Cat’s Rose

Chapter 13: Sonnets (5)


Ling Yi's nose was scratched unexpectedly, and he didn't know whether he was angry or shy, and continued to plunge into Lin Si's arms, burying his whole face on his chest, and wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.

Lins hugged him back, stroking his soft black hair once in a while.

The warming function of the little thing is comparable to any kind of furry animal. After hugging for a while, the whole body is warmed by him.

Because they were too close, almost sticking together, Lin Si could clearly feel Ling Yi's thumping heartbeat.

It is a young, fresh and vigorous life, like the grass and branches that stretch wildly after the first flower blooms in spring, young but powerful.

—and you both protect him and be protected by him.

After burying it for a while, probably feeling a little bored, Ling Yi finally raised his face.

He asked, "Lance, what did you do today?"

Lin Si looked into his eyes, with a half-smile: "Study your blood."

Ling Yi became vigilant all of a sudden—Ling Si really still cared about his own blood!

He turned around suddenly, trying to draw a line with Lin Si.

Lin Si let out a low laugh, and the breath slipped into Ling Yi's ears, making him tremble sensitively.

He continued to squirm away from Lin Si, wanting to protect his own blood - several tubes had already been drawn by Lin Si, and if he pumped again, it would be gone!

Lins grabbed his shoulders from behind.

"Enough, no more smoking." Lin Si said.

Only then did Ling Yi turn around, and glared at him with beautiful apricot eyes.

At this time, Lins's timer beeped, and the nap time was over.

Ling Yi rubbed his eyes: "Then what are you going to do this afternoon?"

"I'm going to District 5 to do a biomaterial project with Brother Zheng."

"What is the use?"

"There is very little oxygen on the planet we are going to. Planets without plants will not have a lot of oxygen. There is no way for organisms to live there." Lin Si put on Ling Yi's coat, buttoned it, and continued, "But we can Make a semi-circular protective cover to cover the base. That material is a part of the protective cover, which can gather oxygen inside, expel gases we don't need, and when there is sunlight, it can also produce a lot of things we need .”

Ling nodded a little: "When will we arrive at the planet?"

"I have already entered the subspace, and I will arrive in ten days. So the project is very tight, and I will be very busy these days."

As Lin Si said, he buttoned his white shirt to the top and rolled up his cuffs. Except for the silver bracelet on his right wrist, he had no other decorations. When his face was expressionless, he looked extremely indifferent.

Ling Yi tilted his head and looked at him.

Lins asked, "Are you done training?"

Ling nodded a little: "Can I go to the fifth district with you?"

"Yes," Lin Si said lightly, "Your course is just ready, go there and learn."

Ling Yi didn't know what the course was, but he didn't think to ask, called Lucia, and followed Lin Si to the fifth district.

The center of the experimental area of this project is a wide open production room, one side is a large reactor with a very complex structure, and a light green liquid is boiling in the central transparent tube, and the reactor is connected to high-temperature molding and pilot equipment. On the other side is a dizzying array of testing instruments.

A lot of experimental data are displayed on large and small light screens, and they are all being closely monitored.

Lin Si led Ling Yi through the spiral staircase above the production room, entered a silver-white corridor, and used his iris to open a room with the doorplate "Dome".

There is another hole inside, there are small corridors and rooms, and there are many equipment that Ling Yi doesn't know.

Finally entered a room, Zheng Shu was inside.

Lin Si's own laboratory and room are as orderly as a neuropathy, while Zheng Shu's tends to be casual, with a little breath of life.

The beaker on the table was planted with cat grass that Ling Yi was very familiar with.

Zheng Shu saw him looking at the cat grass, and smiled: "Is there no one in Lin Si's room?"

Ling Yi: "..."

Since he planted it again, the cup of cat grass died quickly, and now there is only bare soil in the beaker.

Lin Si rubbed his hair, and said to Zheng Shu, "I didn't raise it well, I died."

"Can something so easy to feed die?" Zheng Shu laughed, "Did you water it wrong?"

Ling Yi was very ashamed.

Fortunately, none of them continued this topic, and each was ready to start the work at hand.

Ling Yi sat on the table next to Lin Si, put on the earphones, and studied the courses that Lin Si prepared for him under the guidance of Lucia.

At the beginning, he was quite attentive, and the four arithmetic operations were very simple. After he learned about it, he began to lose his mind and looked at Lin Si beside him.

Lin Si raised his eyes consciously, and glanced at him with a half-smile.

This expression is very dangerous, and it usually means that Lin Si is going to play tricks on him.

Ling Yibian pursed his lips and continued to study obediently.

"Children's attention span is limited," Zheng Shu said, "Lingling, if you're bored, you can read the books in the cabinet."

Ling Yi looked up at the bookcase at the side, and found some paper books—this is very rare on a spaceship where even paper has almost disappeared.

But with Lins by his side, he was still very obedient - watching the lessons on the light screen all the time.

About an hour later, Zheng Shu's bracelet rang, and a text message called him and Lin Si away.

The little things were left unattended, and after studying for a while, they became bored and decided to look through Zheng Shu's collection of books.

Most of the bookcases are very old poems and novels, and the thick spines of the books look very worn out because they have gone through too much time.

Ling Yi had no memory of these books in his mind. He glanced up and down the bookcase, and finally noticed the crimson hardcover book on the far right of the bookcase that was not properly placed and the spine was slightly tilted outward.

He tiptoed and took the book down.

It's Shakespeare's sonnets.

This is a kind of lyric poem with beautiful rhythm. It is true that its artistic achievement is very superb, but for Ling Yi, it will inevitably appear boring due to the lack of story.

After reading the first page, he started flipping back and forth, intending to put the book back and read it with a more interesting one.

Just when Little One's meager patience was about to run out, letters that were not printed appeared on the page under him.

The beautiful and upright handwriting immediately attracted Ling Yi's attention.

To the right of the psalm, on a blank sheet of paper, someone wrote this line: "At last we set sail, and I can't imagine what I've done, what we've done."

Curiosity prompted Ling Yi to continue to turn down. Sure enough, after turning a few pages, the writing appeared again: "Innocent ghosts appeared in my dream. If their blood is still there, it will definitely stain the deck of the Voyager red."

Continue to scroll down, this time for a longer time: "I have a virus, thank God, I don't have to linger in the struggle of conscience, I am a guilty person, I should have died."

Ling Yi was startled, a little scared, he was about to close the book, but the name of the person he was most familiar with appeared on the next page.

"I saw Lin Si, Lin Si is on the boat, he shouldn't be here, he shouldn't be here!"

From the first time the handwriting appeared, it had gradually become frantic. On this page, the fear and frenzy reached its peak, and the tip of the pen even pierced the paper.

Ling Yi's heart was seized by such a line of words, and he eagerly wanted to turn to the next page where the words were written.

But at this moment, there were footsteps outside the door, and Ling felt that he couldn't let Lin Si know that he had read these things.

He thought of Lin Si's eyes after being shaken awake by himself at noon today.

It was dark and empty.

It must have something to do with something in the note, although he doesn't know what it is yet.

He closed the book and put it back where it belonged.

The crimson book was quietly hidden in the deepest part of the bookcase, Ling Yi turned on the light screen and went to math class, thinking that he must finish reading the notes in that book.

It's a pity that this afternoon, Little Things didn't find a chance when Lin Si and Zheng Shu were not in the room, so they had to find a chance to come back next time.