Cat’s Rose

Chapter 35: The second law of thermodynamics (4)


"I'm not prejudiced against them," the marshal's tone eased a little, "but there must be such a protective measure that all powerful weapons should be restricted, because accidents may happen every day."

"But they were your subordinates before they were transformed. You have reason to doubt me, but don't you even suspect your own soldiers?" Lin Si frowned, "Then I suggest you see a psychiatrist."

Lin Si, when he is in a bad mood, always speaks with thorns, the marshal is now choking on the phrase "psychiatrist".

But he also knew that Lin Si was definitely not someone who would change his mind easily, and he couldn't lose his temper with him too early.

"When the conspiracy has not surfaced, we must not let down our guard against anyone." The marshal said.

"Well," Lin Si looked straight into his eyes, "Your control over the military has always been very strict, with real-time video recordings in every corner, and currently only the 'limitless' two hundred people are beyond your control."

His eyes were cold and his voice was calm: "You think that dangerous person is from the third district? Why?"

Marshal: "The biggest danger on this spaceship is you!"

Lin Si hooked the corner of his lips noncommittally: "I'm very honored."

The marshal held the project book of the chip project and said coldly: "In any case, this function needs to be realized, not a request, but an order."

"I have the right to disobey orders that are clearly unreasonable." Lins confronted him.


"A marshal's signature is also needed." The staff of the second district smiled and handed Ling Yi a form.

"Thank you." Ling Yi said briskly.

He walked outside the office of the top marshal in the third district, and was about to knock on the door when he heard arguing inside.

The sound insulation effect of Marshal's office is very good, but Ling Yi's hearing is different from that of ordinary people, and the voice of the people inside is not low, so he can still hear the voice coming from the gap in the door, as if the Marshal is in the office. loose the temper.

Ling Yi felt that it was not good to listen to him when others didn't know, and planned to leave for a while, but Lin Si's voice suddenly came from the door!

"If you insist on restricting them, you can use another method," Lin Si said in a cold voice, "but I will never add this function to the chip. No one's life should be threatened because of this kind of suspicion. Please respect their wishes." human rights."

"Human rights can only be found in peaceful times!" the marshal raised his voice.

"Are we not at peace now?"

"Now is the development period!" The marshal knocked on the table, "It's not like you don't know that we are in potential danger! There must be no loopholes that can be exploited!"

"And you," said the marshal, "your paranoia is the biggest loophole!"

Lin Si seemed to laugh.

The marshal's voice became serious: "Take a step back! Even in peaceful times, there are no human rights in the army. Lin Si, you are too naive."

He paused, then continued: "People like you are well-educated, grew up in a safe city, were firmly protected, went to school, and have never even been out of the laboratory—you don't know how cruel war is! In order to prevent more cruel things, we have to do something that is not good."

"I'm sorry, Marshal." Ling Yi heard Lin Si's voice and said lightly: "I may not have received the good education you said, and I have also experienced wars. My parents died of direct radiation from thermonuclear weapons. When I was ten years old, I Living outside the city on the worst gene therapy."

Ling Yi looked at the door, a little dazed.

This is something Lins never mentioned.

Lin Si rarely recalled the past, and even if he did, he would talk about some memories of his student days with Zheng Shu or Adelaide.

From those conversations, we can piece together a past full of sunshine and white doves.

So Ling Yi thinks that this is all of Lin Si's past.

But it seems that before that, there is something deeply buried.

He took a slow breath, and wanted to raise his hand to knock on the door, but hesitated whether to knock or not.

During this moment of hesitation, he heard the marshal's voice sound again: "I'm sorry."

The marshal continued: "You are very sensitive, but also very unreasonable. I can't understand what people like you are insisting on. I only insist on my request."

"Then you can understand that I am insisting against you," Lin Si said coldly, "I don't agree, you can let Zheng Shu install a program on the bone that can make it invalid instantly, but you can't let me implant it in the human brain. Insert the chip."

The Marshal apparently also realized that the communication with Lins was ineffective-in fact, the communication between the two of them never worked.

"I'll think about it again." He made a slight compromise.

There was a long silence in the room after that.

Only then did Ling Yi gently knock on the door.

"Come in." The marshal said.

Ling Yi walked in with the form in his arms: "Good afternoon, Mr. Marshal."

"Well," the marshal's tone was more relaxed than before, "Hello, little guy."

"I'm applying for a room in the third district, and I need your signature." Ling winked at Lin Si and stood in front of the marshal's desk.

"It's grown so big." The marshal sighed casually, picked up a pen and signed his name on the form: "Okay."

"Thank you Marshal." Ling Yi took the form and thanked Marshal.

"If you have nothing else to do," Lin Si said lightly, "we'll go first."

The marshal waved his hands in distraught.

Lin Si led Ling Yi out of the office.

Lin Si saw that Ling Yi's room application had been completed, and said, "Go and tidy up your new room?"

Ling nodded.

Ling Yi's room is arranged in the "limitless" living area, very close to the colonel and Sweena. Fortunately, it is a room next to the porthole, and you can see the boundless outside when you look up. star sea.

