Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 72: Lay a trap


After a day's rest, the unlucky Doug was able to move around in the evening of the next day, but as long as he saw his incomprehensible face, everyone in the Aircraft Brotherhood couldn't help laughing. The trial On the first day, Doug squatted in the grass to defecate and was stung hard by a scorpion on his white buttocks. Fortunately, the scorpion was not very poisonous, especially after going through the fraternity. After being "cured" by "slapping therapy", Doug was almost able to move around freely after being in pain for a day. However, the scorpion's blow also made everyone wake up. Only then did everyone understand "Don't let yourself What does "the buttocks are casually exposed to the air" mean? Fortunately, the scorpion is not very poisonous and is just an ordinary product. What if it were replaced by a mutated highly poisonous scorpion, what if it was replaced by a poisonous snake or other poisonous insects that can kill people. Well, Doug is probably already a corpse at this moment.

No one wants to be hit by something from the ground or in the grass when they are squatting and defenseless. Everyone who woke up in the evening of the first day, because of Doug's experience, everyone tried their best. They spent one night building a toilet not far from the base of the tree house. Barry also sprinkled a circle of powder to repel poisonous insects on the ground around the toilet and around the dragon's claw tree, which completely made everyone useless. No worries.

The entire day on the second day of the survival trial was equally uneventful. Except for Doug, who was lying down to recover from his injuries, all the active members of the Aircraft Brotherhood spent the day taking off their shirts and taking turns to go into battle, each one looking like a little squirrel. Likewise, they all devoted themselves to the work of digging holes in the trees. Axes, engineer shovels, daggers, and long knives were all used. After a day of sweaty work, the second step of the transformation of the tree house base was basically completed. In the middle of the huge, somewhat hollow dragon's claw tree, three floors were dug out from top to bottom, a spacious space that could finally comfortably sleep seven people.

After completing the basic renovation of the treehouse base, after two days of consumption, the food piled together by seven people was less than 30 kilograms, and it could last for up to four days. The pressure of survival was all over the place, so the survival trial was On the third day, everyone has decided that they must find a way to get food today.

Zhang Tie was the first to wake up on the morning of the third day. As the blood and vitality in the body recovered, the biological clock in the body finally woke up Zhang Tie from a dreamless sleep at around six o'clock on the third day. After waking up, Zhang Tie opened his eyes and saw the marks of the knife and ax on the top of the tree roof. After waking up this time, the crystal clear feeling in his brain came back. Looking at that For some reason, Zhang Tie felt that he could tell from each trace what tool or weapon caused the trace. In the past, Zhang Tie didn't think he had this ability. Could this be the spirit? The result of increased force? Zhang Tie had become smarter and his perception became more acute and subtle. Zhang Tie didn't know it, so after being dazed for a while, Zhang Tie got up. Zhang Tie was in a good mood when he got up, because he knew that from now on Starting today, the fruit without leakage will start to grow again, which makes him feel that life is full of hope again.

The person sleeping with Zhang Tie in the tree hole above was Sista. When Zhang Tie woke up, this guy was still sleeping soundly. The guy below didn't seem to get up yet. Zhang Tie relaxed his hands and feet, put on his clothes and shoes, Then he put on his soft armor, put on his belt, and after checking his personal equipment, he climbed down the tree hole alone. He saw the tall and twisted body of the dragon's claw tree, and the protrusions on the tree. It's difficult for people of Zhang Tie's age to climb up and down.

The person responsible for guarding the rest of the night last night was Wright. This guy was holding the "Iron Gate T21" with his eyes wide open. He was sitting in a tree recess one meter below the bottom tree hole. When he saw Zhang Tie climbing down, Quite surprised, "So early?"

"Haha, the early bird catches the worm!"

"The early bird has eaten the early worm. Do you really want to try it?"

Zhang Tie nodded, "Yes!"

"Then I wish you good luck!" Wright also gave up the plan of persuasion. In Wright's opinion, Zhang Tie will still come back as long as he hits the wall twice. The miner in the survival trial is not that easy to be a miner.

Zhang Tie waved to him, got off the tree, and quickly disappeared near the treehouse base...

The morning in the valley is different from that in the city. The air here is fresher. After leaving the tree house, Zhang Tie greedily took a few breaths of the fresh air that contained the spiritual energy of Ueno plants and headed towards the distant stream. So I ran over, washed my face by the clear stream where everyone got water, broke off a branch of a willow tree to clean my mouth, then drank two sips of the mountain spring, and ate a small piece of dry food. Zhang Tie took action.

