Cat’s Rose

Chapter 31: Parking is meaningless (7)


Lin Si took the tool from his assistant, and first sterilized the skin on the back of Ling Yi's neck briefly.

The alcohol evaporated and took away the temperature of the skin, and the back of the neck was chilly. Then Ling Yi felt Lin Si's fingertips on that piece, and pressed it: "Relax, it doesn't hurt."

Ling Yiping pursed his lips, no matter how good Linsi's needle injection technique is - he would still feel it.

Especially because of his transformation, he is extremely sensitive to all kinds of tactile sensations. When a needle goes in, it definitely feels very strong.

Lin Si found the right position, brought the needle tip close to the skin, and then quickly - all at once pierced it in.

The assistant handed over the fixing device, which was a small silver-white patch, which could not only prevent the probe from falling off, but also prevent it from slipping into the skin completely due to body movements, causing accidents.

Lin Si fixed the patch and asked Ling Yi, "Is it okay?"

"It's... not bad." Ling said.

Lin Si looked at the little thing's clearly written eyes begging for comfort, lowered his head and touched his forehead: "Good boy."

Like a groomed kitten, Ling Yi closed his eyes and relaxed a little.

Colonel: "..."

Why was he treated so roughly when he got the needle, huh

After the probes at various positions were implanted and fixed, the bones were opened to enclose Ling Yi.

The mechanic remotely assisted Ling Yi to stand up.

"Don't make big movements first, get familiar with the control method." Zheng Shu said.

The design purpose of the skeleton is to abandon all complicated systems and operations, and directly use the human brain to control this machine, which is nearly three meters high and contains thousands of components. Like your own limbs.

In other words, the probe is like extending the human neural network and connecting it to another mechanical body, so that the user can use this body to do many things that humans cannot do due to limited physiological functions. to things.

—Like the colonel, those who walk unsteadily are typical of uncoordinated limbs, not only failing to do things that cannot be done normally, but even forgetting how to do things that can be done normally.

Ling Yi slowly raised his hand tentatively.

The mechanical arm responded at the same time, supporting Ling Yi's arm and lifted it up suddenly.

Ling Yi tried this several times in a row, and the speed of the mechanical arm never slowed down.

"It's actually pretty good," Sweena said with a smile. "When our Mr. Colonel raised his hand for the first time, he didn't stop and hit himself on the head."

Ling Yi thought about the scene, and couldn't help but also smiled.

"Don't control it by controlling your hand," Linds said, "directly operate the mechanism."

— How to do it

Without making an action, just tell your brain to make the machine move

Ling Yi stood still and thought for a while, then closed his eyes, trying to forget his hand, just wanted to make that movement.

The mechanical arm brought his arm up.

— No, it's still too fast, and once lifted, it will lose control.

Ling Yi continued to try again and again.

The mechanics are recording and analyzing the parameters.

Finally, in the unknown number of attempts to raise his hand, Ling Yi suddenly felt that his arm and the mechanical arm were integrated into one!

It felt like a flash of inspiration, which was fleeting, and changed back to the incongruity between the arm and the machine in the next moment, but Ling Yi firmly remembered that feeling.

He recalled that moment of miraculous fusion, closing his eyes again, forgetting the arms, forgetting himself.

Finally, not long after, I captured that feeling again!

Lin Si, who was looking at the instrument, also noticed the coincidence of the nerve signal and the mechanical signal wave at this time.

"Great," he said to Ling, "continue."

Several other skeletons also started their own adaptation exercises.

After Ling Yi captured that feeling several times in a row, he also felt that it lasted a little longer, the longest one lasted almost half a second.

He carefully felt this feeling—it was a very relaxed feeling, the limitations of his body were broken, his brain was no longer obsessed with the difference between himself and the outside world, and the mechanical skeleton became a part of his body.

But before, it happened by chance because of too many movements. How can I actively enter that state

To be relaxed, very relaxed, very trusting of the machine, like...

— Just like when I was hugged by Lin Si.

From another perspective, this skeleton is the result of Lins' research, and the probes, and the way the probes are used to transmit nerve signals, are also Lins' designs.

Of course he can trust it completely and accept it as a part of his own life...

Ling Yi closed his eyes, as if he was in a warm ocean.

