Cat’s Rose

Chapter 29: Parking is meaningless (5)


Su Ting was trembling and on the verge of collapse, or rather, she had already collapsed.

She didn't shed tears, but just stared blankly at a point in the void.

She suddenly remembered something, and looked at the woman: "You just said, brother, brother—he has developed a way to deal with the virus! Yesselin, is Yesselin saved!"

"This matter is very confidential, I don't know," the woman said, "But Ye Selin is not on the spaceship. I have been looking for her since I woke up. She is not among the frozen people, and she is still alive on the spaceship." None of them, all her information was destroyed, not even a single photo was left, she—"

She also had a momentary aphasia, with tears in her eyes, which made her expression not as annoying as before.

She reached out and hugged the thin Su Ting.

Su Ting leaned on her shoulder, looked blankly at the cemetery-like hall, and murmured: "Yeselin..."


It's a name that means a lot to them.

But anyone who sees these people's attitude towards Ye Selin will wonder what kind of person she is and why she has such profound beauty. And after she left this world, countless hatred, sorrow, and nostalgia were stirred up, and even now, more than a hundred years later, there are still echoes.

Ling Yi was silent for a while, and left the ninth district.

He wants to see Lynce.

The black leather boots echoed in the empty corridor, and the cold white lights followed everywhere.

He ran through these corridors and came to the sixth district, but there was no sign of Lince.

He gradually stopped and wanted to call up the stereo monitor to take a look.

The figure of the blond female knight slowly appeared in front of him.

"Ling Yi, long time no see." Lucia called his name, "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Thank you," Ling said, "I want to know where Lin Si is."

"B79 platform." The information flow quickly traveled through Lucia's network all over the spaceship, and the results were quickly obtained.

"Okay." Ling said to her.

The b79 platform is located at the tail end of the spacecraft. It is a transparent observation deck, a place that makes people think that they are in the sea of stars.

Looking up at the starry sky is the same as drinking spirits, it is a way for people to forget the pain. Spirits empty people's minds, and the vast and eternal silent sea of stars often makes people realize that they and their emotions are very small and insignificant.

Knowing the whereabouts of Lin Si, Ling Yi was not as anxious as before.

He walked towards the corridor leading to the platform and asked Lucia, "Do you know Yesselin?"

Lucia closed her eyes.

She was searching the database, Ling Yi thought.

After about twenty seconds, Lucia opened her eyes.

"I know," she said, "do you want to check the video of Yesselin?"

Can... can I watch her video directly? Didn't that woman say that all the information about Ye Selin was destroyed

Maybe it's because the woman's clearance level isn't high enough, or maybe she's lying.

Ling Yi almost blurted out "I want to see". But a ghostly, dangerous intuition stopped him.

His intuition came up from time to time, as in times of attack or danger, but this time it was especially strong.

"No... no." His voice was a little dry.

His heart suddenly beat violently.

He knew that Ye Selin was fine, probably enough, there was always someone who had to stay awake, and Ye Selin's influence was too great. Sometimes being too good is a danger, something Rings had taught him.

"Okay." Lucia said.

Ling walked towards the platform.

Lucia suddenly spoke again.

"According to my calculation of your personality, when you grow up and mature, there is a 97% probability that you will be extremely similar to her."

"Okay..." Ling glanced at his blurred silhouette on a smooth metal shell in the corridor.

"I will negotiate with the first district. And, ma'am," after approaching, he heard Lin Si's voice coming from the front, "if you insist on this, I think you have other plans for the future of the spaceship."

"If it is a serious mistake, it does need to be corrected."

"It's fine in the afternoon. I'll meet you in the first district."

Ling Yi didn't go forward until Lin Si cut off the communication.


Lynch turned to look at him.

The platform is protruding and completely transparent, including the bottom plate. From Ling Yi's perspective, it looks like Lin Si is standing in the middle of the sea of stars.

Ling Yi looked at him, and tried to step on the transparent material.

He hadn't been here a few times, and he was still a little scared.

Luckily, Lins was watching him all the time—it gave him a lot of peace of mind.

When he approached, Lin Si said lightly: "How is Su Ting?"

"She's not well," Ling Yi said obediently and truthfully, "She was very sad when she heard that Ye Selin was gone."

