Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 90: Share good stuff


In the past few days since what happened to me, the animals who came for the trial have spontaneously carried out several sweeps in the Wild Wolf Valley within five kilometers of the Wild Wolf Castle. Now this stretch of road is much safer. Not even a single wolf hair was visible. What happened to Zhang Tie was a wake-up call for everyone. After all, it might happen to someone else one day, and all the animals didn’t want to send girls to them one day. When returning to Wild Wolf Castle, I met a bunch of wolves waiting for me on the road, so I worked very hard during the sweep. A few lonely and unlucky wild wolves were actually caught during the sweep, and the one who ambushed Zhang Tie that day The four wild wolves disappeared.

On the way back to the tree house base, especially when passing by the grassland again, Zhang Tie couldn't help but think of what happened that day and the eyes of those wolves looking at him. It was an unforgettable and undying hatred. Zhang Tie I have a premonition that I will meet those four wolves again.

At noon, there was only one person staying at the treehouse base. The one who stayed at the base today was Baghdad. When Zhang Tie returned to the treehouse base, he saw Baghdad naked and holding a spear under the dragon's claw tree. Practicing his assassination moves diligently, Zhang Tie was discovered by Baghdad as soon as he approached the treehouse base.

"Who?" The sweaty Baghdad turned around with a gun.

"You are very diligent and vigilant. Young man, are you stimulated by me, the person who has ignited the bright spot of the shrine?" Zhang Tie walked over with a smile.

Seeing the expression of surprise on Zhang Tie's face, Baghdad's expression was frozen by Zhang Tie's words. Baghdad's face twitched, he cursed, "bastard", then dropped his spear and walked away. come over. He hugged Zhang Tie fiercely and said, "Don't be proud, I will surpass you sooner or later!"

"Baghdad, you know, I have always had a big secret. I can't bear to tell you!" Zhang Tie said with a very serious expression.

When Baghdad heard this, he was fooled and asked, "What's the secret?"

"The secret is that I am actually a genius among geniuses..." The seriousness on Zhang Tie's face turned into a faint smile, "I used to want to experience your mortal life, in order not to hurt you. So I deliberately suppressed it. I only showed 5% of my strength by shining my own light. After this incident, I have decided to use all my firepower and no longer reserve it. So it will be more and more difficult for you to catch up with me in the future. I advise you. It’s better to change the goal of catching up. Taking a genius like me as your goal of catching up is the greatest misfortune for you as mortals!"

"Ah, you bastard..." Baghdad realized that he had been tricked and strangled Zhang Tie's neck with his arms, almost making Zhang Tie roll his eyes...

Needless to say what happened next. When Barry and others came back, they saw Zhang Tie back, and the treehouse base was bustling again. There was no big harvest today. No big prey was caught in the big traps dug in the pits. However, the few small traps made of branches and stones that Zhang Tie taught them harvested two pheasants, plus the ones caught in the creek. More than a dozen palm-sized fish and wild vegetables brought by Zhang Tie were another delicious meal tonight.

In the evening, Zhang Tie said that he invited a girl to dinner, and then went to Wild Wolf Castle to pick up Pandora amidst the cheers of the guys. Pandora was invited to dinner by a boy for the first time. A little reserved, but after arriving at the tree house base, I was surrounded by a group of animals laughing and joking. I also let go a lot.

After the meal, Zhang Tie invited Pandora to visit the tree house, and then he, Baghdad and Chauvin, sent Pandora back to the Wild Wolf Castle in a gentlemanly manner. He looked at Pandora’s unknowingly raised corners on the way back. , Zhang Tie knows. This invitation and dinner were a success. It seems that it is not difficult to invite girls.

When Zhang Tie and the others came back, a bonfire had been lit under the Dragon Claw tree, and Barry and others were sitting under the tree, bragging and chatting about Pandora.

"That girl's breasts are a bit small and her body hasn't fully grown yet, but her face is pretty good. This guy's taste is a bit strange!" Wright said.

"Perhaps such girls are more likely to arouse the desire to conquer in sex. I heard that many uncles who are no longer in good health like this kind of petite and exquisite girls. They are easy to conquer, hahaha..."

"Didn't you find that Pandora's eyes are very watery and beautiful? According to my observation, any woman with beautiful eyes is very good at pleasing men..." Siesta said in her usual lustful tone.

"Even Datou has company, so we have to work hard. The group of girls we invited last time has many beautiful girls. We can try again tomorrow..."

When talking about girls, the blood of all the animals boiled. When they saw Zhang Tie and others coming back, they moved their buttocks and asked Zhang Tie and others to sit over and started chatting together. Under everyone's questioning, Zhang Tie He and Pandora had an honest account of how they got to know each other. Although Zhang Tie repeatedly stated that he really had no other thoughts about Pandora, the two of them could at best be considered friends who could still talk to each other. He invited Pandora to come over and form a team. They really just wanted to help each other pass this trial, but no one believed it. Zhang Tie's explanation only received suspicious looks and boos.

