Cat’s Rose

Chapter 22: Trek (4)


Qing Lingling's almond-core eyes, the pupils are larger than normal, like a kitten, staring at him angrily.

Lin Si was amused by this scene and smiled: "Why do you say that?"

Ling Yi: "You don't talk to me properly!"

Lince laughed.

He seldom smiles at ordinary times, even if he smiles, there is only a little smile in his eyes, and he rarely makes a sound.

It was a very soft breathy sound, which seemed to come from the chest cavity, and it was very pleasant to hear. Ling Yi was particularly sensitive to this sound, and his whole body trembled, the tips of his ears became hot, and then he threw himself on Lin Si in a fit of embarrassment. few times.

Lin Si held him down, stroking his hair once and for all.

Ling Yi stubbornly ignored him.

The colonel's snake ate its own tail, was very angry, quit the game, looked up, saw the two people rolled into a ball again, obviously no longer have their own business, pouted, and started another round .

Ling Yi lived very comfortably on the spaceship, but after returning to the sixth district, he found that this was not the case.

Lince sent the new information to his communicator.

"It's time for you to learn calculus." Lin Si said.

Ling Yi vigilantly flipped through the files quickly.

— Many, and complex.

"When we left Earth, higher education had been universally available, but most people's calculus level didn't seem to be good." Lin Si frowned as he spoke, as if he couldn't understand the situation, but he was very He quickly returned to his expressionless face: "So I decided not to let you study by yourself. Every night, I will teach you personally. The beginning of calculus is the limit, and this is the content of tonight."

An hour passed.

Ling Yi's eyes were blank.

Lins used a ballpoint pen to write lines of beautiful and smooth handwriting on the snow-white paper.

The words are beautiful, but the content is the opposite—at least in Ling Yi's eyes.

Lin Si finished writing a line and said, "This is infinity."

Ling Yi looked at the Greek letter that looked like the reversed number 3, with distressed eyes.

Lin Sidao: "Retell the infinitesimals again."

"For an arbitrary positive number that can be very, very small, there is always another positive number. When... the distance between the independent variable and a constant is smaller than this positive number, the function value is smaller than the first positive number, and then... this The function value is called the infinitesimal quantity when the independent variable tends to this constant."

After he finished speaking, he blinked his eyes in confusion.

Lins asked, "Is that understandable?"

Ling Yi nodded first, then shook his head: "Why don't you just say that it is smaller than any number?"

"Because 'smaller than any number' is a natural language, not a mathematical language," Lindow said, "if science wants to develop freely, it must get rid of the interference of philosophy and theology. These metaphysical disciplines always try to express themselves in natural language Find out the loopholes, and then use them as weapons to attack natural science. For example, they think that the addition of one-third and two-thirds equals one. This is not the same as the infinite loop of zero and nine obtained by adding decimals, so mathematics is unreliable of."

He looked at Ling Yi's half-understanding expression, and continued: "This is a very old paradox, and another paradox that is similar to it but more complicated is called Zeno's paradox. You can go to the information Library search. Zeno’s paradox directly caused the second crisis of mathematics in the 17th century. It was not until the precise definition of the infinitesimal—that is, the words you just recounted—that the paradox was resolved, the crisis was lifted, and then calculus became a discipline. Science is no longer bound by other things, and science has begun to develop rapidly. Therefore, this sentence cannot be replaced by "smaller than any number". It is of great significance and opened up a whole era of mathematics."

"The same is true for the voyage of the Voyager. We hope that everything is precise and strictly defined. Mrs. Chen never uses her own experience and speculation to decide what the spacecraft should do. She only uses mathematical models to calculate the probability distribution, so in her During our leadership, our voyage has never been surprised by the wrong decision of the leader - previous generations of leaders have all made some mistakes."

Ling Yi frowned, and read the definition written in the ghost language called "Ipsilon-Delta" several times.

Lin Si finished all the knowledge that should be taught to the little guy - he knew that Ling Yi's memory was very good, and he only had a little time to understand.

Ling Yi finally digested the knowledge, raised his head, and asked a question that Lin Si hadn't expected.

"What are philosophy and theology?"

The young man's eyes were clear and ignorant, he really did not know the meaning of these two terms.

Because there is only science on this ship.

Lins was able to solve almost all the weird and whimsical questions raised by boys of this age, but this time he was silent for a long time.

Finally, he said, "It's the fourth district."

Ling Yi: "Is it the one we lost?"

Lince: "Yes."

The fourth district is small, nothing compared to other districts. When the Voyagers leave Earth, Sector 4 still has a place on the entire ship.

There lived philosophers, scholars of literature, poets—those who deal with the human soul. They connected remotely with the eighth district, sorted out the vast amount of data, classified, graded, and organized them into a system, so that after landing, people would not forget the achievements of civilization, and they could easily pick them up.

