Cat’s Rose

Chapter 2: From the deepest part of the vortex (2)


The knocking sound is getting louder and faster.

Lin Si said to Lucia: "Turn on the first level of defense."

Before the words fell, a huge cracking sound came from the other side of the wall.

"The hibernation chamber...was broken?" Seth frowned.

"I'm afraid it is," Lin Si narrowed his eyes. "It's a strong mutation caused by the radiation of the black hole. I hope the experimental subject still has sanity."

Even if the hibernation chamber used on the spaceship is not considered indestructible, it is made of strong materials, and it is difficult to open it with only human physical strength.

—It shows that the strong mutation obtained by the experimental subject has completely strengthened his body in a very short period of time, which is also the same as Lucia's evaluation result of "extremely dangerous".

Lucia: "The defense system has been activated."

The Sixth District has been conducting genetic modification experiments for the past few years, and it is inevitable that the experimental subjects will go out of control, so it is equipped with a defense system. However, the distribution of high-lethal weapons and robots is strictly controlled by the military, and it is impossible to allocate them to scientific research experiments. district. So the function of this defense system is limited to blocking the access control, ejecting the shelter, and calling the third area-that is, the area where the military is located.

Lin Si took out a tube of powerful sedative from the cold room, sucked it into the injection needle, strode to the door of the laboratory hall, and said to the others: "You all back away."

"Is it okay to just take tranquilizers? What if the aggressiveness becomes too strong?" The child was very worried.

—I saw that Lin Si didn't know what button he pressed, and a metal grid popped up on the wall, and there was a silver-white pistol inside, and the model couldn't be seen.

Child:"… "

Hidden lethal weapons!

— No wonder my tutor warned that although Lin Si is the boss of our Sixth District, he is a real dangerous person, and he should have as little contact as possible.

Lin Si came to the front of the metal door, the iris authentication passed, and the metal door slowly rose.

It was pitch black inside the door at first, but Lucia immediately turned on the cold light tube on the ceiling.

Cemetery - This is the first impression of the entire vast and lifeless storage hall.

The four walls are filled with various biological specimens, and hundreds of oval-shaped silver-white dormancy cabins are neatly placed on the ground, most of which are empty, a few are animals, and a few are people.

Sleeping cabin No. 97 is at the deepest point.

Lins approached, and the footsteps echoed.

The end where the light could barely reach was very dim. The dormant cabin No. 97 was broken from the inside to the outside, and the deep-sea liquid that aided dormancy flowed all over the floor. An irregular gap was broken on the top of the cabin, and there was blood on the edge of the gap. .

At this moment, a hand rests on the edge of the gap.

The slender and slender fingers were scratched by the gap, bleeding continuously.

Then came the wet black head, the thin shoulders with white skin.

The mutant stood up from the dormant cabin, and the dark blue liquid rolled down on him, like a mermaid coming ashore from the sea.

Lince raised the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at him at a distance, in case of a sudden attack.

"Ling Yi." He called the mutant's name.

-no response.

On one side of the dormant cabin is the information of each subject:

Name: Ling Yi

Biological age: 15

Project: Limitless Phase II

Experiment progress: failed

The mutant looked at Lin Si, the dark pupils were emotionless, and the muscles were slightly tensed, showing vigilance and vigilance, which was a precursor to animal attacks.

Fortunately, although he showed aggression, his mental state was still stable and he did not go crazy.

Lin Si slowly put down the pistol, and his voice was as calm and gentle as possible: "Ling Yi, I'm Lin Si, remember me?"

Standing in the dim light, Ling Yi didn't reveal any human emotion in his eyes.

Lin Si then asked, "Can you understand me?"

There was still no response, not to mention talking, not even a simple nod or shake of the head.

Seeing this, Lin Si gave up communicating with him in a human way, and instead adopted the most primitive animal behavior mode.

He took a few steps back cautiously, walked into the dense dormancy pods, weakened his presence, and set aside a safe distance for the other party.

Sure enough, after a period of silence, Ling Yi stepped out of the dormant cabin and stood on the ground. He stepped on the fragments on the ground, water dripped down from his long white and slender legs, the fragments must have cut the soft soles of his feet, but he didn't seem to feel it.

