Cat’s Rose

Chapter 30: Parking is meaningless (6)


The past is bright and dazzling, but the verbal narrative is a bit plain after all, so at first glance, it sounds like Lin Si just described an ordinary encounter to Ling Yi.

But the turning point brought about by this encounter is huge—Ling Yi can imagine that if Lin Si hadn’t met Ye Selin in the old library on this day, then he might have become an excellent doctor as he had always dreamed of , and then when the virus comes - save people, and then die on the earth.

"Did you decide to be her student since then?" Ling Yi asked.

"Not yet," Lins replied. "I was just impressed by her at the time, and we met a few times later... But it was two years before I became her student."

"Although I haven't seen you get along with her, she must be a good mother." Lin Si pulled back the topic and said to Ling.

"Lucia said that based on my personality, she calculated that I would look like Yesselin when I grew up."

"It turns out that her function is already so powerful." Lin Si first commented on Lucia, and then looked at Ling Yi.

The environment on the spaceship is actually very unfavorable for a child's growth. Limited space, monotonous life style, lack of social interaction, and not even a single peer make it easy for people to become withdrawn.

But Ling Yi didn't have this kind of situation at all. It can even be said that even in the most peaceful period on earth, there were very few children who grew up in a good education like him.

He is a very energetic boy, but at the same time, he has a very gentle and serious personality—very well-behaved, but also independent enough to find no flaws. He is every wife's dream son and brother's dream The younger brother, the young lover of a girl's dream.

He has never been exposed to any malice, nor has he shown even the slightest bit of malice to others. He is indeed a little angel as described by the ladies on the spaceship.

If you get older... there are definitely some traits that will be very similar to Yesselin.

"It's a bit like it," he said to Ling, "but you are too angry. Yesselin never gets angry."

"I'm only angry with you!" Ling Yi, who was not very happy at first, raised his voice a little bit, his eyes were a little red: "Only you treat me badly!"

Lin Si was a little surprised, looking into his eyes.

"If you were like what they did to me... I wouldn't be angry with you!" Ling said, "But you like to tease me the most, forcing me to learn things... and you will also turn into a very worrying look for no reason. Just now your mood It's too bad, just leave me!"

The little thing's eyes were slightly red, and he looked like he was going to cry in the next moment.

"I obviously did nothing wrong... Although I know it's because you are in a bad mood, you are sad because of Ye Selin, and sometimes you tease me because you like me, and I really want to learn those things, but..."

Lin Si looked at the little guy who first accused himself of crying or not, and finally excused himself with a few words, feeling his heart was pulled, and he felt sore.

He is still a child who has not grown up, and he is not ready to face many bad things. Such a child will always have the right to ask for favor.

"I lost control." Lin Si explained to Ling Yi.

"Is it because she reminds you of Ye Selin?" Ling Yi asked.

Lin Si's answer was beyond his expectation.

"Some, but to a greater extent, it's because of you." Lin Si said lightly.

"After learning about that incident, you have the position of hating me more than anyone else, and I can't keep hiding it from you," Lin Si looked into his eyes, "I know that although our relationship is close, it is based on you Unknowingly, I certainly hope that this relationship can be maintained, because you are not the only one who has feelings, and I do too."

"But I won't ignore Lin Si because of this." Ling Yi's eyes were watery, and he shook his head desperately, "Eceline won't blame you, it was an accident. You are afraid that I will hate you, Because of… "

He paused and said, "It's because you hate yourself!"

Lin Si looked at him and was silent for half a minute.

"What if I'm really not innocent?" He said, "You don't know the whole truth yet, when you restore your memory on Earth and remember your feelings for Yesselin..."

"But I can't remember at all!" Ling Yi interrupted him: "I don't remember Earth, and I don't remember Ye Selin, I don't have any feelings for her, you raised me for three years, I only remember you! "

Ling Yi looked at him, tears kept falling from his eyes.

"So I won't do anything that would make you sad, and if I do remember things that would make me hate you, I'll just wish I hadn't been here..." His voice dropped, softly , crying with grievance: "I won't be angry with you in the future, and I will study hard, but you have to be nice to me, I..."

Lin Si stared at him blankly.

Big tears fell out of his eyes, and his eye sockets were flushed, and he was crying twitchingly, without wiping the tears, just looking at himself sadly and persistently.

But any normal person, seeing this scene, can't help but feel sorry for him, as if his heart is also shattered with the falling tears.

Lin Si reached out to wipe away Ling Yi's tears, it didn't matter this time, as soon as his fingers touched his face, Ling Yi cried even harder.

Lynch reached out to hug him.

Ling Yi hugged Lin Si tightly back, buried his face on Lin Si's shoulder, crying so hard that he couldn't breathe.

