Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 14: Attributes


The next day, when Zhang Tie woke up in bed, he immediately discovered two things that made him regretful. The first was that he didn't hear the alarm when it rang, and he was probably going to be late this morning. The second thing is that I forgot to put out the oil lamp in the hut, and it burned in vain all night. How much oil was wasted, and all this oil was money.

While quickly turning off the oil lamp, Zhang Tie hurriedly put on his clothes. When he put down the stairs and left the attic, Zhang Tie took two steps down, turned back and walked up again, throwing the two "wrecks" of pyrite to the In the utility room next to the cabin, there was an inconspicuous broken box stacked with sundries, and then he ran downstairs.

My father had already gone to work at this time, and my mother was the only one left at home. The gruel that had been prepared for breakfast was still warm in the pot with water. When I heard Zhang Tie rushing downstairs to wash up, Zhang Tie's mother came out from the rice bowl. He walked out of the brew shop and helped Zhang Tie take the breakfast out of the pot. While taking it, he nagged, "Did you sleep too late last night? You should take good care of your body in the future. By the way, you hide in the house." Mom has washed the Neiku in the drawer for you yesterday, just remember to take out the Neiku and throw it into the washtub when you are too late!"

Zhang Tie, who was gargling his mouth, heard his mother's last words and suddenly choked on the water he was gargling with. He coughed for a long time before he recovered. He didn't know whether he was choked or ashamed. Annoyed, Zhang Tie's face suddenly turned red and he couldn't help shouting, "Mom, I've told you more than three hundred times that I can wash my things myself. Don't keep rummaging through my house." Whether my things are good or not, I’m no longer a child!”

There were some traces on the inner cabinet left by the wet dream the night before yesterday. When Zhang Tie got up last morning, he had no time to wash it, so he took it off and hid it in the drawer under the wardrobe. When he came back last night, his mind was focused on that mysterious thing. Zhang Tie also forgot to turn it out and wash it off. Thinking of the "secret" his mother discovered when she helped him wash the inner storage yesterday, Zhang Tie felt ashamed and ashamed.

"I know, our Guoguo is already an adult. Mom has raised you since you were a child. You haven't seen anything before..." Mom's nonchalant tone let Zhang Tie know that his words were probably in vain. See You should be careful when you come here. If you let people outside know that your inner treasure is still being washed by your mother at this time, you will really be shameless in front of others.

Zhang Tie didn't make a sound. He drank the porridge in a slurping manner. He didn't even have time to wipe his mouth before he ran out the door. After running a long way, Zhang Tie seemed to still hear his mother's instructions from behind, "Eat full." Don't run, walk slowly..."

On the way, Zhang Tie spent two coppers for the first time and took several subway stops in order to get to school as soon as possible. However, when he finally got to school with great difficulty, what he heard was the first day of school in the morning. The second period bell rang.

Teacher Dinah's class is over! This week is a biweekly in May. The first two classes on Friday are teacher Dinah’s big classes, and the single week is natural history class.

This discovery immediately made Zhang Tie frustrated, blaming himself for oversleeping last night.

When I arrived at the school's lecture theater, I could no longer see Teacher Dinah. Only the graduating class of animals rushed out of the lecture theater and rushed toward the toilet. Normally, they would attend Teacher Dinah's class. At that time, each of these animals would rather hold in their urine for two hours than leave the classroom, just to keep Teacher Dinah out of their sight.

"Teacher Dinah is getting more and more beautiful!"

"I dreamed about her again last night!"

"I observed the class for two hours, and Teacher Dinah's pussy got bigger!"

"That round and perky butt is so sexy and mature. I wonder what Teacher Dinah's butt feels like?"

"I was ejaculated for two hours. It was so uncomfortable. Goddess Dinah is so good at torturing people!"

When a bunch of animals passed by Zhang Tie, all Zhang Tie heard was content like this. As for what Teacher Dinah said in his biology class, no one cared.

Finally, several beasts from the Airplane Brotherhood also came over. Zhang Tie saw them, and they also saw Zhang Tie. Zhang Tie saw the dead fat guy Barry blinking at him, and this guy Doug looked at him. , with a nervous look on his face, which confused Zhang Tie.

"Why, are you late today?" Barry came over and patted Zhang Tie on the shoulder.

"Well, I kind of overslept!" Zhang Tie scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Hey...hey...don't be too tired at night. If you use up too much energy, you will inevitably oversleep!" No matter what time of day, this guy Sista, his acne is as dazzling as the pimples on his face. At this moment, the emphasis of this guy's entire sentence was on the word "jing", for fear that others would not be able to hear it.