Lynch took a step forward.

He immediately looked at Lin Si warily.

"I won't hurt you," Lin Si stretched out his hand to him, "come."

As he spoke, he walked towards Ling Yi very slowly, observing the changes in his expression every step he took.

Ling Yi was in a state of high tension and vigilance from the beginning to the end, like the kind of little wild cat you would meet on a street corner when you were on Earth, and when approached by strangers, they were always ready to stretch out their claws to attack or to attack. Then quickly escaped.

Fortunately, Lins knew some knowledge of animal behavior and knew how to minimize his threat. It can be seen that in his student days, the possibility of being able to touch a wild cat on the street corner was probably very high—if he had the intention of approaching.

He approached step by step, Ling Yi froze on the spot.

Once the deep-sea liquid is exposed to the air, it will evaporate quickly. At this time, Ling Yi's hair is already half dry. His shoulder-length black hair is thick and soft, and he has a pair of beautiful almond-shaped eyes—the whole person presents a mysterious beauty. This sense of beauty is not limited to the delicate features, but a distant, indescribable feeling, as if from the depths of the sea.

He was a failure of the Lins experiment. Before that, after the genetic modification operation was completed, no stimulation of any kind could make him open his eyes—but such a failure finally woke up under the unknown mutation brought about by the black hole radiation.

The mutation is irreversible, and Lin Si can only hope that those uncontrollable unknown mutations have not completely swallowed his sanity as a human being.

He slowly reached out to the side of the mutant's head, his fingers touching his hair, and the next step was to make a soothing stroke.

At this moment, the spaceship violently turbulent.

The turmoil caused Ling Yi's tense nerves to explode. He grabbed Lin Si's wrist in an instant, twisted it back suddenly, and bounced his knee, hitting the hollow of Lin Si's leg accurately. Hold on, press to the ground.

He was so powerful that Lin Si clearly heard the sound of his right arm being dislocated.

With a muffled snort, he endured the sudden burst of pain.

Fortunately, the turmoil only lasted for a short while, and it subsided after a dozen seconds.

Seeing this, the other people who had been paying attention to the situation inside immediately ran towards here, and blurted out: "Dr. Lin!"

Lin Si saw them from the corner of his eye: "..."

—It's normal to hold an anesthesia gun and a scalpel, but there are two guys who can't find it, so they have to copy the beaker holder.

"Don't come over, back away." He said lightly.

The children looked at him hesitantly, then at Ling Yi.

Lin Si clearly felt that Ling Yi's strength had increased again.

The severe pain from the shoulder joint made Lin Si tremble, and he tried his best to keep his voice steady: "Stand back, get out of the room, I can handle it."

They retreated, leaving one holding a tranquilizer gun, aiming at Ling Yi from a concealed angle all the time.

"Don't be afraid." Lin Si took a breath and relaxed his tense body due to pain: "We are your companions."

Since he can make such standard fighting moves, it means that he still has some body memory, so it is impossible to completely lose his sanity.

Lin Si crossed his chest with his uninjured left hand, sighed and patted Ling Yi on the hand that twisted his arm.

"Hey, let me go, Ling Yi, Ling Ling..."

The strength on the arm is a little less.

Lin Si grabbed his hand and gently pushed it away. Fortunately, Ling Yi didn't resist. Lin Si was finally no longer restrained by him, stood up, and continued the previous approach.

Part of Ling Yi's vigilance disappeared, but those beautiful eyes were still fixed on Lin Si.

"Come with me, I'll take you for an examination." Lin Si said to Ling Yi in the gentlest tone he could, coaxing a child.

However, the next moment when there was a trace of hesitation on his expression, Ling Yi suddenly frowned, his face lost all color, and his whole body trembled violently.

Unable to stand on his legs, he fell forward and slammed into Lin Si's arms.

Lin Si immediately felt him trembling violently, his left hand stretched out to his neck, and his pulse was beating very violently, far exceeding the maximum pulse rate of the human body under any circumstances.

He hugged Ling Yi and patted him on the back.

