Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 18: This is my world


Zhang Tie, who has always been very curious about the "Aura Value" option, can't wait to open this option. Like the other two options opened yesterday, at the top of the log of this option is a message about the Black Iron Castle. "Aura value" information. Compared with the previous two pieces of information about "merit value" and "basic energy", the information about "spiritual energy value" made Zhang Tie's understanding of the world much deeper.

—Plants build a bridge of dependence between the material world and living beings. Aura comes from the release of life potential energy generated by the combined growth of plants and matter. This is the foundation for the survival and evolution of all living beings. It is the law of harmonious symbiosis between the universe and nature. This is reflected. The more spiritual energy there is, the faster the growth of plants can be, and the more active living beings can be, and the further they can go on the road of evolution.

Like the previous two, this discussion about aura shocked Zhang Tie again. Zhang Tie read it over and over again more than ten times, and finally had an enlightenment and finally understood the reason why everyone likes green. Green is the color of plants. The presence of plants means that there is aura, food, water, and all the things needed for survival. The more green places, the more plants, the same place where living things can thrive. Most places, think about it, an uninhabited desert or a lush mountain forest, which is more suitable for human survival and reproduction? Naturally, it is the latter, because the latter represents more survival resources and more aura, or, according to The above statement represents more life potential energy.

A small seed buried in the soil can turn into a towering tree in a few years. If you think about it carefully, isn't this a very magical thing? Without soil, the seed will still be that small tree. Seeds, with soil, the life form of seeds has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is the combination of the two that produces the release of life potential energy. Plants transform substances and energy that cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by humans and animals into visible food, fresh Air and the invisible spiritual energy nourish all living things and build a bridge between matter and living things. In Zhang Tie's view, the law of harmonious coexistence between the universe and nature is a process of benign interaction among the material world, plants and all living beings. Plants continue to provide spiritual energy to all living beings, and all living beings must ensure that the process of plants providing spiritual energy is not blocked. Destroy and create a suitable environment for plants. I remember that the teacher once said in school that the reason why the human world fell and even collapsed before the cataclysm was essentially the result of human beings' continuous destruction of nature and the laws of the universe. At that time, human beings were so arrogant and arrogant that they destroyed nature and the universe. Everything is regarded as resources and items that can be plundered and destroyed at will instead of the homes and partners that one depends on for survival. People are constantly asking for it without knowing the feedback, which creates a series of serious problems. This is why in the orthodox school education system, the Cataclysm and the arrival of the Star of God are regarded as disasters for mankind, but in reality, many extreme sects regard the Cataclysm and the Star of God as disasters for mankind. The beginning of rebirth, because in the eyes of the latter, the Cataclysm and the arrival of the Star of God represent the end of human error patterns and the beginning of human new life.

After reading the above message, Zhang Tie thought for a moment and then turned his attention to the next message that appeared automatically.

—On the night of Friday, May 13, 889 in the Black Iron Calendar, potato seeds began to sprout in the Black Iron Castle, and the space aura value of the Black Iron Castle was slowly increasing. Please note, the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle, that the growth rate of the aura value of the Black Iron Castle is directly proportional to the number, type and quality of plants in the space. The more plants, the more high-level plants, the more different types of plants. , the more plants that can form different levels of life potential energy required for a complete ecosystem, the more aura they will provide to the space per unit of time.

This is the second entry in the "Aura Value" log. As soon as he read this entry, Zhang Tie felt that he had unlocked another secret about this mysterious space. He was very happy. A few sprouted potatoes could be used for black magic in one night. Iron Castle provides 0.3 units of aura value. So, what about other plants, such as the purple leaf trees on the street in front of his home? Although Zhang Tie has not learned much about plant taxonomy, Zhang Tie can instinctively I feel that a tree can bring more spiritual energy than a few potatoes. This is a truth that can be understood by imagining it with your knees. Of course, as for how to distinguish different tree species, this is not Zhang Tie I was able to answer at this time, but what does it matter? Zhang Tie raised his eyes and scanned the empty space, and muttered in his heart, anyway, there is plenty of room for trouble, as long as it can grow, it doesn’t matter. What? After thinking about it, some weird thoughts popped up in Zhang Tie's head. Because he was still in the Black Iron Castle and there were many secrets to explore here, Zhang Tie had to put down those weird thoughts for the time being. .

After turning off the basic attributes of the Black Iron Castle, Zhang Tie casually clicked on another branch of the menu tree and opened the "Space and Terrain Creation" function of the Black Iron Castle. The last time he clicked on this function, The system prompt is "Since the three major reserve values of Black Iron Castle are all 0, the space and terrain creation functions cannot be used." Zhang Tie wanted to see if the three major reserve values are no longer zero. This "space and terrain creation function" What surprises can "Creation" bring to you

Sure enough, there was a surprise. When the "Space and Terrain Creation" button was clicked, three lower-level classification menus appeared in front of Zhang Tie's eyes, namely:

—Surface layer options

—Crypt level options

—Underwater layer option",

The buttons for "Crypt Layer Option" and "Underwater Layer Option" are both gray in color. Based on experience, Zhang Tie knew that these two options were currently unavailable, so Zhang Tie clicked on the "Surface Layer Option" Button, click the button, and a one-foot-square three-dimensional image appeared in front of Zhang Tie's eyes. After careful identification, Zhang Tie found that everything in this three-dimensional image was the reduction of the entire Black Iron Castle space map at this moment. version, the whole image was vivid, even the steel bar that Zhang Tie inserted into the ground to mark the mark was displayed. It felt like the image in front of him could be rotated to facilitate his observation, so Zhang Tie used his hands to try to make the image in the void in front of him The three-dimensional image rotated. Unexpectedly, the three-dimensional map image actually rotated in the direction of Zhang Tie's hand, showing the original appearance of the Black Iron Castle map from another angle. Zhang Tie was overjoyed and kept turning it with his hand. The image turned 360 degrees in front of his eyes, looking at his black iron castle from various spatial angles. Not only that, Zhang Tie also found that any part of this three-dimensional force diagram image seemed to be able to be enlarged and reduced. When you press your two hands on the map and move apart, similar to the action of opening a door curtain, the map will become larger. When you press your two hands on the map and start to close the window, the map will become larger. It will shrink, and when you move one hand in a certain direction, the perspective of the map will also change. With any changes in size and perspective, you can see the three-dimensional map more clearly or more clearly. every detail.

