Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 27: Have a clear conscience


What should I do if I encounter a red scarf thief standing in front of me at this moment? Zhang Tie is also asking himself this question. Some are asking about heaven, some are asking about earth, some are asking about time, some are asking about situation, some are asking about people, but Zhang Tie is asking about heart!

If your heart is clear, your life will be clear! Zhang Tie said this to himself silently, and the clear answer slowly came to his mind.

The classroom was noisy, and the smile on Captain Colin's face gradually became obvious. As soon as Captain Colin stretched out his hand, the classroom immediately became silent again. Everyone looked at the one-eyed dragon and wanted to say something.

"Okay, now that everyone has made a decision, everyone, stand up!"

There was a crash in the classroom and everyone stood up from their chairs.

"If you want to rush forward and fight with the red scarf thief, stand to my left..."

The animals in the classroom rushed to the left. Zhang Tie also stood up. He had already made a decision in his heart. He just looked at those who ran to the left. There were only a few people who were still standing. Zhang Tie Somewhat surprisingly, Fatty Barry was about to move his leg to the left, but for some reason, Fatty's face turned pale, and the raised leg returned to its original position, and he just stood still and said Ge and Baghdad were the first to run to the left. Wright and Siesta moved too fast. As soon as Fatty Barry raised his leg, they ran to the left. In the end, they were a little dumbfounded when they saw that Fatty didn't come over. They kept looking at Fatty. Chauvin, who was following Barry's footsteps, also stayed behind with Fatty Fatty. In the end, there were only three people from the Aircraft Brotherhood standing there, plus one person in the classroom who was still standing there. The whole class of students, the last one stood there. There were only four people standing still. In the atmosphere just now, even people who originally had other ideas would run over because of their enthusiasm.

Barry was slightly surprised to see Zhang Tie didn't go over. He stared hard at Zhang Tie's face, as if he wanted to see a flower on Zhang Tie's face.

"Very good, has everyone decided?"

Everyone nodded, and those standing on the left expressed their contempt for those who were standing still.

Colin did not look at the people on the left, but at the four standing still. He casually pointed to Shavin sitting in front, "Tell me, why don't you rush up together like them? "

Chauvin was so nervous that he was sweating. He saw the Cyclops's club-like finger pointing at him. Under the majestic gaze of the Cyclops, he swallowed twice and weakly pointed at the dead fat man Barry. , "He... didn't go over, I followed him!"

"What about you?" Captain Colin shook his head slightly, and pointed his stick-like finger at Fatty Barry's head. Fatty Barry's fat face smiled like a chrysanthemum, and he almost bowed his head. , "If I see a red scarf thief, the first thing I think of is to report to the Sheriff or Captain Colin, instead of rushing up!"

I don't know why, but when I saw the fat man's flattering expression, Captain Colin felt a little disgusted. The finger pointing at the fat man seemed to be afraid of getting something on it, so he quickly turned in another direction and pointed at another person. "And you?"

The guy hesitated for a moment, "If they can go up and kill the red scarf thief, then I won't take the credit. If not, it's useless to help me!"

"You mean, if you see the red scarf thief, you will be ready to escape!" Captain Colin emphasized the word escape, his face became serious, and he exuded a sense of coercion.

Under the pressure of Captain Colin, the guy who was pointed at by Captain Colin felt as if he was accepting the most severe accusation, and gradually couldn't stand it anymore, "I... I..." said in front of Captain Colin. It really takes courage to say the word "escape". This guy is really not sure if the angry Captain Colin will jump up and slap himself against the wall if he utters these two words. I know that people like Captain Colin hate cowards the most.

Seeing that this guy was speechless, Captain Colin's eyes flashed with a hint of unnoticed disappointment, and he pointed his finger at the last person standing, Zhang Tie, "What about you, are you going to run away too?" !”

"Yes, I will run away!" Zhang Tie replied without any psychological burden.

As soon as Zhang Tie said these words, there was a burst of whispers of contempt from the left side.

"Why, they all rushed up, why did you turn around and run away?" Captain Colin asked, the gaze in his one eye became sharper, "Don't you want to rush up to eliminate harm for the people like them, even if it is more realistic to consider it? Yes, the head of any member of the Red Turban Bandits is very valuable!"

"They are just going to die in vain. With their current strength, even if they swarm up with twice as many people, any member of the Red Turban Bandits can easily kill them all in a short time. I heard that in the Red Turban Bandits The most common items are all at the level of fifth-level combat soldiers. Their hands are full of blood, and they have rich combat experience. They are all killed by killing people. A group of people who are not even first-level combat soldiers face red soldiers whose lowest level is level five. Scared thieves, charge forward with bare hands, they are not even cannon fodder!"

