Cat’s Rose

Chapter 34: The second law of thermodynamics (3)


After a brief free time, everyone is busy again.

Su Ting rested for three days and also met with Lin Si.

Regarding the virus leak accident, they checked all the clues according to the timeline, but there is still no clue.

Lins could confirm that there was nothing wrong with the laboratory's operations that day, but he could also confirm that Ye Selin was the first person to be infected.

And Yesselin didn't go to any place where she could catch the virus that day—except the Wilkins laboratory. Apart from the fact that someone in the lab deliberately released the virus on Jesse Lin, there was no reason to explain that.

And Ye Selin really only had contact with Lin Si that day, that's why the woman in District 9 firmly believed that Lin Si was the murderer behind the scenes.

"What else is possible?" Su Ting frowned: "Is there really something wrong with the laboratory?"

—This is the only explanation, somewhere in the lab, a virus leaked out and was taken to the Voyager by Yesselin.

"If this is the case, it could only be that other people in the laboratory precisely cast the virus on Jesse Lin's body without my knowledge," Lin Si narrowed his eyes, "because I was not infected."

"According to what the lady in the Ninth District said, you have already mastered the method to deal with the third-generation virus, so you will definitely not be infected," Su Ting wrote and drew on a piece of paper, sorting out his own Thoughts, "So, brother, you see, all the possibilities for this matter point to that explanation—you are operating everything behind the scenes."

Lins: "Yeah."

"If we speculate with malice, there are two possibilities. One is that someone is targeting you, but you are still standing here. The second is that there are other people in the laboratory who want to board the ship. He planned everything , and put the blame on you."

"Everyone in the laboratory chose to sleep in the end, and Adelaide gave them a psychological evaluation, which proved that there was a great mental trauma," Lins also expressed his views on this speculation, "very few people Can fool Adelaide, I don't think anyone in the lab has the potential to be a conspirator."

"Indeed," Su Ting nodded, frowning, "and, if another person does this, he must first know that you can do it in a very short time—at least the people on the Voyager did not The virus can be conquered within a very short time, but who will be so sure?"

They've reached a dead end, and neither explanation makes sense.

The virus appeared out of thin air like a ghost, without any trace.

"No, brother, there must be another direction—" Su Ting took a few deep breaths and pulled her hair, which was a small movement she often made when she was thinking.

Lin Si looked at her, also remembering.

Which link will go wrong

They were silent for a long, long time.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, their eyes met.

"Brother..." Su Ting looked at Lin Si and saw his cold eyes because they were covered with frost.

Lin Si looked at her and saw the growing horror in her eyes.

"I thought of a question." Su Ting murmured.

"Me too." Lin Sidao: "Since Ye Selin boarded the spaceship with you, why weren't you infected?"

"That is to say, Ye Selin was infected with the virus after I was frozen." Su Ting was stunned, and slowly looked around, as if the ghost was lurking not far from them.

The mechanical wall was silvery white and cold, covered with regular gray lines, which aroused a murmured echo like a wizard in the empty room.

"So the person who released the virus was on this spaceship." Lin Si said.

"who is it?"

"It's possible for all who are still alive."

"But what's the purpose?" Su Ting scratched his hair: "What motive can there be? Ye Selin has no enemies, not one."

"In the five years since I woke up, there have been some suspected man-made accidents on the spaceship. The marshal insisted that there was one or some terrorists on the spaceship who hated the voyagers and tried to destroy the spaceship." Lin Si said lightly: " Of course, he thought it was most likely me."

Su Ting shook his head helplessly: "Senior brother, you really have a lot to blame."

"He's targeting me too much, sometimes I even think it's intentional." Lin Si stood up and straightened his clothes, "Hinting to the whole spaceship that he doubts me very much, so as to relax that person's vigilance, so that It is not impossible for him to show his feet."

"But that person has done so many times without leaving any traces, which shows that he is not a careless person. This kind of trick is too naive. So no matter what, I still think that the marshal has a problem with his mind."

He was not infected with the virus, and Lin Si had no doubts. Su Ting finally relieved the burden and let out a sigh of relief: "So, that person has been carrying out various activities against the voyagers, and using you as a cover...then Let's wait for his next move."

Lin Si nodded, although he knew that the chance was very slim—the spaceship hadn't had an accident for three years, and under all kinds of strict monitoring, it was almost impossible for anyone to cause damage to the spaceship.

After this incident, Su Ting's condition improved a lot, and he began to work on projects with Lins in District 5. The bone training hall is next door to them, and Ling Yi is training there—so the three of them often spend their breaks together, and sometimes there are Zheng Shu and the colonel.

It's a break, but it's actually a change of mind.

Ling Yi was writing the topic of Fourier transform with a look of lovelessness, Lin Si was reading literature, Zheng Shu was drawing circuit diagrams, and Su Ting was gently teaching Ling Yi how to do the problem.

Only the colonel is out of place, and the colonel is still playing the snake game.

Zheng Shu couldn't stand it anymore, so she found out the single player game disc that Tangning had prepared when raising Tangning, but shelved it because Tangning had no interest in these things, and gave it to the colonel.

The colonel discovered the new world, finally stopped eating his own snake tail every day, and became obsessed with Assassin's Creed—others would watch his game interface when they were bored—it was still very interesting.

Ling Yi also wanted to play, but Lin Si refused.

