Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 34: Blood Scorpion Warrior


Throughout the afternoon, Zhang Tie, like other animals, was in an inexplicable state of agitation. Today, Teacher Dinah's biology class was unforgettable for everyone. Even in the afternoon, some people were still dreaming, as if they couldn't believe that someone like him Such a miserable green boy actually made such an agreement with Teacher Dinah. Does Teacher Dinah, who is as unattainable as a goddess, really have a chance to become his own woman one day

Even a slight possibility is enough to make all the animals on the training ground burst into unprecedented morale. Everyone is as excited as if they had been given blood, which makes the instructors on the field feel different.

Zhang Tie, on the other hand, had two things on his mind throughout the afternoon, after school, and when he came back from working in Tang De's grocery store.

The first thing is to have no leakage. According to Teacher Dinah, the human body loses a lot of energy in daily life, including one in urine, one in JY, one in sweat, and even wasted due to problems with the digestive system that are not completely digested and absorbed. The energy contained in the food is also counted as one. No one can tell how much these energies add up. After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Tie found that if what Teacher Dinah said is true, then from last week In the beginning, excluding today, I have not had a wet dream for five days. If this is normal, I would have had a wet dream at least three times in the past five days, but now, I have not had one. Doesn’t it mean these three times? The life energy, the life energy that created billions of tadpoles, is transformed into the energy of the fruitless fruit. Zhang Tie doesn't know how strong this energy is, nor does Teacher Dinah. The only information that Teacher Dinah can provide is that in the East, it is said that in the ancient qigong practitioner's secret training system, there is refining. Qi - The description of transforming the tangible human body into powerful invisible life energy "Qi" seems to be related to the huge life energy generated by utilizing the reproductive system. And this is just one of the energy sources of Wu Leo Guo. After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Tie found that the color of his urine these days seems to be much lighter than before, he has a great appetite, and he seems to sweat less during exercise than before. There are many, are these the effects of no leakage

Teacher Dinah said that these are only tangible and qualitative energy losses that can be seen, but there are more invisible energy losses, such as the heat that our bodies emit all the time. For example, before the cataclysm, humans have discovered that it is all over our body. The magnetic field and the glow of the human body, as well as what Zhang Tie couldn't understand, was also a kind of energy called electric charge that was produced in the human body every minute and every second that was discovered before the catastrophe, and the largest, invisible The energy lost is the various thoughts and ideas in each of our minds that change and become chaotic every second, that is, the human spirit and consciousness activities, which also produce huge energy losses. , some of these mental and conscious activities can be noticed by people themselves, which are called conscious consciousness, while some cannot be noticed by people, which are called subconsciousness or superconsciousness. When Teacher Dinah said that people's dreams or random thoughts are also channels for the loss of conscious energy or spiritual energy, Zhang Tie thought about it again. His sleep during this period was surprisingly good, and his brain was particularly clear every morning. Could it be that it was also his usual Is this the reason why the lost consciousness energy is transformed and absorbed by the Wuyu Fruit

What miraculous effects does the Wuduiguo, which has gathered the total visible and invisible energy of my entire body for a week, have

Thinking of this, Zhang Tie became even more excited about the Wu Liu Fruit that would be born in three days. At this moment, Zhang Tie still couldn't fully understand what the word "Wu Liu" in the small Wu Liu Fruit actually meant. Meaning, no matter how great it is to Zhang Tie at this moment, it cannot compare to the rank badge of a Blood Scorpion Warrior in front of him.

How to become a blood scorpion warrior before the age of 20, with the strength to protect Teacher Dinah, so that Teacher Dinah can become his own woman, this question was the second thing Zhang Tie was thinking about throughout the afternoon. As for this matter, no matter how much Zhang Tie wanted to get rid of him, there seemed to be no possibility in front of him.

Blood Scorpion Warrior - The fourth level of the warrior profession. In front of the warrior are soldiers divided into five levels. Therefore, the Blood Scorpion Warrior is a ninth-level advanced professional recognized by the Mainland Warriors Union. It ignites 34 bright points on the spine. A strong man, a high-end combat power that many people can only look up to in their lifetime, even a powerful existence that surpasses the one-eyed dragon. The 20-year-old blood scorpion warrior is such a dazzling existence. If it is not such a dazzling existence, how can it be worthy of it? And the goddess-like teacher Dinah.

From a miserable green boy who didn't even ignite the divine fire in the divine palace, to level up 8 times in a row within 5 years, before the age of 20, this is the only possibility to win the heart of Goddess Dinah in this life. What is going to happen? Things that only a genius can do...

