Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 146: confusion


The teachers of the Temporary Supervision Committee took turns observing the sky over the Crescent Grassland with telescopes on the observation deck. Everyone who had used the telescope turned pale. Unlike the students, these teachers Many people can roughly guess the number of people in the Iron Horns of the Norman Empire below the airship just by counting the number and level of airships in the telescope, because war airships never go out alone. ※※

"What is the time to start the main boiler of the castle? Is it still too late?" A teacher asked at a loss.

"According to these students, it will take at least three hours to activate the main boiler of the castle. The pressure in the boiler can activate the air defense weapons in the castle. Within this time, it is detected that the pressure of the main boiler of the castle defense is increasing. The war airship only needs to calmly drop a heavy white phosphorus incendiary bomb, and the Wild Wolf Castle will be reduced to ruins. We have no chance at all..." A teacher answered calmly.

The teachers were silent.

"Everyone, raise the blue and green flags. We have no right to let these innocent students die in vain here! We all know how many troops are under those airships. In the words of the Eastern Continent, we people have to do it here. A praying mantis under the wheels of the train? Strictly speaking, those students are still civilians. They have no qualifications and no obligation to get involved in the war in front of them..." Jerome spoke, but his eyes were on Looking at Captain Colin, "Let's raise our hands and vote!"

Jerome was the first to raise his hand after he finished speaking, and many teachers slowly raised their hands. Finally, after Captain Colin also raised his hand, everyone raised their hands.

A few minutes later, a red smoke column rose from the castle. There is also the blue and green flag raised at the highest point of the castle. This is a more honorable way to avoid war than raising the white flag. According to the "Human War Convention" of this era, it is a sign that the castle is a non-military target and undefended.

Sure enough, after the blue and green flags were raised in the castle, the war airship flying towards the castle slightly turned in a direction and began to fly towards Black Flame City.

Captain Colin looked silently in the direction of Black Flame City with a slightly sad expression. Jerome pushed the door open and entered with two wine glasses in his hands. There is also a bottle of red wine.

Captain Colin was slightly stunned, "Where did you get it?"

"The castle commander's office!"

"That place is locked. If you go in without permission, you may be subject to a military court..."

"I picked the lock!" Jerome said nonchalantly, "Do you think that person will have a chance to come back and unlock the office door? Or, do you want to leave these things to those from the Norman Empire? Bastards receiving…”

Jerome said. He had opened the wine bottle, put the glass on the table, and poured two glasses of wine. When the blood-red liquid in the wine glass calmed down, both people in the room could notice that the liquid in the wine glass was trembling slightly. .

"At least two hundred thousand, not only the Iron Horn cavalry, but also the armored troops were dispatched. Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a big momentum!" Jerome sighed in admiration, as if he was talking about an insignificant thing, "Iron Horn The legion bypassed the Carcedonian defense line that the Alliance had worked hard on for twenty years, and appeared in a circle behind the Black Flame City. It cut from the Crescent Grassland to the abdomen of the Alliance, and it was a beautiful and fierce left hook... "

Captain Colin stared at Jerome fiercely and said, "Asshole!" He didn't know whether he was scolding Jerome or the Iron Horn Legion Egg of the Norman Empire when he finished this sentence. Captain Colin did not pick up the wine glass, but directly grabbed the bottle. He drank it gurglingly.

"The Norman Empire dares to make such a big move without any scruples. They must have compromised with the Sun God Dynasty. Maybe at this time, the Sun God Dynasty's legions are also marching towards Slansa City in a steady stream!" Jerome took a sip of red wine and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Those small business guys in the Andaman Alliance are finished. A hundred rabbits gathered together are still a bunch of rabbits. Seventeen small business people gathered together." Together, we can still only do small business!"

"The walls of Black Flame City are not so easy to break through. The Coal and Steel Federation has put a lot of effort into the defense of Black Flame City over the years. If we really want to fight, the Norman Empire will not be able to capture Black Flame City without paying a considerable price." !" Captain Colin said solemnly.

"Colin, don't you understand? For those in the Coal and Steel Federation, this is not a question of whether they can, but a question of whether they dare or not. Put aside your so-called sense of honor as soldiers!" Jerome His mouth became spicy, "You have to believe me, at this time, the only thing those guys doing small business think about is not the sense of bullshit dignity and honor, but how to negotiate with the people of the Norman Empire and strive for the maximum To ensure the safety of their property as much as possible and give them a hundred courage, they dare not take action against the people of the Norman Empire at this time. As long as there is an excuse, the Governor of the Northern Territory of the Norman Empire will not hesitate to These guys were crushed to pieces, and then they took all the wealth they had accumulated for decades. Just wait for the news. As long as the Norman Empire's army surrounds Black Flame City, in a few days, we will all be Normans. The emperor’s subjects…”

"Damn!" Captain Colin became depressed, took a few more sips of wine, and then looked at Jerome, "How many did you get?"

"What?" This time it was Jerome's turn and he didn't react for a moment.

"No matter how much wine you get from that office, I want half of it!" the one-eyed dragon said domineeringly...

When the vanguard of the Iron Horn Legion's iron cavalry approached only fifteen kilometers away from Black Flame City, the only floating lookout airship in Black Flame City discovered the rolling torrent in the distance and the huge airship in the sky.

The shrill war sirens and air defense sirens rang instantly in Black Flame City. Several gates of Black Flame City were closed at the same time.

On the wall of Black Flame City, all the soldiers and officers who rushed to the defense posts on the city wall, including Zhang Tie's brother, looked at the flood of cavalry in the distance, and everyone's faces turned pale. .

The people from the Norman Empire are coming! The Iron Horn Legion's army is coming!

When the war alarm sounded, Zhang Tie's father was in the factory, and Zhang Tie's mother and sister-in-law were at home. Many citizens of Black Flame City were still standing stupidly on the street.

As soon as Zhang Tie's father heard the alarm, he dropped what he was doing and ran outside the factory. When he saw several young people in the factory who didn't seem to understand what was going on, Zhang Tie's father gave him a He grabbed the two young men beside him and ran out with him.

"What happened!"

"This is a war alert and an air raid alert. Quick, leave the factory..." Zhang Tie's father shouted, and many people's faces changed and they ran outside together. If there is a real need for air strikes, these factories will be key targets. At this time, it is safer to be in an open place.

Zhang Tie's mother and sister-in-law immediately hid in the underground shelter dug at home.

People on the street began to panic, and Black Flame City also became chaotic...

Zhang Tie was rushing to Wild Wolf Castle at this time...

… …

September is about to pass. In this past month, I sincerely thank you all for your support!

I wish everyone a happy National Day holiday!

Tomorrow is a new month. I hope everyone will continue to support Tiger. Come and give us your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets!