Cat’s Rose

Chapter 17: Fly to Fiery Lava (4)


Lins looked at the jumping numbers and curves on the light screen.

When a normal human body is in such an extreme environment, all values will be weakened to minimize energy consumption.

But Ling Yi was not, his various indicators were changing, some rose, some fell, and it took a long time to stabilize.

A layman may not see anything special, and may even think that it is a disorder of bodily functions.

— but Lins could see that it was his body exploring, trying to adapt to the environment. Some animals on earth have similar physiology, such as cats, they can always use the least energy consumption to perform the best of their body functions.

The colonel also said similar things to Lin Si, and he found that exercise could not see obvious effects on Ling Yi.

— A normal person will have some changes in muscle strength and body shape after staying in the gym for a period of time, but Ling Yi is quite special. After nearly half a month of high-intensity exercise, that thin layer of muscle is still so beautiful, Nothing has changed, and anyone who doesn't know him will be fooled by his appearance into thinking he is a harmless young boy.

Lin Si sorted out the data and compared it with Ling Yi's training data these days. He came to a conclusion, although Ling Yi's muscle strength and nerve reflex speed are very high, but the direction of his mutation is still not enhancement, but optimization.

Those subtle changes in the shape and structure of the organization directly changed his energy utilization efficiency.

The mass-energy conversion rate of thermonuclear weapons is 0.7%. If there is more advanced technology to create a new weapon, it only needs to be increased by one percentage point, and its power will increase exponentially.

—The same is true for the human body, the same energy intake, the effect produced by a normal person, the modified body with enhanced physique may be able to exert twice the effect, while Ling Yi can be ten times or even more.

Lins withdrew his thoughts and began to analyze the more detailed surface data sent by the team after landing.

This is a typical desert planet with dense canyons and craters, gravel everywhere, a thin and hot atmosphere, and sandstorms happening all the time.

It is very similar to Mars, but Mars has almost no gravity and no magnetic field, and it is not suitable for human survival.

The iron-rich dry soil is difficult to grow crops. The main food on the spacecraft is nutrients. Nutrients are not manufactured out of thin air, but concentrated and refined from the improved crops cultivated in the second area, and the output is very limited. Once the base is formally established and the frozen body is thawed, the population will increase rapidly, and even food will become a problem for them.

There is also unstable stellar activity... It is not an exaggeration to say that it is internal and external troubles.

He sorted out the information, and waited for the team to collect enough samples and return after placing various monitoring instruments.

"Lin Si!" A few hours later, the hatch opened, and Ling Yi rushed forward first.

There was a sandstorm blowing outside, and Lin Si almost choked on the dust when these people came in.

The little thing didn't wear any equipment, so it was inevitable that he would be disheartened, but his eyes were bright and his spirit was very good.

"He's not human." The colonel said while unloading the equipment, "If we were all as perverted as Ling Yi, we could survive on any planet."

Lin Si gave a faint "hmm", and carried Ling Yi into the bathroom to scrub.

After a while, the little guy came out after a bath, with wet black hair, obediently raised his face, was rubbed with a few drops of glycerin by Lin Si, and then rubbed it away.

—The little face with delicate skin and tender flesh, after a lap in the sandstorm, still needs to be maintained.

The other spaceships also confirmed the presence of personnel one after another. Except that the No. 6 spaceship encountered a large storm and the detection was hindered, they all completed the mission satisfactorily.

The shuttle-shaped spacecraft left the land and returned to the Voyager.

Lin Si was going to report to Mrs. Chen and separated from Ling Yi.

Ling Yi and the colonel were walking in the corridor of the third district. The little guy thought about the conversation between the colonel and Lin Si before, and found that although the handwriting could not ask Lin Si directly, he could ask other people who knew Lin Si.

And the Colonel had just revealed that he knew something about Lins back on Earth.

"Colonel, did you know Rings from Earth?" he asked.

"I knew Lins, but he certainly didn't know me—Dr Lin was a big shot back then."

The colonel was a bit chatty, and Ling Yi didn't need to continue to ask, he just shook out what he knew.

