Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 63: The fruit of brilliance


Two weeks ago, when his brother told him about the Red Scarf Thief at the dinner table, Zhang Tie listened with the intention of listening to a story. For Zhang Tie, a story like the Red Scarf Thief disturbed the entire Andaman Alliance. An Sheng's murderous bandit organization has nothing to do with an ordinary guy like him. Although the red scarf bandit has been operating in the Andaman Alliance, Zhang Tie always feels that he and the red scarf bandit are completely different. people of the world.

When Black Flame City started a curfew, Zhang Tie found that the red scarf bandit still had some influence on his life, but the impact was not big. Instead, Zhang Tie became worried about his brother, hoping that he would not have anything to do with this person. Encounter with the Bloody Hands Butcher.

The reason why the Red Turban Thief is so notorious and powerful in the entire Andaman Alliance is that it was paved with countless blood and bones. Twelve years ago, in the Blackson Human Corridor, the Red Turban Thief was created after breaking into the emerging small town of Baroque. The "Baroque Massacre" was enough to make everyone change their minds after hearing about it. A beautiful small city with a population of more than 100,000 was slaughtered by red scarf thieves, leaving no trace of men, women, old and young, and finally turned into a ghost.

The ferocity of the Red Turban Bandits scares everyone. The Red Turban Bandits have less than a thousand men, and the Baroque Massacre alone caused all the members of this less than a thousand bandit group to have the blood of innocent people on their hands. and more than a hundred wronged souls...

All members of the Red Turban Bandits wear red hoods during operations. Except for a few people in the Red Turban Bandits who are famous, the others, not to mention wanted, outsiders even don’t know the names of those in the Red Turban Bandits. No one knows that the red scarf thief acts in a secretive way. He usually disappears after completing the crime, and sometimes appears suddenly, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Zhang Tie never thought that one day he would get involved with such a terrifying organization. Not only did he get involved, but he also killed two of them with his own hands.

The words "red scarf thief" made Zhang Tie sit on the ground and his mind was in a state of confusion for a long time before he recovered. After recovering, Zhang Tie ran to Sneijder's body, lifted Sneijder's coat, and also looked at Sneijder's body. An opening was found on the right armpit of Ned's inner armor, and an identical red horror hood was taken out from the opening.

"Damn it, I asked you to crotch, I asked you to crotch, I asked you to bleed me, I asked you to bleed me, you bastard, you dare to kill people, you are so awesome..." Thinking that he almost died in the red scarf thief In his hands, Zhang Tie's slight fear of the two corpses instantly turned into anger and hatred, and he kicked Sneijder's body more than ten times.

After venting this vent, Zhang Tie actually felt relaxed. So what about the red scarf thief, can you come over and bite me on the ass after smelling it

"Bah..." Zhang Tie spit heavily on Sneijder's body. Then he dragged Sneijder by his feet, dragging Sneijder toward the Pool of Chaos like a dead dog. It was much easier for Sneijder, who weighed only half of Huck, to drag him.

After taking a few breaths on the road, Zhang Tie took five minutes to drag Sneijder's body to the side of the Chaos Pool. He shook it hard and the body fell into the Chaos Pool, slowly sinking into the black mire. Then Zhang Tie turned around and went back. It took almost ten minutes to drag Huck's huge body to the Chaos Pool. With a hard push, another member of the Red Turban Bandits disappeared from this world forever. superior.

After doing all this, Zhang Tie ran over again, took the two people's medicine bags, money bags, wrapped clothes, and the crystal packaging box, and threw them into the pool of chaos, completely throwing the two people into the pool of chaos. Everything in this world is completely destroyed.

After doing all this, Zhang Tie completely relaxed. From now on, who can say that these two guys are related to him

After doing this, Zhang Tie casually clicked on the basic attribute panel of Black Iron Castle.