His sense of touch stretches so infinitely that he forgets his own form.

At the same time, Lin Si was also focusing on the interface in front of him.

Several mechanics gathered around and looked at the interface.

They opened their mouths in surprise.

I saw that the two wave curves that have been oscillating independently and fluctuating synchronously only for a moment are slowly approaching synchronization at this time.

Ling Yi raised his hand.

The speed and range of movements are normal, just like normal people.

Then, he flexed his knuckles carefully.

— Then, he took a tentative step.

The pace can't be regarded as very steady, but at least there is no loss of coordination.

He wobbled toward Lince like a toddler.

Lin Si looked away from the interface and said to him, "Be careful."

Even though I knew the little thing could handle it, I was still a little scared that he would fall—not because I felt sorry for the machine.

Probably like those parents on the earth, when their children are just learning to walk, they always have to stare nervously, for fear that the children will bump into them

When I started raising Ling Yi, although he had no memory, he could already run and jump, and he was able to live on his own. Now watching him stagger and learn movements can be regarded as making up for a little shortcoming.

As soon as Ling came to Lin Si, Lin Si stretched out his hand towards him, he bent down a little, and reached out to touch Lin Si.

The mechanics on the side were not stingy with their praise: "Great job."

Lin Sidao: "Come out and have a rest."

Adapting to the bones requires extreme concentration, and it takes a lot of energy in the early stage, so it can't be done for a long time—especially for Ling Yi, whose body has not stopped growing, so he needs to pay more attention and not overdraw. Lin Si usually let him sleep as long as he can, and now he will not let him stay in the bone for a long time.

He controlled the skeleton to open, and Ling Yi jumped down.

He was indeed a little tired, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, but he was very excited, his little face was flushed, and as soon as he jumped off, he ran to sit next to Lin Si, hugged his arm, and leaned on Lin Si with his whole body.

Lynce fished the man over and rubbed his arm.

The colonel also came out of the skeleton, glanced at Ling Yi jealously, and did some relaxation activities on the spot to stretch his stiff limbs.

"This is what you are going to practice today," Zheng Shu said to them. "This is the simplest. After improving your proficiency, you have to adapt to other functions of the bones."

Treating the skeleton as a part of the body and performing basic actions such as walking, running, and jumping are the prerequisites for using the functions of the skeleton, but it is not the purpose of the skeleton at all—the skeleton is equipped with countless instruments, devices, and even weapons. It is used at the operator's whim.

That is to say, your brain not only has to admit that the bones are also part of the body, but also learn to manipulate those complex functions that have never been seen before in human cognition of your own body!

After listening to Zheng Shu's brief description, the colonel suddenly became excited.

"Mr. Zheng, that is to say—" the major stretched out his hand: "The weapons you equip on the bones, can I finally control them completely with my mind? For example, I only need to look at the target to attack there?"

"In theory," Zheng Shu replied, "the automatic aiming system will respond after capturing your nerve signals. When the test reaches this stage, we will go to the ground to practice on the ground, and you can feel it."

The colonel was very satisfied. Although he still couldn't even walk steadily, it seemed that he had already imagined that he would wear a battle suit in the future, like the Iron Man in the earth movie, and go to kill all directions.

"As long as the problem of material supply is solved, all limitless modified bodies can be equipped with bones, and some selections can be made among ordinary soldiers, and maybe those with extraordinary talents can do it." Zheng Shu pondered: "But the problem of materials is too much now. Big, we have never encountered this kind of problem when sailing. Speaking of it, it is actually easy to solve, as long as we sail to other planets to mine, but the second area has not been moved... "

The prospect of bones is very bright, but if there is not enough material supply and can only be used in a small area, the effect will be greatly reduced.

When he mentioned this, Lin Si remembered something.

"About this matter, Mrs. Chen said that it is difficult to explain clearly in one or two sentences. She asked me to meet this afternoon."

"She may have her own considerations." Zheng Shu nodded.

"Madam may want to wait for us to adjust the skeleton and use it for mining projects, just to test the effect?"

"Mr. Colonel, we only have five bone samples now, and we can't make more," Lin Si said coolly, "Do you think Madam will delay the mining plan because of this?"

Colonel: "..."

Zheng Shu said: "Wait a little longer, here we test the bones first, and then we start to study the neuron chip, is Su Ting in place?"

