Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 43: The virtue of patience


Of course, Zhang Tie didn't know that the two scary guys behind him were back. When those two guys were groping on the ground, Zhang Tie had already returned home.

Because there is one more person in the family, and there may be one more person in the next ten months, Zhang Tie's parents did not go out at night these two days, but stayed at home. The food at Zhang Tie's house was also obviously It was richer than before. From the taste, Zhang Tie could tell that some of the dishes were made with the help of his future sister-in-law. Don't tell me, the craftsmanship was pretty good.

When Zhang Tie went home, he found that only his mother and future sister-in-law were there, but his father was not there. When Zhang Tie finished eating and saw his father coming back with a ham on his back, sweating profusely, Zhang Tie understood that his father was not there. What on earth did you do

Together with his father, he processed the more than 20 kilograms of ham and hung it up in the kitchen. He sniffed hard and smelled the meaty aroma of the ham that he had not smelled for a long time. Zhang Tiecai said jokingly to his father. Dad said, "Dad, you and mom are too partial. I've been craving for it for so long and you didn't buy it, but you bought it as soon as my sister-in-law came. Isn't it true that a son is not as good as a grandson?"

"You bastard!" Dad smiled and hit Zhang Tiet on the head. "You have to wait until your mother makes it before you eat it!"

"Hey...hey..." Zhang Tie smiled, but muttered in his heart, your son did something very impressive in school today. However, telling what happened at school would only make his parents worry, so Zhang Tie would never say it, "By the way, Dad, how much did it cost to buy this ham?"

"58 silver and 60 copper coins, almost 60 silver!" Dad said with some heartache, "It has never been so expensive before!"

Zhang Tie was also shocked. This amount of money was almost his father’s salary for a month. It seemed that his parents had really spent a lot of money on their future grandson. Seeing his father still feeling pain, Zhang Tie He leaned over and whispered, "You should also pay attention to buying some fruits. That way they will be nutritious and the Zhang family's babies will be healthy enough in the future!"

"Yeah, your mother is like that too..." He suddenly realized that he had fallen into Zhang Tie's verbal trap. Zhang Tie's father became so angry that he hit Zhang Tie on the head a few more times, beating Zhang Tie. Gotta run around the house.

After the future sister-in-law arrived at home, Zhang Tie found that his plan to earn merit points at home had also come to nothing. Everywhere in the house was cleaned and neatly tidied. He could not find a reason to sweep the floor. He couldn't find it. Regarding this, Zhang Tie could only smile helplessly. It seemed that this merit had to be found in another way that would not attract attention.

After dinner, my mother and sister-in-law sat together and did needlework. How can a woman from a tailor's family be bad at needlework? Looking at the skillful hands of this future daughter-in-law, my mother smiled so much that her eyes bulged. Zhang Tie helped the two of them work for a while, using scissors to cut some rags for insoles, and chatted casually with his mother and future sister-in-law.

His days in this home have become shorter and shorter. Zhang Tie was cutting the knots of cloth with scissors while thinking about how many days he would be able to spend time with his father at home, not to mention the last few months. Mom, I just said that after I graduate, in accordance with the "Primogeniture Act" and "Urban Residence Act" of Black Flame City and the entire Andaman Alliance, everything in this family is what my parents in this house have worked hard for all their lives. The eldest brother also inherited the family's city residence rights brought by the house. As the second son of the family, he could only leave the city and family to work for his future outside.

When the young wolves grow up, they have to leave their parents' den and face the loneliness of growing up alone. When the wings of the young eagle are full, they have to leave the eagle's nest on the cliff and spread their wings to fight the wind and rain. Even an ant will grow out of it when it grows wings. After coming here, you have to leave your ant nest and go to the wider world to reproduce your family. In this era, in order to survive, the laws and rules of the human race have also begun to learn from the ways of nature and those with stronger survival ability. Animal and racial learning, the "Primogeniture Act" and the "City Abode Act" are examples of this. If humans want to survive in this era, more and more people must continue to brave the high walls. Go out, bring ambition and a sharp sword, and continue to open up the living territory of mankind, continue to fight against alien races, continue to eliminate those dangerous creatures, and continue to build new cities and human settlements to multiply and accommodate more people. This is this The survival rules of mankind in this era have nothing to do with morality, but only reality and the needs of everyone's survival. Cities are very safe, but the population that a city can accommodate is limited. It is impossible for everyone to crowd into the city. For a family like Zhang Tie's family that only has two sons now, when the younger son completes compulsory education and starts serving in the military, This is when the "Primogeniture Act" and the "City Residence Act" begin to take effect automatically, especially now that there is a future sister-in-law in the family. The eldest brother is about to get married. As a young man who is about to enter the society, it is inconvenient to stay at home. There are more and more time to go out, and the time to stay at home is getting less and less.

