Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 96: The selfishness of little people


At the highest point of the Wild Wolf Castle, in addition to the blue flag, another red flag was raised. The red flag meant that important news and announcements were to be released. Within a few kilometers of the Wild Wolf Valley, all Everyone can see the red flag.

Zhang Tie knew the contents of the notice in the evening of that day. When he sent Pandora and the girls who had intended to team up with the Aircraft Brotherhood for the trial back to the Wild Wolf Castle, Zhang Tie saw it. The same content as in the notice.

Compared with the shock of other members of the Aircraft Brotherhood, Zhang Tie was already a little mentally prepared. When everyone in the Wild Wolf Valley was discussing what happened in Black Flame City, what no one knew was that , due to a coincidence, the instigator of the Black Flame City incident was none other than Zhang Tie. This matter is not only in Wild Wolf Valley, but also in Black Flame City at this moment. It is also the hottest topic in a certain circle. Who sent the mysterious letter that detonated the incident in Black Flame City? No one can answer this question. The problem is, even if Blackyan City officials try their best, they still don’t have the ability to go back in time to trace who actually sent the mysterious letter in the mailbox near the post office in Blackyan City’s Civic Square. It became a mystery that no one could solve. It was not until the Black Flame City incident broke out that everyone knew that the red scarf thief was lurking in a secret place less than 150 kilometers away from Black Flame City, ready at any time. He cooperated with the New Moon business group to create disasters in Black Flame City. It was not until the New Moon business group was taken away by the Black Flame City military that the situation was exposed and nothing could be done. The red scarf thieves acted like a pack of hungry wolves. Reluctantly evacuated from their hiding place. And when the red scarf thief appeared again, it caused a disaster in Lance City. And the Sun God Dynasty was involved in the muddy water with the alliance.

"Mysterious Warner" - This is a title Zhang Tie received after the Black Flame City incident. Some people say that the "mysterious warning person" who detonated the Black Flame City incident was a traitor among the Red Turban Bandits. Others say that this "mysterious warning person" The "warning person" is a peerless master who lives in seclusion in Black Flame City. Some people say that this "mysterious warning person" is the political enemy of Marshal Lin Changjiang, the governor of the northern frontier of the Norman Empire in the Norman Empire... In short, there are all kinds of speculations, except No one can guess that this "mysterious warning person" is just a green boy from an ordinary boys' school in Black Flame City. This green boy is currently undergoing a survival trial in the Wild Wolf Valley, and just yesterday. This green young man almost ruined the good deeds of the dignitaries in Black Flame City who were waiting to recover the potion.

Sometimes, those rigid rumors with strong logical chains and various possibilities really seem like that, but the truth is always full of drama, because of this life and this world. To put it bluntly, there is actually not so much reason and logic to explain. Just like the story told by the famous butterfly effect theory that appeared before the cataclysm - a blacksmith dropped a nail on the road, and the nail injured a horse's hoof. The injured horse broke a knight, and the knight lost. A battle was lost, that battle affected a battle, and that battle ultimately determined the outcome of a war. And that war eventually led to the demise of a country.

Zhang Tie had also heard the theory of the butterfly effect in the natural history class at school, and until now, after understanding the whole story of the Black Flame City incident. Zhang Tiecai suddenly had a realization—it turned out that he had unconsciously made the nail that broke the horse's hoof. A collision with Huck's dead guy at the train station actually changed so many things later on.

That nail did change some details of the matter, causing a bump, but the Norman Empire and the Sun God Dynasty were like rolling wheels. With its huge inertia, it is still crushing unstoppably towards the Andaman Alliance and Black Flame City. Just a hint of the aftermath of the giant wheel's rolling was heard, and a huge wave was set off in the Wild Wolf Valley.

Because many people have to serve in the military as soon as they graduate. Once they do military service, they will directly face the two behemoths, the Norman Empire and the Sun God Dynasty, and may encounter the armies of these two countries on the battlefield, so Wild Wolf All the trial students in the valley felt a huge pressure when looking at their own destiny. Facing the unknown future, many people felt a little confused and afraid.

