Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 21: Orphanage


Grandma Teresa's orphanage is located in a civilian residential area near the city wall in the west of Black Iron City. Standing at the door of Rong Guyuan, you can see the more than 30-meter-high city wall of Black Iron City and the inner line of the city close to it. There are some buildings with military functions. The city walls of Black Iron City are the source of confidence and security for the people of Black Iron City. Therefore, although the tall city walls feel a bit depressing and not beautiful when viewed from a close distance, in this era, all No one living in the city would find the city's buildings too high. These tall city walls are also the reason why everyone wants to live in the city and housing prices are soaring everywhere in the city. Otherwise, just because the city wall brings enough security.

I wonder if my brother is standing guard on the city wall now? When he saw the city wall, Zhang Tie thought of his brother. As the city guards of Black Flame City, it is their unshirkable responsibility to protect the safety of the city wall. Zhang Tie did not know the daily work arrangements of the guards of Black Flame City. and transfer, so naturally he didn’t know where his brother would be or what he was doing at this time. Zhang Tie had no interest in finding out, because strictly speaking, everything related to the deployment and deployment of the Black Flame City Guards and military operations Information is the secret of Black Flame City. In normal times, people may not care about these things. They can bring out a lot of things in casual chats, but sometimes, if they really want to get serious, those overly exuberant curiosity , may bring a lot of trouble and disaster to himself and his family. As an ordinary person, Zhang Tie has always strictly adhered to his duties and did not have much curiosity. However, after listening to his brother's news about the Red Scarf Thieves Group yesterday, Zhang Tie still kept a cautious eye and took a closer look at the situation on the city wall in the distance. I don't know if it was a psychological effect or real. Zhang Tie felt that today There seemed to be more soldiers standing guard on the walls of Black Flame City and the chilling atmosphere than before.

When Zhang Tie looked away from the city wall, he saw Mother Theresa standing at the door of the orphanage. As usual, at this time every week, Mother Theresa would stand at the door of the orphanage and wait. With the arrival of Zhang Tie.

As a devout believer of the Gripis sect, Mother Teresa always wears a green nun's robe. There are some white olive branch patterns on the robe, which symbolizes the spirit of the Gripis sect. Her body is slightly fat. Mother Teresa, wearing a green robe, gives people the feeling of being like the old lady next door, exuding a gentle and friendly atmosphere.

Green and white are the colors favored by the Gripis and the colors that symbolize their teachings. Not to mention anything else, Zhang Tie felt that the combination of green and white was very good, and it always gave people a friendly and pleasing feeling.

When she saw Zhang Tie coming on a tricycle, Aunt Teresa had a smile on her face and turned around and shouted, "Children, your favorite food is here..."

As soon as Zhang Tie stopped the tricycle at the gate of Rongguyuan, five or six eight or nine-year-old children had already run out of the Rongguyuan. They were in groups of two and began to skillfully help Zhang Tie with the things on the car without Zhang Tie's instructions. Come.

"Heh... heh... be careful, if you can't move it, let me come!" As he said this, Zhang Tie started to help move several large clay pots from the car. The little guys were all happy. Smiling, he carried the pot and rushed to Rongguyuan. Then cheers rang out in Rongguyuan. More little guys ran out. Those with a little strength came over to help, while the younger ones stood one by one. On the roadside, people stared at the rice soup in the clay pot with their eyes wide open, sniffling hard, and drooling. For these children who grew up in Rongguyuan, this rice soup, which is as white as snow and always has a strong aroma of rice, is extremely delicious.

At this time, Mother Teresa always looked at these children who had lost their parents since childhood with a kind smile.

Every week, when Zhang Tie's family re-makes rice wine, a lot of rice soup will be left behind when cooking rice. This rice soup is a treasure. Zhang Tie and his brother grew up drinking rice soup. Who are the neighbors around Zhang Tie's house? When the family gave birth to a child and had no milk, those who could not afford milk often came to Zhang Tie's house to beg for some rice soup to feed the child.

Rice soup is a good thing and highly nutritious. It is the essence of rice, but it cannot be stored for a long time. It will basically go bad after two days. My mother said that wasting food is a sin, so I keep enough for the family for two days. After weighing the rice soup, Zhang Tie’s family would give it away to others. Many people with tinted glasses may look down on this rice soup, but for those children in orphanages who often have trouble eating enough, this may be all they can drink after birth. Best thing ever. The Zhang family sends rice soup from Rongguyuan every week, which can feed the children in Rongguyuan for two days. According to Mother Teresa, it is the best gift from God to these children.

In the past, it was Zhang Tie's father who sent rice soup. Later, it became Zhang Tie's brother. Now, it is Zhang Tie. The Zhang family has been in the rice brewing business for many years, so they sent it to Rong Guyuan. Rice soup has become a tradition of the Zhang family for many years.

Mother Teresa, who was directing a group of little guys to move the pots of rice soup one by one to the orphanage, came over, gave Zhang Tie a gentle hug, held Zhang Tie's head, and placed a kiss on Zhang Tie's forehead. He kissed me gently like a blessing.

"Child, God will bless every caring person, and those who can give to others with a kind heart will definitely be blessed by God, and there will be miracles in their lives... "

Mother Teresa had said this sentence many times before, but this time, Zhang Tie had a different feeling when she heard it, and she felt a little emotional.