"Give her some more time." Lin Si said lightly: "I contacted Adelaide and asked him to relieve Su Ting's emotions."

Zheng Shu nodded.

After a short break, they resumed the test and practice. This is a two-way test. People need to get in touch with the machine, and the machine will be adjusted and modified according to the test results to make it more convenient to use.

So the colonel is very busy, Ling Yi is very busy, and the mechanics are also very busy.

Lin Si became the most idle person on the field.

It had been a long time since he had nothing to do, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

—So when Ling Yi rested again, he saw Lin Si chatting with Tang Ning.

However, when these two people chatted, it must not be a topic of "what did you eat today".

Ling Yi looked at their conversation very curiously, and only knew that they were talking about a "Heisendel-Bandner problem", and was confused about the rest.

"Tangning was borrowed from the first district in the past few days." Seeing Ling Yi curiously, Lin Si explained to him, "He doesn't know much about high-energy physics, and he's asking me about a concept."

Ling nodded.

"Lin Si is really omnipotent." Zheng Shu took a glass of water for himself and sat down opposite him. "When he was in school, he was the most legendary person."

"Tangning is much smarter than me," Lin Si said while typing, "Brother Zheng, do you still remember that IMO?"

"Of course I remember," Zheng Shu laughed loudly, "Our Dr. Lin has never been so depressed."

Ling Yi tilted his head curiously.

"At that time, Adelaide was studying in Berlin, and Lins was in the laboratory in Berlin. I happened to have a project, and the three of us rented a house together." Zheng Shu began to tell Ling Yi slowly: "IMO—the most important project on earth. The top international mathematics competition, the finals of this year happened to be in Berlin, we were still students at that time, and we had a lot of free time, and it happened that one of the testers was a friend of Lins, so we invited him over.”

"We went together, the competition started over there, and we also got the questions in the background. The content of this kind of competition does not belong to elementary mathematics, but it rarely involves advanced mathematics, such as combination theory and number theory. In short... a lot To a certain extent, it is a test of your IQ and the way of thinking in your head. I know some, but I can’t solve the questions. Adelaide is a psychological person, just to join in the fun. He can’t even understand the questions. In the end, we only have to see Lin Si write the questions." Zheng Shu smiled, squinting his eyes, as if recalling the past, "There are three questions, and the time limit is five hours. I remember that Lin Si spent more than two hours, and then he The friend of mine came over and said, 'Ling, do you think anyone is faster than you?' And Lins was very dismissive and said, how is that possible?"

Zheng Shu glanced at Lin Si narrowly, and a faint smile appeared in Lin Si's eyes.

"He's right. Those calculations and proofs, even if a person doesn't think at all, just copy them down, it will take more than two hours." Zheng Shu said.

Ling Yi asked curiously, "What about the end?"

"Finally," Lin Si stroked Ling Yi's hair, "Tangning was on the British team, so..."

"So he's faster than you?"

"By the time I finished backstage, he had already slept in the front for an hour and a half." Lin Si said.

"Didn't it say that the copying process would take two hours?"

"He was too lazy to write about the process. He wrote three conclusions on the question paper, and then fell asleep." Zheng Shu said: "At that time, Lin Si's reaction was to knock his brains open."

"There are more than three conclusions," Lin Si circled Ling Yi and added as he typed for Tangning, "There are a few more words in front of it - 'Observed'."

"Tangning was twelve years old at the time," Zheng Shu said. "As soon as the competition was over, Lin Si stopped him and asked him his solution to the problem. Then Tangning calmly said, isn't this obvious?"

—Genius, sometimes you will always be different from ordinary people.

Lin Sidao, "We've known each other since then. Tangning was fourteen years old when she thawed out, and she's been following Brother Zheng all along."

Ling nodded, "Tangning told me."

"He will still tell you this?" Zheng Shu was a little surprised, "I thought he ignored everyone, let alone small talk."

"Ling Yi has a very good relationship with everyone," Lin Si stretched out his hand and scratched Ling Yi's nose: "every day he runs behind my back to play with others."

"Obviously you are always busy!" Ling Yi retorted, hugging his neck.

"Okay, I was wrong."

Ling Yi stiffly turned his head to ignore him, but still hugged Lin Si tightly.

