Cat’s Rose

Chapter 1: From the deepest part of the vortex (1)


"Lin, you couldn't be there in time due to heavy tasks, but you still have to give a speech to everyone at this grand celebration banquet—as a summary of our work over the years." The blond French female assistant blinked: "Come on Come on, dear."

She walked to the side and sat down. The video showed the scene of the banquet hall in the first district. On the round table, people surrounded by a lady dressed as a black scholar, who was looking at Lin Si through the screen.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Chen." Lin Si's voice was cold, but he did not seem rude. After a short greeting, he immediately got to the topic: "Yesterday, ninety-six experimental subjects officially passed the monitoring period. Handed over to the military. The second phase of the 'limitless' plan was launched five years ago and has been successfully completed. According to the official evaluation data four days ago, the experimental subjects have all completed the basic transformation of three times the muscle strength and five times the nerve response speed, and Other enhancements that each individual focuses on differently, and the state is stable."

The people in the seat applauded unanimously. The original researchers were pleased with the successful results of the past five years, and the invited guests were full of admiration.

"Lin, it's said that your plan doesn't stop there." The lady in the center called "Mrs. Chen" smiled and said.

"The structure of the human body cannot support the transformation of more than three times the muscle strength, but there is still room for reflex speed. We even saw an opportunity to strengthen the brain function in this process." His tone was calm and peaceful, without any incitement from the speakers The cadence of the human heart, this almost mechanical plainness adds to people's trust - just like they always believe in machine calculations rather than intuitive predictions.

"The military is prejudiced against the human transformation plan because of excessive conservatism, which makes it difficult to carry out the experiment. Unfortunately, Marshal Sjoss officially rejected the third phase of the plan not long ago, but I always think that the next phase of the plan is sufficient. Reasons open and can bring us—"

"Hiss—" The electric current sounded suddenly.

The image projected in front of people was distorted several times, and finally shattered, the sound stopped abruptly, and the ground violently turbulent.

Lin Si grabbed the edge of the operating table to stabilize his body, and the hall of the sixth district sounded a sharp siren and a female system voice: "The sixth district is leaving the main body, the sixth district is leaving the main body..."

He quickly called up the independent operating system in the sixth area: "Lucia, connect to the main body."

"Error, command cannot be executed."

While quickly adjusting the parameters, he said, "Details of the error."

"Conflicting orders, too low level to enforce."

Lin Si spoke very fast: "The details of the escape order."

After a tenth of a second, the reading ends: "Order issued by: United Front Work Department of the Third District, Marshal Sjoss. Reason for issuance: The spaceship sails into the edge of the event horizon of a huge Type B-II black hole, and it needs 12 times of curvature acceleration to escape, exceeding the engine speed. Provides a cap, pops out of the sixth zone, and provides three levels of recoil."

The roar sounded, and the turmoil in the entire Sixth District increased rapidly. The ear-piercing siren was mixed with the sound of laboratory equipment racks overturning and hundreds of glass test tubes smashing to the ground. Lin Si firmly grasped the console, closed his eyes for a moment and then opened it again, overcoming the extreme dizziness caused by the spinning throw and gravity anomaly, and tried his best to make a steady voice so that the system could clearly distinguish: "Switch the independent navigation system, calculate the angle momentum."

The screen lights up again with the progress bar.

At the same time, Lin Si felt the sudden scorching pain on his body. He quickly opened the emergency drawer under the console and deployed the anti-radiation equipment. black hole radiation.

After doing this, his blood surged up, his nausea was extremely strong, his eyes were filled with complicated colors, he couldn't control his body, and was slammed against the hard wall by the centrifugal force brought by the rapid spinning throw.

Lin Si was panting with difficulty, his throat was sweet, he raised his head, his eyes were blurred, the scene outside the porthole was changing rapidly, the black shadow of the huge ship was getting farther and farther away, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into one In the sea of stars.

—The next moment, the sea of stars disappeared without a trace, leaving only darkness outside the window.

The turmoil continued, and he completely lost consciousness.

Lyns was woken up.

No, it was woken up by strangulation.

Amidst the chaotic shouts of "Lin" and "Dr. Lin", some were pinching him, and some were pressing his chest.

He opened his eyes and found himself placed on the dissecting table.

Several young men in white coats were very excited when they saw him open their eyes: "Wake up! Wake up!"

The excitement in the tone is comparable to "I gave birth! I gave birth!"