Lins looked him in the eye.

Ling Yi looked back and saw those eyes that were always cold and quiet, and he was a little absent-minded at this moment.

He said: "That woman misunderstood you... She said that you put a virus on Ye Selin's body in order to get on the spaceship, which killed her."

Lin Si finally had a smile in his eyes: "How do you know that she misunderstood me?"

"You like Ye Selin so much, and Lin Si is a very good person..." Ling said.

Lin Si said lightly: "But only you think so."

"But I know I'm right! Why don't you explain it to them?" Ling Yi asked.

"If you have previous memories, after hearing the news of Yesselin's death, you will hate me like her." Lin Si said.

"Is Ye Selin nice to me?" Ling Yi asked.

"Etheline is nice to everyone."

Lin Si looked at Ling Yi's beautiful eyes - the eyes reflected the bright galaxy, and at the end of the galaxy there was a floating layer of white mist, which quickly flooded his vision.

And after the white mist dissipated, what appeared was the scene in memory.

It was a very sunny day, and the sky over the city was covered by thick smog. It had been more than half a year since there had been such a bright and unbridled sunshine—it was even a little dazzling when I looked up from the window.

Light beams shone from the window rails into the old, less traveled old library, illuminating the dust flying in the air.

When Lin Si came here, it was surprising that someone other than him came to this floor. His usual seat was taken, and there was a delicate gray-pink notebook, and a white coat was draped over the back of the chair.

He sat down opposite and began to read his professional books.

About ten minutes later, light footsteps sounded beside him, and there seemed to be a distant fragrance in the air, warm and lingering.

The owner of the fragrance sat down opposite, holding a collection of Gibran's poems in his hand.

She is a lady in her thirties, partly of Asian descent, with long black hair over her shoulders, showing a warm brown color in the sun, with a very quiet and gentle temperament. She is probably a professor of the Faculty of Arts.

After Lin Si took a look, he turned his attention back to the book in front of him.

For a moment, there was only the sound of pages turning and the rustling of the pen tip touching the paper.

The sun gradually came to the center, and after an unknown amount of time, Lin Si's pen paused a little.

He was reading a book on neurology with a famous author and a very high standard, but this part felt a little wrong.

"This part of this book has a little flaw. Actually, there is a second edition," at this time, he suddenly heard the lady on the opposite side whisper, "but it was lost in the war. I think you are interested in knowing the correct version." View."

Lin Si raised his head and met her eyes, only then did he realize that the lady had been observing him.

It's not a disrespectful observation—at least, if it's her doing it.

Her eyes were very gentle. When she looked at Lin Si, it was like an elder looking at a beloved child.

"Have you seen the second edition?" Lins asked.

Madam smiled slightly: "I revised the second edition."

She explained the correct point of view to Lin Si, and her explanation was very thorough and beautiful, which made people feel the profound knowledge—Lin Si can be sure that she must be a senior in this field.

When the teaching came to an end, Lin Si said, "I haven't seen you in school."

Madam looked at him with interest: "Are you a medical student?"

Lince: "Yeah."

"When I was young, I also studied medicine at the beginning," said my wife, "I later went to life sciences, and now I'm in this direction. It's probably for this reason that we haven't met each other."

When she said this, she smiled again: "However, even among medical students, few people read this book. It's a bit biased. Do you like the profession of a doctor?"

Lins nodded.

He remembered what the lady said before, and then turned to another direction and asked her: "Don't you like it?"

"I like it very much... From a very young age, I knew that I would be a doctor," she smiled, put her hands together, and gently stroked the wedding ring on her right ring finger with her left hand, and continued said, "But then my body deteriorated and I was not suitable for such a profession that requires a lot of energy and physical strength. Later, I heard another statement..."

She winked at Lin Si: "An excellent doctor can save hundreds of people in his life. A researcher, if he overcomes a disease or a troublesome virus, he can save hundreds of people in his life." There are tens of thousands of people, so I have not given up on my dream."

— that was the first meeting between Lyns and Yesselin.

The trajectory of fate is not like a straight railroad track, which can make people move forward towards a destination. Sometimes it is more like a desert. When you are walking, you don’t know at what moment you deviated from the original plan. route.