Tonight, except for Zhang Tie, everyone in the brotherhood was practicing the basic skills of the Iron-Blooded Fist as hard as their lives. They lay down on the turf panting until they could no longer move.

Zhang Tie could still hold on for a while, but when he saw the guy in Baghdad staring at him with gnashing teeth, and the veins on his forehead were stretched out by the Crouching Tiger Stake, Zhang Tie could only pretend to be exhausted and lie down on the ground. More than ten seconds after Tie "gave up", Baghdad, who could no longer hold on, breathed a sigh of relief and ended the practice of Crouching Tiger Stance. For Baghdad, if he cannot maintain his position as the top master of the Aircraft Brotherhood, it will be a big blow to him.

There are two moons in the sky, one is the silver black moon and the other is the light blue full moon. One big and one small hangs in the sky. The moonlight pours down like water, coating the Wild Wolf Valley with a layer of light blue beauty. Against the background of these two moons, the stars in the sky are particularly bright. There are cicadas chirping on the dragon's claw tree, crickets chirping in the surrounding grass, and on the mountain peaks further away, there is a long howling of wolves. The sound was faintly heard, and the entire Wild Wolf Valley seemed even quieter.

Everyone lay quietly and looked at the sky for more than ten minutes without anyone speaking.

"If I die on the battlefield in the future, and if any of you are still alive, remember to hand over a lot of my pension to my family. This money should be able to make my two younger brothers live a better life. Better!" Chauvin spoke quietly. Chauvin is good at everything, but sometimes he is too pessimistic.

"You'd better live. If you die, we will just use your pension to go whoring, and let your bastard father and two bastard brothers go to hell!" Siesta cursed.

"Asshole!" Chauvin cursed lightly, and then laughed.

"I heard that the Iron Horn Legion under the Governor of the Northern Territory of the Norman Empire and the Glory Feathers of the Taishen Dynasty are both armies composed of some war madmen and lunatics. We will not go against them..." Doug was a little worried. said.

"Don't be so pessimistic. We shouldn't be so miserable. We will have to face the Norman Empire and the Sun God Dynasty as soon as we graduate. For the entire Andaman Alliance, these two countries are superpowers. The strength of each is It is much stronger than the Andaman Alliance. Precisely because of the disparity in strength, the Andaman Alliance will lose or lose in a fight with these two countries, so this battle is probably rare. Those big shots with huge wealth are definitely more powerful than us. Afraid of death, a war destined to be unwinnable, they did not dare to bet their own lives on this war. Two children of equal strength might fight over a piece of candy, but a strong man and a child They won't fight. Two strong men won't fight with a child at the same time..." said Wright, who was lying down.

"Well, I think what Wright said makes sense, don't put so much pressure on everyone!" Barry said.

"But even so, the future of the Andaman Alliance will not be bright. In the history of the Blackson Human Corridor, there were more than seventy city-state alliances at the most, but now there are fewer and fewer. All city-state alliances only have two in the end. Either some genius and powerful figure will appear to turn the city-state alliance into a unified country, or the city-state alliance will eventually fall apart and be annexed by the surrounding big forces. The Andaman Alliance does not have any genius or powerful leader now. Norman It is impossible for the Empire and the Sun Dynasty to just watch the Andaman Alliance become a unified country. Therefore, the final outcome of the Andaman Alliance and Black Flame City is likely to be annexed by others, and whether it is the Norman Empire or the Sun Dynasty The Divine Dynasty will implement high-pressure rule over the newly annexed areas for at least a few decades. If this matter cannot be resolved peacefully, even if everyone does not die on the battlefield, the future will not be easy..." Chauvin continued to be pessimistic. said.

Chauvin's words silenced everyone again. No one refuted, because everyone knew that what Chauvin said was the truth, and this fact was the heaviest and most irresistible.