Large clusters of nebula like gauze float in the sea of stars, slowly moving and stretching. The stars are like diamond necklaces scattered among them, shimmering brightly.

After setting up all the daily necessities and making the bed, Ling Yi turned off the light and got under the quilt.

"Sleep here tonight?" Lin Si asked.

"You sleep here too." Ling said.

Lin Si said "hmm".

Ling Yi looked at the sea of stars that was close at hand, and the light from the stars hundreds of light years away passed through the porthole, lightly shining on him, and he felt a little light all over, as if he was sleeping in the sea of stars.

He felt Lyns come too, wrapping his arms around him.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Lin Si asked, "What's wrong?"

"I heard you talking to the marshal today." Ling Yi thought about it for a while, and said this.

"Well." Lin Si said, "The marshal always has some unrealistic ideas."

"I also heard you talking about the past..." Ling Yi's voice was a little low, "War, your parents, those..."

"Fake," Lin Sidao said, "otherwise how can we deal with the marshal?"

Ling Yi doubted: "Really?"

"Well... Of course it's impossible for me not to have a good education," Lins said, "My family is not bad, so my childhood was pretty happy, and then the war happened unexpectedly... My parents did die in the war, I had a bit of a hard time, out of the city - then it was fine."

But Ling Yi already knew the situation of the earth at that time from various books and other people's narrations.

Frequent wars are happening all over the world. Thermonuclear weapons are killing countless people every day. The barren resources cannot sustain the consumption of resources outside a few giant cities. Outside the cities, there is no electricity, no clean water, and the soil No crops can grow, not only because of the heavy pollution in the soil, but also because the thick dust clouds cut out the sunlight, and the pale seedlings are so weak that they can only live for a few hours because of the lack of light.

What is even more frightening is the radiation pollution—except for a few cities that have perfect protection measures, there are more or less radiation dust in other places, but the accumulation of day after day can be fatal.

The population of the planet has shrunk from billions to hundreds of millions in just a few decades.

Lin Si's tone was very understated, but Ling Yi knew that war, death, leaving the city, those things could never be as calm as he said!

—He suddenly felt very sad, why did Lin Si come to him after he had experienced all these cruel things.

"Lance," he called softly.

Lins: "Huh?"

"When will I be better?" He looked at the distant stars: "How old do I have to be to protect you?"

Lins: "Aren't you protecting me now?"

"It's not..." Ling Yi organized his own words, "It's the kind... When you are sad, I can be by your side, and then I can share something with you, or I can make you better."

He thought for a while, and complained seriously: "But I don't know what to do, where to learn, and how to comfort you, because I haven't seen those things, and I can't remember them. Don't let me know the bad things."

"Because what you have to do now is to grow up well, and I will protect you," Lin Si said with a gentle voice, "Bidi said at that time that lilies cannot be planted on the asphalt road, So there are a lot of things I haven't taught you, and I hope you can understand."

"I understand." Ling said.

—He knew that no matter what he did, Lin Si always treated him well.

But, but—

"But you are not like this." He said such a sentence suddenly.

Lins: "Huh?"

"You grew up without protection, and you have experienced very painful things, but you are still so good, and you haven't changed at all."

"Well..." Lin Si responded, "Are you trying to say that I am the lily on the asphalt road?"

"No." Ling Yi shook his head.

Compared with Lin Si's past, whether it was when he was young or after the virus accident, the asphalt road is so beautiful, so where is the asphalt road? It was obviously a swamp mixed with blood.

And, of course, Rins is no snow-white lily.

"You are Rose..." Ling said.

Lynce: "...why?"

"I just read a book of fairy tales yesterday," Ling Yi said earnestly, "the roses in it are very beautiful, because they were dyed red with the blood of the heart."

"Blood cannot chemically dye petals." Lin Si said coolly.

Ling Yi snorted, hugged Lin Si's waist, buried his head on his chest, and was about to fall asleep.

He is dreaming.

He rarely dreams.

But I don't know why, today is different.

Ling looked around, he was standing in the ruins, the sky was very gloomy, there was a large group of gray clouds on the top, and the air was also very polluted.

He felt that there was something waiting for him in the depths of the ruins, so he took a step, trotting at first, and running at the end. The wreckage of the buildings on the ground was very rough and sharp, but he felt no pain.

He kept running like that, and finally, the string in his heart was plucked suddenly, and he saw the figure standing on the horizon in the distance.

Very thin, wearing white clothes, looking at the cloudy sky.

At that moment, Ling Yi suddenly felt an unforgettable pain and loneliness.

He suddenly burst into tears.

I'm late... sorry, I...

The second half of the sentence stuck in his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, as if he had reached the edge of his vocabulary.


Lin Si felt Ling Yi's arm holding him tighten suddenly. He looked at Ling Yi's sleeping face through the starlight, and after confirming that it was just a dream, he gently patted his back to comfort him.

After feeling that the little guy had calmed down, he looked up at the starry sky outside the porthole.

A large piece of nebula piled up in the middle, beautiful and silent.

He sometimes felt that after so many years, he was still standing in the ruins, looking up at the cloudy sky as he was more than ten years ago.

The only difference may be that there is a warm little guy in his arms who can depend on each other for life.