At this time, Lin Si happened to be sitting between the colonel and Ling Yi in his spare time, instructing the colonel how to better complete the task when he was confused. Obviously, this was not the first time he came into contact with this game.

Ling Yi was very angry and wanted to bite him.

"Wait until you grow up." Su Ting took a glass of water and comforted him gently. "Parents are like this. If Ye Selin and Mr. Ling were here, they would take care of you."

Ling Yi asked: "Then when will we wait?"

"When you become an adult," Lin Si said lightly, "my guardianship will expire at that time."

Guardianship is about to expire! what does that mean

Ling Yi became vigilant.

He immediately ignored Lin Si not playing games for himself, and frowned: "Then you won't support me in the future?"

"Well... let me think about it," Lin Si said slowly, "I started to support myself when I was fifteen."

"Lingling, I'll make arrangements for you. Let's go back to the third district and not go with him." The colonel spared no effort to add to the chaos.

"Then I can't live with you?" Ling Yi looked at Lin Si.

"When you turn eighteen, you can apply for your own room. In theory, you don't have to live with me." Lin Si folded his arms and smiled a little at the corner of his mouth: "But you still have the right to choose to sleep in Any room."

"Then I don't want to apply." Ling Yi thought for a while.

"I still need to apply for one." Lin Si said, "Otherwise, when you and I are angry, are you going to sleep in the hallway?"

"Then I'll sleep..." Ling Yi quickly thought about who could sleep in a room. The colonel couldn't do it, he was too big, and neither could Tangning. It was said that he would type on the keyboard until the early hours of the morning. Svena or Sutin? But it seems that I can't sleep with girls.

He found that he really had nowhere to go.

Lince laughed and lifted his face.

The time Ling Yi spent with him in the past three years is not much. After the construction of the base, most of the third area was moved to the ground, as were the 200 "limitless" people. Come back every three months.

Every time I come back to stay by my side, it’s okay at first, then I get more and more childish, then I leave, I grow up, and I come back...

Of course, every time I leave, I am reluctant.

Time flies, just like that, three years have passed.

"You've grown up," he whispered, "... baby."

Ling Yi's heart immediately missed half a beat.

Many people call him baby, but Lin Si seldom calls it.

But every time he yelled, his reaction would be particularly strong.

It's that kind, if you want to be pampered by him all the time, don't grow up, that's fine.

He rubbed Lins' hand.

Lin Si said lightly: "I won't support you in the future, but are you still willing to play with me?"

"I am willing," Ling Yi lowered his eyes, "Do you want to continue playing with me?"

Lin Si touched his forehead with him: "Then you continue to be with me... Well, excuse me."

"Then what do you do if you bully me?"

"So apply for a room of your own in the third district. If you are bullied by me, run back and wait for me to come and coax you." Lin Si said.

Ling Yi blinked: "What if I bully you?"

"You?" Lin Si looked at him: "Do you think it's possible?"

Ling Yi snorted.

Not now, maybe when I grow up a little bit, it will be fine!

So he said confidently: "What if?"

Rings crossed: "Anatomy."

— Ling Yi's arrogance suddenly disappeared.

After a while of quarreling, the rest time ended before Ling Yi and Lin Si separated.

Lin Si crossed his arms and looked at Ling Yi's figure.

When the child grows up, he always has to leave slowly and have his own life. He has known this for a long time, and it stands to reason that he should have been able to accept it long ago.

But the strange thing is, when I really face it, I still want to stay one day longer.

The busy days passed very quickly, and it was another twenty days in a blink of an eye.

With Su Ting, the progress of the chip has been much faster. When Lin Si sent the progress report to the marshal this time, he was suddenly replied: "Come to me."

— On a spaceship where 3D image communication can be done at any time, unless it is a particularly important matter, I would not choose to have an interview.

Lin Si thought for a while, probably because of the matter Mrs. Chen mentioned, and then went to the third district.

The marshal still has the majestic appearance. Judging people by appearance is at least to a certain extent feasible. Anyone who sees his strong and burly figure, iron-gray beard and hard hair, and stern expression will think of something like "tough style" " Adjectives such as "dictatorship" and "self-willed".

"I have something to tell you." The marshal cut to the chase.

Lynch: "Please tell me."

"I ask you to add a function to the finished product of that chip project."

This is not what Lin Si expected.

"I've seen the effect of the skeleton, and it's very useful. After equipping it with weapons, the ability of an individual soldier is comparable to that of a top-level battleship. Your modified bodies are also very powerful."

Lin Si narrowed his eyes—the marshal never praised himself.

The next moment, the marshal changed his subject: "But at the same time, their danger level is also very high. The third district must formulate corresponding measures to prevent them from abusing their powerful force."

Lynch: "What are you going to do?"

The marshal looked straight into Lin Si's eyes: "I know that you have buried the forced destruction system in those advanced artificial intelligence programs just in case. So I plan to make the chip have this function. Once someone shows other If you think about something dangerous, the chip will activate that function—such as releasing a strong current, or other methods, in short, it can kill that person quickly.”

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Si said coldly: "Impossible."

"I know you can do it." The marshal's eyes were cold and sharp, with a strong sense of oppression: "This is just a small function."

"It can be done, but I can't do it." Lin Si was expressionless, looking directly at Marshal Shijos: "It's true that they are modified bodies, but they are human beings first."