—Black Iron Castle

—Length: 1 kulushe

—Width: 1 kulushe

—Aura value: 328

—Merit value: 2122

—Basic Energy Reserve: 43.7

—Special output: none

The values of the spiritual energy value and the basic energy reserve did not exceed Zhang Tie's expectations. In the past few days, more and more seeds have sprouted in the space, and they are growing better and better. The spiritual energy value has also increased more and more, and the merit value has But Zhang Tie was shocked. Why did it suddenly jump to more than 2,000? Zhang Tie quickly opened the merit value log to check the situation.

- Act on behalf of heaven, kill the evil Red Scarf members Sneed and Huck, reward good and punish evil, put the greatest mercy of the gods in the world, seek justice for the countless wronged souls in their hands, and let the evildoers get justice After receiving retribution, a total of 2048 merit points were obtained.

Looking at these words, Zhang Tie felt his blood boiling. Those two beasts really deserved to die.

After closing the basic attribute window of the Black Iron Castle, Zhang Tie came to the small tree again. The disappearance of the Wuliu Guo that he had been waiting for for a week made him feel heartbroken. He wanted to see what the Wuliu Guo was now. what's the situation.

The originally ripe fruit without leakage was now only the size of a peanut, hanging pitifully on the branch. Zhang Tie stretched out his hand, and another message was displayed.

-The fruit without leakage temporarily stops growing. After the fusion person's body Qi and blood recovers, the fruit without leakage will continue to grow.

Zhang Tie estimated that all the energy in his body was probably busy producing blood at this moment. According to his current state, it would take about two or three days for his body to fully recover, and then a fruit without leakage would mature. The time is probably ten days later.

Oh shit! Thinking of this, Zhang Tie angrily cursed the two bastards Hacker and Sneijder. Without what happened yesterday, his current strength would probably have improved a lot. The unleakable fruit is a real good thing. ah.

No way, just wait!

Then Zhang Tie checked the iron fruit again. The iron fruit behind was also just beginning to develop. The progress bar of the fruit's maturity was only about one-fifth. If he wanted to mature, he had to find a chance to get beaten. .

Just when Zhang Tie was about to turn around and leave the Black Iron Castle, he suddenly spotted something as his peripheral vision passed over the small tree.

"Hey!" Zhang Tie turned back and walked to the other side of the small tree. Among the branches and leaves on the other side opposite to the Wuliu Guo, Zhang Tie just noticed that there seemed to be a golden light that just flashed away.

Zhang Tie made a half circle around the sapling, then stretched out his hand to pry open the lush branches and leaves of the sapling. A golden fruit hung shyly there. The fruit was as big as a mature fruit without leakage, and was round and round as a whole. It has a perfect spherical shape, the skin of the fruit shows a deep dark golden color, and golden brilliance seems to be swimming inside the fruit. This fruit does not have the same fragrance as the smooth fruit and the iron tire fruit, but this fruit The brilliance of this fruit is even brighter.

Looking at this fruit, Zhang Tie was dumbfounded. He had no idea when this little tree would bear such a fruit again.

Since he doesn't understand, he can only take a look. Zhang Tie stretched out his hand to touch this dark golden strange fruit. Just when Zhang Tie's fingertips touched this strange fruit, a few lines of words appeared.

—The glorious fruit is ripe. How to use it? Eat it directly after picking it. Note that the fruit cannot be taken away from the Black Iron Castle. Twelve hours after picking, the energy and vitality in the fruit will gradually be lost.

As if he understood the question in Zhang Tie's mind, after this line of text, another line of text emerged.

-The glory of the fallen soul will be deprived of it with the death of the fallen. The soul of the fallen will return to the dark place, but the glory of the soul will remain. This is the power given to the soul by creation and will not be desecrated. All the glory belongs to the warriors who act for heaven, the warriors who dare to wield their swords against the darkness. You are the light that judges sin, and the glory of the soul will also become one with you, bringing you more powerful power. .

