Cat’s Rose

Chapter 14: Fly to Fiery Lava (1)


He couldn't find a chance to continue flipping through that collection of poems, which directly caused Ling Yi to be a little absent-minded all afternoon. Lin Si naturally noticed this, and on the way back, he asked him, "Aren't you happy?"

The little guy shook his head.

Lin Si narrowed his eyes: "Huh?"

Obviously, lying is a skill that is practiced and perfect, and Ling Yi didn't have any experience worth mentioning, but he was quick-witted and sincerely said: "I want to watch Peppa Pig!"

Lin Si hooked his lips and smiled: "Don't look at it."

Ling Yi said angrily: "Marshal said he ordered you to show me!"

"I learned to complain to the marshal, huh?" Lin Si put his arm on Ling Yi's shoulder: "Everyone on the spaceship knows that my relationship with the marshal is very bad."

Ling Yi turned his eyes away and ignored him.

Lin Si then said slowly: "You can watch it, but you can't imitate pigs, you can't jump around, and you can't roll on the ground."

Ling Yi: "Yes!"

Lin Si let him go: "Go back to the room and have a look."

—Although he was very happy, Ling Yi was still thinking about that collection of poems.

Lin Si never had a backlog of work at hand, so he was always free to spend his night time—although he didn't spend these time on entertainment, but continued to study Ling Yi's genetic samples.

He was in the lab, and Ling Yi naturally followed him, so in the lab was Lin Si who was carefully testing the samples, and the 3D image of Piggy Page on the other side.

The night passed very quickly, and when Lin Si noticed that Ling Yi was rubbing his eyes sleepily, he took him back to his room to prepare for bed.

Ling Yi was changed into fluffy pajamas and hugged Lin Si's arm. Although he was very sleepy, he still remembered his little thoughts.

"Lins," he asked, "does the Earth look like it does in the cartoon?"

"It's not the same," Lins turned off the lights, and said calmly, "We live more in cities, and many cities have been abandoned. After that, we scattered and lived in more than a dozen giant cities."

"Why should it be discarded?"

"We live in many disasters, many people die for various reasons, the city gradually becomes empty, and finally it can only be abandoned."

Ling Yi leaned against Lin Si's chest, his tone full of childish puzzlement: "Why do so many people die?"

Lin Si touched his hair, his voice was very soft: "Human life is very fragile and easily disappears. Diseases and wars will cause a large number of deaths."

Ling Yi asked, "Then what did you do when you were on Earth?"

"I was a student a few years ago, and I will continue to do research after graduation, just like I am doing now."

"Then what are you studying?"

This time, Lin Si was silent for a long time, and when Ling Yi was about to fall asleep, he said, "I'm researching a virus."

This syllable fell into Ling Yi's ears, and he immediately woke up from the drowsiness—virus, in the notes in the poetry collection, the owner of the handwriting said that he was infected with the virus!

He pulled Larins's skirt and asked, "Have you achieved any results?"

He keenly felt that Lin Si paused with his fingers stroking his hair.

"Don't ask, baby." Lin Si's flat and suppressed voice sounded in the darkness: "Good boy."

Ling Yi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, because he felt that Lin Si was very sad at this time.

He wanted very, very much to know why Rings was sad, but if asking about it would make Rings sad in itself, he'd rather not ask again.

I won't talk about things on Earth with Lin Si in the future—he thought to himself: I just quietly read through the book of poems and knew what happened, but I didn't tell Lin Si. In this way, if someone else wants to mention this matter, after I see it, I will stop him.

After getting along with Lin Si these days, the little thing already knows that Lin Si is a reasonable person, and he doesn't hate himself at all, and when he acts like a baby, Lin Si will also laugh—so he hugged Lin Si tightly Said: "I know... I won't ask any more, don't be angry."

"Not angry," Lin Si patted him on the back, "It's my own problem."

He gently kissed Ling Yi's forehead: "Go to sleep."

The touch of the lips was cool, but Ling Yi felt a little hot on the cheeks.

The next day, Ling Yi came back to take a nap with Lin Si every day at noon, just as he had promised Lin Si, but the annoying thing was that the amount of training was increasing every day, let alone looking for Lin Si and Zheng Shu. There is no chance of being in the office anymore, and I can't even go to the fifth district. I have to spend every afternoon in the third district.

Ling Yi ground his teeth - he will definitely find a chance!

Days passed, and the spaceship finally stopped sailing into the subspace intermittently, but moved forward in the real universe. The target planet appeared in their field of vision, which was a red planet.

At the same time, various preparations for the landing were also going on intensely, and the spaceship was filled with an atmosphere of excitement and tension—they hadn't set foot on real land for too long.

On the eve of landing, Ling Yi's training was suspended and he followed Lin Si in the sixth area.

Lin Si checked some data at the end, he looked at ten lines at a glance, and proceeded very quickly.

— Then after scanning a certain item, he suddenly frowned.

"Bidey... go to the fifth district to get a sample."

Ling Yi bounced up behind him: "You have already sent Bidi out."

Lin Si also realized this, and the situation was urgent, so he had no choice but to ask Ling Yi to get it.

"I'll send a message to Brother Zheng, you go to the fifth district to find him and get the sample back, is that okay?"

Ling nodded.

He has a very good memory, and he remembers the route exactly, but when he was about to arrive at the place, he suddenly received a text message from Lin Si: "Brother Zheng can't leave, you wait in his studio for five minutes, remember where ?"

Ling Yi replied "remember", and his heart started beating.

In other words, Zheng Shu's studio is empty now!

He walked into the "dome" experimental area, pushed open the door of Zheng Shu's studio, and there was no one there.

Ling Yi closed the door and came to the bookcase, but there was no book in the original place.

He frowned, and began to search quickly on the bookshelf, but found nothing.

Finally, from the corner of Ling Yi's eyes, he suddenly saw a familiar deep red in a pile of various books on Zheng Shu's desk.

—It turned out that Zheng Shuna went to see it.

He looked at the time, he still had about three minutes, quickly pulled out the book, and flipped to the position in his memory.

From the frantic "Lins shouldn't be on the boat" and beyond, the writer's logic even became confused: "I can't imagine, I can't imagine what they did, I only saw it once, but it must be It was Lins, but Lins had rejected the boat ticket a long time ago, he chose to stay on Earth. I was quarantined, I couldn't talk to him, I couldn't imagine, I couldn't accept, what did we do!"

Continue to scroll down, the handwriting is terrible and terrible.

"help me."

further down.

"Save them."

Dense black writing is all over the paper, all of which are messy "save them", "who will save them", "sin", "abandon", and under the shadow of these words are the original lines:

"You co-exist with time in immortal poetry.

As long as there are men in this day, or men with eyes that see,

This poem will live on for a long time, and give you the life of eternal youth. "

The verses are beautiful and gentle, and they form a treacherous contrast with the struggling and screaming of the handwriting, which makes people feel chills.

Ling Yi continued to flip back, and finally on the last few pages, he saw the same calm, beautiful, and upright handwriting as the beginning.


There was no other writing on the page, and the page was blank, as if it had fallen into a strange silence.