Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 38: A life that is inescapable


The aftereffects of being beaten up in the Iron Thorn Arena on Wednesday slowly began to show up on Thursday morning.

After being beaten yesterday, Zhang Tie was still interested in taking a comfortable hot shower in the staff bathroom of the battle hall before returning home. There were some bruises and scars on his body, but fortunately his face was fine, so Zhang Tie didn't have to worry about his father and mother finding anything.

After eating, and chatting with his parents and future sister-in-law for a while, Zhang Tiecai secretly took two sweet potatoes and a handful of soybeans from the kitchen after washing up, and returned to his den.

Naturally, the land reclamation plan for the Black Iron Castle was going on later. Next to the sprouted corn and potato fields, Zhang Tie quietly buried two more sweet potatoes in the soil, and planted a row of soybeans again like corn. .

Sweet potatoes need to be divided into holes when there are more branches. It’s like planting potatoes. Teachers in this school have all said that. As for soybeans, the planting method is similar to corn. You poke a hole with a steel bar and bury it and leave it alone. .

The aura value of the Black Iron Castle continues to increase and has exceeded 13. In addition to the corn sprouting one after another, on Wednesday, Zhang Tie found that he had randomly scattered the grass seeds given by Mother Teresa on the ground. It seems to have sprouted too. On the ground where I had sown grass seeds, a green shoot emerged from the soil.

There was still a little more than a day before the first unleak fruit matured, and on another branch of the small tree, another small silver fruit was hung out. Zhang Tie stretched out his hand to check and found that the iron unripe fruit was ripe. The progress bar has reached a little more than a quarter. It seems that if the same fat beating is received four or five times, the fruit will be almost mature.

No leakage fruit... Iron tire fruit... Hehehehehe...

After completing the prescribed training, Zhang Tie fell asleep while chanting these two names...

On Thursday morning, when Zhang Tie's biological clock woke him up from a deep sleep at a quarter past six on time, just as he was about to turn over and get out of bed, Zhang Tie's face turned pale, and then a thin bead of sweat appeared on his face. On my forehead, the feeling was just one word - pain! Everywhere in my body hurts! The places where I had been beaten frequently yesterday, especially the two hands I used to defend and block, hurt as if they were broken. This kind of heart-piercing pain comes from the external force on the one hand. It is the natural reaction of the body after a period of time after the blow. It seems that the amount of exercise yesterday was really too much. The muscles began to swell with revenge after a night's rest. When these two kinds of pain are combined, At that time, Zhang Tie suffered a crime.

Almost grinning and sucking in the air-conditioning, Zhang Tie slowly put on his clothes. At this time, it would hurt if he moved even slightly.

Only then did Zhang Tie realize that yesterday's fat beating was not so easy to endure, and this iron fetus fruit was not so easy to eat.

From getting up to going to school, Zhang Tie spent twice as long as usual on Thursday. His whole body was performing slow motion. Regardless of his movements, Zhang Tie felt a burst of pain if his movements were slightly larger.

When Zhang Tie came to the school, he saw the majestic Cyclops standing at the school gate again, beating the palm of his hand with an iron rod. The animals that came to school walked in through the door farthest from the Cyclops with their heads lowered like quails.

"Boy, I heard you did a good job yesterday and didn't embarrass me!" Zhang Tie hadn't greeted Captain Colin yet, but he didn't expect Captain Colin to praise him first after seeing him.

Zhang Tie twitched the muscles on his face and smiled, looking a little shy. At this time, even Zhang Tie didn't know whether he should be grateful or hate this one-eyed dragon.

When I came to the classroom, I found that many animals were talking in the classroom. What the animals were talking about was not that no one had wiped the tables and chairs today, but that animals from the same class had "ambushed" in the classroom of another class next to the classroom this morning. I wanted to see which "DSB" it was, so I came early every morning to clean the tables and chairs in my class. Unfortunately, what those few animals who were waiting in ambush to break the news didn't expect was that they were not going to do it. Liang came to the school to keep watch. Unexpectedly, even after most of the people in a class had arrived, they still didn't see the mysterious figure cleaning tables and chairs. Their plan to break the news completely failed.

Damn it, it seems that I have to be more low-key when doing good deeds in the future. Zhang Tie secretly thought that the curiosity of his classmates was too strong and this way of earning merit points would not work.

Perhaps because of his guilty conscience, Zhang Tie, who had obtained the Black Iron Castle, did not really want to become the talk of the school and class. It was a bit strange for a student who was originally mediocre to suddenly become keen on doing good deeds. Although it is difficult for anyone to associate Zhang Tie's good deeds with something as futile as merit, but according to Zhang Tie's always cautious attitude, there is nothing wrong with keeping a low profile when he has something good to offer.

The morning class was the same as usual. There wasn't much worth mentioning. Everything was done step by step. Maybe it was because Zhang Tie and the others would leave the school forever in two weeks. The teachers who taught the class were talking about the theories in class. There are less and less sexual things, and more and more experiential things. Sometimes the students are completely re-sharing the life experiences and insights of the teachers.

