Cat’s Rose

Chapter 23: Trek (5)


Ling Yi had been taught by Lin Si for so long, so he knew a little about codes. He could tell that Tang Ning was using a very old and complicated language, which was rarely learned by anyone.

However, no matter how far the progress of science and technology simplifies the programming language, it cannot change the fact that the more concise and easy to understand the language, the weaker the control over the machine, so there is a reason for Tang Ning to use this language, not self-inflicted trouble.

And Ling Yi always felt very familiar, from the actions, to the codes scrolling on the light screen, and the interface behind the codes.

He must have seen someone similar to Tangning, not on a spaceship.

The colonel said that he must have received very professional fighting training, and he has the style of the army. Who taught him

The more he grows up, the more he wants to know about his past, but his memory has always been blank.

Tangning typed the code and asked him, "How many days will you stay this time?"

"I want to help you try the bones."

Tangning let out a "hmm".

Ling Yi and Tang Ning have a good relationship. Their age difference is not too big, they are only five years old, and they both grew up on the spaceship. Tang Ning is the only one who doesn't call him "little baby" or "cute" like the elders —Of course, this also has a lot to do with his character.

Ling Yi looked at the jumping codes and asked Tangning, "Is there anyone else who speaks the same language as you?"

"Very little," Tangning said without raising her head, "its efficiency is a bit low."

"Then why do you keep using it?"

"I didn't use this when I was on Earth. Later, I saw a very beautiful system written with it," Tangning tapped the keyboard slightly, "It was the system that the Voyager was originally equipped with. It's called 'Voyager', at that time the first area hadn't invented the Lundys force field, and we all had to sleep when we entered the subspace, but all the life support equipment on the spacecraft needed to operate normally, and there were still many navigation problems... Yes The energy requirements are also very high, no one is driving, and the system is operating the spacecraft autonomously. Although I wrote about Lucia, the military still uses it, such as our authority level and core database, now It is also supporting."

Ling Yi was a little surprised, because Tang Ning was legendary in everyone's eyes, and according to Tang Ning's words, the person who wrote the original program was even more powerful than himself.

"Is he on the ship?"

"It doesn't seem like he's here," Tangning said, "He's a legend in my industry."

"what is his name?"

"Ling Ning is of Asian descent," Tangning said, "I chose the same Chinese name as him because I admire him."

After finishing speaking, he said "uh" slowly: "There seems to be a word like him in your name."

Without warning, Ling Yi felt his heart beating faster and faster.

He remembered that when the nuclear accident occurred in the first district, that Mr. Lambert also mentioned this person, and said...

Said that the combination of zero and one is the name he thought of for his son.

"Is this surname common?" he asked.

"I don't know. I haven't researched your surnames. Wait for me to write a program to grab them." Tangning called up another interface, typing on the keyboard and said, "If you are interested in him, you can ask Lin Si , they are very familiar."

"Very familiar?"

"Should be very familiar. Lin Si's supervisor is Dr. Yesselin, and he is husband and wife with Mr. Ling." Tangning wrote the program very quickly, and it ran at a fast speed. The result has already been produced, and he said to Ling: " Your last name is rare."

Ling Yi's mind went blank for a moment.

This surname is very rare, and this person named Ling Ning has said that he wants to name his son Ling Yi.

His wife was Rings' mentor.

Yesselin—he had heard that name too.

In the interview video of Lins, the reporter's first sentence was "This is the Wilkins Laboratory, founded by Dr. Yesselin."

The laboratory created by Dr. Yesselin is the spokesperson of Lin Si, so what Tang Ning said is true.

If it was what he thought, would he and Lin Si know each other before

After receiving such a large amount of information, Ling Yi was stunned for a moment.

Tangning: "What's wrong with you?"

Ling Yi sat down beside him, calmed down his churning thoughts, and said, "...he may be related to me by blood."

"He's from the military. When I was on Earth, I was very young and couldn't get in touch with him. I don't know much about his family." Tangning said with a blank expression, "I don't think it is possible. If he is your relative, Narins would have told you long ago."

Ling Yi thought about it, and Lin Si never mentioned anything about his life experience. When he asked himself, he only said that when setting up the program to randomly select subjects, he did not set a lower age limit. When an adult child becomes an experimental subject, he has already been pre-processed, and there is no way to undo it, so the experiment can only continue—and then, it may be because the child’s body is not suitable for the experiment, or something went wrong, He didn't wake up until he mutated under the radiation of the black hole.

So he always felt that Lin Si had nothing to do with his past.

But, he really—

He really felt that the person Tangning was talking about had something to do with him.

This feeling was like being in the training ground, a string in his mind was suddenly plucked, and he knew it was Lin Si who was coming.

Tangning turned her face to the side and saw his dazed expression. Her voice slowed down a bit and said, "I can hack into the database to check, but it's too heavily protected and it will take a long time."

Ling Yi felt that hacking into the database was a bit bad, but its temptation was too great.

"Thank you..." he said, "Do you know anything else? About Mr. Ling and Lin Si."

"I was only 14 years old when I left Earth, and I didn't know anyone," Tangning thought for a while before answering him, "After that, I got to be frozen to get acquainted with them."

— That is to say, Tangning didn't know anything else.

Ling Yi asked, "Then do you know about the Berlin virus?"

"I know," Tangning said. "Dr. Lin Si and Dr. Yesselin are researching this. After I woke up from the freezer, I heard that the virus mutated again. In the end, I still couldn't find a way."

Ling nodded: "It seems so."

Tangning frowned, "Why didn't you ask Lin Si?"

"I..." Ling Yi thought for a while and lowered his eyes: "Lin Si should have something very unpleasant. If I ask him, he will be sad, so I won't ask him."

He really wants to know about the past, that's right, especially now, Lin Si probably recognized himself before leaving the earth, maybe they knew each other, he really wants to know, more than he wants to know who his parents are Thinking, it seems that there are claws scratching in my heart. But... If Lance would be sad because of this, he'd better not ask.

There must be a reason why Lin Si didn't tell himself.

Moreover, he now desperately hopes that he has nothing to do with the past that made Lin Si wrong. It's better... It's better to be like this, they are very close, Lin Si is very good to him, and he treats Lin Si well. Very good, as long as we stay together, we will be very happy.

After hearing his answer, Tangning didn't comment, but said in a very flat tone, "Many people on the spaceship have secrets, and I'm not interested."

Vivian poked her head out from one side at this time, her tone was lively, "Tangning is only interested in keyboards and Zheng Shu."