"The human center is located in the upper third of the nasolabial fold, and the force I feel is concentrated on the upper lip. Cardiopulmonary CPR is only used for cardiac arrest. I don't think this happened to me." Lin Si was expressionless: "I suspect that you have been away from the earth for too long and have forgotten the most basic physiological knowledge."

Xiaonian scratched his head: "... Doctor, the emergency machine is out of order, so we have to get started. Look, you are awake."

Lin Si was helped to sit up, he was still dizzy, but his condition was much better than before he passed out. The young people in front of me are researchers or assistants of several other laboratories. Today, almost everyone in the sixth district went to the first district to participate in the celebration banquet. Only some intelligent machines cannot be completely processed, and the projects that cannot be separated from people are left behind. Children who are still inexperienced are watching.

The No. 1 experimental hall where I was located was on the edge of the sixth district, and was greatly affected by the spinning throw, but their situation was obviously better, at least they didn't pass out like themselves.

The spaceship was in an unusually stable state at this time, and Lins looked at the porthole—it was empty and dark, making it impossible to tell whether it was still sailing.

He pressed his temple, looked at the five children in their early twenties in front of him, and asked, "Is there anyone else?"

"We checked it again, and it's gone." One of them answered, and then asked: "Doctor, is it a navigation accident? The operating system is also out of order."

"I cut the system into 'Lucia', and you don't have permission for the time being." Lin Si said: "Hello, Lucia."

"Hello, Mr. Wizard." The mechanical female voice sounded.

"Report the situation."

"Data is being generated, please wait."

The child's eyes lit up: "The legendary Lucia! Is this the super intelligent system that the Fifth District has been researching?"

Lin Si nodded, "It's her. A few days ago, Tang Ning loaded her into the sixth area for testing. We didn't encounter a navigation accident, but was thrown into the black hole event horizon to provide recoil for the main body of the 'Voyager'. "

The child was surprised: "But we are still alive."

The other put up his hands and flapped his wings: "Theoretically, the probability of death after entering a black hole is 100%, so we are dead now and have become a quantum state?"

Lin Si was chattered by them, his head was a little clearer, and he also had a guess, and said to Lucia: "Fitting Einstein's equation."

Lucia starts processing two instructions in parallel.

Lin Si stepped off the dissecting table and looked around at the messy scene in the hall.

The experimental liquid containers in the room shattered and flowed all over the floor, with many tissue fragments floating around.

"Other laboratories have also been completely destroyed, and there are still many precious samples brought from the earth, which can no longer be obtained." The child was very depressed, "It's a pity."

Another patted him on the shoulder: "It's a good thing the 3D model backup won't break, but it's useless—we're all dead anyway."

There are two unrelated worlds inside and outside the horizon of the black hole. Inside the horizon, the space-time curvature is huge, and the escape velocity is much greater than the speed of light. After entering, even light cannot escape, and the spacecraft will be elongated by various incredible and strange physical properties immediately. tear, destroy.

Lins sat on the armchair in front of the console, crossed his fingers, looked at the data, and squinted his eyes.

He asked, "Do any of you understand fundamental physics?"

The child who spoke just now raised his hand: "I have studied biomechanics."

Lin Si smiled half a smile: "Everyone here has studied biomechanics."

The sixth area is the biochemical area. Apparently, their knowledge of physics is very poor—probably no more than the level of college physics in higher education.

With them as a comparison, Lins felt that he could almost be called a physicist.

He looked at Lucia's calculation results, and said: "We entered a singular rotating black hole, so we were not destroyed immediately. If we can persist in sailing, there is a very small possibility of escaping from the white hole... The material of the spacecraft should be able to resist the singularity attractiveness."

"Voyager" is a huge ship, which is composed of nine regions, named as the first to ninth regions respectively. The first, second and third regions are the core regions, surrounded by other regions in the center, and each region has its own It is an independent spacecraft, equipped with a curvature engine, and has the ability to travel independently and long distances between the stars.

This is not the first time that the throwing incident has occurred. In the previous several navigation crises, the main body of the "Voyager" has thrown out the fourth and seventh areas in order to escape from the dangerous area, and now it is the sixth area. The sixth area, centered on Lins' project "limitless", is one of the least populated areas on the ship.

The least populated area, yes—but definitely not the area to be thrown.

Someone is already muttering about this.

"The sixth district has the least number of living people and the most robots. Although this way, the loss of personnel is the least, but our district has so many precious research results. Losing us is simply a loss of the entire existing science. It's too stupid."

