Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 60: School leaving day


Although there was no leakage of reverse energy reflux to replenish the body's qi and blood, and Zhang Tie also took a rest, the sequelae of excessive blood loss could not be completely eliminated at once. It turns out that the biological clock that automatically wakes up Zhang Tie at a little after six o'clock every day also lost its function on Friday. Zhang Tie slept until nearly eight o'clock before being awakened.

Anyway, this feeling now is much stronger than yesterday. At least some blood can be seen on Zhang Tie's face. His body is still a little weak, but it is still within the tolerance range. This feeling is like I had the same wet dream several times last night.

MBD, who the hell said that bloodletting is good for health? At this time, Zhang Tie was thinking of those scammers on the streets of Black Flame City who encourage people to donate blood to make the body healthier. Blood is the energy essence of the body, and there is no blood. Are you still healthy? Now if someone sends that kind of street advertisement to Zhang Tie again, Zhang Tie will spit on that person's face. Scammers sell your donated blood for money, harming your health, but tell you that regular bleeding can help restore your body's metabolism and hematopoietic function. Go to hell!

Because he got up a little late, Zhang Tie was almost late when he arrived at school on the last day of his school career. Not to mention the strange look in his mother's eyes when Zhang Tie woke up in the morning, which made Zhang Tie feel ashamed. .

Zhang Tie remembered that when he was in school, Teacher Dinah once said that if the body loses too much blood in special circumstances, timely replenishment of sugar and protein can help the body recover, so on the way to school, he was always more iron than an iron rooster. For the first time in several years, Zhang Tie bought himself breakfast on the street - a bag of milk and two eggs! The price of this "most luxurious" breakfast that Zhang Tie had ever eaten was more than 50 copper coins, which made Zhang Tie feel distressed for a long time. However, after eating these things, when he came to school, Zhang Tie felt that his body was Strength and spirit are restored faster.

Just as Zhang Tie thought, Barry, this damn fat man, found what happened to him yesterday to be quite interesting. Therefore, he probably couldn't wait to share his tragic experience with the rest of the Aircraft Brotherhood when he arrived at school early this morning. Shared, so when they saw Zhang Tie walking into the classroom, the beasts of the Aircraft Brotherhood suddenly burst out laughing.

"Brother, if you encounter something unhappy, tell us to make everyone happy!" As expected, this is what Sista, the bastard, said when he came up.

If it had been the day before yesterday, Zhang Tie would have been frustrated and annoyed when encountering such a thing. But yesterday, after walking back and forth through the gate of hell, ending two lives and killing two people, Zhang Tie's mentality was no longer the same. In the face of the ridicule, he just smiled indifferently, "You guys, you know, you still ask, I am still a virgin now, you are satisfied!"

Zhang Tie's reaction was a bit unexpected. Everyone thought that Zhang Tie had suffered a blow and was a little depressed. Instead, Siesta came over to comfort him, "It doesn't matter. I know a great clinic. This is just It's a minor operation, but it will be a little inconvenient for a week or two after the operation. If there was not a survival trial coming soon, I would take you there today. That operation requires more than 60 silver coins, and you definitely don't have that much money. This guy Barry has discussed with everyone, and everyone is ready to help you raise money together. This survival trial is an opportunity. If we are lucky, we may be able to get something valuable!"

"That's right, we can't let a guy like you hold us back!"

"There is a virgin in the fraternity. It would be very flattering to tell the truth!"

A bunch of animals were chattering away, making Zhang Tie feel warm in his heart, these cute bastards!

Speaking of money, something in Zhang Tie's mind was touched, and then he suddenly remembered something. There were two corpses that had not been disposed of in the Black Iron Castle. It seemed that there were a lot of them in those two guys. Qian, I have been struggling to survive yesterday. My life is hanging by a thread. My body and mind have been in a state of high tension and exhaustion. After returning home, I relaxed, ate something, and slept. I almost lost this crucial moment. Forgot.

Thinking of the pile of gold coins in the wallet of that bastard Sneijder when he started to seduce him, Zhang Tie's heart suddenly became hot. He wished he could return home now and loot the two corpses to take a look. What else has been discovered? There may be more than this hidden in those two guys.

I posted it, I really posted it this time!