The colonel raised his face from the interface of the Snake game to see this scene, and "tsk" several times.

——It’s been a while since I’ve seen each other, so we rolled together again.

But Ling Yi was a little unhappy.

——The little thing who grew up held in the palm of everyone's hands, suddenly heard his two elders tell about Tangning's legendary deeds when he was 14 years old, and was suddenly touched by "other people's family" who had never met before in his life. Child" slapped his face.

But - Lin Si must still like him more, and Tang Ning, who made Lucia and Vivian, and helped him write the calculus problem that Lin Si gave, is really really good. When he thought about it, he didn't care anymore.

After talking about Tangning's topic, Zheng Shu recalled the SSS project in District 1 where most of their materials were lost, "Tangning seems to be borrowed because of that SSS project. Can you tell what project it is?"

"If the Haiban issue is involved, it should have something to do with antimatter." Lin Si said, "If the first district really has a clue about antimatter weapons, it's no wonder they can apply for the materials we ordered."

Zheng Shu nodded thoughtfully.

The colonel, who was very fanatical about weapons, immediately cheered up: "What is that?"

"What is the addition of positive and negative numbers?" Lin Si asked lightly.

Although the colonel's level of mathematics is not high, he still knows these things: "... anything is possible?"

"What about special circumstances?"


The colonel was delighted; he had seldom answered Lince's questions so smoothly.

"Probably in the 1950s of the 20th century on Earth, our predecessors mastered the technology of simulating the cosmic explosion, which was the prototype of the cosmic simulator in the first area. But no matter what, the simulation results are wrong." Lin Si Explain to the colonel and Ling Yi who pricked up their ears, "This shows that we may be missing a very important parameter, so the corresponding hypothesis is put forward. There is some kind of matter in the universe that we cannot observe, which is named antimatter. , other matter that we can observe is named positive matter. When the content of antimatter added to the simulator is more than 90 times that of positive matter, the simulator gives the correct result, and the universe was born.”

"In other words, the universe is actually filled with antimatter. All our instruments and naked eyes can only see positive matter, which is equivalent to one percent of the tip of the iceberg in the universe."

"This..." The colonel was a little shocked, and asked: " can it be used as a weapon?"

"If we can bring antimatter into the real world, as a weapon, and hit some antimatter at the enemy, or something else—they must all be positive matter, and when positive matter and antimatter meet, it's like the addition of positive and negative numbers, nothing left."

"Annihilation, from matter to energy, there is nothing left, escaping the law of energy conservation." Zheng Shu added.

Ling Yi opened his eyes wide: "Wow."

"The mass-to-energy conversion rate of thermonuclear weapons is 0.7%, while antimatter weapons are 100%. If they can be made, then District 5 and District 6 are willing to give them the materials." Lin Sidao.

"It's too difficult. The bigger problem is danger." Zheng Shu shook his head. "From extraction to preservation, it is a blind spot of existing science. Moreover, we can still solve the nuclear accident. As long as there is an accident with antimatter, the entire Voyager will be destroyed." They're all going to perish."

The colonel stretched his muscles: "There are mechas and super weapons. You scientists are too energetic. Why don't you see you doing these things when you are sailing?"

"At that time, our pursuit was survival." It was rare for Lin Si not to choke on the colonel: "After we have a home, we will do our best to protect it."

The colonel was very moved: "Doctor, you finally said something human."

Lin Si smiled half-smile and didn't speak.

The colonel felt that the danger was approaching, so he shrank his neck and ran to continue practicing the manipulation of the bones.

Ling Yi looked at Lin Si.

He realized more clearly than every moment before that Lin Si was actually a very good, very gentle person.

From the previous conversations between him and Zheng Shu, they are still very, very young, what would they be like if they hadn't encountered these cruel turmoil and accidents later

Lin Si who laughs a lot, Lin Si who is confident and high-spirited, Lin Si who blocks people from asking questions because they are faster than himself.

Ling Yi didn't know, but he knew that Lin Si like that must be very good, the kind that all adjectives can't describe.

At this time, Lin Si's bracelet dinged, it was a schedule reminder, and it was time for him to see Mrs. Chen.

"I should go." He said to Zheng Shu.

Zheng Shu: "Well, you go."

