Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 83: The wolf's counterattack


Throughout the afternoon, Zhang Tie spent his time practicing, and the time spent practicing was the fastest!

When he walked out of the mine again, the afterglow of the setting sun once again coated the entire Wild Wolf Valley with a layer of golden color. Zhang Tie squinted his eyes and looked at the quiet and beautiful valley in front of him. After a while, his eyes slowly recovered. come over.

The effect of this afternoon's practice was really amazing. The bright spot on the tail vertebra was already glowing with a red light after an afternoon of practice, and the whole body, after an afternoon of practice and recovery, was now glowing. Zhang Tie felt better than ever before. If it weren't for the burning torch reminding Zhang Tie that it might be getting late outside, Zhang Tie would really like to stay inside for a few more hours to replenish some basic energy for the Black Iron Castle. reserve.

Before leaving the mine, Zhang Tie entered the Black Iron Castle in the mine where he was mining. The whole process only took less than three minutes. Zhang Tie entered the Black Iron Castle with dandelions, wild blueberries and The seeds of the hawthorn fruit then quickly ran in a small circle in the Black Iron Castle, throwing the seeds randomly everywhere, then checked the growth progress of the second flawless fruit, and then exited.

There are still 56 hours left before the second leak-free fruit matures, which makes Zhang Tie very satisfied, but Wei Wei is a little regretful because she hasn’t gone to the battle hall to make human sandbags in the past few days. The maturity progress bar of the iron tire body quenching fruit still stayed motionless at the position before Zhang Tie came to participate in the trial. Looking at the green iron tire body quenching fruit, Zhang Tie was a little surprised to find that he had actually committed a crime. tend to feel a little itchy! Holy shit!

At this time, in the Wild Wolf Castle, it was those beasts who pretended to be gentlemen on the outside but were extremely beasts on the inside. When they invited the girls out for dinner, after more than a week, some men and women who were in love and passion were leaving that place. When we were in the small square, we started chatting and laughing and walked hand in hand down the hillside. Zhang Tie felt all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, and all kinds of feelings came to his heart. In the end, he could only helplessly touch his nose, smile at himself, and then walked towards the tree house.

I don’t know what Barry and the others have achieved today. Did they invite a bunch of girls to the tree house today

Zhang Tie was walking back to the tree house with such thoughts in his mind. Before the trial, all the dangerous rumors about this trial were left behind by Zhang Tie. Even Zhang Tie also I can't imagine what kind of dangers a hard-working and unlucky miner like me, who hides behind mine all day long, and who has set two mining records since this trial today, could be in danger. A wolf

Thinking of wolves, Zhang Tie smiled as he was blown away by the intoxicating evening breeze in the valley. If he met a wolf at this time, Zhang Tie would only feel that he was lucky and God had given him another gift. , a first-level soldier with a weapon in hand, even just a dagger, to deal with a wild wolf, the difficulty of this challenge is the same as walking 1.5 kilometers today carrying a 100 kilogram mining basket, and even Slightly worse, it will be hard, but not too dangerous...

But the main reason why danger is danger is that it often catches you off guard when it comes, and you have no time to prepare. The sky will collapse and a landslide will appear in front of you, and you can be crushed if you are not careful. Crushed to pieces.

Less than twenty minutes after leaving the mine, Zhang Tie had walked several miles of mountain road and had just turned around a hill. When he was about to cross the small patch of grass that he passed every day, Zhang Tie suddenly stopped. steps.

At this time, his heart suddenly started beating violently. The violently beating heart brought more blood to the brain, so that for a moment, Zhang Tie's head felt slightly dizzy, and then he became inexplicably panicked. Zhang Tie's expression suddenly changed.

Hard work**!

It was exactly the same as the time when I met Huck and Sneijder two weeks ago**.

The half-human-high grassland is more than thirty meters away in front of Zhang Tie. Next to the grassland is a path that Zhang Tie walks every day when he comes to mine. When the wind blows, the grassland rustles like wheat in the field. It rolled across a patch of grass.

Zhang Tie broke out in cold sweat and told him directly that there were some scary things in the grass staring at him. Zhang Tie didn't know whether the people hiding in the grass were humans or animals. At this time, Zhang Tie thought It's Gris and the others. Do those guys have the guts to ambush me here

Zhang Tie slowly took off the mining basket on his back, took out the mining pick inside the mining basket with his right hand, and used his left hand to pull out the dagger he used for self-defense. The dagger was just an ordinary dagger given to him by his brother. The one given by Tang De was used to intimidate people, so Zhang Tie placed it in the Black Iron Castle.

With the two weapons in hand, Zhang Tie calmed down a little. He stared at the grass with his eyes wide open, trying to see what was hiding in it. If it was really Gris and the others, Zhang Tie would definitely do it this time. To make them walk around without food...

The wind picked up, and the grass waves continued to roll. In the rolling grass waves, Zhang Tie found that there were several rocks in the grass waves, which made the grass waves hit them. There have been some changes in form.

Before his mental power surged, Zhang Tie would not have such keen observation skills. But after his mental power surged, Zhang Tie immediately caught the slightest change. Zhang Tie swallowed a mouthful of saliva and slowly walked towards After retreating, Zhang Tie just took a few steps back. The rocks that were originally lurking in the grass waves also moved with Zhang Tie. The rocks separated from the grass waves and approached Zhang Tie step by step.

A wolf staring closely at Zhang Tie emerged from the grass...