Before applying as a miner, Zhang Tie wanted to do one more thing. Zhang Tie had an idea in his mind for a long time, but he had not yet put it into practice. If the idea succeeds, he will no longer have to worry about food in the days to come. Now, he has plenty of time to do what he wants to do. After all, the miner is also a cover-up for Zhang Tie, and he has no real intention to rely on mining to make a living.

While working in a grocery store, Zhang Tie learned some skills and knowledge about survival in the wild from Tang De and some pioneers. These skills and skills cannot be learned in school. Some of them include setting traps and traps in the wild. The method of trapping prey, and after observing the environment of Wild Wolf Valley in the past two days, Zhang Tie found that some of these skills and methods might be worth trying.

Zhang Tie first cut a bamboo in the wild bamboo field near the tree house, took two one-meter-long sections of the cut bamboo and tied them together. Then when passing by a chestnut forest, Zhang Tie looked for another A duck-egg-thick chestnut tree about three meters long was cut into pieces with a multifunctional engineer shovel. After cutting off the excess branches and leaves, Zhang Tie got a gun barrel and cut the one around his waist. After taking out the steel gun head and fixing the neatly trimmed set of nails on the gun barrel, Zhang Tie got a long gun more than two meters long. With the long gun in hand, Zhang Tie suddenly became much more courageous, and then Zhang Tie followed it. In my own memory, I hung two bamboo sticks, held a spear, and ran to a place less than 500 meters away from the base of the tree house.

Because most of the people who took the trial chose to live within a distance of five thousand meters from the castle, in the past two days, all the birds and beasts within this distance were stared at, and each one was chased here and there. Those who were unlucky were all killed, and it was relatively safe within this distance. There were basically few dangerous beasts left, so Zhang Tie didn't have much to worry about if he acted alone.

Before reaching that place, Zhang Tie heard the sound of running water coming from behind the hillside. Turning around the hillside, a small river seven or eight meters wide appeared in front of Zhang Tie's eyes. The riverside was covered with weeds. Grass, as well as patches of reeds and aquatic plants. Zhang Tie's arrival scared several waterbirds by the river and flew up. The water of this river was not crystal clear, but it was still clean. Zhang Tie I squatted by the river and observed carefully for nearly five or six minutes. I found that fish as long as chopsticks would jump out of the water from time to time. Besides fish, no ferocious aquatic animals such as crocodiles were found in the river. , after observing for a while, Zhang Tie had a plan in his mind. He used his spear to clear the way and walked all the way upstream of the river. There was always a stream flowing into the river at intervals along the roadside. Every time he passed a stream, Zhang Tie wanted to stop and take a closer look, but finally shook his head in disappointment and continued walking. After walking along the river for seven or eight hundred meters, Zhang Tie had already seen five small streams along the way. None of them made him very satisfied, but in front of him, the river reached here and it was no longer possible to go on. What stood in front of Zhang Tie was a ravine and a cliff. The only way to get across was to swim across it or take a detour. Just in time When Zhang Tie was about to take a detour, he heard the sound of rushing water in his ears.

"Hey!" Zhang Tie stopped. If his mental power hadn't increased sevenfold recently, making his senses more sensitive, he might not have been able to hear this sound at all. The slight rushing sound came from Coming to bed from a very secluded place in front, Zhang Tie swept the ground with a long gun to clear a path. After turning around the pile of tangled weeds and thorns next to the cliff, the sound of the thin running water became clearer. Zhang Tie posted He walked along the cliff and followed the ravine to find the place where the sound came from. After turning east and west and passing several boulders blocking the road, he found a one-meter wide one that could just cover the feet. There were pebbles everywhere. The stream clings to the cliff and the ravine, flows down from the mountain, and merges into the river here.

As soon as he saw this creek, Zhang Tie's eyes lit up.

After looking at the location of the creek and the slope of the river, as well as the water depth and quality of the creek, Zhang Tie made a gesture with his hand, and then finally made up his mind. Finally, the emperor has paid off, and this is it...

Putting the spear in his hand on the ground, Zhang Tie took out his engineering shovel, took off his shoes, and dug up the creek not far from the mouth of the river. When he shoveled it down, it was full of sand and pebbles. Zhang Tie removed the mud Sand and pebbles were shoveled to the bank of the creek. It took about an hour to dig out a layer of water more than fifty centimeters deep two meters above the mouth of the creek. A man-made small pool the size of a tank.

