Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 145: The outbreak of war


The Iron Horns of the Norman Empire

Holy shit! Hearing such a sound, Zhang Tie jumped down from a tree more than three meters high without even thinking about it. He was about to run away immediately, but he looked at the tearful animals tied to the tree by him. Taking pity on the female wolves, Zhang Tie took out his dagger and quickly cut the ropes holding the female wolves, letting them escape on their own.

The freed female wolves did not dare to look at Zhang Tie. As soon as the ropes around their mouths and necks were removed, they immediately ran away with their tails between their legs.

Zhang Tie was used to killing wolves these days, but he still couldn't bear to do it to these female wolves that he had caught and provided urine for him to hunt male wolves. Tang De said, Thieves also have their ways, so Zhang Tie released a few female wolves with a wave of his hand. It was just a few wolves anyway, so it was no big deal.

After letting the she-wolf regain her freedom, Zhang Tie stopped using his spear and immediately ran towards the Wild Wolf Valley. At this time, Zhang Tie's running speed suddenly increased to the maximum...

In less than a minute, the speed of the running Zhang Tie surpassed the guy who was shouting on the horse just now, and threw the guy behind him. The guy on the horse saw that there was someone next to him who could run. Faster than his horse, he was so shocked that he forgot to speak, and looked at Zhang Tie's back in a daze...

Some masters above level six can easily run faster than a galloping horse when they suddenly burst out. This is not unusual, but those masters have a limited time to use this speed to burst out. Generally, A few minutes would not cover much distance. What made the pioneer immediately stunned was that from the back, Zhang Tie was very young, only over ten years old. People who reached the sixth level at such a young age were basically unheard of in Black Flame City, and what surprised him even more was that when Zhang Tie ran at this speed, he didn't feel a little exhausted after bursting out, but After overtaking his galloping horse, he still rushed towards the Wild Wolf Valley with unabated momentum. In just a moment, he and his horse were left behind, and only a shadow could be seen. The guy on the horse looked at Zhang Tie's shrinking back, and then at the sweaty horse under him. For a moment, I felt sad, so this guy screamed again in a sad and miserable voice.

"Run for your life, the Iron Horn Legion of the Norman Empire is coming..."

The speed of an ordinary horse when carrying a person running quickly is about 40 kilometers per hour, and at this time Zhang Tie was running at the speed of all his strength. It was already comparable to a wolf and could reach more than 50 kilometers per hour, so it immediately left that guy behind.

Zhang Tie just ran, ran, ran, ran with all his strength...

Zhang Tie ran across the Crescent Grassland like the wind, and many pioneers saw his back. Then they were all shocked.

It only took Zhang Tie about twenty minutes to rush all the way to the mountain range extending out of the Wild Wolf Valley without stopping. Zhang Tie rushed up the hillside and through the woods. Finally, I ran behind a high-lying but very hidden stone on the mountain. I panted violently and looked toward the northwest of the grassland.

Then, Zhang Tie was deeply shocked by what he saw.

On the grassland in the distance. An iron current appeared, an iron current like a rushing flood from a large river. A stream of red iron.

The red iron stream beat on the ground, causing the entire grassland to emit tens of thousands of thunders, sweeping towards Black Flame City with an unstoppable momentum.

The speed of the iron flow was very fast. When it was just a red line, in the blink of an eye, the front end of the iron flow became clear.

It was a red iron horse galloping at an extremely fast speed. The iron horse was not an ordinary horse, but a strange animal with a horn on its forehead. It looked a bit like a rhinoceros, but it was taller and more powerful than a rhinoceros. Its legs It is also longer than a rhinoceros and runs like a horse, but faster than a horse. On the cavalry are knights wearing red armor. The armors on the knights are like cold steel fortresses. Only the eyes and mouth are exposed with a series of vents and sight holes, which feels extremely ferocious.

For ordinary people, even if there is just one of these iron cavalry in front of them, they will feel a little frightened. However, these iron cavalry appearing on the Crescent Grassland at this moment are boundless, with a kind of moving mountains and seas. The momentum is rolling in like a giant dragon.

At this moment, the heroic appearance of those knights left a deep mark on Zhang Tie's heart.

The knights riding the one-horned monster running at the front held a flag as iron as iron. On the flag was the image of the head of the ferocious iron-horned beast with one horn that they were riding on—this image, It is the mark of the Iron Horn Regiment in the northern frontier of the Norman Empire.

Some of the pioneers who were slow to escape were overtaken by the knights behind them. Zhang Tie, who was standing on the mountain, originally thought that a massacre would follow. Unexpectedly, the knights riding on the iron-horned beasts ignored the pioneers at all. , not even looking at those who had jumped off their horses and did not dare to continue running in front of the Iron Horn Knights, but rushed forward in the direction of Black Flame City.