"Thank you, Mom, I also believe that God will bless kind people!"

Zhang Tie's face was slightly red. Aunt Teresa's body was plump and soft. In the past, she couldn't feel anything when she was hugged by her. Now that she is getting older, she feels a little uncomfortable after understanding a little about men and women. Although I'm not old enough to have any thoughts about someone who can be my grandmother, I always feel a little embarrassed.

After the children in Rongguyuan moved the six clay pots in, they took out the cleaned clay pots in a short time. Each clay pot can hold more than 10 kilograms of rice soup. Five clay pots. The total amount is sixty or seventy kilograms. This little rice soup can be regarded as a "generous" gift to the orphanage who is short of food.

"By the way, Aunt Teresa, when I went to the rice store today, I found that the prices of many grains have begun to increase, and the price of sugar has also begun to increase!" I was waiting for a few little guys to carry the cleaned clay pots. While the tricycle was idle, Zhang Tie and Grandma Teresa chatted about the increase in food prices. This information was not good news for Rong Guyuan.

After carefully asking Zhang Tie for details, there was indeed a look of worry on Mother Teresa's face. She looked into the distance and didn't speak for a long time. Finally, she just let out a long sigh.

Seeing the worry on Mother Teresa's face and the happy smiles of the little ones around him, Zhang Tie felt his brain heat up, and he reached out and took the ten copper coins his mother gave him in his trouser pocket. He came out and put it in the hands of Mother Teresa, "Mommy, this is all the money I have. It is donated to the children here. Although it is not much, it is good to be able to help a little!"

This is Zhang Tie's first time donating money to the Orphanage. Zhang Tie, who used to be extremely poor, had no money to donate. However, in the past two days, after getting the Black Iron Castle, his mood gradually became brighter and his brain suddenly became hot. "He was generous", and as soon as the money left his hand, Zhang Tie felt a little regretful, thinking that he could just donate 5 copper coins. Why was he so generous and donated it all at once? Now he is so poor that he is penniless again. But regretting it at this time was too cheap, so Zhang Tie tried his best to act like a good boy, smiling slightly shyly with his two neat front teeth.

Mother Teresa, who was stuffed with ten copper coins, was slightly stunned. Then she took a deep look at Zhang Tie, reached out and touched Zhang Tie's head, "My child, your kindness will definitely be rewarded!"

Hearing the word "reward", Zhang Tie suddenly thought of something, and then said to Aunt Theresa with some embarrassment, "Mommy, I heard that you have a lot of plant seeds here. Can you give me some? I have one." My classmate just moved and has a big yard at home, and I want to give him some seeds as a gift!"

God, forgive me for lying to your servant. It was the first time Zhang Tie had lied to kind-hearted Mother Teresa, and he felt ashamed that his face was burning and his heartbeat was beating. It was only when Mother Teresa mentioned the word "repay" just now that Zhang Tie remembered that he could "request" something from here. But seeing Zhang Tie's slightly flustered look at this moment, Grandma Teresa felt more and more that this "child" was pure and simple.

The Gripis sect is also known as the Patron Saint sect. The teachings of this sect are the two colors on their clothes—green to protect the earth, and white to eliminate killings. This sect does not worship any idols or gods, but worships The earth under everyone's feet has a name in the mouths of the Gripis sect's believers, Gaya, the mother of the earth. They believe that all living things on the earth are the children of Gaya, the mother of the earth. It is a sect with the concept that all green is a gift and guardian from Gaya, the mother of the earth, to all living beings.

Zhang Tie didn't know how the Gripis Sect was doing in other places, but in places like Black Flame City and the Andaman City-State Alliance, which are full of commercial atmosphere and where gold coins are worshiped as God, the Guardian God Sect did not allow them to do so. Just look at Mother Teresa and the orphanage in front of you. In the Black Flame City, all the relatively powerful religions have magnificent churches or temples, and the Guardian God Sect has nothing but the right one in front of you. There is not even a decent prayer room outside this orphanage. In the eyes of many people in Black Flame City, this sect seems to have nothing more to say than teaching people to care for flowering plants, advocating people to plant trees every spring and taking in a few orphans. On the second day of March every year, On Sunday, the day that the Grepis sect calls Gaya, the mother of the earth, the "Day of Grace", the Grepis sect will hold a "Day of Grace" activity in Black Flame City to give away various plant seeds to the citizens for free. To raise a little money for the sect, it has been a while since the "Blessing Day" this year, and Mother Teresa should still have a lot of seeds left. Thinking of this, and then thinking about the fact that I only planted a few potatoes and corns. With the vast space and poor spiritual energy in the Black Iron Castle, Zhang Tie thought that maybe he could get some seeds, no matter what kind of plant, as long as they could germinate, and plant them in the Black Iron Castle so that the Black Iron Castle Accumulate the spiritual energy value you need as soon as possible.

Mother Theresa, who heard Zhang Tie asking for seeds, seemed to be more happy than seeing Zhang Tie donate money. She asked Zhang Tie to wait for a while. A few minutes later, Mother Theresa reappeared and handed over the seed. Zhang Tie had a cloth bag, which was very heavy inside, weighing almost half a kilogram. Zhang Tie did not open it. After thanking him, he got back on the tricycle with excitement and rode home in a hurry.