Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 5: Airplane Brotherhood


Under the stern gaze of Captain Colin, the five men had no choice but to take out the money one by one with nosebleeds. The minimum was five copper coins and the maximum was more than ten copper coins. Zhang Tie put the money into his pocket without hesitation. Here, it was Fatty Barry's turn. He took out nine copper coins from the pocket of his upper clothes with trembling hands and put them on Zhang Tie's hand, with an ugly and somewhat flattering smile on his face. ,"you win… "

Zhang Tie looked at Barry without saying anything, but there was murderous intent brewing in his eyes. He did not retract his outstretched hand, "Are you sure you only have this little money? Remember what we said when we made the bet? All, all, you know..." Zhang Tie added an accent to the word "all". After being classmates for so many years, he still didn't know what happened to this damn fat guy Bally who was usually the richest and often took people to restaurants. Maybe I only bring this little money.

Barry looked at Zhang Tie, and Zhang Tie stared at him. The two guys with nosebleeds stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a few seconds. Seeing Zhang Tie's momentum getting stronger and stronger, his chest became stronger and stronger. Gao, that mouth was about to open. The fat on Barry's face finally trembled twice like twitching, and the oily shine on the pimples also dimmed, "Heh... Heh... If you don't tell me, I almost... I forgot, I still have a little bit here..." As he spoke, Barry reached into the left side of his clothes, took it out, and finally reluctantly took out four shining silver coins, then closed his eyes, He put it on Zhang Tie's hand without looking at it.

As soon as he saw these four silver coins, Zhang Tie opened his mouth slightly. Now he realized that one silver coin is equal to 100 copper coins. I didn't expect that this damn fat man would really steal his father's money again...

This money was a "huge sum" to Zhang Tie, but to Captain Colin, he still didn't take these few silver coins seriously. Watching Zhang Tie scratch the unlucky guys in Barry, Captain Colin He held his two hands in front of his chest, one hand stroking the short steel needle-like beard on his chin, and one eye staring at Zhang Tie with some inexplicable meaning. Zhang Tie felt a little guilty after being stared at.

"Hmm, interesting, boy, what's your name?"

"Zhang Tie!"

"Are you very patient? You actually made such a bet with someone. Okay, I will remember you!" After saying this, Captain Colin turned around and left.

As soon as Captain Colin left, the people present, except Zhang Tie, sat down on the ground. Everyone felt that their legs were as soft as noodles that had been boiled for three days. It was so hard just now. It's so dangerous. If Zhang Tiezhi lets out a leak, several people will be completely ruined...

"Big head, it's even..." Barry, who was sitting on the ground, raised his head and tried to prevent his nose from bleeding as much as possible, "We beat you up, you beat us up, and you took away our money. , but you also saved us once with Captain Colin. Speaking of which, I also want to thank you!"

"You're welcome..." Zhang Tie also hurriedly took out toilet paper from his trouser pocket, rolled it into a strip, and pressed it into his nostrils to stop the bleeding. "We are classmates after all. Fighting is nothing, and there is no deep hatred. I don't want to see anything happen to you. Just like you didn’t want to see what happened to me just now!”

As soon as the paper blocked my nostrils, my voice became louder when I spoke. I felt a little uncomfortable, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Is there any more paper?" Barry stretched out a chubby hand.

Zhang Lin took out all the soft tissue paper used to go to the toilet in his trouser pocket and divided it into several balls and handed them to these guys. Each of these guys quickly followed the same example to stop the bleeding. After a while, the six guys in the woods The guys looked at each other and felt that everyone looked extremely funny. They all thought of a saying, that is, someone with onions in their nostrils pretending to be an elephant. Damn, it was so vivid. Everyone wanted to laugh, but they didn’t. Laugh out loud.

After Fatty Barry and a few others held their heads and muttered a few words, they solemnly said something to Zhang Tie that he didn't expect.

"After today's incident, we feel that you are a pretty good person, so we decided to solemnly invite you to join our organization - I hope you will consider it..."

"Your organization?" Zhang Tie looked at Barry and the others suspiciously. Just these few rabble who were left to die in the crowd and were immediately submerged like him, still had an organization.

Seeing Zhang Tie's suspicious eyes, Barry and the others tried their best to look majestic. Although everyone's noses and faces were bruised and swollen, it looked unconvincing, but Zhang Tie still felt the seriousness of these guys.

"We don't know each other without fighting. We think you are a good person, so we decided to bring you in after discussion. Don't underestimate us. Who dares to say that today's saplings will not grow into towering trees tomorrow. No one is born to be a big man. , as long as we unite together, sooner or later there will be a place for us in this Black Flame City!"

