Cat’s Rose

Chapter 21: Trek (3)


Ling Yi woke up very early.

In fact, he has very good living habits. Unless he has a task, he will go to bed very early and wake up when the sun is about to rise.

Today, the wind and sand in the basin was particularly strong, and the dust obscured the line of sight, making the scene of sunrise unclear, and the voyager, who was always faintly showing shadows in the clouds, was also blocked.

Ling Yi was very angry.

He withdrew his gaze from the window and returned to the room where he was.

This room is extremely simple—or close to simple, with steel tables and chairs, beds, snow-white quilts and sheets, and nothing else.

Every house on the base is this style, because the planet has nothing but iron.

Ling Yi has seen some wooden products on the spaceship, which are very light and warm. It is said that there are many such things on the earth, but since the Voyagers started sailing, no single-celled organisms have been found on other planets, let alone Let alone trees. Therefore, almost all the products they use are made of steel, and the whole city is composed of silver gray and white.

He dressed and tidied himself up, then watered the cat grass by the window.

This cluster of emerald green fine grass is the only embellishment in the whole house—the cat grass seeds were given to Lin Si by Zheng Shu, and Lin Si gave him in turn.

Zheng Shu likes this kind of grass very much. Lin Si said that this is his memory of his deceased fiancée.

Standing in front of the window, Ling Yi looked at the cat grass planted in the beaker, and easily remembered that when he first woke up, he got angry with Lin Si and killed his grass.

He bent his eyes and smiled, plucked the tip of the grass with his fingers, and looked up at the sky in a daze.

He knew that his memory was very good, he remembered many details of getting along with Lin Si, as well as with other people, but it was only for these three years - before he woke up, there was still a blank.

Lins explained that during the process of mutation, neurons experienced re-growth, and the original memory circuit was disrupted or even shattered. This is theoretically an irreversible forgetting, just like people rarely remember themselves before the age of three. Same thing happened.

He remembered having vague dreams about Earth when he first woke up, but these dreams hadn't recurred in the past three years.

Ling Yi was a little distressed. He really wanted to know his previous experience, but no one on the spaceship seemed to recognize him before, and he couldn’t find any information about himself in the database, just like he could find any information about himself. Not as much as anything related to what Rings had been through in the past.

He unpacked a tube of nutrition, grabbed the hose, and walked out the door. There was no patrol mission today, only training.

The military's garrison in the city is a semi-circular base, but in the past year, everyone has been somewhat negative.

The colonel was playing the snake game, saw him coming in, and said hello: "Good morning, Xiao Lingling."

"Good morning, Colonel." Ling Yi walked over to set the parameters of the battle robot.

The colonel, who was one of the militants, loosened his joints and sighed: "There are still no aliens coming to attack us today. I'm going to be bored."

Sweena sneered: "Boss, if you are too free, you can have a fight with Ling."

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it." The colonel leaned on the back of the chair, with his arms over his eyes: "Why is life so boring... When I was on the spaceship, I was looking forward to it anyway."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to wait for someone to agree with him, but Ling Yi, who was fighting with the battle robot, looked at the door: "Lin Si is here."

A few people were familiar with his keen perception three years ago, but this ability has become more and more exaggerated recently, especially in Lins.

The life in the base was very boring, which gave the colonel and Sweena enough time to observe Ling Yi. They found that Ling Yi didn't even need to rely on hearing or vision to know that Lin Si was nearby, just like now, even now Lin Si Si is just outside the base, and there is still a layer of copper and iron walls between them. Normal people can't detect anything at all.

— But Ling Yi can feel it, and it is very accurate. Now even the hypothesis of pheromone is not valid, it can only be explained as intuition.

The colonel opened the gate of the training ground, and sure enough, he saw a silver-white flying shuttle approaching.

The shuttle came to the door, stopped slowly, and the side door opened.

The temperature difference between day and night on the ground is very large, and it is very cold in the morning. Therefore, instead of wearing the usual white shirt, Lin Si wore a long black trench coat over a beige turtleneck sweater. , can look outstanding in anything you wear.

As a beautiful girl full of romantic feelings, Bi Di has impeccable aesthetics, so Lin Si and Ling Yi's dresses are all very appropriate by her. The only pity is that Lin Si is not the kind of girl who is often noticed. When it comes to the person in the clothes, it is difficult for most people to even look at him carefully in person.

Lin Si himself doesn't have much combat power, but he is very aggressive. As long as you are swept by those eyes that seem to be filled with frost, your whole person's aura will involuntarily weaken, and then you will be dominated by him—after three years, this kind of The temperament became more and more obvious. When he came, even if he didn't intend to speak, people would spontaneously quiet down.

Ling Yi is not the case, he is very likable, and people will involuntarily go up to talk to him, if these two people appear in the crowd at the same time, they will both become the focus, but the type of focus is different, they will move closer to where Ling Yi is, And flee as far away from the area where Linsi is.

At this moment, in the base, Ling Yi was seriously discussing tricks with the robot. As soon as he sensed that Lin Si was coming, he put the robot down three times, cut off the power reception, and walked towards the door.


Lin Si looked at Ling with obvious happiness, and his expression softened slightly.

Children of this age are changing almost every day. They haven't seen each other for two or three months, and they've grown up a bit. The original exquisiteness and delicateness have disappeared, replaced by a kind of lively and playful youthful spirit, but the character that is too good to be true is always the same. It hasn't changed, it's just that the child has grown up so much, and the queen said that it's not easy to act like a baby in front of people anymore.

If it was three years ago, after such a long time no see, the little thing would have rushed to rub his whole body into his arms, but now he can only speak in a proper manner.

"How are you doing?" Lin Si asked lightly.

Ling nodded, and answered obediently: "I train hard every day, and I also study... Are you busy these days?"

"It's okay," Lin Si said, "I'll take you back today."

Ling Yi tilted his head: "Should we only stay for one night?"

"This time it's a cooperative project," Lin Sidao, "You may have to live with me for a long time."

Ling Yi replied very happily, he was obviously in a very good mood, just like a student on earth when the summer vacation is about to start.

Lin Si was very familiar with the situation of the 200 "limitless" people, so he selected 50 people in a short period of time and sent them to the small spaceship to the Voyager.

As the testing scales up, other people will join the project.

The colonel was in the same spaceship with Ling Yi and Lin Si again, watching these two people talking awkwardly.

"How was the training?"

"Nothing special, just the daily plan, do you want data?"

"No need." Lin Si's voice didn't fluctuate.

Ling Yi asked again, "Have you been working on projects with Zheng Shu and Tangning?"


"Mrs. Casalan asked me to say hello to you on her behalf. She said she is your elder."

"I remember her."

The colonel couldn't listen to the textbook style of looking for something to talk about. He continued to play the Snake game that was just suspended, and was very involved.

Ling Yi also noticed this, he was a little angry, the joy just now was gone, his beautiful eyebrows were wrinkled, he leaned on the backrest, and stopped talking to Lin Si.

Lin Si looked at him for a while, then hooked his lips: "Come here."

Ling Yi thought that he and Lin Si had already started to quarrel, so he couldn't get over it obediently.

— so he reluctantly rubs past.

Then he was dragged by Lin Si and rubbed it for a while, and then he thought bitterly, this time, he will reluctantly forgive Lin Si temporarily.

But forgiveness is forgiveness, and the account still has to be settled.

When he arrived, he found a suitable angle, lay down on the seat, with his head resting on Lin Si's thigh, and gave Lin Si a bluff look: "Do you not love me anymore!"