Lin Si's throat was sore, and he patted him on the back lightly: "I'm sorry, stop crying, good boy..."

Ling Yi cried so hard that he choked for a while before he stopped.

The beautiful eyes are red, and the tip of the nose is also a little red.

Lins took his hand, which was always very warm, and now it was cold.

He held Ling Yi's hand in his palm.

"I will control my emotions in the future," he said.

"I didn't... I didn't want you to be like this," Ling Yi lowered his eyes and said, "I want you to be happy, don't think about it all the time, the virus leak is not your fault at all, why do you keep letting it go?" What about yourself?"

"It's actually not that simple," Lin Si held his face and looked at him. "I'm not without fault, and the consequences are more serious than you think."

"Then... what's it like?" Ling Yi had almost calmed down and asked.

"The virus was rampant on the earth. At that time, the work of the laboratory reached the most critical moment. We were only a little bit close to overcoming the virus. That's why I didn't even take the initiative to send Ye Selin a farewell. It was she who came to find her." I... After that, half a day after she boarded the ship, I suddenly received a message from Mrs. Chen, saying that she needed help from the laboratory—" Linston paused, as if he was organizing his words, but his communication bracelet rang at this moment up.

The caller is Zheng Shu.

Lin Si got connected, took Ling Yi's hand, and walked towards the fifth district.

"The chip project can proceed normally. I just negotiated with Mrs. Chen. As long as I communicate with the first district, I can get the materials back."

"I don't know the mining plan, but Mrs. Chen seems to have other ideas. I think she is a little worried about our future. Unless the voyagers continue to fly to other planets to mine minerals, many of our materials will not be enough."

"I'll be there soon, Ling Yi is also here."

Lin Si cut off the communication, and Ling Yi asked, "Are you going to test the bones?"

Lin Si said "Hmm", "There are a lot of probes to be inserted, don't be afraid."

Ling Yi stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

They were a little late because of what happened just now. When they arrived at the testing ground, they saw a very cool black robot walking towards them.

"Little Lingling!" The colonel's hearty voice sounded, "You are here too! Come try the mecha!"

Ling Yi: "..."

The skeleton is very handsome, however, the colonel's operation is not very skilled, resulting in some funny movements.

And then—when he walked towards Ling Yi, his center of gravity was unstable, his movements were out of balance, and he fell.

The light metal collided with the smooth ground, making a heavy sound.

Several mechanics looked at each other, with despair in their eyes—a work of art, this is a work of art, falling around like this, of course the makers feel distressed.

The colonel tried his best to adjust his posture and tried to stand up again, but unfortunately he couldn't find the right way, like a big bastard that couldn't turn over on its back.

Sweena carefully controlled her pace, walked up to the colonel, wanted to bend down, but stopped again—she was afraid that not only would she not be able to help the man up, but she would also fall down.

Finally, the mechanic couldn't stand it anymore, turned on the external control of the skeleton, and remotely controlled the colonel to stand up.

Zheng Shu smiled: "Slowly adapt, we will continue to improve the reflection system."

He looked at the last skeleton, and said to Ling: "Lingling, come and try this."

Ling Yi walked up to the skeleton and looked at it curiously.

Zheng Shu approached and found that Ling Yi's expression was a little strange, as if he had cried.

He looked at Lin Si questioningly.

Lin Si rubbed Ling Yi's hair: "I lost my temper."

Zheng Shu smiled understandingly: "It seems that it has been coaxed."

Ling Yibian pursed his mouth.

Lin Si asked Ling Yi: "Are you familiar with the component diagram?"

Ling nodded.

When he first arrived on the spaceship, he received the skeletal component diagram sent by Zheng Shu to each person participating in the test. If he wants to use it smoothly, he must first understand its structure.

The assistant who was in charge of inserting the probes came up and took out the probes connected to the transmission lines from the inside of the bones. They were very thin and of different lengths, but they were all over five centimeters.

"Get ready," said the assistant.

Ling Yi watched the needle in his hand warily.

Lin Si smiled: "I'll do it."

Little things are afraid of pain, especially needles, and recognize people.

It's okay for him to get the needle, but when someone else gets the needle, the scared, wronged, and helpless eyes are really tormenting.

The back of the neck, spine, shoulder joints... Probes must be implanted in the densely populated areas of these nerve centers to ensure that the bones can fully obtain motion signals.

Ling Yi looked at the sterilized probe, a slender, silver-white one, which was picked up by Lin Si.

Lin Si's—beautiful hands, with slender fingers, often feel a little cold to the touch.

He found that he was always paying attention to Lin Si's hand unconsciously, and his heart seemed to be a little flustered, and his heartbeat would become faster.

—Maybe it’s because of being stabbed too many times by the hands holding the needles.