Cat’s Rose

Chapter 12: Sonnets (4)


Ling Yi's day has begun.

At six o'clock, I opened my eyes unconsciously, was picked up from the bed by Lin Si, washed, dressed, fed a tube of nutritional supplements, and sent to the third district.

Sweena has already drawn up his training plan, including physical training and fighting training—of course, the fighting is with robots, otherwise the whole "limitless" will be kicked in half by him.

And the first thing he does in the morning is run around the third district.

Voyager is a colossal monster, and the third district, which is one-ninth of it, is naturally not small in scale.

The colonel said: "Your purpose is not to pursue speed, but to feel every muscle in your body, their strength and usefulness during this process, and then use them perfectly!"

Then, the colonel looked Ling Yi up and down, and muttered: "Well... thirty kilometers, it should be easy for you, if you don't feel anything, just do it again—although you look like a damned Jiao Didi little beauty."

The delicate little beauty smiled coquettishly at the colonel: "Okay, colonel."

The colonel watched him run out suspiciously.

"I feel guilty about child abuse," he said.

"Colonel, I have to remind you, does your injured chest still hurt yesterday?" Sweena asked coolly.

"It hurts," the colonel snorted, "very good, I don't feel any guilt at all now."

— Until yesterday, he had never been pressed and beaten like this.

The colonel and Sweena went back to training without mentioning it, Ling Yi happily ran in the outermost corridor of the third area.

He's happy most of the time - except when he's being bullied by Rins.

Ling Yi couldn't help grinding his teeth when he thought of the Barbie doll from yesterday - he obviously wanted to see Peppa Pig more!

Officers from the third district will naturally be met in the corridor, but Lin Si has taught him how to identify the military rank in advance, and asked him to greet him politely.

"Hello, two lieutenant colonels."

When Ling Yi ran forward briskly, he greeted the two passing lieutenant colonels.

The two lieutenant colonels turned to look at him.

The pace is brisk, the movements are standard, the speed is very even, and there is no fatigue at all. When it comes to the corner, the position is not bad.

"Could it be the robot sent by the fifth district for experimentation? It's really well done and looks pretty." The lieutenant colonel pondered in his heart.

So, after Ling Yi became familiar in front of the scientists, he attracted the attention of the officers of the third district.

Halfway through the run, someone was looking at the stars from the porthole.

Ling Yi: "Hello, Marshal."

Then keep running.

However, this time he was called.

"Ling Yi, come here." Marshal Shijos withdrew his gaze from the sea of stars and turned to look at him.

Ling Yi stopped, walked back a few steps, and looked up at the marshal.

Although he has a special physique, after running for so long, he still has a lot of physical exertion, panting lightly, his face flushed a little.

The marshal looked at him for a long time without speaking.

Ling Yi blinked: "Marshal?"

The marshal withdrew his majestic gaze and asked, "Are you training?"

Ling Yi: "Yes."

The marshal nodded: "... how does Lin Si treat you?"

Ling Yi thought for a while, and said, "Lin Si put on clothes for me, um... He hasn't pricked me with a needle recently, and will cover me with a quilt at night."

When he answered, he was very cute and cute. The marshal rubbed his hair: "What else?"

Ling Yi tilted his head: "Lin Si won't show me Peppa Pig."

The Marshal laughed and asked, "Do you really want to see it?"

Ling nodded.

The marshal said: "Then you can tell Lin Si after you go back, and I will order him to let you see it."

Ling Yi rolled his eyes and smiled, "Thank you Marshal."

The marshal looked at him, his expression softened a bit, but then he became serious again, and said, "Lin Si's mental state is problematic. If you feel something is wrong, you can ask me for help at any time, and I will lift his custody of you."

Ling Yi didn't understand.

Up to now, two people have told themselves that Lin Si has problems and is not suitable for raising him, one is Sweena, and the other is Mr. Marshal.

He didn't know how to defend Lin Si, so he could only whisper: "He's fine..."

The Marshal was noncommittal and said, "Continue training."

The colonel gave Ling Yi some buffer period to get used to, so the training content on the first day was not much, and he returned to the sixth district at noon.

After opening the bedroom door, Ling Yi found that Lin Si was taking a nap.

Lin Si's work intensity is very high, and there are many things to deal with. When the situation permits, he will take a regular half-hour break every day.

Ling Yi took off his coat and shoes lightly, climbed onto the bed, got into the quilt, and lay down near Lin Si.

He had a keen sense of touch and found that Lin Si was cold, so he moved closer and hugged Lin Si's arm, trying to warm him up.

But at the first touch, he found that something was wrong with Lin Si.

Lince was shaking.

It wasn't an obvious trembling, but a trembling that even Ling Yi had to observe carefully to detect, and his muscles were definitely not in the relaxed state during normal sleep.

Ling stood up, shook Lin Si's shoulder, and said with a little anxiety, "Lin Si, Lin Si?"

Lin Si didn't wake up, but Ling Yi knew that he was a light sleeper, so it was easy to wake up.

Ling's eyes were a little red, and he didn't call him Lin Si anymore. Instead, he said according to the address Lin Si asked him to call before: "Brother, wake up, brother..."

Lin Si's eyelashes finally trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Ling Yi was startled.

At this moment, in Lin Si's eyes, there was not any look he was familiar with. Ling Yi didn't know how to describe it, but felt very dark, empty, and sad.

It's like being in a black hole, it's pitch black, and there are no portholes.

After opening them briefly, Lin Si closed his eyes again.

Ling Yi's tears were about to fall, and he called "Brother" repeatedly.

At this moment, he felt his hand being gently squeezed.

Lin Si's voice was a little weak: "Ling Yi?"

Ling Yi nodded desperately, then remembered that Lin Si had closed his eyes and couldn't see, so he said with a bit of tears: "It's me."

There was a slight smile on Lin Si's pale thin lips, and he opened his eyes again, this time with a normal look - just a little tired.

"Sorry," he gently stroked Ling Yi's back, and said, "I won't hurt you, don't be afraid."

Ling Yi shook his head, rubbed his warm body into Lin Si's arms, and then raised his small face: "I will come back to sleep with you every day at noon, okay?"

Because I was about to cry just now, I had a nasal voice, plus the milky modal particles, like a kitten scratching my heart.

Lin Si couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand to scrape the tip of Ling Yi's delicate nose.

"Baby," his voice was still a little weak, but with a lazy smile, "Why are you so nice?"