"The first principle of interstellar navigation is to ensure the survival of personnel, which is understandable," Lin Si raised his eyebrows, "Although the sixth district has always been a thorn in the side of Marshal Smith, we still have to spare no effort to get back to Marshal and Madam Chen. .”

He pondered for a while, and marked several locations on the star map: "After the Voyager escaped from the black hole, he must have entered the subspace flight. According to the flight plan, it will leave the subspace near the asteroid TN-III Cetus 33876-87624. Hover for at least a month, during which we will be in an observable state. If we can escape from the black hole, we will immediately enter the subspace at the highest warp speed, sail towards TN-III, and rendezvous with the Voyager.”

The child praised Lin Si: "Master Wizard, you are as magical as the rumors say."

Lins: "..."

Wizard was his nickname—after one of his genetic modification experiments made edible fish grow two succulent legs.

He pressed the center of his eyebrows and said to Lucia, "Calculate the survival rate."

Lucia, as a super system whose knowledge reserves and hard IQs exceed the sum of all the people here, uses powerful computing power to model various situations, and gives the success rate of the Lins plan. Unfortunately, it is less than 3%.

Lin Si gave the "Immediately Execute" command with a blank expression, and began to adjust the energy distribution of the spacecraft, and lowered all the indices of the oxygen generation, gravity, and temperature control systems.

The children huddled together in fear, and one of them asked, "Master Wizard, do we have enough energy to fly to the constellation of Cetus?"

Lin Si tapped the tabletop of the operating table with his fingers, and said, "Seth, I suggest you apply for a set of physics courses from Lucia now."

Lucia's voice sounded: "The sixth district has the ability to obtain energy from the momentum of the white hole."

The children breathed a sigh of relief and began to liven up.

Lin Si looked at them: "Before escaping from the black hole, we must save energy as much as possible. I hope you can play... well, other than food reserves."

- Immediately became inactive.

Seth tried to inquire: "What is the function other than food reserves?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Lin Si saw the thin silver-rimmed glasses on the table, reached for them, and put them on for himself.

The child began to courteously: "Doctor, the latest therapeutic device in our laboratory can correct myopia within half an hour."

"Doctor, the biological tissue repair technology in our laboratory—"

Lucia said coolly: "According to personality analysis, glasses are a symbolic object that will make Dr. Lin feel rigorous and help keep calm."

Lin Si turned around on the chair and faced them, with a half-smile: "The role other than food reserves... like pleasing me."

He is good-looking, with thin lips and light color. When he is not smiling, he often has a kind of inhuman indifference, and when he smiles, he is a bit evil.

The children were terrified.

The horrified children exchanged the typical look of a victim of academic unspoken rules, deeply worried about their own virginity.

Lin Si crossed his arms, looked at them coldly, and signaled the messy ground with his eyes: "Clean up this place."

The chastity crisis of the children was lifted, and they let out a sigh of relief, and began to tidy up the laboratory diligently.

"Almost all of them are inactivated." One of them picked up many strange-shaped tissue fragments on the ground with tweezers and examined them one by one under a microscope. "There are also abnormal proliferations."

"It's mutated," Lin Wei said while adjusting the navigation parameters, "The radiation at the edge of the black hole is too strong, there is no reference value, and all of them will be disposed of."

The child responded, and said "what a pity" with regret, and then began to work quietly and methodically.

After a while, someone suddenly said: "That... did you hear any sound?"



After they finished speaking, they held their breaths at the same time. There was a dead silence in the laboratory, except for the endless humming sound of the intelligent brain host running at high speed to dissipate heat.

"Knock knock."

A slight sound suddenly appeared in the silence, which seemed to come from a very far and deep place.

Lin Si closed his eyes and listened for a while, frowned, got up from the chair, and walked to the side of the laboratory.

The others followed him step by step, the closer they were to the wall, the more clearly they could hear.

"Knock knock."

"Knock knock."

It was the sound of knocking, which came rhythmically in the silence, making people feel chills.

"Bo... Doctor," the child was terrified, "what's next door?"

The ear-piercing siren sounded suddenly, the silence was broken, and the mechanical female voice spoke extremely fast.

"Alarm, alarm, an abnormal life signal has been detected. Signal source: No. 97 abandoned cabin of Biochemical No. 1 Storage Hall. Evaluation level: extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous."

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