"Ling Yi's practice time is long enough, come back tomorrow."

Zheng Shu nodded in understanding.

Ling Yi was taken away by Lin Si, leaving the colonel to practice hard, he was very jealous.

——Children with parents always get preferential treatment because they are favored. The poor colonel can't figure out this reason.

"I'm going to the first district to find Mrs. Chen," Lin Si said to Ling Yi while walking in the corridor, holding Ling Yi's hand, "Would you like to visit Su Ting with Adelaide? I arranged her in the Biddy's room."

—Bidi's room is next to Lin Si and Ling Yi's room.

Ling nodded, "Yes."

"um. Thank you."

Ling smiled at Lin Si.

Lynch stroked his hair.

After walking for a while, when they were about to part at the fork, Ling Yi suddenly said, "Lin Si."


"You haven't finished talking to me about what happened on Earth, about the news you received from the Voyagers."

"Hmm... Half a day after Ye Selin left, I received a message from the Voyager that the virus broke out on the spaceship."

"Then what?"

"At that time, our subspace navigation technology was still unstable, and we needed the force field generated by the natural wormhole in the universe, and the risk factor of passing through the wormhole was also very high. According to the analysis results, at a certain time of the day , the activities of the wormhole are most beneficial to navigation, and the voyager must enter the subspace during that time period."

Ling nodded a little, still didn't understand what this meant, but just said "hmm" to show that he knew.

"The voyager asked me to take the core personnel of the Wilkins laboratory and enter the sixth area with all the research results to overcome the virus in the shortest possible time."

"You said that at that time, we were only a little away from solving the virus." Ling said.

"That's right, we will soon be able to find a way to overcome the third-generation virus."

Ling Yi suddenly opened his eyes wide!

Lin Si said lightly: "The best group of people gathered on the Voyager at the beginning, they have already made up their minds to leave this planet where resources are exhausted and are no longer suitable for the continuation of human civilization due to war and viruses, and the piloting program of the spacecraft has also been changed. All set up, in half an hour you have to go into the wormhole. And now there's a virus on the spaceship that kills everyone, and Yetherine is also infected, and I've always thought of her as my mother. But our home Hundreds of millions of people are about to die if the virus spreads all over the world.”

He looked into Ling Yi's eyes: "... If you were me at that time, how would you choose?"

Ling Yi was stunned.

"I..." He shook his head in a daze, "I have no choice."

"But in that case, you have to choose one immediately, and you can't waste the time studying viruses on hesitation." Lin Sidao, "I chose to stay on Earth."

"That… "

"I did make a choice, but the Voyager did not give me the right to choose. The entire Wilkins Laboratory was forced to take the spacecraft, and all the confirmed infected persons on the Voyager, led by Yesselin, voluntarily walked out. Spaceship to slow down the spread of the virus to the greatest extent and create time for the laboratory to overcome the virus."

"Later, we did make therapeutic agents and vaccines—Berlin virus is a gene virus that was accidentally mutated in the Berlin laboratory when studying genetic modification. I stayed in the Berlin laboratory for two years. The therapeutic agent is based on their experimental ideas. A gene repair drug was created that cured the early infection and the ship was saved."

"But at this time, the voyagers connected to the communication with the earth," Lin Si's eyes were bloodshot, he paused, and seemed unable to continue, "Not long after we developed the method to overcome the third-generation virus, the earth The Berlin virus on the Internet has mutated four times, the onset time is shortened, the spread speed is accelerated, and animals are beginning to be infected. It is impossible for anyone to come up with a countermeasure, so we have assumed that the earth has been completely destroyed for so many years."

Ling Yi didn't know what to say to comfort Lin Si, he just stretched out his hand, put his fingertips on Lin Si's eyes lightly, and made a gesture of wiping his tears.

Lin Si did not shed tears, but Ling Yi knew that he must be sad.

"I often think, if I had put in some... more nights when I was researching viruses, would I be able to research the medicine before the voyagers set sail, so that hundreds of millions of people on the earth would not die , neither will Yesselin, she will live well, and you will not lose your mother."

Jesse Lin's figure appeared in front of Lin Si.

She stood behind the thick glass wall, smiling to herself, her face was pale and bloodless due to the damage caused by the virus, but this could not take away her gentle and vast ocean-like temperament.

