Cat’s Rose

Chapter 27: Parking makes no sense (3)


Lince let go slowly, but firmly.

Ling Yi felt a kind of panic and emptiness that he couldn't grasp anything, so he called out "Lin Si" and continued to grab his hand.

He looked up at Lince.

Lin Si's expression was cold.

Yes, it's cold, not indifferent, not the usual expressionless face, Ling Yi can detect it. When the woman mentioned Su Ting, Lin Si became completely cold.

Ling Yi looked at him, her beautiful eyelashes trembling, full of worry.

Rings looked him straight in the eye: "Everybody knows a part of the truth."

Ling Yi could sense it, his tone was very wrong, just this morning, although... Although Lin Si seemed to have done some very bad things to him, they were still close - but not now, Lin Si never used such spoke to him in a tone of voice.

"I didn't expect her reaction to be so intense today, but her words are not false." Lin Sidao: "I hope you can have your own judgment."

Ling Yi didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to use to comfort Lin Si - he didn't want to know what the truth was, he just wanted to make Lin Si not like this.

"I..." He was about to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Si.

"Go and see Sutin, she will be glad to see you."

After Lin Si said this, he turned and left, leaving Ling Yi alone in the empty corridor.

He looked at the closed door, his eyes a little confused.

According to what the woman said, it was Yesselin, her mother, who was supposed to be on the boat, but she was not actually on the boat, and Lin Si was replaced. Lynn's qualifications.

The woman added that Lince is the devil, and Lince must go to hell—he doesn't know what kind of hatred would make a person say such vicious words, just because he replaced a person's qualifications to board the ship

But he remembered clearly that three years ago, the notes he saw from Zheng Shu said that Lin Si refused the ticket.

Everyone knows a part of the truth, Lins said.

But these truths contradict each other.

And Yesselin... he didn't know.

He remembered the name, why was he so insensitive to a stranger? He had heard Linsi's description of her appearance, but he still couldn't outline her image.

Did Lin Si let go of himself because he felt that he would leave him because of Yesselin

—He didn't know any of this.

The only thing he knows is that he doesn't know anything about Lin Si's past, which is why he can't do anything about the present. Hugs and intimacy are of no avail if he wants to know those late-night nightmares of Linsi—he must first truly understand him, and to understand him, he must know the past of the voyager who set sail more than a hundred years ago.

The boy in the black military uniform walked up to the gate again and swiped it open with his wristband.

He decides to see Sutin, someone who might actually know himself and Rings.

At that moment, he suddenly didn't look like the always childish Xiao Lingyi. Those beautiful almond-shaped eyes showed something that could be called calm—maybe it was because he finally had something he wanted to do, which was the beginning of many young people growing up. However, there are still some differences. What those teenagers are determined to do is to decide their own future, while he is going to pursue a person's past.

Seeing him come back, the woman's cold eyes swept over like a knife, and seeing that Lin Si was not by his side, her voice softened a little.

Although relaxed, still indifferent: "Is there anything else?"

Ling Yi met her gaze and didn't flinch, his gaze was calm and restrained.

"I'm Yesselin's son." He said slowly.

Then, he saw that the cold expression in the woman's eyes turned into surprise, into disbelief, and finally... finally into ecstasy!

"Yeselin's child!" She opened her eyes wide: "Ling Yi, little Ling Yi, is that you? I heard your mother say your name, and her child is still alive!"

"Child, her child..." She looked at Ling Yi fascinatedly, and murmured: "You always follow your father, so you rarely show up, no one recognizes you, and you grew up on a spaceship..."

Then, she naturally thought of those rumors about Lin Si. Everyone said that Lin Si adopted a boy who was a "limitless" experimental subject.

At that time, she thought that adopting her own experimental subject was nothing more than a more convenient way to study on him. No matter how everyone described the harmony between Lin Si and this child, it was just an appearance—poor child.

Ling Yi felt a little uncomfortable under her gaze, and took a few steps back.