After digging the small pool, Zhang Tie picked up the pebbles around the creek, built a small dam on top of the pool, and then began to level the water channel about two meters from the small pool to the entrance of the river. Come, Zhang Tie picked up all the stones larger than the size of eggs and larger pebbles in this section of the waterway, and then continued to find some fine sand and pebbles no larger than the size of a thumb from the upper reaches of the stream and began to pounce on them. In this section of the waterway, which is more than two meters long, we used engineering shovels to level and trim the areas with large drops and slopes in this small section of the stream, making the width of the stream narrower and the depth of the water flow increasing. Quite a few…

Zhang Tie went back and forth like this. Finally, he used a dagger to break open the two bamboo sections he carried with him, turned the bamboo into thin bamboo strips, and used those bamboo strips and nearby wicker to weave a bowl mouth. A large cone-shaped object was placed at the outlet of the small water pool he dug. This process took almost a whole morning.

When it was almost noon, Zhang Tie sat under a tree next to the creek, wiping the sweat from his forehead and looking at the fruits of his morning's labor with satisfaction. The creek was 20 meters from the mouth to the upper reaches. During this distance, under Zhang Tie's efforts, the originally peaceful stream had completely changed.

At a section where the stream enters the river and is two meters long, Zhang Tie slightly changed the flow speed and slope of the stream, making the water flow slower. At the same time, the water depth of the stream also increased a little. The original length of the stream in this section was The water depth is only between 5 cm and 10 cm. In some places, pebbles are directly exposed. The water depth is less than 3 cm. After removing those large and eye-catching stones and shoveling away some of the sand and soil in this section of the creek, , now the water depth of this small section of waterway is basically more than 20 centimeters. Above this small section of waterway is the deeper small water pool dug by Zhang Tie. Under the only outlet of the small water pool, Zhang Tie used bamboo and wicker sticks to The woven conical thing looks like an ugly pointed hat. Although the thing looks a little rough, it is the "portal" of this small pool. The conical opening is facing the direction of the river, and the tail is In the small water pool, its simple conical structure makes it appear loose on the inside and tight on the outside, and it can only go in but not out - that is, it is easy for things to get in from the direction of the opening, and the bamboo strips are basically not protected inside. However, on the outside, especially at the tail, it is difficult for anything longer than one finger to get in through the conical tail.

This small cone-shaped thing is the key to making this trap work, and 20 meters above this small pool, Zhang Tie used those large pebbles to build 8 small dams one after another, almost every two or three meters. Small dam.

The purpose of these small dams built with cobblestones is of course not to block water, but to form a natural drop, so that when the water flows down from these small dams, it can act as an oxygenator. After the creek has undergone this thorough transformation and eight times of oxygenation, the oxygen content of the water in this creek will inevitably increase greatly when it flows into the river. Some oxygen-loving fish will definitely sense it in the river. It is the nature of many fish to grab water and swim up along the entrance of the creek. Then those fish that swim up will eventually fall into the small pool that they have arranged. This small pool plus the conical The bamboo hat is a natural fish cage. As long as the fish swims into it, it can't swim out anymore. In the end, it can only wait for its own arrival.

This is the hunting technique taught by Tang De. It does not use fishing nets or harpoons, but uses the nature of fish. Under suitable terrain and conditions, as long as it is appropriately modified and a small and inconspicuous tool is compiled, it can Let the fish in the water fall into the trap one by one. At that time, Tang De once lamented that this man was similar to a fish. What fish likes is the oxygen in the water, but what people like is wine, sex and wealth. Those clever traps are all based on the nature and preferences of the prey.

The water in the creek that had just been tossed was still a little turbid. Zhang Tie rested for a while under a nearby tree and ate some dry food for lunch. The water in the creek began to slowly become clearer, and the rushing water was filled with water. Bits and pieces of water flowed into the river. In a short time, the filth at the entrance of the river was washed away. When Zhang Tie was about to leave, he cut down another leafy tree. tree branch, put it on the small water pool, and covered the small water pool. After doing all this, Zhang Tie walked towards the Wild Wolf Castle. Along the way, he used the skills he had learned before, using the branches on the roadside. Using the principles of elasticity and gravity, two traps are made to deal with small beasts and animals.

After doing this, when Zhang Tie came back to Wild Wolf Castle, he was stunned by the lively castle square...