She coughed a few times, and the clean white handkerchief she used to cover her mouth was stained with blood.

"Lin, the people on the spaceship will be handed over to you. I persuade all the infected people to leave the spaceship to buy time for your work." She smiled: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid because you left your compatriots on the earth. And guilty, it's not your fault, and I will always protect you."

She gave Lin Si one last look, turned and left.

At that time, Lin Si looked at her fading white figure and burst into tears.

Ling Yi reached out and hugged Lin Si, his arms slowly tightened, and he closed his eyes.

The past is so dilapidated that language has become so pale that it has lost its power.

After being quiet for a long time, he finally opened his mouth and said, "But we are getting better, and Yesselin is not here, so I will protect you for her."

Lin Si pinched his face, lowered his head, and kissed his forehead lightly.

The tips of Ling Yi's ears were a little red.

"Later, many people in the laboratory chose to be frozen, and hoped never to wake up again. Because we all felt that we killed the people on the earth." Lin Sidao: "No one in the know will mention this Because it is very dishonorable, the purpose of the voyagers is to continue human civilization, but at the cost of accelerating the process of the destruction of the earth with their own hands."

Because of keeping silent about the past, the spaceship is full of speculation, misunderstanding and hatred.

A ship sailing in a sea area densely covered with hidden reefs may sink at any time. There may be internal contradictions, and the crew may fight with each other, but the sails should always be high and the bow should always be forward.

So this is a layer of window paper that cannot be pierced. People must think that the voyagers are bright and noble saviors from beginning to end, so that they can always have the faith to move forward during hundreds of years of lonely wandering.

"Do you want Su Ting to know?" Ling Yi asked.

"No, she will find the most acceptable reason to believe it." Lin Sidao.

Ling nodded.

Lin Si looked at the time, it was getting late, and said to Ling: "It's time to go."

"En." Ling said, "Then you should come back early at night."

Lin Si rubbed his hair: "Yeah."

Mrs. Chen's office is still the same, very capable and simple, and the light curtain that occupies the entire wall is still the probability simulation model that Lins saw when he came here last time.

"Lin." Mrs. Chen greeted Lin Si.

"Good afternoon, ma'am."

After the simple greetings, Lin Si sat down at Mrs. Chen's desk, and Mrs. Chen quickly got to the point.

"I called you over because I want to hear your opinion on something very important," she said.

Lince: "Yeah."

"In the past month, I really want to unfreeze some sociologists or economists to help me make some decisions, because the current situation is very complicated," Mrs. Chen crossed her fingers, and just sat on the desk, pondering for a while, then went on Dao: "However, there were not many experts of this kind on the spaceship, and some of them died with the fourth district, so they are very scarce resources, and I don't want to use them lightly."

"What issue was the decision?" Lins asked.

"I think we're freaking out, the science is advancing and the military is growing, but we only have scientists and soldiers, and no matter how many people are thawed, there will only be more scientists and soldiers."

Lin Si felt that these words were a bit familiar. Bidi had said similar words before choosing to sleep. She was born in a political and business family, and she always had her own opinions on such things.

So Lins asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Because we lack the means of production," Mrs. Chen said, "the voyagers provide people with food and materials, and then distribute them properly. This is the way of life during the voyage, but we have landed now, and we can live a normal life— But we couldn't."

She sighed, and continued: "This planet is too barren to plant, have no agriculture, no commerce, no manufacturing industry, and it is impossible to have these in the future. So our life can only continue like this, all materials It is collected and manufactured by the voyagers, and then managed and distributed in a unified way. Only scientific researchers and soldiers have value, and their work is not paid accordingly. It is just a rigid responsibility—until one day, you all lose enthusiasm and feelings What should we do? Do we live mechanically?—I see the prototype of a utopian society, but this is not the result we want. Are there not enough dystopian works in human history?"

Lin Si frowned, and found what she wanted to express from her words: "You mean, do you regret letting the Voyager land here?"

Madam nodded gravely.

"When I asked the model to calculate the probability of our long-term survival on this planet, the continuation of the race, it gave a result of 76%, so we parked, but after I noticed this problem a few days ago , asked it to calculate the probability that we can inherit, continue, and continue to develop human civilization, and the only 2.7%."