Cat’s Rose

Chapter 25: Parking makes no sense (1)


Lins went back to his room.

Ling Yi lay on the bed by himself, staring at the ceiling without speaking.

When Lynce also lay down, he put his hand around his arm.

Lin Si covered his hand and patted it lightly.

Ling Yi lowered his eyes.

Lin Si knew that Ling Yi was scared by his appearance just now, and needed to be comforted.

He thought for a while, and said, "Your mother's name is Ye Selin, and she is my teacher."

Ling Yi was startled, and looked up at him.

"Yeselin is a very gentle person. I have been with her for seven years, and I have never seen her lose her temper. She is a bit like Mrs. Chen, but softer." Lin Si reached out and scratched Ling Yi's nose: " Not like you."

When Lin Si mentioned Yesselin, his eyes gradually softened, and there was even a hint of nostalgia. He was no longer cold and heartless as usual—he was a bit like the one in that video now.

Ling Yi snorted.

Lin Si continued, "I have also met your father. His job is similar to Tangning's, but he is a member of the military and a friend of the marshal. You should have heard of his name... But Mr. Ling's level of confidentiality He is taller, and rarely lives with Yesselin, and you spend most of your time with him."

Ling Yi had already heard about his father's deeds and personality from Tangning.

And he already knew that they all stayed on the earth, together with thousands of fellow human beings, they were no longer in this world.

The strange thing is that at this moment, he didn't have any special feelings, neither sadness nor joy, just nodded slightly as if he had learned a fact that had existed for a long time.

He thought for a while, then asked: "Then why am I on the spaceship? Is there anything special about me?"

He grew up here, so he naturally knew a lot of information consciously or unconsciously, for example, when the voyagers set sail, those who had tickets, if they were soldiers, were the absolute elites in the special forces, if they were researchers—not geniuses The geniuses in the field are the masters among the masters, and they can also bring one or two students and assistants who are indispensable in their own research.

If neither of these two categories is true, then it is the dignitaries who have turned up and down the clouds in politics and economy, and they provided huge funds, raw materials, and technical support for the construction of the "Voyager".

Ling Yi felt that he was obviously neither of these three.

He looked at Lin Si and tilted his head: "Did my father give me the ticket?"

Lin Si looked at the ceiling and said for a long time: "In principle, the ticket cannot be transferred. When I set up the system to screen the experimental subjects, I never thought that a child like you would appear in the frozen body. The reason for this may be Only the Marshal knows."

What Lin Si said made sense, because he knew Lin Si's character. Lin Si was a person who was almost impossible to make mistakes. If he didn't really know that there were underage children in the frozen body, it was absolutely impossible to forget to set the lower age limit.

He asked, "Then did we know each other before?"

"Esseline often mentions you to me, and probably also mentions me to you, so we know each other, but we haven't met."

Ling Yi let out an "ah", as if it was a pity, then became happy again, and said, "Then we meet now!"

Lin Si smiled: "Actually..."

Ling Yi pricked up his ears, but didn't hear the following.

"Lance!" He was a little annoyed.

Lin Si reached out and took him over: "Sleep."

Ling Yi had time to take one last look at him before his head was pressed against Lin Si's chest.

In a brief glance, Lin Si at that moment left an indelible silhouette in his heart.

He had never seen Lin Si laugh like this before.

Although there was a little sadness, it was extremely gentle, like the distant, faint starlight outside the porthole falling into his eyes.

And he leaned against Lin Si's chest, clearly feeling his steady heartbeat, sniffing the shallow woody aftertaste on Lin Si's body, which had not completely dissipated, and suddenly felt his heart in his chest cavity. Li jumped a few times.

"Lance..." He pronounced Lince's name a little involuntarily.


"It's okay..." He lowered his voice.

A long time later, until Lin Si thought he had fallen asleep, he suddenly heard him speak again.

"Lance, what does Yesselin look like?"

"She is beautiful."

"Is it more beautiful than Bidi and Sweena together?"

"She's different." Lin Sidao: "Yeselin is weaker than them, very gentle, but also very firm."

Lin Si stopped and organized his words. Although he couldn't see his expression, Ling Yi knew that Lin Si must be smiling slightly at this moment.

"I don't know how to describe it. She is like the portrait of the Virgin Mary hanging in the church. You can't help but follow her. We all love her, the kind of love a child has for a mother." Lin Si said slowly: "There is Once she cut her hand by a broken glass, and my junior sister, Su Ting, saw the wound and even cried."

Ling Yi then asked about her appearance, her hair color, her eyes...

Lin Si replied, and the image of the woman in his memory slowly emerged and became clear in his mind.

A peaceful beauty emanates from her soul, which seems to have never been worn by time.

Yesselin has a charm that seems to come from the vast ocean, just like the blue planet in her hometown, calling for wanderers to return all the time.

The lab next door once joked that you can almost form a religious organization with Dr. Yesselin as the center.

Of course, Yesselin's academic achievements are as impeccable as her personality, they are not some religious organization, and the joker himself loves Yesselin very much, without any hint of irony.

He described his mother to Ling Yi until the little guy fell into a deep sleep.

Although he is close to an adult, Ling Yi still loves to sleep like a child, like a kitten.

This shows that his body is still growing and needs a long sleep to meet various needs.

Lin Si frowned, thinking of a more serious matter.

... I'm about to become an adult. In the past three years, I haven't had any physical questions to ask

So, the next morning, when Ling Yi woke up, he found that Lin Si was fully dressed, moved the seat to the side of the bed, sat on it, and looked at himself condescendingly.

Ling Yi: "..."

Seeing that he was awake, Lin Si pushed aside his quilt, leaned down, and put one hand on Ling Yi's shoulder.

Ling Yi didn't know what he was going to do, so he gave up resisting, and lay flat on the bed, like a guinea pig waiting to be dissected.

Lin Si's face was expressionless, and the other hand that was not holding his shoulder moved up, inserted it in the hair, made a few circles, and went down to gently touch the ear a few times.

It was a very technical stroking, close, like the tip of a feather.

Ling Yi felt a little itchy, and struggled a few times, but was held down by Lin Si.

Then the cheeks, the jaw... Finally, Lance's fingers stopped on the side of his neck.

Ling Yi opened his eyes wide and looked at him.

Then he saw Lin Si's head lowered, getting closer and closer to him.

Finally, Lince blew softly in his ear.

It was like a switch. All the places that were touched before seemed to have a sensitive nerve leading to it. The strong stimulus buzzed and exploded in the cerebral cortex. Ling Yi's whole body trembled, and his breathing became much more rapid. , a brief vacancy in consciousness.

But Lin Si's intention was obviously not here. He lifted the quilt completely and looked Ling Yi up and down.

After confirming that Ling Yi didn't have the expected physiological reaction, Lin Si frowned.

He said: "Pack up and follow me to the laboratory."

In this context, "Follow me to the lab" definitely didn't mean to accompany him to conduct experiments, but Lin Si wanted to insert needles into himself again.

Ling snatched back the quilt, and quickly buried herself in it, separating herself from Lin Si: "What are you going to do again!"

"Test your hormone level, and then we'll go to District 9. I need to find a suitable candidate to replace Beedy." Lin Si stood back on the ground and replied blankly.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Lin Si left the inner room.

Only then did Ling Yi squirm a bit, revealing his eyes from under the quilt.

He saw in the full-length mirror opposite the bed that he was pink and a little out of breath.

He thought of Lin Si who was approaching him like that just now, and his hearing, which usually spreads far away, suddenly failed, and only his own thumping heartbeat was in his ears, which was getting faster and faster.