Barry's words made Zhang Tie's heart flutter. I really didn't realize that these guys still had such ambitions. Compared with them, he was just getting by. Zhang Tie seemed to be a little bit... Motivated, Barry continued to drum up his precise words, "We will graduate this year. After graduation, everyone will have eight years of basic military service. Maybe we will encounter some dangers and sad obstacles. , in this era, it is too difficult for a person to survive alone. With a few more brothers to help, no matter what happens in the future, there will always be one more way out. Even in the army, if there are many brothers around, you will not be bullied casually! "

Barry's last words finally moved Zhang Tie, who became a little interested in their organization, "What's the name of your organization!"

"Airplane Brotherhood!" Barry said proudly.

The Aircraft Brotherhood, is this the name of these guys’ organization? Thinking of the sight of these guys standing in a row by the classroom window as soon as he entered the classroom in the morning, pumping rapidly, this name immediately made Zhang Tie feel a chill. I heard that before the catastrophe, the kind of invention invented by humans The kind of machine that can fly in the sky is called an airplane, and I don’t know since when, the name of this kind of aircraft has become one of the compulsory courses for countless adolescent teenagers after adding the word "fight". Zhang Tie could not figure out the necessary connection between the monotonous and boring manual single-cylinder piston movement and that kind of aircraft. He thought that one day he would stand in front of the classroom window with a row of people like Fatty Barry. Making the same manual single-cylinder piston movement to Teacher Dinah, Zhang Tie felt that the most sacred place in his heart had been defiled.

"I can join, but you have to agree to one condition!" Zhang Tie told Barry after thinking for a few seconds.

"What conditions!"

"Don't do the same thing to Teacher Dinah in school again!" When these words were said, the 15-year-old green boy suddenly felt that he was great and felt a little excited. Anyway, although he was still Very weak, but still able to protect Teacher Dinah in her own way.

"No problem, then it's settled. From today on, you will be a member of our aircraft brotherhood!" Fatty Barry readily agreed. Although this is not the first time, there are so many animals in the school who don't know how to do it every day. How many people are doing the same thing, but after today's incident, Fatty and others really feel that their behavior like this morning is a bit risky, but if they are really seen by Captain Colin, it will really be over. , it doesn’t matter if it’s not in school, no one at home can control it anyway. Zhang Tie's condition is hardly a condition.

In this way, Zhang Tie joined the Aircraft Brotherhood. After absorbing a member, Fatty and others were in a high mood. They seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness just now. After getting the money in his pocket, Zhang Tie was not prepared to return it. Tie made up his mind that if this fat guy Barry asked him to pay back the money in the name of the brotherhood, he would quit this cào dàn airplane brotherhood immediately. From Barry's words, Zhang Tie also learned about the composition of the brotherhood. Apart from himself, Barry, and Doug, there were only a few members of the Aircraft Brotherhood present - Chauvin, Baghdad, and Wright. , Siesta, are all acquaintances of the same class, and there is only one rule of the Aircraft Brotherhood for the time being - all information about the brotherhood must be kept secret from outsiders, not even family members can tell, the brotherhood currently has no boss, all Everything is decided through discussion and voting.

What Zhang Tie didn't expect was that this aircraft brotherhood, which had been established for less than a few months, was actually divided into levels. Everyone had no objection to this and thought it was fair. The highest level was naturally Barry. According to Siesta and the others, Barry has made the greatest contribution to the Brotherhood, so based on his contribution, Barry is currently the only second-level member of the Brotherhood. The so-called second-level member is Fatty Barry alone during the voting. You can have two votes, level three has three votes, and so on, and you are a new member, so like everyone else, you only have one vote.

When walking out of the woods, Fatty Barry looked at Zhang Tie and hesitated, "That... those money..."

"Mine!" Zhang Tie covered his pocket and looked at Fatty Barry warily.

The fat man scratched his head in distress and smiled bitterly, "Forget it, let Doug wait for another two days..."

When the other guys heard what Barry said, they all showed silvery smiles.

"Doug is unlucky today, hahaha..." Shavin winked, "Unlucky guy!"

"That guy has been holding it in for two weeks for today!" Sista shrugged.

"Let him hold it in for a few more days..."

"If I hold it in for a few more days, that guy will definitely get pimples on his face!"

"Hahaha… "

Zhang Tie couldn't understand what these guys were talking about at all, but he felt that there was a silvery aura filling the brows of these guys when they were talking.

" will know later, this is the benefit of our brotherhood members!" Barry said mysteriously.


Today, Tiger just heard about the author of Fantasy Xia, Tian Xia Luoxue. Tiger here calls on all snowflakes to subscribe to all the VIP chapters of Tian Xia Luoxue's posthumous work "Wu Bu Tian Xia"!