Next month, according to the practice of all schools in Heiyan City, from June 1st to July 31st, all graduating students in Heiyan City will have a two-month wilderness survival class. The two-month courses are It is a major review of the knowledge and abilities that all students have learned over the years. There are no exams in the school, because this era will eliminate all people who are not suitable for survival. Every year, the outdoor survival class for graduates from Heiyan City has a certain casualty rate. Last year, five students were eliminated from the outdoor survival class for graduates from Heiyan City No. 7 National Boys High School. Four died and one was disabled. Listen. It is said that in the most brutal year in history, the Seventh National Boys' High School eliminated more than 20 students in the one-month field survival class. For all the graduating class animals, this month's field survival class was the most important thing for everyone. The coming-of-age ceremony of this era!

A coming-of-age ceremony that needs to be celebrated with blood and even life! A coming-of-age ceremony that breaks away from the protection of the tall walls of Black Flame City and faces the truest side of this era.

After two months of survival classes, everyone's school days are almost over, and then there is a three-month vacation. After the vacation, most people's restless adolescence is greeted by long military service. During the three-month vacation, that is, before the official notice of military service came out, after obtaining the recommended quota from the school, a few lucky ones with outstanding talents had the opportunity to rise to the top in one step, study in more advanced places, and directly become the members of many big forces and The elite of the era cultivated by large organizations have determined the life coordinates of many people. The time for military service is equal to the time for everyone to receive compulsory education. One is a right and the other is an obligation. This is reciprocal. No one has any objection. Eight years later, when ordinary people’s military service ends, they will find that they I am already standing on two completely different steps in life from those who have had the opportunity to receive a better education, those former classmates.

After the four classes in the morning, the graduating class swarmed into the cafeteria again. Naturally, when everyone was queuing up to receive their meal trays, Gris, who was late every day, and a few others came in swaggeringly. After driving away a few unlucky guys who dared not say anything, he stood at the front of the team.

Looking at the performance of Grees and others these days, Zhang Tie often asked himself the question, what would he do if such an unfortunate thing happened to him one day? There was a vague answer in his heart. , but every time he queues up for a meal, he will deliberately choose to be in the middle and back position, trying to avoid the choice he wants to make. For a 15-year-old boy, that is not an easy choice. .

During the meal, Barry, a fat man, told Zhang Tie that next week Zhang Tie would complete another rite of passage in his life.

"From now on, all the brothers of our Airplane Brotherhood have lost their virginity!" Listening to Barry's great declaration, the beasts of the Airplane Brotherhood laughed loudly at the dinner table.

To be honest, although Zhang Tie was still dreaming about the "good life" and "robust love" with Goddess Dinah yesterday, after Bally announced that he would complete his "coming of age ceremony" next week, Zhang Tie's heart was still He jumped up unsatisfied, feeling vaguely eager. After that desire was transformed into an imaginary image in his mind, and after that image was finally transformed into a small tent held up high on Zhang Tie's trousers, Zhang Tie had to admit - Well, I am also a member of the school's animal army, not much more advanced than the other animals of the Airplane Brotherhood. But my love for Teacher Dinah is still sacred! Zhang Tie comforted himself.

The lower half of the dinner table was filled with all kinds of ridicule and attacks on Zhang Tie's tent by the animals of the Airplane Brotherhood. Zhang Tie was completely immune to the blows against these guys. After dinner, the animals would go to the classroom to play cards. That was their noon entertainment, and Zhang Tie went to the grove next to the canteen and found a place to sit down and practice "Abacus' Arithmetic". According to the requirements in the book, the first step of "Abacus' Arithmetic" was The requirement for success is to be able to complete the visualization of the three-speed abacus in an instant, and then use the abacus in the mind to obtain the results of any four arithmetic operations within three digits in an instant.

Zhang Tie is still far away from the requirements for completing the first step of "Abacus Arithmetic" represented by these two "moments". Zhang Tie has been able to compress the completion time of the third-speed abacus visualization within 15 seconds, and Zhang Tie still had a delay of more than 4 seconds for the results of four arithmetic operations within three digits. Thinking of the words on the cover of the book - extracurricular tutoring readings for primary school students, Zhang Tie couldn't help but feel ashamed. This seemed to be an ability that primary school students should master. But I have been struggling for so many days and still am still at this level. I feel ashamed...

Just when Zhang Tie felt ashamed, as if someone wanted to make him feel even more ashamed, a follower of Gris appeared in front of Zhang Tie. When Zhang Tie wondered why this guy was standing in front of him, the slightly gloomy guy With a "pop", he threw the pile of dinner plates he was holding onto the grass at Zhang Tie's feet.

"Wash these plates and take them to the cafeteria!" The guy dropped the plates and turned around and left without even looking at Zhang Tie. It seemed that he never thought that this unattractive guy sitting against the tree would refuse. Same.

Looking at the four messy dinner plates in front of his feet, Zhang Tie scratched his head and realized with some depression that in life, there are some difficult choices that cannot be avoided if you want to...

I will try to update another chapter tonight, thank you all for your support!