Cat’s Rose

Chapter 3: From the deepest part of the vortex (3)


When this little thing didn't wake up, it had already caused a few people to panic, and after waking up, it also caused a mess.

Holding grudges both new and old, Ling Yi refused Lin Si to approach again.

Moreover, with the record of dismantling the dormant cabin with bare hands, several children trembled when they approached him.

In the end, Seth mixed the nutrient with high-concentration glucose water, coaxed it for an unknown amount of time, and finally fed it.

After he was full, he was very quiet and well-behaved. He didn't speak or do anything else. Wrapped in a quilt, he watched a few people coming and going in the laboratory.

"He's watching you," Lins concluded. "It's very smart, let's raise it as a baby."

At this time, Lucia greeted Ling Yi unexpectedly: "Hello, Ling Yi."

Ling Yi raised his head and immediately looked at a corner of the ceiling.

Lince took a form and put a star on the listening column.

The sound design of "Lucia" is very user-friendly, almost directly ringing in people's ears. Normal people can't tell where the sound is at all, but this little thing can accurately distinguish the source of the sound in a very short time .

Lucia continued: "Hello, Ling Yi."

"Lucia?" Lyns asked. "Are you teaching him?"

"Yes, Mr. Wizard."

Ling Yi still looked at the source of the sound, and Lucia repeated over and over again: "Hello, Ling Yi."

Finally, Ling opened his mouth and pronounced the syllable hesitantly.

The pronunciation of the word "hello" is very easy, so there is no mistake, and several people are waiting for his next sentence. But what they didn't expect was that Ling Yi didn't repeat his name, but said: "... Lucia."

Seth made an exaggerated expression.

Since Lucia can be heard as the name, it means that she is indeed very smart and can understand human speech—so no matter how her physical structure changes, she is still a person after all, and her threat level plummets.

But Ling Yi is considered a human being, but Lucia is not. No matter how intelligent she is, she will not coax the child like a mother, so she just repeats it mechanically over and over again.

"Ling Yi, welcome to wake up."

"This is the sixth district of 'Voyager'."

"It is now 2681 AD, and you have been away from the earth for 137 years."

Ling Yi looked at her half understanding.

A sensor chip was attached to his skin to monitor his physical condition all the time. The child who was in charge of observing the data let out a "huh" and said, "He has relaxed to a great extent."

Another said: "The cubs generally have this kind of situation when they are close to the female. They have very keen senses, and they actively stay away from the aggressive individual and approach the weak aggressive individual."

Several young people quietly cast their eyes on Lin Si at the same time.

Lins is writing the logbook, which is what the person in charge of the spacecraft in the navigation rules does every day. He's holding a ballpoint pen—a very old-fashioned way of writing, but many people like it.

The white shirt is buttoned up to the top, the sitting posture is extremely straight and standard, and the face is expressionless—when not smiling, there is a neurotic and meticulous rigor written from head to toe.

Several people shrank their necks at the same time, each of them looked away and obediently did what they were doing - although Lin Si's actual age was not much older than them, he was much scarier than his own tutor.

Amidst Lucia's mechanical repetitions and Ling Yi's occasional responses, a long time passed until a small timer on Lin Si's desk "ticked".

He got up from the table and took down a syringe.

Seeing him approaching him, Ling Yi froze immediately, with rejection written all over his body.

Without saying a word, Lin Si walked up to Ling Yi and pulled up his wrist.

Before Ling Yi knew what happened, the tip of the needle stuck in.

—and then the barrel turns red.

Lin Si quickly pulled out the needle, and Seth took most of the blood for testing.

A series of actions were done neatly and in one go, without even doing any preparations before drawing blood from a normal person. And there was no bleeding from the needle hole, only an inconspicuous little red spot.

Ling Yi was stunned.

The next moment, big tears rolled down from his eyes, and he looked at Lin Si in disbelief, with an angry and aggrieved expression.

Lynce looked at him scrutinizingly.

Ling Yi cried even more fiercely, he was beautiful, and he was still half a boy, when he cried, it almost broke people's hearts.

— Except of course Lins, who turned and left.

Ling Yi watched him walk out the door, trembling with anger, sobbing a few times, with tears all over his face.

Anyone with eyes can see that this little thing has a complete hatred for Shang Linsi—but it is also very scared, and dare not fight back at all.

They also figured out Ling Yi's personality—although the body mutation brought about some amazing changes, he didn't understand it himself, so he wouldn't lose control, and he wouldn't have the aggressive behavior when he just woke up. Of course, there are still problems. This child lacks emotions—except when Lin Si is close, and when he is with Lucia, he will respond completely, and he is completely indifferent to the other people—sometimes he even seems like a child. A lifeless doll.

Lucia released her own three-dimensional projection to teach Ling Yi some basic knowledge, such as how to prescribe nutritional supplements, how to walk, and how to wear clothes.

Her anthropomorphic image is a blond, blue-eyed, heroic and sacred female knight in white armor. As the only woman on the spaceship, she is universally loved.

"Goddess Lucia," Seth said piously, "may I take a photo with you?"

Lucia leaned on a big sword and said flatly, "Insufficient authority."

On the other side, Ling Yi came over and called out "Lucia". He was not used to walking yet, and his steps were slightly stiff with a kind of cautious elegance.

Lucia turned around and walked towards Ling Yi.