Later, the resources on the spacecraft gradually became scarce, and the number of personnel in the fourth area has been reduced, making it the area with the least number of people.

Later, in a crisis of supernova explosion, the Voyager popped out of the fourth area, gained a huge recoil, and left the dangerous area safely.

Up to now, no one has mentioned the fourth district anymore, and Ling Yi, who grew up on the Voyager, deals with soldiers or scientists every day. In his perception, there are only two types of people in this world, people who study science , and those who protect them.

Ling Yi asked after Lin Si finished talking about the fourth district, "Then what is its definition?"

—Lings' teachings are very effective. Little things already know to ask for definitions when they face new things.

"It doesn't have a definition," Lindsay said. "People in District 4 study all things that cannot be defined, such as people's thoughts and emotions... I don't know them very well, you can check it yourself."

Ling nodded.

But cats have strong insight and curiosity, and Ling Yi often looks like a cat.

He blinked: "But I think people's thoughts and emotions are easily defined."

Lins: "Huh?"

"For example, I like Lins, and everyone else on the ship, and then, when I see Lins, I will be very happy..."

Lin Si said flatly: "This is because you haven't experienced other emotions. Many times, you can like someone and hate this person at the same time. You can admit that a thing is noble without denying that it is very despicable."

Ling Yi shook his head.

Lin Si smiled faintly: "Wait until you grow up."

Ling Yi didn't quite understand these things, but he was keen.

Before that, he often thought about what kind of things Lin Si had encountered, and he had carefully observed Lin Si's reaction to different things.

Rings works for the Voyagers, and he's serious, but he's indifferent to everything on the ship, which is a bit of a contradiction.

So, he said hesitantly, "Does Lin Si both like and hate Voyagers?"

Lin Si was silent for a while, and said, "I never liked it."

After he finished speaking, he said, "Now let's go back to calculus."

Ling Yi reluctantly nodded.

"Although your calculations seldom make mistakes, you really don't have much talent in mathematics, so I have very low requirements for you. As long as you can understand the concept, you will pass the test, but you must know the proof process," Lin Si said in a flat voice, "You have Objection?"

Ling Yibian pursed his lips: "No."

Lin Si didn't talk to himself well because he hadn't seen him for a long time. He obviously only talked well when he was teaching himself something.

When teaching something, I always make things difficult for myself!

Sure enough, I still thought too much of him when I couldn't see him - Lin Si was actually not likable at all!

Fortunately, Lin Si was later called away by a communication, and Ling Yi, who finally got rid of math class, was able to wander around the sixth district.

He hasn't seen Bidi for a long time, and he misses her a little bit, but he has never met her.

Finally, at the corner of the hallway, he saw someone who shouldn't be in the Sixth Ward.

To be precise, it was two people.

Tang Ning's mechanical keyboard was put aside, and he was sitting in the corner, teasing a... little girl in a red dress

A blond little girl in a complicated and gorgeous red princess dress that only reached her chest.

Getting closer, Ling Yi realized that she was just a holographic projection.

Tang Ning held the little girl's hand vaguely, while the little princess in the red skirt knelt down, closed her eyes, and gently touched his forehead with her own forehead, while stroking his hair with the other hand, as if comforting .

After he appeared around the corner, the little girl looked up.

"Brother Tangning," Ling Yi heard the little girl's sweet voice, "Your friend is here."

Tangning opened her eyes, saw Ling Yi, and greeted him, "Little Ling Yi."

Then introduce the little girl to Ling Yi: "Her name is Vivian, and she is an artificial intelligence."

Vivienne walked up to Ling Yi with her skirt in her hand, took his hand, and brought him in front of Tangning.

The holographic image has no substance, so it is said that she held Ling Yi's hand, but in fact Ling Yi stretched out his hand to cooperate with her movement.

Vivian sat down beside Tangning and leaned on his shoulder.

"I remember telling you before that I don't like the image of Lucia," Tangning said, "so I made up Vivian."

"Are you going to replace Lucia with her?"

Tangning shook her head, "That's the image Lucia chose. I respect her. Vivienne's autonomy is not as good as Lucia's. Her image was set by me."

Vivian sighed: "Vivian is a lower-level system than Lucia, and Vivian is not happy."

"I won't make up anything inferior to the previous works," Tangning said.

"Really?" Vivian immediately put away her disappointed expression and hugged his arm in surprise.

Tangning nodded, "Lucia's intelligence level is high because she used some other things in her designs, but you edit them all in code, which is cleaner than hers."

Vivian nodded vigorously: "Vivian is very happy."

Tangning reached out her hand to touch her blonde hair, which didn't really exist, then put her hand down, took the keyboard from the side, put it on her lap, linked it to the light screen, and started typing codes again.

Ling Yi remembered that he hadn't played with Lucia for a long time.

Only very lonely people will play with artificial intelligence.