Ling Yi tightly strangled him with his arms, tightly closed his eyes, his long and thick eyelashes were trembling, and buried his head in Lin Si's chest with all his might.

He finally uttered the first syllable of a human language.

"It hurts..."

Now there is no need for Lin Si to give any orders. The children spontaneously divided into two to drag people, and the other went to the laboratory to turn on the physical examination equipment—Seth was to prepare the treatment equipment. After all, Lin Si broke an arm and the situation is also Not going anywhere.

Lucia has successfully taken over the medical cabin where the full body examination is carried out, but Ling Yi's hand has been holding on to Lin Si tightly, and it took a lot of effort for the children to separate them successfully.

Seth helped Linsi handle his right arm, while Linsi concentrated on looking at the various data of Ling Yi's body on the light screen.

"Subversive mutation, ready to sample and analyze," Lin Si pressed his temple, "The adaptation reaction is also very violent, I hope he can survive."

Several young people who have not participated in Lins's project before, have now applied for information from Lucia, and are making up for the follow-up operation of the human gene mutation experiment—it seems very reliable.

Lin Si handed over the matter to them to check the driving status of the spaceship.

As a system still under test, Lucia has not yet had time to conduct complex navigation environment drills, but she has shown excellent navigation capabilities, relying on the gravitational field and angular momentum to analyze the structure of the black hole. steady.

Three days have passed, and while the sailing is smooth, Ling Yi's condition is very bad.

From the outside, his body didn't change much, beautiful facial features, a young figure, beautiful lines of muscles looming—but inside, there was almost an earth-shaking change.

Lin Si got today's test results, frowned slightly, and handed it to Seth: "Come and see."

One of Seth's majors is anthropology. After reading a few pages back and forth, and comparing the test results of the previous Lance experiments, he also frowned: "Let's not say it's tissue, even the cell shape is different." Strictly speaking, he is hardly a human being.”

Ling Yi was in a coma all the time, his body was constantly changing, and at the same time, he also had a strong adaptation reaction, reaching the point of organ failure several times, but miraculously regained his life in the end.

His body is also extremely sensitive to foreign objects, and the injections used to alleviate the adaptation reaction can't do anything at all, and can even cause a more severe reaction—not even the nutrient solution used to maintain life.

"The vitality is very strong," Lin Si stood beside the bed, the corners of his lips raised slightly, "but if he doesn't wake up, he might starve to death."

He patted that delicate face: "It's time to eat."

Ling Yi's eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Seth and his gang shouted "Master Wizard is amazing, Lord Wizard is terrible".

Ling Yi was much calmer than when he woke up at the beginning, but the next moment he saw Lin Si, he tensed up vigilantly, quickly moved away from him, sat up, hugged the quilt, and stuck to the side of the bed. on the wall.

Lin Si saw the little thing lying on his bed, wearing his own clothes, and staring at him full of hostility and fear, "tsk", and asked Seth: "The state is not right, what's wrong with him?"

"If you use animal analysis, he may associate the pain that caused him to faint with contact with you."

Lynce smiled wickedly.

He took out a tube of nutritional supplements, pulled out the mouthpiece, put the mouthpiece into his own mouth under Ling Yi's gaze, drank a few mouthfuls with the tube in his mouth, and asked Ling, "Are you hungry?"

I don't know if Ling Yi understood, but at least from Lin Si's gesture, he could see that this was an action of eating, and his eyes were immediately glued to the nutritional supplements—it stands to reason that he is very hungry now.

After some psychological struggle, he opened his mouth and accepted the straw offered by Lin Si.

The bright red soft lips held the transparent tube, and the white nutrient solution was sucked in.

—However, in the next moment, even the nutrient solution with the straw was spit out.

Ling Yi's complexion was very bad, he coughed a few times, retched several times, his face was pale.

Lin Si raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

Seth said seriously: "Doctor, I don't think this is a physiological reaction. For people who are used to living on the earth, the nutritional supplements are indeed extremely unpalatable and unacceptable. I guess he will feel that you are going to poison him to death."

Lin Si: "... um."

The pretty little thing looked up and looked at Lin Si viciously, even his eyes were red with anger.