"So, what happened this time, even if we don't push everyone to the battlefield as cannon fodder, all of us will be slaves to the subjugation of the country in the future. Well, although the Andaman Alliance and Black Flame City are not countries yet, the meaning is almost the same!" Siesta said weakly.

"This matter, I can... In the end, it should be resolved peacefully!" Barry said weakly and somewhat unconfidently.

"But I always feel something is wrong. There has been peace between the Andaman Alliance, the Sun God Dynasty and the Norman Empire for more than half a century. Why are these two countries now attacking us together as if they are getting better?" Somewhat naive Doug's words revealed the key.

I don't know why, but after listening to Doug's words, Zhang Tie thought of those little squirrels busy storing pine cones on the trees for the winter.

"No matter what the reason is behind this, if it concerns us, sooner or later we will know why we are worrying about these issues..." Baghdad said in a deep voice, "How to improve our strength is the only thing we need to worry about. The laws of this era, there is no People with strength have no freedom. Only those with strength can control their own destiny. If we all mastered the Iron-Blooded Fist now, would everyone still worry about so many boring problems?"

"Big head, why don't you speak? Aren't you worried..." Barry, who was lying on the ground, turned his head and asked Zhang Tie.

"I think everyone is right, but to be honest, I don't care too much about the future of Black Flame City and the Andaman Alliance. Maybe it's because I'm Chinese. The Chinese are just the Andaman Alliance and the Black Alliance. The non-mainstream ethnic minorities in Yan City are unable to bear more responsibility for the fate of the Alliance and Black Flame City. Our family has already sacrificed one life for the Andaman Alliance and Black Flame City. No matter what, I don’t want any more in my family. No matter how many sacrifices some people make for Black Flame City and the Andaman Alliance, I will not make any more sacrifices. I don’t have many pursuits in life. As long as the people around me live well, as long as they have money, as long as they have women, that’s enough... "Looking at the beautiful starry sky, Zhang Tie smiled. The matter of the alliance between Black Flame City and Andaman really gave him a big impact. Zhang Tie found that even if he changed a little by chance, the final result would still be the same. The result is that nothing has changed, at least the fate of the people around him has not changed. This is the powerlessness and helplessness of little people.

What Baghdad said is right. Instead of expecting the world to become what you imagined, it is better to make yourself stronger and stronger. Only when you are strong can you be truly strong. Everything else is nonsense, and you want to be strong. . The biggest trump card is the Black Iron Castle and the small tree.

Zhang Tie never felt that he was a selfish person, but the Black Iron Castle and the small tree sometimes gave Zhang Tie a feeling that he was selfish. If this era is a giant wheel rolling forward, Zhang Tie Tie felt that everyone was being driven forward by this giant wheel, sweating all over their butts, but only he could calmly jump out of the track of the giant wheel and focus on his own small world. That small world was also a wheel, a world. A wheel that only belongs to Zhang Tie. It is still very small now. Zhang Tie pushed it forward by himself and rolled happily. Although this wheel is still small, its speed is very fast. It took Zhang Tie and rushed into the distance at a faster speed than the Wheel of Ages, leaving a lot of people behind. This feeling made Zhang Tie feel a little heartless. When others were working for Black Flame City and Anda The future of the Manchester Alliance is very worrying. While he is worrying about whether war is coming, he is thinking about how many baskets of ore he should pour into the Black Iron Castle tomorrow. So that the basic energy reserves of the Black Iron Castle can be increased rapidly. While everyone is worrying about whether they will be a third-class person in the occupied area in the future, Zhang Tie is thinking about circumcision after the trial is completed. ,Oh shit. It feels really uncomfortable to be a virgin among a bunch of animals, and to be honest, Zhang Tie really doesn't think the fate of the Andaman Alliance and Black Flame City is more important than his own circumcision! Is it selfish? If this is selfishness, then it is selfishness. Who the hell stipulates that the future of the Andaman Alliance and Black Flame City is more important than my future? Who the hell stipulates that the "sexual happiness" of those powerful people must be more valuable than my "sexual happiness"? Who the hell stipulates that as a small person, you must share the joys and sorrows with those big people? Hold. I have done what I can do, and now I am enjoying myself!