This was the last day of classes at school. In fact, it only lasted one morning. The school gathered everyone and reiterated the danger and seriousness of this survival trial, and then detailed the minimum preparations that everyone should make. After putting things in, I had a holiday in the afternoon. Everyone has two and a half days to prepare for the school requirements. The school recommends that everyone should prepare three basic things: a weapon, a sleeping bag, and five days of dry food. Others, if family conditions allow, it is best to prepare a poncho. There should not be more than food. What else you want to bring with you depends on your ability and ability. At the same time, the school where the survival trial will take place is also told to everyone. It is in the Wild Wolf Valley 70 kilometers west of Black Flame City. Among all the schools in Black Flame City, students from four schools will be there this time. That place completes the trial. This trial is the last chance for everyone to perform. Those who perform outstandingly in the trial will be able to obtain precious recommendation places in the school and get the opportunity to change their own destiny.

As the last meal for all the animals in the school, it can also be regarded as the break-up meal. The meal in the school cafeteria was extremely rich today at noon. For the first time, everyone was given two spoons of meaty vegetables, and the animals enjoyed it. It wasn't until lunch at school that Zhang Tie felt that his physical strength and condition had recovered to 70%.

After lunch, everyone was seizing this last opportunity to take a group photo. Even though a photo is expensive, there are still a lot of people who choose to be extravagant on this day. The photo studio business outside the school is here The explosion was so good that several photographers were almost overwhelmed, and bursts of magnesium powder flashes and smoke began to rise everywhere in the school...

The junior students looked on with envy, not knowing that for the graduating students, this photo might be the last trace of some people left in this world. As proof that a person has lived, there must always be something left behind!

Before the trial of survival begins, throwing off the virginity hat and taking a photo - for many animals, completing these two things becomes a rite of passage before leaving school.

The seven members of the Aircraft Brotherhood also took a photo. Just in front of the school, behind them was a row of large characters "Welcome to the Iron Age" on the wall. Seven animals stood in a row. Baghdad, standing on the far left, held his hands coolly and stood out with his well-developed chest muscles. Wright combed one of his hair with water to make it smooth and smooth, making him look a bit young and mature. Chauvin smiled shyly, and Doug grinned widely. He had only one arm around the fat guy Barry, because everyone unanimously decided to let him pay for the money. Barry was a little sad, but he was forcing a smile. Siesta made a scissor-hands pose very SB and stood on the far right. Zhang Tie was inexplicably sad, and the expression on his face was slightly slumped and stiff. When he was about to leave the school, Zhang Tie only thought of one thing - it would be difficult to see Teacher Dinah in the future!

With a dazzling flash and a bang, a cloud of magnesium powder smoke began to rise, and everyone's youth and figure were frozen!

"Everyone should prepare in the past two days. Bring more of everything you can use. We will be together during the trial. This way, if anything happens, we can take care of it. This is the real test of our brotherhood. The time has come!" Barry warned everyone when he was about to leave the school. "I will get a first aid kit, a crossbow, and some trauma medicine from my dad. For the rest, everyone should do their best!"

"Ji Nu, your father is so generous!" Shavin said in surprise. Everyone looked at Barry with envy, even Zhang Tie.

"There is no way. If I die this time, no one will support him in his old age. He prepared this thing for me. He is more nervous than me about this trial..." Barry shrugged.

"Brothers, it's time to fight hard. See you all on Monday!"

"Okay, see you on Monday!"

"See you on Monday!"

A group of animals broke up at the school gate and went their separate ways.

"Butou, you have to be careful. Gris and the others have been too low-key these days. I feel something is wrong, but I don't know what they are up to!" Before leaving, Barry reminded Zhang Tie in a low voice.

"It's okay!" Zhang Tie patted Barry on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. Maybe the day before yesterday, he was still worried about the so-called revenge of Gris and others, but after what happened last night, now, he really doesn't Keep Gris in mind again.

Barry scratched his head, "I don't know why, but I feel like you are completely different today than you were yesterday!"

"Haha, I was hit yesterday, so I just have to look away!" Zhang Tie said, laughing.

"Is that so?" Barry glanced at Zhang Tie suspiciously, "Anyway, just be careful!"

"Okay, I'll pay attention!"

After separating from Barry, Zhang Tie came to the Iron Thorn Battle. Today is the day to be a human punching bag, and it is also the day to pay for the next week. The survival trial will start next week. He can’t come here, and he has to talk to Supervisor Huck. Just say it.