"You have no idea now. That's because you haven't been circumcised yet. During this trial, you are still carrying a ban on contact with girls. Hey... hey... If it weren't for these two obstacles, I think you would have revealed your true colors long ago. !”

"I guessed it. You want to keep this Pandora and return to Black Flame City before taking action. This is a good idea. It is foresighted. This little girl is inconspicuous now, and the safety factor is very high. Lay the foundation first, so you don't have to worry about being caught. Someone else robbed it!"

"Pandora should be able to grow a little more in two months!"

"It should be more feminine. Today's girls mature very early and grow very quickly!"

"It's really a little small now. Let's occupy this hole first. Don't worry about having no place to poop in the future..."

"hey-hey… "

These beasts, Zhang Tie cursed in his heart. In order to prevent these filthy words from contaminating his ears and pure heart, Zhang Tie decided to change the topic and used his trump card.

Zhang Tie didn't say anything, he just took out the secret book of "Iron-Blooded Fist" that he had been carrying in his arms. While those guys were laughing one by one, I watched quietly by the fire.

"Datou, what book are you reading?" Shawen, who loves reading, was the first to ask the question out of curiosity.

"It's nothing, it's just a secret book of the Norman Empire's secret martial art "Iron-Blooded Fist"!" Zhang Tie said in an understatement, as if he was talking about an old, second-hand book found in the waste paper recycling bin on the roadside. Just like the chivalric novels.

"Oh!" Chauvin said normally. But after a second, his eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he looked straight at the book in Zhang Tie's hand.

Zhang Tie continued to flip through the pages as if nothing had happened. Gradually, the sounds around the campfire gradually became quieter, and everyone stared at the book in Zhang Tie's hand with wide eyes. Then there was a sound of throat shaking and swallowing saliva from the side of the campfire.

After a long time, all that could be heard was the rustle of Zhang Tie turning the pages of a book by the campfire. Everyone was silent. Zhang Tiecai raised his head in pretense of surprise and gave everyone a "strange" look, "Hey. What are you doing? No more chatting, let’s continue!”

"Hehehe..." Baghdad, who was smiling dryly, looked straight at the book in Zhang Tie's hand, "You... you said the book you are reading is a martial arts secret book?"

"Oh, you're talking about this..." Zhang Tie turned the book over, revealing its cover. The four words "Iron-Blooded Fist" suddenly caught everyone's eyes, and all of a sudden their eyes turned red from irritation. "It's nothing. Although the "Iron-Blooded Fist" used to be a secret skill of the Norman Empire's royal family, this combat skill had long been popularized in the Norman Empire's army before the Second Holy War. It is not something particularly powerful. It's a very common thing. Many people know it. It's really just a very common thing. It's just that the silver paper of the secret book is a bit high-end. These secret books are all copied by hand... "

Zhang Tie continued to pretend to be 13, but he had the secret book of "Iron-Blooded Fist" in hand. The effect of his pretending to be 13 is surprisingly good.

"How come you have such a secret book?" Wright also widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Tie in disbelief. No matter how ordinary a secret book is, it is still a secret book, anything. As long as it is associated with the word "secret", it is out of reach for ordinary people, but for a guy who graduated from a school like the Seventh National Boys' High School in the Black Flame City of the Andaman Alliance, In the entire Blackson Human Corridor, it is really difficult to find more ordinary people than them.

"I have a good character, but I can't help it..." Zhang Tie spread his hands helplessly, "Captain Colin forced it on me when I was recuperating a few days ago. This thing was also obtained by Captain Colin on the battlefield before. Captain Colin saw it. I liked it, and I felt that I was lucky enough to be able to carry this thing forward, so I gave it to me!

Captain Colin's intentions were revealed by Zhang Tie's nonsense.

There were all kinds of envious, jealous and hateful looks and slurping sounds all around.

"Then... did Captain Colin say..." Fatty Barry asked hesitantly, but it suddenly raised everyone's hearts again.

"He said that the ownership of this book is completely given to me. As long as I like it, I can lend this book to anyone, as long as it doesn't make a big deal and cause too much impact. No matter what, "Iron-Blooded God" 》It was also a royal martial arts of the Norman Empire. The royal family of the Norman Empire did not indicate that this book can be made public, so it is better for the person who gets it to keep a low profile! You see, I am very low-key. I have obtained the secret book but I never show it casually. Display in front of others…”

Is this called keeping a low profile and not showing off casually in front of others? But all the guys around him were nodding quickly at this moment, "That's... that's..."

Doug, who was sitting next to Zhang Tie, didn't know what he was thinking. He rolled his eyes, and then pushed Sista away from him. Doug hooked Zhang Tie's neck with one hand and smiled flatteringly. He moved his face closer and said, "Datou, when you were recovering from your injuries two days ago, I stayed by your bed all night. I was afraid that you might have some shortcomings. I swatted hundreds of mosquitoes for you one night, and my eyelids They haven’t even closed it yet. Look, the bag that was bitten by mosquitoes is still on my hand..." Doug rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, and tried his best to show Zhang Tie the few red spots on his arms. Who knows? I was bitten by a mosquito somewhere...

