Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 24: Merit value


—Black Iron Castle

—Length: 1 kulushe

—Width: 1 kulushe

- Merit value: 35

—Basic Energy Reserve: 0.2

—Special output: none

The increase in spiritual energy value did not surprise Zhang Tie. Those sprouted potatoes will grow a little bigger every day, and of course they can provide more spiritual energy value. Almost half a day has passed since the morning, and the spiritual energy value will not increase. It's a strange thing. If all the plants in the back sprout, the peak of spiritual energy growth will come. It's just the beginning now. The other attributes did not change much, but the increase in merit value shocked Zhang Tie. He remembered that when he looked at it in the morning, it was only 3, and then he put in the mutation from two merit points to one potato with the mentality of giving it a try. During the evolution, the final merit value was left at 1. Why did it increase so much in just half a day? So Zhang Tie clicked on the merit value log and checked today's situation:

-On the afternoon of February 14, 889 in the Black Iron Calendar, the handsome and majestic castle owner helped his mother make rice wine at home, which relieved her mother's hard work, made her feel happy, and increased her merit points by 1.

-On the evening of February 14, 889 in the Black Iron Calendar, the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle sent rice soup to Rong Guyuan and donated 10 copper coins. His good deeds benefited many people and increased their merit points by 32.

—On the evening of February 14, 889 in the Black Iron Calendar, the handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle took the initiative to clean up the house after dinner, washing dishes and sweeping the floor. Keeping the house tidy will make the family feel happy and increase the merit value by 1.

Looking at the sudden huge increase in merit value, Zhang Tie was thoughtful, and then looked back at the clear meaning of the opening paragraph of the merit value at the top of the merit value:

"Eradicating evil and promoting good is the greatest mercy that creation has placed in the world; respecting heaven and loving others is the shortest way for ordinary people to return to the kingdom of heaven. Lucky people, on your way back to the kingdom of heaven, please show the kindness of creation to the world. , let all the gods in the sky understand your heart! Please harvest the most sincere joy and gratitude that billions of creatures have given to you, please end the evil soul and the boundless darkness, and let yourself become The self in your own mind, you will find that when you become yourself, you will inevitably walk on the light, and a brilliant and brilliant road has already unfolded under your feet!"

Although there were still many things he didn't understand, Zhang Tie was greatly encouraged by reading this passage and the huge increase in merit points, and his understanding of how to obtain merit points deepened. Although I don't have the ability to eliminate evil yet, "promoting good" means doing some good deeds within my ability, no matter how big or small, as long as it can help others and make others feel happy and joyful. It seems that No matter how big or small, there is merit and virtue, haha, that’s right, I love you so much…

Thinking of the many "fruits" that the small tree could provide, Zhang Tie laughed. If the Black Iron Castle turned into a person and appeared in front of him at this moment, he really wanted to kiss her twice...

After planting the seeds, Zhang Tie took another look at the basic properties of the Black Iron Castle. Full of energy, Zhang Tie ran to the Manjushahua Karma Fruit Treasure Tree and carefully circled the small tree twice. Hey, Zhang Tie was stunned for a moment and stared at a branch of this strange little tree.

Zhang Tie remembered that a light blue, grape-sized fruit was hanging on a small branch that was bare yesterday.

Zhang Tie was about to reach out and touch the fruit. As soon as his hand came close to the fruit, a line of text appeared in front of Zhang Tie's eyes.

- The unripe fruit is growing and cannot be eaten at this moment. Once the immature unripe fruit leaves the Manjusawa Karma Ten Thousand Fruits Tree, it will directly evaporate and disappear. There are still 124 hours before the unripe fruit matures...

This line of text frightened Zhang Tie so much that he retracted his hand. Only then did Zhang Tie think that when he had just obtained the Black Iron Castle, the Manjushahua Karma Fruit Treasure Tree seemed to have made him make a choice. Using the energy that escapes and leaks from your own body, you can create some kind of fruit without leakage. Could it be something like this little grape in front of you

The time for the fruit to be produced without leakage is 168 hours, which is exactly 7 days, which is one week. Then, by next Friday, this small fruit should be mature. Although Zhang Tie is eager to eat this thing now , so that he could experience the effect of that flawless fruit, but Zhang Tie, who understood that he could not eat hot tofu in a hurry, finally suppressed his inner impulse and walked around the small tree twice, even boldly After touching the various shapes and strange leaves of the small tree with my hands, I found a place, not dissatisfied with the dirt on the ground, and sat down with my hands on my chin, bored. The initiate was stunned.

I have been working alone in this space for more than an hour. Looking at the bare land around me, to be honest, it was very novel at first, but after looking at it for a long time, it is really boring. But now I can only slowly wait for my spirit. I will go out after recovering a little strength. This place is good for exercising and running, but I am really tired today and can’t run anymore. I don’t know if my parents outside are back at this time. They probably haven’t come back. Today is Saturday and tomorrow Dad is resting, and if it goes as usual, the two of them will probably come back later.