Zhang Tie has been deliberately avoiding this problem these days. He just tries his best to spend more time with his parents, often telling jokes and doing funny things to make his parents laugh, so as to dilute the upcoming future. Regarding the sadness of separation, my parents seemed to be deliberately avoiding this issue, deliberately not wanting to mention it. At school, as the field survival trial approaches in the last two months of this semester, Zhang Tie knows that there are classmates in the same situation as himself. At this time, their families are already packing their young sons’ luggage and various supplies for a long trip away from home. Kind of ready.

Zhang Tie felt that the time he spent with his family was getting shorter and faster. He didn’t know when the basket of rags on his hand would be cut off. It was already a little late, and there were already spots in the corners of his mother’s eyes. After feeling sleepy and chatting for a while, Zhang Tie found an excuse, yawned, washed up, and returned to his hut in the attic.

Returning to the hut, Zhang Tie first took out the triangular wooden sign that he had picked up and knocked it over and over again several times. Then he finally confirmed that this wooden sign was indeed made of red thunder pine and did not have any Miracles and hidden mechanisms such as secret doors. Except for the natural lightning-like texture on the wooden sign, there is nothing special about this wooden sign at all. If this wooden sign is placed on a child's toy In the pile, if you say it is a building block for children, I am afraid no one will believe it.

Thinking of the big feet raised by the guy named Huck and the hands of the snake-like man touching his whole body, Zhang Tie's goosebumps rose again.

"Damn, you two perverts, haven't you had a good childhood? You're so old, and you still have something like this on you!" Zhang Tie cursed, then put the wooden sign into a cloth bag and threw it into the hut. In the box where the sundries are piled, I don’t care anymore.

After throwing the wooden sign, Zhang Tie took a deep breath, closed his eyes, found the magical arch between his eyebrows, locked it, and said in his heart - go in!

—The handsome and majestic Lord of the Castle, welcome to the Black Iron Castle!

It felt so damn good. Zhang Tie took a deep breath of the air in the Black Iron Castle. He didn't know if it was an illusion or a mental effect. Although there were only a few small plants that could sprout in the Black Iron Castle, the aura value was also low. Not much, but Zhang Tie felt that every time he came here, the vitality here seemed to be getting more and more vigorous, and even the air here seemed to be more refreshing than that in Black Flame City.

Following the old rules, Zhang Tie first checked the basic attributes of the Black Iron Castle.

—Black Iron Castle

—Length: 1 kulushe

—Width: 1 kulushe

—Aura value: 23.5

- Merit value: 56

—Basic Energy Reserve: 0.5

—Special output: none

The basic data is still nothing new. The aura value brought by the growth of plants is still increasing, and there is a trend of getting more and more every day. The merit value is zero today, and there is no gain at home or school.

After closing the basic attributes window, Zhang Tie went to his private plot and took a closer look. The potatoes were growing vigorously, and the buds of the corn had all sprouted from the soil. Now the sprouts of the potatoes have begun to sprout. The longest branch has grown nearly ten centimeters, and the potato in "Pit No. 1" where he invested three merit points for mutation and evolution has not shown anything special so far. Zhang Tie guessed , the results of mutation and evolution may be related to the growth cycle of the species. It has only been a week, so it should be normal to have no results.

After checking the situation of the private plot, Zhang Tie came to the small tree again and watched the color of the tree change from light blue to dark red. The size of the tree also changed from the size of a grape to the size of an egg. The shape was also similar to an egg. It was about to mature. There was no leakage of fruit. Zhang Tie swallowed hard and checked. There were still four hours before the final ripening. Zhang Tie couldn't help but scratch his head. He forced himself to calm down and squatted beside the small tree for a while, his eyes closed. Staring at the flawless fruit, he squatted down until his legs were numb. Zhang Tie then stood up and circled around the small tree. He couldn't help but check the ripening time of the fruit several times. There were still four days left. Hours.

When Zhang Tie couldn't help but want to check the maturity time of the fruit for the last time, Zhang Tie suddenly came to his senses, Zhang Tie, Zhang Tie, are you so impatient? A man who doesn't even have this patience, a How can a man who loses his composure when something happens be worthy of Teacher Dinah in the future? A wheat stalk will wither and flourish in one year, a diamond will take hundreds of millions of years to be carved by nature, a bean sprout will grow up if soaked in water for two days, and it is said that God created all things. The olive tree, the king of trees, has been around for ten thousand years! The fate of all wheat straws will eventually turn into ashes, the fate of all bean sprouts will eventually become human and animal excrement, but diamonds have become treasures, and olive trees have since become a sacred symbol. This is the difference between being patient and not, I In your life, do you want to be wheat straws and bean sprouts, or diamonds and olive trees