However, I will fight for Teacher Dinah! Don't forget, you still have the Black Iron Castle and that magical little tree...

Thinking of Teacher Dinah's promise, Zhang Tie's heart became hot.

On the way home from Tang De's grocery store, looking at the gradually lit street lamps, the 15-year-old boy's eyes gradually became determined, and he began to look up to the goal that he had never thought he could achieve in this life before today - in Before the age of 20, become a powerful warrior with the blood scorpion as a totem...

Gurgling, gurgling, his stomach began to growl again. Zhang Tie grunted, and he seemed to be becoming more and more like a loser. Then, amidst the urging of his stomach, he began to let go and run towards home...

When he ran home, Zhang Tie was surprised to find that the door was unlocked and even slightly ajar. Could there be a thief? Zhang Tie, who knew his parents' habits, was moved in his heart. He opened the door gently and walked in quietly. He also touched a stick hidden at home and tiptoed towards the house. He hadn't gone in yet. As soon as he entered, Zhang Tie Tie heard a strange voice.

"I raised a girl like me until she was twenty years old, but your son made her pregnant. This will make it difficult for her to go out to meet people and get married in the future. Today I will bring her to your Zhang family. Well, if you don’t admit that the child in your belly is the child of your Zhang family, then you can beat her to death, and I will pretend that I never gave birth to this person, and everyone will be clean. If you want to admit it, your Zhang family will have to give birth to her. Here's what our Wang family says..." The voice was filled with anger. As he spoke, Zhang Tie faintly heard a "pop" sound coming from inside, as well as the curse of the person who just spoke, "I'll beat you to death for being such a shameless person. s things… "

A woman's cry was heard. Just as Zhang Tie was about to enter the back room, he found that the door curtain of the back room was raised. Boss Wang from the tailor shop and his woman came out. Boss Wang went out with an angry face. When he saw Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie He quickly hid the wooden stick in his hand behind his back and forced a smile on his face, "Uncle Wang, would you like to sit down for a while..."

"Huh, you don't have a good person in the Zhang family!" The man slammed the door angrily and left. The woman following the man took a serious look at Zhang Tie, and then left with a sigh. Seeing the two people leaving, Zhang Tiecai followed behind and closed the door of his home from the inside, put the wooden sticks away, coughed twice at the door, and walked into the living room in the back room...

There were three people in the living room. Dad was sitting on one side, frowning and smoking. The smell of low-quality local tobacco unearthed by Hei Yancheng itself filled the whole room. Normally, Mom would definitely scold Dad. , and at this time, his mother was comforting another woman in the house who was crying with her head down. As soon as Zhang Tie looked at this woman, he remembered the snapping noises in his brother's house in the past two months, and then he understood everything. Well, my parents are naturally understanding people.

I didn’t expect that my brother, who had been in a romantic life, got into trouble this time, but he fell into trouble, hehe... hehe...

"The food is being heated for you, go and eat by yourself!" Seeing Zhang Tie coming back, my mother reluctantly raised her head, said something to Zhang Tie, and then comforted the girl again.

Dad winked at Zhang Tie, and Zhang Tie said in a very sensible way, "You guys chat, I'm going to eat!" Then he ran to the kitchen and took out the hot things in the pot. The meal was very simple. But what his mother cooked was delicious, so Zhang Tie let go of his belly and ate until he was full.

After finishing the meal, Zhang Tie washed the dishes and tidied the kitchen again. He got another merit point. Zhang Tie thought happily and saw his father walking in. It seemed that his parents had already Decided.

"Zhang Tie, come here and tell you something..."

"What's the matter, Dad!"

"That bastard of your brother, he and that girl..." For a father to say this kind of thing, it's really hard to talk about it. Dad didn't know how to say it for a moment.

"Am I going to have an extra sister-in-law?" Zhang Tie asked with a playful smile.

"You're not serious!" Dad glared, and hit Zhang Tie hard on the forehead with his backhand, making Zhang Tie jump. "Anyway, that bastard brother of yours is not at home during this period, and that girl is If you live in our house, stay in your brother's house. You should behave yourself and call others sister when you see them. You know, don't make them feel uncomfortable... "

"What's wrong? It's not the first time she's stayed in my brother's house..." Zhang Tie rubbed his head aggrievedly and muttered in a low voice.

"What?" Dad's eyes widened again.

Zhang Tie quickly stuck out his tongue, "It's nothing, I just think that my dad will be a grandfather in a year and a half. I'm really happy for my dad!"