What to do with the rest of the time? Just sit in a daze and wait for your mental strength to recover naturally? Or... Meditate! Zhang Tie was amused by the thoughts in his head, ha... Don't be kidding, such advanced skills and techniques as meditation can't be learned in an ordinary school in Black Flame City. The techniques of meditation to increase mental power, Black Flame City may have it, but this kind of knowledge is only monopolized in the hands of a very small number of people, and the general public has no chance to see it. Even Captain Colin once said that those who master meditation to increase spiritual power will be in the military of Black Flame City. There are only a handful of people with various backgrounds among them. Even if the terrifying one-eyed dragon became a captain, he himself wouldn't be able to do it, let alone others.

Without mental strength, it is impossible to practice the magic points of the shrine. After Zhang Tie was stunned for a while, he suddenly slapped his head hard. How could he forget this? Didn't he get a copy of "Zhu Xin Shen Shen Shu"? Anyway, I have plenty of time at the moment, so I might as well use it to get familiar with it again, so as not to sit here like a fool.

Acting as soon as he thought of it, he quickly recalled in his mind the relevant contents of "Zhu Xin Shen Shen Suan" that he had read and reread no less than ten times in the past two days. He had completely understood it and could almost recite it completely. Zhang Tie sat down cross-legged. His hands were naturally placed on his legs, and his eyes were slightly half-closed. After a while, his brain calmed down. I don't know why, but this time it seemed that he fell into trance much faster than usual.

As soon as his brain fell into trance, Zhang Tie began to visualize an abacus in his mind according to the methods and formulas taught in "Heart-killing Divine Arithmetic". This is the most critical and important step in "Heart-killing Divine Arithmetic". The entire "Heart-killing Divine Arithmetic" The foundation of mental arithmetic in "Magic Arithmetic" is based on the abacus visualized by oneself. After a person can stably visualize an abacus in his mind, he can perform rapid mental arithmetic. If he has to use one sentence to do it Explain the principle of "Zhuxinshenshenshu": that is to use consciousness instead of hands and make a plan in your own mind. It's that simple.

The only thing that puzzled Zhang Tie was that the book required that the abacus visualized in his mind should be golden and the entire abacus should have a shining feeling. Why this was required was not stated in the book, and Zhang Tie couldn't figure it out. , and I don’t even want to get to the bottom of it, I just feel that this is probably the case originally.

According to the requirements of "Zhuxinshenshenshen" from large to small, from simple to difficult, Zhang Tie first imagined a rectangular abacus frame in his mind, then a cross beam in the frame, and then three vertical rails - three vertical rails, representing You can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations within three digits. This is the minimum requirement of "Zhuxinshenshenshen". When the three vertical files are visualized and the entire image becomes stable, start visualizing the inside of the first vertical file. The upper bead, then the four lower beads, then the second bead, the lower bead, the third bead, the lower bead, and so on...

For the first time, Zhang Tie had just visualized the first level of beading, and the entire visualized image in his mind collapsed...

The second time, same thing...

The third time, I completed the first bead in the first gear...

For the fourth time, I completed the second bead of the first gear...

Even Zhang Tie didn't know how many times he had failed. After Zhang Tie's poor plan of only having three gears was shattered four more times, he finally successfully visualized it and stabilized it in his mind. What is the equivalent of 125 plus 579? Zhang Tie's mind moved, and he hit several addition formulas in his mind on the abacus. The beads on the abacus with only three gears in his mind seemed to be dialed by someone's hands, slowly moving a few times. Next, it finally becomes a readable number - 704.

What about 18 times 39? A few more formulas were typed in... 702!

What about 987 minus 789? A few more formulas are typed in... 198!

Zhang Tie laughed loudly and enjoyed it. He tried it several times in succession. He did the three-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division all over again. The beads on the abacus he imagined in his mind moved a little faster. After doing it a few more times - 56 Multiply by 29? After typing a few more formulas, the golden abacus in his mind shook for a moment, and finally broke into pieces and disappeared from Zhang Tie's mind.

Zhang Tie opened his eyes. The result of the last mental calculation was beyond the calculation range of the third gear of the abacus that he had visualized, just like the steam boiler exploded due to high pressure.

Zhang Tie confirmed the value of the four silver coins again. Unexpectedly, he really picked up a leak.

Oops, no, what time is it now? It will be terrible when my parents come back at night and see that I am not at home. I don’t know how anxious they will be! Zhang Tie suddenly thought of something important and quickly stood up. Then, without making any preparations, he even forgot to check whether his mental strength had recovered. As soon as he closed his eyes, his consciousness locked the door in the eyebrow area - go out...

The next second, Zhang Tie appeared in the bathroom in the yard of his home. Using the waterproof oil lamp, he saw that the bathroom door was still locked from the inside. Zhang Tie breathed a sigh of relief. If his parents came home, Finding that he was no longer there, the bathroom door could not be opened. If he had called him from outside and there was no sound, the door would have been kicked open from the outside. Zhang Tie opened the bathroom door, slipped out and took a look, and suddenly felt relieved. It was only a little after 11 o'clock in the evening, and the door of the house was locked. As expected, my parents hadn't come back yet. It was so dangerous.

Standing in the dark and deserted small courtyard, looking at the stars in the sky, Zhang Tie patted his chest happily and comforted himself. He should be more careful when entering and exiting the Black Iron Castle in the future, and he would be in a situation like this again. Maybe his secret would be discovered once, so it would be better to use less mental energy. Then, Zhang Tie suddenly froze and thought of a question: That's not right, why did his mental energy recover so quickly