It turned out to be a wolf? Zhang Tie's nerves relaxed slightly, and then tightened. Behind the wolf, wolves emerged from the grass one after another, one, two, three, four, five, six, Seven…

There were seven wolves in total. All the wolves that emerged from the grass had only one action towards Zhang Tie, which was to look at Zhang Tie with pairs of red eyes. Zhang Tie only looked at these wolves. You can feel the emotions these wolves have towards you - not the greed and desire to kill in the face of prey, but hatred, deep-seated hatred, a hatred that cannot be washed away even if all the blood in your body is drained.

Why do these wolves hate themselves so much? Zhang Tie didn't know. Zhang Tie only knew that this time, he was in danger. He looked at the white fangs gradually exposed at the corners of the mouths of the seven wolves, slowly lowered their bodies, and listened to the sound in their throats. The sound of gurgling gradually boiled, and all the hair on Zhang Tie's body exploded at this moment...

Zhang Tie turned around and ran. The moment he stretched his legs with all his strength, Zhang Tie's mind was as clear as crystal, and some information flashed in Zhang Tie's mind like lightning...

I am less than thirty meters away from these wolves at the moment. If I run away with all my strength, at my current speed, it will only take more than twenty seconds for these wolves to catch up with me. With my current ability, I cannot compete with these wild wolves in the wild. than speed…

After catching up with him, the time that determines his life or death is less than thirty seconds. In these thirty seconds, he can kill one or two of these wolves with all his strength, but in thirty seconds, It is enough for the remaining seven wolves to tear open their belly or bite their throats. When they are knocked down by these wolves, they will be completely finished...

Entering the Black Iron Castle requires you to be quiet for ten seconds... no, nine seconds. You cannot be disturbed during this time. It is too late now. The Black Iron Castle is no longer functional and cannot help you...

There is no one nearby. In the fifty seconds that determines his life or death, no one can come to save him. Therefore, the time he can really use to escape is only about twenty seconds. Within these twenty seconds, once If you are caught up by these seven wolves, you will be doomed...

He couldn't bear it, and others couldn't rely on him. In these twenty seconds, his only hope was to use the terrain, the terrain and trees within two hundred meters behind him.

The best available terrain is water - unfortunately there is none. There are also trees, there are many trees, but my tree climbing skills are not much different from those of a three-legged cat. In a few seconds, I cannot climb to a safe enough height, so climbing trees is not possible. So, there is only the last one. If you choose another path, you will be dead or alive. If you choose this one, there is still a glimmer of hope.

These thoughts flashed through Zhang Tie's mind in less than a tenth of a second. At the moment when these thoughts flashed through, Zhang Tie decided on his escape plan. If it had been anyone else, 90% The first reaction of the above people when encountering this situation must be to escape in the direction of the crowded Wild Wolf Castle, hoping to rely on an illusory accident and possibility to win their lives, and this road, Zhang Tie It seems that we will reach the end within 50 seconds, and the remaining 10% of people just run away in a panic, just want to stay away from these wolves. The chance of survival on this road is not great, and they will also reach the end within 50 seconds. The end is even shorter than the first one. But the decision Zhang Tie made was to run quickly to another road next to him with a clear goal, preparing to survive in death...

Of course, just running is not enough. People can never give up even a little bit of hope. Especially as a promising young man in the new era, he must not just follow the trend and let it go. Instead, he should do something. So the moment Zhang Tie turned around and ran away, he was shocked. The heavens and the earth were weeping, and with all the strength in her body, she screamed out in a very pitiful and powerful voice—


This sound shook the surrounding areas and startled countless birds in the valley...

After shouting this, Zhang Tie rushed out with all his strength. Behind him, seven wild wolves with red eyes were chasing after him, gradually closing the distance with Zhang Tie.

Zhang Tie's last cry of "help" was really heard. On a hill more than 300 meters away, a group of men and women, about 30 people, were having a barbecue in the forest. When the call for help came, the men and women hurriedly ran out of the forest with the weapons around them. The red-haired beauty who had kicked Zhang Tie was among this group of people, and then these people were on the mountain. Witnessed Zhang Tie's "last few seconds" performance in this world...

Zhang Tie was finally caught up by the wolf. One of the wolves pounced on him, but he dodged it as if there were eyes on his back. The moment the wolf soared into the air, the boy's running steps stumbled to the side, and his body trembled slightly. Turning to his side, he raised the dagger in his hand and slashed across the wolf's belly. Another wolf pounced on him, and he hit him hard on the jaw with a mining pick. The miserable wolf howl was worse than Zhang Tie's. The cry for help could still be heard clearly. At this moment, a wolf had bitten Zhang Tie's calf and pulled him to the ground. Just when the wolf behind was about to pounce on him, The boy who was fighting the wolf did not hesitate. He stabbed the dagger in his hand hard into the wolf biting his calf. Then he dragged the wolf with one hand. Without any hesitation, he turned around with the wolf and turned over. In the huge black hole next to me...

The decisiveness and bravery that Zhang Tie showed in these "last few seconds" deeply shocked the boys and girls on the mountain in the distance. They watched Zhang Tie and the wolf roll together. Entering the bottomless black hole, many of the girls on the mountain cried. Among them, only Christine recognized the black-haired boy in the distance who was fighting the wolf with a mining pick and a dagger.

Maybe, I shouldn't have kicked him in the square. Even if I let him think about it, it would be okay... Christine thought with some self-blame, a gust of wind blew, and for some reason, the girl discovered My face is already a little cold...

For ordinary people, this is an era when youth is like morning dew and human life is like grass...