Zhang Tie ran away long ago before his father kicked him in the butt. Zhang Tie had already figured this out when he was eating. With the personalities of his parents, how could he force a girl to eat her belly? It would be a great sin to abort the child in the house. Besides, this girl is not ugly, and her family background is relatively innocent. She lives in the same street, and her parents have watched her grow up, so there is not much to say. Being picky, I just want to blame my brother for starting too quickly and not doing a good job in the aftermath.

When my brother comes back this time, the two families are almost discussing the matter of marriage, and why does Zhang Tie feel that when he said that his father wanted to be a grandfather, his father looked a little angry on the surface, but there was something between his eyebrows that he could not hide. It's a joyful stay.

Zhang Tie didn't intend to cause trouble at this time. After eating dinner and washing up, he went to the living room to say hello to his mother and future sister-in-law who were talking in a low voice, and then returned to the hut.

Zhang Tie, who returned to the hut, began to practice "Abacus Divine Arithmetic" as soon as he sat down. Through these few days of research, he found that before and after practicing the Divine Palace Mingdian, he should visualize the words of "Abacus Central Arithmetic". , the effect of practice seems to be really better. After practicing the visualization method of "Pearl Heart Divine Arithmetic" and practicing the "Pearl Heart Divine Arithmetic", the mental power seems to be a little more condensed than usual. The golden abacus in "The Divine Calculation" can restore mental power faster than usual. Zhang Tie felt that he had discovered the wonderful use of the visualization method in "The Pearl of the Heart".

During the past few days of practice, Zhang Tie found that it was especially easy for him to enter the state. In the past, it took a long time to enter the state. Sometimes when he was upset, he could not enter the state for more than two hours. However, these days, he often just sits there. The feeling comes as soon as I close my eyes. There are no distracting thoughts in my mind. I feel very clear and clear. Under the "polishing" of this pure spiritual power, the cyan light at the navel is getting brighter and brighter. The brighter it becomes, the stronger the connection with the crystal becomes. It seems that in a few months it will be completely transformed into blue, allowing my practice to progress further. Is this also the result of the unobstructed fruit? Zhang Tie is not sure, but this is always a good thing, so just leave him alone. The only thing that makes Zhang Tie a little unhappy is that the bottleneck of the crystal he used for practice has become apparent at this time. It was not obvious before, but now as the practice deepens, he feels more and more that the ordinary crystal can provide more. The energy is increasingly unable to meet the needs of my cultivation. This feeling is quite depressing, like a thirsty person putting his mouth in front of the water pipe, turning on the faucet, only to find that the water outlet of the faucet is only the size of a needle eye, and the water inside is just condensed and leaking downwards. It cannot make people feel the pleasure of quenching their thirst. This is the reality that poor people have to face. If he had a pyramid crystal, Zhang Tie believed that his divine palace might have cultivated purple light at this moment.

After nearly two hours of practice, Zhang Tie stood up from his bed, moved his numb legs slightly, then sighed and put the white crystal in his hand back on the edge of the window sill. Those crystal sands were filled with energy, and I looked at the dark and deserted street scene outside after the curfew, and closed the windows again - there were no street lights in the residential area where my home was located at night.

I wonder what my brother is doing at this time? This question flashed through Zhang Tie's mind.

Before going to bed, Zhang Tie made a habit of visiting the Black Iron Castle again.

—Close your eyes... lock... enter

The process of entering feels more and more smooth...

Zhang Tie opened his eyes and found that he was already standing in the Black Iron Castle.

—The handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle, welcome to the Black Iron Castle!

Zhang Tie casually clicked on the basic attribute panel of Black Iron Castle.

—Black Iron Castle

—Length: 1 kulushe

—Width: 1 kulushe

—Aura value: 7.3

- Merit value: 52

—Basic Energy Reserve: 0.5

—Special output: none

Not surprisingly, I earned 5 merit points today, 2 at home and 3 at school. However, the increase in spiritual energy value surprised Zhang Tie. After closing the attribute panel, Zhang Tie thought for a while. , came to his private plot, squatted down and looked carefully.

You don't know it by looking at it, but you are really surprised at first glance. On the land where you sowed corn, a row of strong young shoots has broken through the ground.

The corn that was planted has sprouted - Zhang Tie's heart was instantly filled with joy. The corn sprouted three days earlier than he expected. It seems that the soil here is very suitable for plant growth. Thinking about the rising price when buying rice on the weekend The price of grain, and then looking at the empty Black Iron Castle with nearly a thousand acres of land in front of him, Zhang Tie suddenly came up with a somewhat crazy idea in his heart. If he could plant 100 acres of grain and Fruits and the like, I wonder if I can make a fortune from this...