Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 40: Conspiracy and rat poison


Zhang Tie didn't know what happened behind the classroom. When Barry and others started to vote with a show of hands in the classroom, Zhang Tie had already walked out of the No. 7 National Boys' High School.

Life can be so messy sometimes. You sit in a daze under a tree and don't mess with anyone. But then someone throws a few stolen dishes in front of you and makes you do something that has no dignity. Choose between working as a dishwasher for free or getting beaten black and blue!

Second Austrian! The one-eyed dragon's words summed it up well. For some people, if you reject their insult, it seems to them that you have insulted them. In this case, I will simply grant you a favor and insult you enough, and you still come. Why don't you bite me on the ass

When leaving school, Zhang Tie happened to meet the Cyclops who had just walked out of school. Seeing him at this time, Zhang Tie naturally couldn't pretend not to see anything, and the two of them seemed to be walking a long way together.

"Captain Colin, are you going to the battle hall?" Zhang Tie took the initiative to say hello to Cyclops. It was really no secret that Cyclops worked as a part-time coach at the Iron Thorn Battle Hall.

After seeing Zhang Tie and knowing Zhang Tie's tough performance in the battle hall yesterday, Captain Colin had a much better impression of Zhang Tie. He felt that this boy was really a piece of material and a man enough. Captain Colin appreciated it and felt that he still had some Discerningly, "Yes, I was about to go to the battle hall. I heard that you are still working another part-time job outside, it seems to be a grocery store, right?"

Captain Colin had no idea that Zhang Tie was that "sensible guy" and had no interest in knowing. For Captain Colin, everyone should be responsible for their own choices. "That seductive guy" "Guy" since he dares to trick Gris and others into such misery, he must have the courage to face this matter alone. With so many students in the school, Captain Colin is not someone's nanny.

Zhang Tie, who knew the one-eyed dragon's temper, didn't mention the incident at noon at all, but had a casual chat with Captain Colin.

"Yes, this job was recommended by my family and I have been doing it for a long time!"

“What about working at a grocery store?”

"The boss is very good and I can learn a lot..."

The two of them just walked away casually chatting together on the road...

And when the two of them walked far away, behind the shadow of the tree next to the school gate, several people from Gris turned out from behind the shadow of the tree with ugly expressions. Several people looked at the backs of Zhang Tie and Captain Colin with ugly expressions. He gritted his teeth with hatred.

"What should I do? I didn't expect this boy to be so close to the one-eyed dragon. It seems that the relationship between the two is extraordinary!" Sharon said with an ugly expression. What happened at noon was just that Gris was a little unhappy when he thought that Zhang Tie had interrupted his chance to perform in Teacher Dinah's class that day. He kept remembering it in his mind. In addition, he heard that Zhang Tie was in class these two days. It was just a way to get a little limelight and try to suppress Zhang Tie. For Grace, at the final stage where his future is decided, there can only be one star in the Seventh National Boys' High School, and that star can only be himself. There is no one. Anyone can take the spotlight with him. Bullying an unlucky guy casually was not a big deal in the eyes of a few people. No one expected that Zhang Tie would have the courage to refuse at noon without saying a word. With a careless move, everyone was in trouble this afternoon. experienced the darkest day of their lives.

Sharon's words made everyone frown, and the fresh, hot whip marks on several people's backs hurt like salt, constantly reminding them of the humiliation and blow they had suffered.

"If we want to deal with this kid, Captain Colin will definitely come forward. What happened at noon today, maybe it was this kid who dug a hole with the support of Captain Colin and made us jump in. We will have to deal with this kid in the future. , it can’t be as easy as dealing with others!” Garnell said with some resentment.

"As long as we leave the school, as long as Captain Colin can't catch our evidence, we have plenty of means to deal with this kid, huh... huh..." Zuhair laughed sinisterly.

"What can you do?" Sharon asked Zuhair.

Zuhair looked around. As soon as they saw Zuhair's posture, they knew that what Zuhair was about to say must be a bit scary and they didn't want others to know. So they turned behind the tree and gathered their four heads together. Zuhair said what was in his heart.

"If we do this, the result will be beyond our control!" Zuhair looked at Gris. Among several people, he was responsible for making the decision, and Gris was the one who made the final decision.

"Is this... a bit... a bit too much? I just want to find more opportunities to beat him up a few times. After all, we are... all... classmates... This may lead to death!" Janelle was a little worried. He stammered, obviously shocked by Zuhair's sinister plan.

"What, Janelle, do you want to quit?" Sharon looked at Janelle suspiciously. "Will the injury on your back heal so quickly?"

"Ganelle, you are still so naive. In this era, how many coins are the words "classmate" worth?" Zuhair also mocked.