When a lion is hunting, how can he miss a few ants on the roadside

The red iron stream split into two parts here in the Wild Wolf Valley. They bypassed the Wild Wolf Valley and continued to move forward from the left and right sides of the Wild Wolf Valley.

It was a boundless torrent of steel. The leaves on the mountain started to shake when the torrent passed by. The sound of tens of thousands of iron-horned beasts galloping together was like a drought thunder, rising from the ground against the soles of your feet. Roll over.

Under Zhang Tie's gaze, this stream of iron separated at the junction of Yelang Valley and Crescent Grassland. It ran like a red flood for an hour, and it still looked endless and unfinished.

Zhang Tie's expression at this moment has completely changed.

Behind those boundless iron horn knights are also boundless steel chariots. The steam chariots follow those iron knights with more powerful momentum, rumbling in the Wild Wolf Valley. For two, it swept away like a city of black flames.

After those steam tanks, steam troop transport trucks came one after another, also like a long queue, rolling in. The trucks were filled with fully armed soldiers...

after an hour…

Suddenly, the birds hovering in the sky were frightened and flew away again, and an even more terrifying behemoth emerged from the clouds and appeared in the sky.

Zhang Tie was slightly speechless as he looked at the thing that appeared in the sky. It was an airship, almost 500 meters long. The airship was like a cloud, casting a huge shadow onto the ground, and then slowly Sweeping over the valleys and hills below.

The airship flew over Zhang Tie's head. For almost a full minute, the shadow of the airship shrouded Zhang Tie below.

Zhang Tie raised his head and looked at this behemoth with awe.

Huge airships emerged from the clouds one after another, connected end to end, like a giant centipede dozens of kilometers long across the sky, continuously appearing in the sky. Such a sight once again deeply fascinated Zhang Tie. Shocked.

Zhang Tie knew that Black Flame City was over. Not to mention Black Flame City, even if the entire Andaman Alliance army was pulled out, it would be impossible to withstand the iron-like Norman Empire army in front of him. Only the one who had just passed by When he was young, the number of Norman Empire troops passing by him was at least one hundred thousand. Behind him, Zhang Tie looked towards the Crescent Grassland. The rolling iron flow was still as continuous as a big river, and he could not see it at a glance. The end. The Norman Empire's iron cavalry, armored vehicles, personnel carriers, transport convoys, and airships on their heads are still coming in waves like locusts and floods, as if it will never end. This scene continues until the end. Zhang Tie's nerves went from shock to numbness...

Not only is the Black Flame City coming to an end, but so is the Andaman Alliance. An army of this size is sent out not just for a Black Flame City.

Sometimes life is like this. You are sitting under a tree, and someone throws a few dirty dishes in front of you, and ends up fighting with you to death. Sometimes you are happily hunting and testing, thinking that you will get results soon. Sure enough, the giant wheel of history doesn't care whether you've had dinner or not, it just rumbles past you and changes the fate of you and everyone around you regardless.

Crescent Grassland is still rolling with iron flow...

At this moment, Zhang Tie thought of his parents in Black Flame City, the brothers stationed in Black Flame City, the women in the Wild Wolf Castle and the bastards from the Aircraft Brotherhood. Then Zhang Tie ran down the mountain like crazy and ran towards the Wild Wolf Castle.

Zhang Tiecai had just run down the mountain when he saw a red smoke column rising in the direction of Wild Wolf Castle. This was the most urgent order that Wild Wolf Castle used to summon all trial students to return to Wild Wolf Castle immediately in a state of emergency. It can be seen within dozens of kilometers around.

In fact, there was no need to wait for the red smoke column that summoned all the students from Wolf Castle to rise. All the students had already started to put down everything in their hands and began to gather towards Wolf Castle, because a group of Norman Empire A huge war airship has passed directly over the Wild Wolf Valley without concealment and flew towards the Wild Wolf Castle. Anyone can see that huge airship unless they are blind. When all the trial students saw the airship with the markings of the Norman Empire army on it, they had only one thought in their minds - Oh no, something big happened. Who still has the heart to hunt and test in the valley at this time.

The speed of the huge war airship was not very fast, so before it flew to the Wild Wolf Castle, the people in the castle had already discovered that there was such a huge thing approaching the castle in the distant sky, and even stood there. From the observation deck at the highest point of Wild Wolf Castle, you can see more airships appearing in the sky over the Crescent Grassland with a telescope.

"It's the Shark-class war airship of the Iron Horn Legion of the Norman Empire. Everyone, the war between the Norman Empire and the Andaman Alliance has broken out!" A complicated look flashed in Captain Colin's eyes as he put down his telescope, but his tone remained calm. …