"You seem a little pale today. Could it be that Siesta told you right? After seeing the benefits of the Airplane Brotherhood, you must have had a hard time falling asleep last night!" Wright winked beside him.

"What is Teacher Dinah's class talking about today?" Ignoring these two guys, Zhang Tie turned to ask Shavin, if there are still people in the Aircraft Brotherhood who would listen carefully when Teacher Dinah is teaching, Then this person must be Chauvin. Chauvin is the guy in the aviation fraternity who takes careful notes in all classes. For this, he is often laughed at by others.

"If you want to read the simple treatment of erosion and the living habits of man-eating spiders, I will lend you the notes!"

"Okay, lend it to me later!"

"I can't hold it in anymore, hurry up!" Baghdad urged from the side. So several people followed the army towards the toilet, but Doug slowed down his pace obviously for an excuse and fell behind everyone. After seeing the few people in front of him walking away, Doug quietly pulled Zhang Tie aside.

"Let's make peace!" Doug's first words made Zhang Tie's hair stand on end.

Seeing Zhang Tie's expression, Doug finally realized that he had said the wrong thing, "Oh, no, I said let's reconcile!"

"Reconciliation?" Zhang Tie looked at Doug in confusion, what did this mean.

"Don't tell them in Baghdad what happened to me yesterday, and I will forgive you for vomiting all over me for the first time. Do you know, my appearance that day was seen by many people, and now some guys have started to name me I got the nickname slime monster!" Doug's expression was timid at first, but then he became sad and angry.

Zhang Tie finally understood why Doug had been so cold and indifferent to him this week. He was such a petty guy, but if anyone dared to give himself such a disgusting nickname as "slime monster" in school, and dare to If Teacher Dinah calls me that, then I must beat that guy until even his mother can't recognize him.

"Okay, let's reconcile. I won't tell you what happened yesterday!" Since he didn't want a copper coin of his own, Zhang Tie also became unusually generous, "It's just that when Sista and the others asked, you What do you want me to say!"

"Just say that I went in and took three hours to come out. Barry and I have already agreed!"

"Well, it took you three hours to come out. When you came out, the woman personally walked you to the door, kissed you reluctantly, and asked you to go find her next time!"

"Good brother!" Doug excitedly patted Zhang Tie on the shoulder, as if he had met a close friend.

Zhang Tie could only retreat again.

The next class in the morning was carpentry. In the next two hours, all the animals in Zhang Tie's class used two-person saws in the school's practical workshop. They sawed wood for two hours, and their hands were all swollen. Only then did I finally hear the bell ringing for the end of class.

The afternoon class is for physical training and testing. As usual, such a class usually means that it’s time for Gris to take the limelight again. Gris once again set a new record this week in squats and the maximum number of consecutive armor-piercing spears a week ago. record, bringing these two records to 320 kilograms and 139 shots respectively. Even the instructor praised Gris as a natural warrior.

Compared with the dazzling Gliss, the results of most members of the Aircraft Brotherhood are as mediocre as the airports used for aircraft takeoff and landing before the legendary cataclysm. Only Baghdad achieved the first time in the 100-speed test in the afternoon. The score of 10.8 seconds broke into the top twenty fastest students in the entire grade, becoming the only bright spot of the Aircraft Brotherhood. As for others, such as Zhang Tie, they didn’t even get a score, because each group of tests was Among the 20 people, the instructor only recorded the results of the top three, and not the results of the following ones. However, Zhang Tie's 100-meter results were basically outside the 10th place in the group. His previous best time was ranked 9th. It’s a shame that they can achieve results. Zhang Tie and his group’s third place time was 11.2 seconds. Zhang Tie was almost four positions behind the third place. Zhang Tie estimated that his 100-meter time should be 11.6 seconds. This achievement, among all the animals in the graduating class, has no honor at all. As for the fat guy Barry, his 100-meter time of 13.7 seconds was definitely the lowest among all the animals in the graduating class. This fat guy has no shame at all.

After the afternoon physical class, Zhang Tie got his latest personal data

Zhang Tie—

100 meters time - 11.6 seconds.

Bench press - 90kg.

Squat - 170kg.

Explosive punching power - right fist 240kg, left fist 190kg

Maximum kicking power of the legs - 270kg

Maximum number of consecutive armor-piercing stabbing shots—48 shots

Stamina: 4

In this era where force is paramount, Zhang Tie's achievements are as miserable as his 15-year-old youth. Before the first ray of thought in the shrine was ignited, the physical gap between professional warriors and ordinary people was decisive. Among people of the same age, it was almost insurmountable.

You must ignite your own divine palace fire as soon as possible! This thought in the 15-year-old boy's mind became urgent again...