"I... I... I mean..." Before Janelle could finish speaking, Gris had already stretched out his hand and grabbed hold of her neck tightly. A two-level warrior with a strong physique like Gris and an ordinary student had a huge body. The gap became apparent at this time. Garnell, who was being choked by Gris, had both of his feet lifted off the ground with one hand. Garnell's face turned red, and he slowly showed signs of struggling in pain. expression.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Gris asked with a grin on his face. Janel, who felt that it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, desperately shook his head twice under Gris' hands, and then Gris let go. Garnell fell from the air to the ground, kneeling on the ground and coughing violently.

"I will do as you say. Let that kid be proud for two days first. When the time comes for the survival trial, I will teach that kid a lesson he will never forget..." A chilling and cruel expression appeared on Gris's face. Then the three people standing all laughed, either sincerely or reluctantly.

The result is out of control. At most, it's just a death. A black-haired boy, an irrelevant guy and a small person, what's the big deal? In this era, when is the day when no one dies in Black Flame City

Zhang Tie usually likes to call these guys in the school cattle. That's because Zhang Tie feels that everyone in the boys' middle school is like a naked calf at their age, but Zhang Tie really didn't expect that among these cattle, There's some real livestock hidden away.

When Zhang Tie went to the grocery store, he saw Tang De busy in the store, dealing with three customers at the same time. Seeing the arrival of Zhang Tie, the free man, Tang De was obviously relieved...

"Show these two guests our 'powerful rat poison'..." Tang De said something that only Zhang Tie could understand...

A few minutes later, the three guests all left with what they needed, while Tang De was smiling and counting the gold coins he received.

Zhang Tie didn't know the reason. After the news of the red scarf thief spread in Black Flame City, there were more police officers and patrol soldiers near the train station. But strangely, Tang De's grocery store business actually Things got better as well, and the number of daily customers was at least 20% more than before. The sales volume of some miscellaneous items in the grocery store, and even some items that were rarely seen in the light, were actually very good. Among them, the most popular one is the "powerful rat poison" that Tang De mentioned just now - that thing called powerful rat poison in code. Before the catastrophe, it was said to be the raw material for one of the most terrifying weapons in human hands. This raw material was widely used in the catastrophe. Before the catastrophe, not to mention contact or ingestion, even staying in the same room with this kind of thing or people nearby would be life-threatening. The school teacher said that this kind of thing was called "radioactive material" before the catastrophe. and the mysterious particles of the Star of God caused these "radioactive materials" to lose their radioactive energy, changing some of their basic properties, and they can no longer be used to make the most terrifying weapons, but their highly toxic properties have been It has been preserved. In order to obtain this substance, people before the Cataclysm needed to go through very cumbersome means to refine it. However, after the crazy geological movement of the Catastrophe, people found that in some natural minerals that emerged from the ground on the continent, The content of this kind of thing is actually very high. This natural highly toxic mineral, known as the "Devil's Stone", does not require any cumbersome means. It only needs to be ground into fine powder to have terrible toxicity. In the history of the Blackson Human Corridor, this kind of "rat poison" has been used by cult organizations to cause nearly 10,000 deaths and injuries. Therefore, according to the official regulations of Black Flame City, this kind of thing needs to be controlled. It is a special item, but in fact, for many adventurers and pioneers, as well as those combat professionals who work hard to survive in the wild and expand the human living space, this kind of thing is a sharp weapon against those low-level Warcraft and monsters. Sometimes, as long as you put a little bit of this stuff in the belly of a simple food bait, it is possible to kill several monsters. And if this stuff is simply treated and applied to weapons using a quenching method, ordinary weapons can also be poisoned. The power is greatly increased, so there is no way to completely ban the trade of this kind of thing. For this kind of thing, although private transactions are explicitly prohibited, the Black Flame City officials just turn a blind eye because they can't control it at all.

"Rat poison" is a gray code word that people give to this kind of thing to allow it to be moderately exposed. In a grocery store near the Heiyan City train station, a place where dragons and snakes are mixed, there is naturally no shortage of "rat poison". , Tang De's grocery store has real rat poison, and there is also this kind of poison that is labeled as rat poison. In fact, not to mention the rats at home, even those terrifying mutant giant rats outside the city can easily put poison into it. This kind of poison is The thing is colorless and odorless. Unless special means are used or the person who comes into contact is above level 10 and has very keen senses and mental insight, ordinary people and ordinary monsters cannot detect it at all. This is the purpose of this powerful rat poison. The scary part.

Since the curfew was imposed in Black Flame City due to the red scarf thieves, the sales of "powerful rat poison" in Tang De's grocery store have begun to rise. In the past, a small bottle of 75 silver coins could only be sold for five or six times a month. bottle, and now the price of this thing has risen to more than one gold, and three or four bottles can be sold a day. Most of the people who come to buy this kind of thing are just ordinary people. Think about what happened in the school today, and the unknown Revenge, this gave Zhang Tie a feeling of panic...