"What are you talking about, you coward!" Someone in the crowd on the left yelled angrily.

"That's it, stop making excuses for your cowardice, coward. Even if we die in battle, it doesn't matter, we are still better than you, a coward who turns around and runs away!"


"Shut up!" Captain Colin turned his head and shouted, and the world immediately became clear. Captain Colin looked at Zhang Tie and asked another very heart-wrenching question, "So, you are very afraid of death, don't you think face to face?" Is it shameful to turn away from an enemy and run away? Aren't you afraid of being called a coward?"

"I don't feel ashamed to turn around and run away from an enemy who is stronger than myself, knowing that I have no chance of winning and I am just losing my life in vain, let alone a coward! If possible, I will bring more people with me Run away..." Zhang Tie fearlessly looked at Captain Colin's increasingly serious gaze, "They are the ones who are really shameful." Zhang Tie pointed at the people on the left, which aroused a burst of anger from the people over there, and they were all gearing up to get out of class. Then teach him a lesson.

Zhang Tie suddenly became furious and cursed at those on the left, "Shut up, you bastards. You rushed forward and gave your lives to the enemy to end at will, without considering the feelings of your parents and family members. The enemy turned you into corpses just for a moment with the wave of his hand, but your parents had to work hard for decades to raise you. You were happy and made meaningless sacrifices in a way that you thought was heroic and great, but left you with a long period of pain. Dear family and parents, do you know how painful it is for parents to lose their sons? Do you know how uncomfortable it will be for them to hear the news of your death? Have you ever seen your parents shed tears for you? You don’t know anything..." The people on the left fell silent, each one thoughtful, while Zhang Tie continued to explode and cursed, "A bunch of bastards whose minds are all about muscles and war, the real shame is you, They are not only shameful, but also a group of idiots. If I were a red scarf bandit, I would also like such opponents and enemies. Killing you is easier than killing pigs. Under the knife's edge, a group of pigs will still run around all over the mountains and plains, but you Are there any cuter enemies than you who are stretching their necks to die in a crowd? I ran away. As long as I live, I can continue to cause trouble for the enemy and let him distract his energy and time to deal with me. If the enemy is careless enough , I will think of other ways to kill him, I can use fire, poison, lead him to dangerous places, I will grow up, give him more and more headaches, make myself more and more difficult to deal with, and even One day when my strength exceeds his, I can turn around and kill him, and by the time I can kill the enemy, the grass on your graves will be long enough for cattle to graze, you are a bunch of idiots who are worse than pigs!"

Damn, you bastards, I did a good deed by wiping your seats this morning and was scolded by you for being stupid. If I don’t find a chance to scold you back now, I will suffer from internal injuries. I will scold you for your parents. He was happy in his mouth, and Zhang Tie was also happy in his heart.

After scolding for a long time, there was no sound at all in the classroom, only the sound of Zhang Tie gasping for air after he finished scolding.

"Has anyone in your family ever died while serving in the military?" Captain Colin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked Zhang Tie a question.

This question stunned Zhang Tie for a moment. He didn't expect Captain Colin to be so sensitive. This question suddenly brought back many memories of Zhang Tie. Finally, Zhang Tie lowered his head and said, "I was supposed to have two brothers, but now I only have one." Well, in the second year of his service, that bastard encountered the war between the Andaman Alliance and the Scotts. He was very brave and always rushed to the front no matter what enemy he faced in every battle, so in the end, he left only one thing for his family. Beyond the box of ashes is a medal of courage!”

Because my family has already lost someone, I understand the pain of losing a loved one, so Zhang Tie's name carries the word "iron". This is the hope of his parents for him, hoping that Zhang Tie's life can be as hard as iron. This topic is always taboo in the Zhang family. Zhang Tie has never seen his brother who is no longer here. He has only seen his mother and father cry silently twice while holding a photo. Zhang Tie's parents' sadness is unforgettable. Later, Zhang Tie found out that he originally had a bastard brother named Zhang Yong. Because of his outstanding strength and outstanding performance, he was promoted to warrant officer and became an officer in the second year of that bastard's service. Then he met the Andaman Alliance and Sri Lanka. In the Kot people's war, I heard that that bastard was on the front line in every battle until he turned himself into a box of ashes...

Zhang Tie and his eldest brother Zhang Yang once swore that in this life, they would never send the same medal of courage to their parents again. Therefore, running away from a strong enemy is nothing, if necessary , even surrender is not completely unacceptable. I have never thought about being a hero who saves the world. My goal in life is to make my parents happy, make the people around me happy, and make the people I like As long as you are happy, other things, such as red scarf thieves and green scarf thieves, have nothing to do with you...