"Dr. Lin was working on the Berlin virus at that time. We all know him—the laboratory he was in is said to be the most likely to develop a cure." The colonel said as he walked: "He had an interview video, and finally said, 'Please stick to it, don't Give up'—I still remember that this video saved countless people who wanted to commit suicide, and it was played over and over again in almost all cities, you may still be able to see it if you go to the database to find it.”

Ling Yi caught the key word: "Berlin virus?"

"Half of the people who died on the earth were caused by the war, and the other half were caused by the Berlin virus," the always cheerful colonel showed deep fear in his eyes at this time, "It's good that you don't remember, at that time, as long as you contracted this Virus, you must not live for three days, and the death is very ugly, the whole person becomes a kind of... "

The colonel frowned deeply: "Everyone who saw the corpse was infected with the virus and then died, so I only saw the pictures, it's almost like your internal organs and meat turned into bloody water in three days, and then from It leaks out from the hole on the body—this is considered dead, the other ones can’t even see the human form, and the skin is not complete—the key is that it is too contagious, and no one dares to go out on the street. You can’t come back, but even if you stay at home with the windows shut, people still get sick — and then the whole family dies, and you just look at the pictures and think, I’d rather kill myself than suffer like this.”

Ling Yi listened to the colonel's description, thinking about that scene, his back felt hairy.

"And then?" he asked.

"Then I don't know. I received an order to go to the base and prepare to board the ship. At that time, we didn't have the protection of the Lendis force field. When we entered the subspace, we all had to sleep. Many people and I were frozen in advance, and we woke up It became the doctor's experimental subject when it was born." The colonel sighed: "I heard that the virus mutated four times later, and our medicine has absolutely nothing to do with it."

He concluded: "After the all-out nuclear war, only giant cities were inhabited by people, and the virus broke out again, and the last four mutations, so it is impossible to have living people on the earth, only us - the most important thing to live, this ghost It doesn't matter how bad the planet is, the universe is too dangerous, nothing can happen to the voyagers, otherwise we humans will be completely finished."

Ling Yi's footsteps paused.

The owner of that notebook was infected with a virus, and later, he or she said "goodbye" to this world.

The colonel didn't know, but he knew that there were viruses on the spacecraft, at least once.

His keen intuition suddenly exploded into a ball, and his heartbeat accelerated, as if on this huge ship, in the unknowable darkness, there were really a pair of evil eyes watching in the dark.

Meanwhile, District 1.

Mrs. Chen is looking at what the satellite brought.

"It's hard." She smiled.

"Have you decided to settle here?" Lins asked.

"It's decided." Madam Chen said, and opened a program on the super intelligent brain, which is a very complicated open mathematical model.

"Let's take a look at the new achievements in the first area." Mrs. Chen operated the system, grabbing the data collected by satellites and ground instruments into the system.

"In the abstract sense, all subjects are mathematics, and on the basis of rationality, all judgments are statistics." She said this well-known quote, pressed the confirmation option, and the progress bar began to move.

"This is an analysis system. It will integrate our current level of technology, future scientific development speed, population, number of resources... Introduce hundreds of variables into the model to start the analysis and get the probability of survival." Madam said: "Insufficient resources, We can first control the number of thaws, the environment is harsh, we can fight it with science, we are like doing a math problem, there is always an optimal solution waiting to be discovered."

Lin Si frowned slightly: "Why can't you consider limitless?"

Madam shook her head: "It is a miracle that the Marshal can agree to your two-phase plan. Lin, you are the person who knows the most about the Berlin virus. Don't you know the reason for this nightmare? The Marshal never trusted you. You put a knife on our DNA chain, and the theory you mastered is too terrible. He is afraid that you will create a second Berlin nightmare. In the five years since you thawed, there have been many suspected man-made accidents on the spacecraft, and someone tried to hinder the voyage Or, this is also true. Unless you can completely dispel his doubts, otherwise, no matter how much contribution Limitless can make to the continuation of mankind, it can only be rejected indefinitely."