Seth accepted his position at the bottom of the chain of authority with dejection.

His companion let out a "huh" and said, "I suddenly remembered that in Dr. Lin's human experiments, the experimental subjects were randomly selected from the frozen bodies of the military. How could there be such a young child?"

Seth replied: "Maybe it's the shady scene of the ticket. The top dignitaries on the earth may not be able to send their children to the spaceship. Not everyone can stick to the principle like Marshal Sjoss, even his wife and children Can give up."

"It's almost impossible to have a shady scene," someone shook his head, "It's not like you don't know how strict it was at that time—except for the marshal and Mrs. Chen, no one can control the qualifications to board the ship, but both of them obviously abide by the principles extremely. I heard that Mrs. Chen even decided to give her her ticket because she regretted that Dr. Yesselin could not board the ship—because the quota could not be relaxed, so it must be because there is something special about this little cutie."

The chatting time is over soon, and it has been found out that there will be no aggressiveness for no reason. With the help of Lucia, Ling Yi no longer needs several people to guard, observe, and record data together. They need to clean up the mess for the black hole accident as soon as possible. , Make detailed records for the losses of each laboratory, so that they can apply for resource supplements to the second area after returning to the "Voyager", and also reinforce and protect undamaged precious instruments and experimental materials to prevent further bumps.

As for the 3% chance of returning to the "Voyager", although it is low, it is still possible, but after a few days, their situation became more and more pessimistic. The energy is running out, and there are not many nutrients and water left, and the navigation conditions in the black hole are becoming more and more complicated, the force field diagram is criss-cross, and the slightest mistake will destroy the body.

Sometimes, the 3D image of Lucia was still standing beside Ling Yi at one moment, and distorted and shattered at the next moment—it was because the amount of computation required at this moment was so large that it could not be paralleled with any other program.

Lins is watching the countdown.

The oxygen generation, temperature control, and gravity systems were all downgraded to the point where they could barely maintain life. Walking in the spaceship, I felt dizzy, not only cold, but also floating.

After being notified by Lucia, a few young people came to assemble in a staggered manner. They saw Linsi wearing a black coat and sitting behind the table, with a countdown on the light screen behind him:

There are 29 minutes and 46 seconds before the energy is exhausted.

There were a few nutritional supplements on the table, Seth floated over halfway, his eyes glazed over: "Dinner—the last supper, Lord Jesus, we don't have enough people."

Lin Si was expressionless: "Mary will bring Judas here soon."

Seth looked back at the corridor: "How can it be Judas, he is obviously a little angel."

The little angel was wearing a white shirt that was a little too big for him, with white and slender ankles exposed under the rolled-up trousers, like a doll.

——It's a pity that his face was not good, and he walked side by side with Lucia, looking at the wall very stiffly, without even looking at Lin Wei.

He was strangely unresponsive to weightlessness.

Rings put two stars on the form for "physical coordination."

As Ling Yi also walked over, the lights in the corridor were turned off, and the lights in the remaining room of the entire spaceship were still on, in order to save energy to the greatest extent.

"All the people are here, so first of all," Lin Si pushed the silver-rimmed glasses, "We want to ask this kid, did you pull out the cat grass I planted in the beaker?"

Ling Yi didn't speak.

"Not acknowledging is equal to acquiescing," Lin Si said "tsk", "then the next question, are you unplugging them because you like to play like this, or are you indirectly retaliating against me?"

Ling Yi can already understand many sentences, but this sentence seems too complicated for him.

He only knew that this extremely annoying person was playing tricks on him!

"If you don't speak, you're acquiescing to the second option," Lin Si said with a half-smile. "Today's supplements don't add sugar."

This sentence is very simple and easy to understand.

Ling Yi was on the verge of crying again.

Lin Si ordered coldly: "Come here."

Ling Yi looked at Lucia for help, but Lucia couldn't give any response, and according to the information he got in the past few days, everyone must obey Lin Si's order—he had to reluctantly past.

Lin Si's action was beyond his expectation. He didn't prick himself with a needle or do anything else that made him feel uncomfortable. Instead, he reached out and buttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.

He inadvertently touched Ling Yi's skin with his fingertips, the little thing was a shock.

There was a low, interested smile in the end of Lin Si's voice: "So afraid of me?"

Ling Yi turned away from looking at him.

Lin Si looked at Seth and the others.

Several young people knew that Lin Si deliberately teased Ling Yi just now, and the joke of catching Seth's "Last Supper" before was to ease the atmosphere.

The countdown has reached 23 minutes and 14 seconds.

Lin Si bent his knuckles and knocked on the table, saying: "No accident, we are going to die."

"Although you are all staunch materialists, I still hope that your souls can return to your hometown."

"In order to make everyone go more happily, I allow you to add sugar to the nutritional supplements."

Seth weakly picked up a tube of nutritional supplements: "I wish Dr. Lin that your soul can also return to your hometown."

Several other young people also picked up the nutritional supplements: "May our souls return to their hometown."

There is one left on the table.

Ling Yi didn't quite know what happened, he only knew that the remaining one would be taken by the hateful Lin Si.

As expected, Lin Si picked it up, but said lightly: "I don't need it."

He handed the nutrient to Ling Yi: "Sweet."

Holding the cool nutrient in the palm of his hand, Ling was a little at a loss.