation

— Biological and species management

—The special seeds and fruits of the Manjushahua Karma Ten Thousand Fruit Tree

Zhang Tie's hand touched the first "Basic Attributes of Black Iron Castle" located at the root and trunk of the function tree, and instantly, a new data window opened.

Black Iron Castle

—Length: 1 kulushe

—Width: 1 kulushe

—Aura value: 0

- Merit value: 0

—Basic Energy Reserve: 0

—Special output: none

Unit of length - 1 kulushe? What is that stuff? how long? Zhang Tie has heard of units of length including millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, meters, kilometers and even sound seconds and light seconds, but what is "Kulushe"? Is there such a unit of length? I couldn't figure it out, so I just stopped thinking about it. It was just a unit of measurement. I just had to know it in my mind. It probably wasn't important. Zhang Tie looked at the basic attributes at the back and let out a long sigh after reading it.

Qingqing was in vain and the data was not good, but Zhang Tie was very interested and felt as if everything was starting from scratch. Although he did not understand the content, he closed the dialog box and clicked on another one. Unexpectedly, after pressing the "Space and Terrain Creation" button, this sentence appeared in front of Zhang Tie.

—Since the three major reserve values of the Black Iron Castle are all 0, the space and terrain creation functions cannot be used!

Click the next "Biology and Species Management" option, and a new window opens.

—Carbon-based organisms and species management

—Silicon-based biology and species management

—Sulfur-based organisms and species management

—Management of other organisms and species

This time, except for the first "Carbon-based Organisms and Species Management" option button, which was available, the other buttons were gray-white. When Zhang Tie pressed the first button, a log dialog box popped up. Come out, there are two messages inside.

—If the system resources are invested in a certain biological population or a certain organism, there is a certain chance that the species and the organism will undergo unexpected mutations and evolutions.

—The system detected the carbon-based microorganisms carried by the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle when he entered the Black Iron Castle, and the Black Iron Castle microbial system was activated.

The dialog box disappears automatically, revealing three new tabs.

Among the three branch tabs of animals, plants, and microorganisms, currently only the button for the microorganism option is activated.

Zhang Tie clicked on the microorganism tab.

Then, on the "Microorganisms" option, Zhang Tie saw the microorganisms he "brought" into the Black Iron Castle. They were some bacteria and yeasts on his body. Bacteria are more or less present in everyone. What is the role of this thing? There are good and bad ones, so it’s not surprising. As for the yeast, I probably brought it on my body when I was making rice wine at home. I remember that I just ate three bowls of rice wine downstairs, so I guess I got some of it on my body unknowingly. . Then these things followed him into the Black Iron Castle.

Click on the enlarged yeast that looks like water droplets, and a new picture appears.

On the left side of the yeast icon, there is a red cross, and below this icon, the system provides three pull buttons similar to progress bars. The three pull buttons correspond to the three basic attributes. Attribute items—aura value, merit value, and basic energy.

Because it didn't seem complicated, Zhang Tie took a quick glance and roughly understood its meaning. The three pullable buttons seemed to represent the system resources he was willing to invest in this creature. As long as he was willing to invest, resources, then the creatures or biological species selected by you will have a certain chance of evolving and mutating.

Zhang Tie then clicked on the red cross next to the yeast icon!

—Has the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle decided to use the laws of space to obliterate the existence of this creature? Reminder, once erased, it cannot be resurrected.

—Yes... Cancel...

Zhang Tie was startled by the cold words and quickly clicked Cancel, deciding to use this function as little as possible in the future.

It seemed quite interesting. After closing the window, Zhang Tie tried it again. The "Special Seed and Fruit Generation of Manjushahua Karma Ten Thousand Fruit Treasure Tree" function was currently inactive.

This black iron castle seemed to be full of countless secrets. Just when Zhang Tie was about to study it more carefully, a system prompt dialog box appeared in Zhang Tie's eyes.

—The system has detected that the spirit and physical strength of the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle are close to being exhausted, and various body functions have begun to be in a negative state. Since the system's spiritual energy value is zero, it cannot provide a good recovery environment. The system recommends that the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle should first Leave the Black Iron Castle and enter again after your body's energy is restored.

At the same time, the special "door" in the sea of consciousness also sent out a slight fluctuation at this time, letting Zhang Tie know that if he wanted to go out, he only needed to lock the "door" with his consciousness in the midst of the noise, and at the same time say "go back" in his heart. That’s it…

After such a reminder, Zhang Tie suddenly found that he was already very sleepy. After such a day of tossing, his emotions were ups and downs, and it was very energy-consuming. Yawning loudly, Zhang Tie thought for a moment and resisted the urge to continue exploring here. He locked the door in his mind and said "go back" in his heart. Then, he felt like walking through the tunnel in an instant. Even Zhang Tie's eyes widened and he didn't realize how he came out. He only felt The arch in his mind shook, and he stood on the edge of his cabin. The scene around him suddenly changed. Everything that just happened was as if it had never happened before. Where did it come from? , where he returned again. This feeling is like taking a family photo in a photo studio when the photographer pulls a string on the background wall behind him and then changes the background.

So fucking amazing!

Then, before Zhang Tie had time to think about all the incredible things that had just happened to him, deep fatigue came over him, and Zhang Tie fell down to sleep...