"Let me see you..." She walked forward, looked at Ling Yi, her expression suddenly became serious again: "How can you be with Lin Si? Did he think that raising you would be atonement?"

Her tone was strong: "Baby, you have to leave Linsi quickly and stay with us."

Since childhood, Ling Yi has been called "baby" by many people on the spaceship, but this time, he is unwilling to be called.

He knew that he was likable, but this woman ignored him just now because she was someone close to Lin Si.

But now that he knew that his mother was Ye Selin, he suddenly became so excited.

He really has no memory of Yesselin's character and influence, so he can't judge whether this woman's change of attitude is right or wrong. However, he doesn't want to be nice to someone who treats Lin Si badly.

Ling Yi looked at her and said, "I'm here to see Su Ting, I don't remember what happened on Earth."

"Su Ting, yes, there is also Su Ting..." The woman walked towards the row after row of sleeping cabins: "Come with me."

The process of thawing the human body is very complicated, and each parameter change requires a new solution to deal with it, so it cannot be completely controlled by machines, and it must be awakened by experienced people—such as this woman.

Another woman also came. Although she didn't say anything, Ling Yi could feel that her attitude had softened a lot.

Walking to the third floor and passing through many cabins, they came to Su Ting's one.

The extremely cold dormant cabin glowed with a very cold light blue color, and some strangely shaped ice crystals formed on the surface of the cabin. The flaxen-haired young woman had all her blood taken out of her body and replaced it with a special dormant liquid, which made her skin completely colorless, appearing almost transparent white.

Blood exchange, temperature control, stimulation to wake up... The procedures are very cumbersome, but the two women's operations are methodical, showing that they are well versed in this at all times.

In the end, the temperature of the dormant cabin rose from tens of degrees below zero to room temperature, and Su Ting's complexion gradually turned rosy, as if he was alive.

Several mechanical arms stretched out, continuously pressing and stimulating on her skin, not only to help blood flow, but also to wake her up.

About half an hour later, Su Ting slowly opened his eyes.

She first looked at the ceiling for a long time, then turned her head to look elsewhere, and saw three people beside the cabin.

She opened her mouth, but she seemed to lose her voice, and it took a long time before she finally made a sound.

"I'm awake..." she said. "We... have we landed? Or do I need to work?"

"Lance has a project and needs an assistant," the woman replied.

"Senior brother..." She blinked her eyes for a long time before she seemed to realize: "Shouldn't senior brother be on Earth?"

The woman snorted coldly.

Su Ting turned his head to look at Ling Yi, showing his first smile after waking up: "Are you Ling Ling? I remember you, we met once on Earth, and I was with you... Let's think about it, let's go together I planted several pots of cat grass, do you remember me? I didn’t expect you to be on the spaceship too, where is your mother, is she working with Lin Si?”

After she finished speaking, there was light in her eyes, and her whole body seemed to be full of vitality. She stood up and wanted to sit up: "They must be very busy, and they didn't come to see how I woke up... Ma'am, how can I get out of the weak period quickly?" What about recovery?"

The woman helped her up and was about to speak, but Ling Yi was a step ahead of her.

"Lins is doing research on a human brain implant chip, and he needs your help."

He did it on purpose in front of the woman—a woman who was too hostile to Lins for him to let her mislead Sutin.

"That's right, this is my major." Su Ting smiled weakly: "Brother knows me very well."

After she finished speaking, she persisted in asking the question she had already asked: "Lingling, where is Ye Selin? Is she working on the spaceship? Or is she sleeping?"

Ling Yidao: " not on the spaceship."

Su Ting's face suddenly turned pale.

The woman who was interrupted just now sneered: "You should ask your senior brother!"

Ling Yi frowned and looked at her.

The woman immediately understood - what the boy meant was to protect Lin Si!

She immediately became alert.

Their eyes met, and there was a sense of confrontation.

And between these two—

"How could it be?" Su Ting murmured, "Impossible, the spaceship I boarded with Ye Selin..."