Zhang Tie glanced at Doug, smiled, and in Big Tou's disbelieving eyes, directly threw the secret book of "Iron-Blooded Fist" into Big Tou's hand, "Okay, for the sake of keeping vigil for me, You can exchange it for the right to read this secret book for an hour!"

"Really?" Da Tou shouted in surprise.

"The time starts from now!" Zhang Tie reminded.

The big head holding the secret book quickly turned over. Next to the big head, Siesta and Baghdad stretched their necks longer than a giraffe. But I was embarrassed to just come over and look at other people's secret books without permission. This was taboo in the entire continent, and everyone else looked at him with envy.

"Ah, what does this line of text on the first page of this secret book mean?" Doug scratched his head.

"That's in Chinese. It's also the program of the Iron-Blooded Divine Fist. Its meaning when translated is - force is power, and when the power is reached to the extreme, it can touch the supreme laws of the universe!" Zhang Tie translated the general meaning of that sentence, Likewise, this sentence immediately stunned Bally and others. From this sentence, you can see the level of this secret book. The eyes of the guys around him became even more intense.

Wright was the second to react after Doug. "Datou, the fish you ate during the days when you were recovering from your injuries were all fished out by me with great hard work. Have you forgotten that I personally gave you fish soup twice?"

"Well, the next hour after Doug reads it is yours!"

Wright burst into laughter.

Barry jumped up suddenly and looked at Zhang Tie with tears in his eyes. "Have you forgotten, Mrs. Anna..."

"Okay, after Wright finishes reading, it's your turn to watch in the next hour!"

Barry also beamed.

The rest of Baghdad, Chauvin, and Sista were scratching their heads anxiously, each one thinking about any reason to let themselves read the secret book for an hour.

"I even borrowed Teacher Dinah's notes for you to copy in school!" Chauvin came up with an idea.

"Well, after Barry watches it for an hour, you can watch it for an hour too!"

"Brother. If you have any questions about women in the future, feel free to ask me. As long as you like someone, I will definitely help you catch her!" Siesta showed his true colors as a stick and patted Zhang Tie on the shoulder.

"Okay, the hour after Chauvin is yours!"

In the end, only Baghdad was left. Seeing that all the brothers had found their reasons, Baghdad thought for a long time, and finally put down his "master" posture and leaned over with a dry smile. He asked flatteringly, "Well... Datou, your body has not fully recovered in the past two days. Can I have the honor to serve you next time when it is your turn to keep vigil?"

"Well, this. It's not good. Some people will gossip if they find out. We are all brothers. It would be bad if others misunderstood that I was domineering among our brothers." Zhang Tie pretended to think deeply for a moment.

"Whoever dares to gossip is driving a wedge between our brothers. I will never let him go!" Baghdad became anxious and waved his fist, "As long as I hear him, I will beat the shit out of him!" After saying this, He also looked at the other guys fiercely and asked in a threatening tone, "Da Tou is not in good health and has not fully recovered yet. Will you gossip while I help Da Tou keep watch?"

Others shook their heads quickly.

"Well, the hour after Wright is yours!"

Baghdad breathed a sigh of relief and grinned.

Everyone looked directly at Doug. In the firelight, Doug looked like he was fascinated by the Iron-Blooded Fist. The expressions on his face were extremely rich. His brows were relaxed and frowned. He also occasionally waved it twice in the air, making people more curious about the contents of the book.

Zhang Tie was also smiling in his heart at this moment. He had originally made up his mind to share the secret book "Iron-Blooded Fist" with his brothers, but this is the way in the human heart. What is delivered to the door can never be achieved by his own efforts. Cherish what comes, and you won’t be so devoted. This is a little trick Tang De taught himself to control people’s hearts. He will do this in the future. Use this secret book to mobilize the enthusiasm of these guys and let these guys come to you in different ways. Watch it, one hour at a time, as much as you can, if one time is not enough, come back next time. This kind of effect is definitely much better than just throwing the secret book to these guys regardless.

Zhang Tie was happy when he thought that he could "dominate" in front of these guys later...

At the end, I finally have a lot of time to think about improving my strength. I haven't entered the Black Iron Castle for a week. The second flawless fruit must be ripe!

It's time to enter the Black Iron Castle again. I don't know what kind of surprise the small tree will bring to me this time...

Zhang Tie was thinking quietly, but he couldn't help but think of Gris and the dog-legged faces around him again, and then Captain Colin. I don't know why, when Zhang Tie recalled Captain Colin's behavior in the past few days, When looking at Captain Colin's face, I always felt that there seemed to be a faint hint of worry on Captain Colin's face... Could it be his own illusion, or was that rough one-eyed dragon worried about something

(In September, Black Iron Castle will compete in the new book monthly vote list. Will this be the first miracle?) (. You are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read .)