so fun! This is how Zhang Tie feels at the moment. If nothing else, operating this three-dimensional map feels like playing with a fun Rubik's Cube or toy. It is full of fun. Zhang Tie gestures with his hands in the air like this. I was playing with the entire three-dimensional map over and over, zooming in and out for a while. I played with it for more than ten minutes before I stopped and studied the other details carefully. Since it is the so-called "space and terrain creation", then It's definitely not as simple as just letting yourself have an eye addiction.

There were no other function buttons on the entire three-dimensional map. Just when Zhang Tie was wondering how to "create", a line of words appeared in front of Zhang Tie.

—The handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle, all creations follow the law of "what you see is what you get". As long as you place and project any terrain image that you can imagine and visualize in your mind onto the map, the Black Iron The fort can be created for you.

It’s so easy. Zhang Tie decided to give it a try and adjusted the map to a 90-degree vertical perspective. Zhang Tie stared at a position in the upper left corner of the map, and then imagined a pool of more than ten square meters in his mind. Slowly, a light blue shadow of more than ten square meters appeared in the upper left corner of the three-dimensional map that Zhang Tie was staring at. The shadow was a bit blurry, but its image and general outline were It was exactly what the pond looked like in Zhang Tie's mind.

Visualization is a very mental thing. With Zhang Tie's current ability, he is still unable to perfectly visualize all the details of a pond of more than ten square meters in his mind, so the light blue color that shows the appearance of the pond is The shadow is also somewhat blurry.

Just as Zhang Tie was using his "gong" in his mind, but could not "piece together" all the complete details of a pond, another piece of information appeared in front of Zhang Tie's eyes.

—The detailed integrity of the terrain created by the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle is lower than 5. Is the system allowed to use random natural creation laws to make up for other missing parts of the construction? When the system is activated and the natural creation laws are constructed, the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle can use manual methods to make adjustments!

-agree Disagree

What else can I say, I can only "agree". When Zhang Tie clicked the "Agree" button, the light blue virtual pond image on the map was finally confirmed. It was exactly the same as Zhang Tie imagined, even better than The pond in Zhang Tie's "imagination" was more natural and vivid. A shadow of the pond appeared in the upper left corner of the map. Looking at the shadow, Zhang Tie let out a long sigh. Although it hurt his self-esteem, he had to admit, The system does this job much more reliably than I can do it myself. In practicing "Zhu Xin Shen Shen Suan" these days, I also need to visualize an abacus. For my current ability, visualizing an abacus is barely enough. If I visualize a pond, forget it.

After the rough creation terrain is determined, the so-called "manual" adjustment is much simpler. It is to use the method of operating the map, like kneading dough, to adjust the "size", "width" and "outline" of the light blue shadow. There are also general adjustments to its "position" on the map, and other smaller details cannot be taken into account "manually". But even so, the fun and convenience displayed by the entire Black Iron Castle in the "space and terrain creation" function completely exceeded Zhang Tie's best expectations by dozens of times. This function in Zhang Tie's eyes It completely turned the entire Black Iron Castle into a super interesting big toy, which was so damn interesting.

Zhang Tie was so happy that he almost jumped up again, but before the smile on his lips could reach his ears, a line of words appeared on the phantom of the light blue pond and instantly poured a pot of water on Zhang Tie's heated head. cold water.

—This terrain creation requires the following resources:

Basic energy reserve - 56879, aura value - 6878, merit value - 912 - Is it created


What a waste of creation. Looking at the basic energy reserve, aura value, and merit value on the basic attribute column of Black Iron Castle, those pitiful decimal points that people couldn’t bear to see, Zhang Tie almost burst into tears. According to what he saw in front of him, Progress, even if I finish all the work at home in one day, including cooking, sweeping, washing and washing, I will have almost 3 merit points at the end of the day. To make up for the 912 merit points, I have to do this at home for at least two days. Year? The aura value is a little better. Those sprouted potatoes gave Zhang Tie a little hope. If he can get more things to plant in the future, he should not worry about the aura value. As long as there are plants, this thing will grow steadily. But the basic energy reserve is really shocking - 56879. The basic energy reserve obtained by throwing almost a kilogram of pyrite into the Chaos Pool is only 0.2 units. The basic energy reserve of 56879 units, then Wouldn't it take at least about 280,000 kilograms, or 280 tons, of pyrite to be thrown into the Chaos Pool to convert so much energy

The ruthless "reality" made Zhang Tie realize that the big toy-like function of the Black Iron Castle's "space and terrain creation" was not something he could afford in front of him. The system of the Black Iron Castle seemed to be following the rules. There is a strict law of "equivalent exchange". If you don't save these resources yourself, the system will not let you down at all. Everything here requires the consumption of various things and great efforts in exchange for it. There is no such thing as free food in the world. Lunch, even if I am the "handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle". This big toy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Forget it, let’s see which other functions are most reliable for you.

Turning off the "Space and Terrain Creation" function, Zhang Tie clicked on "Biology and Species Management"...