Current situation. For Zhang Tie, it was like it was already the twelfth lunar month of winter when the snow was falling and the sky was freezing. Many people were running naked in the wild, competing with the snowstorm behind them, while he was sitting on the train eating hot pot. With a bang, a group of people were left behind. This is another choice that the Black Iron Castle and the small tree brought to Zhang Tie. Without the small tree and the Black Iron Castle, Zhang Tie would still be one of those running around naked outside, and The small tree and the black iron castle gave Zhang Tie another option to take the train and eat hot pot at this time. Since he already had such an option, why not use it! Are you sick

Today, it was Zhang Tie's turn to stand guard in the middle of the night. Zhang Tie was nestled in a small tree nest. While observing and listening to the goings-on around him, he visualized the abacus in his mind and quietly practiced mind-numbing arithmetic. From 1 When it reaches 1000, Zhang Tieshun does the addition once, then the subtraction in the reverse direction, and then the multiplication of any two-digit and two-digit numbers, two-digit and three-digit numbers, two-digit and four-digit numbers, and finally does the reverse. Doing division and all kinds of twists and turns, Zhang Tie has not relaxed his mental arithmetic practice these days. In this seemingly boring training, Zhang Tie's mental arithmetic level is also steadily improving. Now three For Zhang Tie, the answers to addition and subtraction within two digits and multiplication and division within two digits have even reached the point where he can know the answer at a glance. And in his seemingly boring but self-satisfied training, his mental power in the sea of consciousness is also slowly increasing, bit by bit. Zhang Tie's current mental power is better than when he first came to practice. , has increased by almost two percent.

It wasn't until Barry came to change his shift in the middle of the night that Zhang Tie climbed back into the tree hole where he slept. Every time he saw Zhang Tie in high spirits during the night watch, Barry felt a little depressed. Others who stayed awake at night were very energetic. Why does this guy get more energetic the more he keeps vigil? Is this guy really a night owl

Zhang Tie, who had just finished practicing the mind-killing calculations, did not fall asleep immediately after lying down. Instead, he quietly injected his mental power into the Soul Tribulation Fruit in his mind. Then, while lying down, he entered another virtual world. Among…

Dusk, valley, path, grassland, wolf pounces, Zhang Tie waves his dagger to meet...

A few minutes later, the three wolves turned into corpses again. Zhang Tie looked at the wound scratched by the wolf teeth on his hand and shook his head...


Everything becomes a point of light.

A minute later, when Zhang Tie injected spiritual power into the Wuluo Fruit again to activate the Wuluo Fruit, Zhang Tie dove in again.

The same dusk, valley, path, grassland...

This time, Zhang Tie changed his "play method". Before the wolf rushed out of the grassland, he rushed into the grassland and fought with the wolf with a dagger. Facts have proved that the grassland has the ability to restrict human activities. , is much larger than the wolf, and the wolf has an advantage in the grass. The result of rushing into the grass to fight the wolf was that Zhang Tie felt the fear and pain of death again...

Zhang Tie came out again. A minute later, the Soul Tribulation Fruit was activated again, and Zhang Tie rushed in again...

Come out again, go in again, fight again, come out again, and so on, until Zhang Tie is almost exhausted and unable to activate the Soul Tribulation Fruit again, Zhang Tie falls asleep.

People in the Aircraft Brotherhood will never know that this guy sleeping next to them, in just half an hour before going to sleep after watching the night, in another mysterious time and space that only exists in Zhang Tie's mind. He has already experienced eight life-and-death fights with the three wolves. In such fights, Zhang Tie's chances of being injured are getting less and less, and the three wolves are dying faster and faster...

The last thought in Zhang Tie's mind before falling asleep was - maybe he can try jumping into the gold-eating python's hole again tomorrow to see how it feels...