Zhang Tie swallowed hard. What is the glory and power of the soul? Zhang Tie doesn't understand, but what Zhang Tie knows is that this glorious fruit is absolutely awesome, and it seems that the glory of the soul is , seems to come from some kind of power that has been stripped away from Huck and Sneijder. Although I don’t know how strong Huck and Sneijder are, the feeling they gave Zhang Tie was only slightly weaker than the sense of oppression given by Captain Colin. Now there is something about these two people. Is this power all within this glorious fruit

I posted it, I really did it this time! Zhang Tie's little heart jumped up again. He took two deep breaths and rubbed his face vigorously. Zhang Tie carefully picked off this glorious fruit that was as dazzling as a gem. Considering Zhang Tie's character, good things must be eaten before he can feel at ease. Since he had the experience of taking the fruit without leakage, Zhang Tie, who carefully held the fruit, sat down cross-legged under the small tree. Then Zhu Bajie swallowed the fruit into his mouth and bit it open in one bite, just like eating ginseng fruit. …

The moment he bit into the fruit, Zhang Tie's ears seemed to hear a loud bang from the depths of his mind, and then Zhang Tie completely lost all consciousness of his five senses.

What happened next, for Zhang Tie, was like a dream. In the dream, he felt that his body had turned into a transparent, weightless body, and in the sea of consciousness in the brain of this body Among them, there was a glowing, pale golden mist swirling around a certain mysterious point in his mind. Then, traces of pale golden mist emerged from the gem-like brilliance that he held in his mouth. The golden mist dissipated from the fruit, and the golden mist merged with the original mist in his mind without any obstacles... When the two mist merged together, Zhang Tie's soul , a joy that he had never experienced before, joy, joy, joy, came from the soul, this joy that rose from the lowest depths of his heart put Zhang Tie in a state of joy that he had never experienced before. In a peaceful and comfortable state, in this state, the golden mist escaping from the Fruit of Glory constantly merges with the mist in his mind, becoming one, and the original circle in his mind swirls The mist is getting thicker and bigger, slowly changing from light gold to pure gold, and getting brighter and brighter...

I don't know how long it took, but when this process stopped, the original circle of fog in Zhang Tie's mind had changed tremendously, both in terms of quantity and quality. In terms of quantity, the volume and size of the circle of fog had at least expanded. More than seven times more. If the original golden mist is compared to a pencil, then the current golden mist is like a golden bamboo. The two are no longer on the same level. In terms of quality, in addition to the fact that the color of the mist is now more golden, when the mist rotates, it is even more filled with a kind of smart charm and vitality...

After a long time, Zhang Tie, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes and suddenly found that the black iron castle in his eyes seemed different from before. All the colors became more vivid and bright in his eyes. His nose seemed to have become much more sensitive, and the fragrant smell of the earth around him seemed to have become more distinct. The whole world began to become more exciting to Zhang Tie's senses.

Zhang Tie stood up and moved his hands and feet. His whole body felt refreshed and every cell in his body seemed to be joyful and cheering. This feeling was really great.

What just happened? What is that golden mist

Zhang Tie closed his eyes, and after a moment, he opened them, with a look of shock on his face. He finally knew what the glorious fruit and the golden mist were. The golden mist was in his mind. Mental power, in the past, was too weak to perceive the specific image of mental power. The glory of the soul is mental power. After killing these two evil guys, it seems that this Manjusawa Karma and Ten Thousand Yuan Treasures The tree deprived the two people of their spiritual power and formed the Fruit of Glory. The Fruit of Glory is the fruit that increases spiritual power. The spiritual power of the two guys is about three times as much as his own. When these mental powers are added together, in the end, Let your mental power surge to seven times what it was before...

After understanding all this, Zhang Tie looked at the silent tree again, his heart already filled with awe...

Because I had little exposure to this aspect of knowledge before, or I had no chance to know more. Although I don’t understand what role a person’s mental power has besides igniting the bright spot, the seven times increased mental power, For Zhang Tie, it means that in the future, he will get twice the result with half the effort. In the same practice time, he can achieve better results than before, or he can persist in practice for a longer time. Zhang Tie is already very satisfied with this alone. Not to mention that it seems that this increase in mental power has also improved my perception and sensory abilities to another level, and my body's reaction seems to be more flexible. When the survival trial is about to begin, this is the best thing God has given me. Nice gift!

"Come on, the survival trial!"

Zhang Tie shouted in the Black Iron Castle...