Cat’s Rose

Chapter 38: The second law of thermodynamics (7)


Lins recognized her.

"Ling Jing," he said, "Zheng Shu gave it to you?"

Ling Yidao: "Well... Zheng Shu said this is a birthday present."

Lin Si took the photo and looked at those people one by one.

"In the end, only Sutin and Yesselin got on the spaceship," he said. "They all died of the Berlin virus, or they didn't get the tickets."

Ling Yidao: "Didn't Ling Jing get on the spaceship?"

"No," Lin Sidao said, "Yeselin didn't say it, and her name isn't on the spaceship."

Ling Yi didn't speak, but doubts arose in his heart.

Didn't Ling Jing get on the spaceship

But the handwriting on the back of this photo is exactly the same as the handwriting in the book of poems that I saw at Zheng Shu's place.

If this person is not Ling Jing, it can only be Ye Selin.

But why did Ye Selin write such a sad poem on the back of a photo that Zheng Shu and Ling Jing took at random when they were engaged

Moreover, Ye Selin would never write that kind of sentence in her notes...

Ling Yi clearly remembered what he saw in his notes—"Why is Lin Si on the boat? He shouldn't be there!"

This is definitely not Yesselin. Yesselin knew why Lin Si was on the spaceship, and even encouraged him.

So the owner of the handwriting can only be Ling Jing, his sister... But Lin Si said that Ling Jing has never been on a spaceship. Could there be someone else who knows Lin Si and has a very close relationship with Zheng Shu

Ling Yi couldn't figure it out.

He's a little down.

Lin Si didn't know what he was thinking, after seeing the photo, he returned it to Ling Yi.

"Half a month after their engagement banquet, the virus broke out in the Berlin laboratory." He said indifferently, "Adelaide was not feeling well that morning, so I went to the laboratory a little later."

Ling Yi looked at him.

"On the way, I suddenly received a message from my colleague." Lin Sidao, "The message is very short, it is 'Don't come to the laboratory'."

Nobody would send a message like that for nothing, especially in those circumstances.

At that time, Lin Si immediately realized that something happened in the laboratory.

"A sample of a working group mutated and turned into a highly contagious genetic virus. The staff immediately made a risk assessment. Before I arrived, all roads five kilometers around the laboratory were closed and martial law was imposed."

"At that time, everyone was ignorant of the nature of the virus and took the most stringent protective measures, but it still did not stop the spread of the virus." Lin Si looked at the starry sky: "At that time, my neighbor asked me how to protect myself from being infected, I can only advise him to go to another country."

"Did you not leave?" Ling Yi asked.

"The world's best genetic experimental devices are all in the Berlin laboratory. If you want to deal with genetic viruses, you have to use them, but no one can go in again. Two days later, Ye Selin established the Wilkins laboratory, and then there is Decent research facility, I went there after I got out of quarantine."

Ling Yi opened his eyes slightly: "If Adelaide didn't get sick that day, wouldn't you also be infected with the virus?"

"It's possible." Lin Si said, "But I was not a very hardworking person at that time... If I went to the laboratory according to the normal time, I would also encounter martial law."

Ling Yi continued to ask: "Did anyone survive in the laboratory?"

"All those who had been in the laboratory before the martial law were confirmed to be infected with the virus." Lin Sidao.

The most cutting-edge researchers in genetic science, the most cutting-edge equipment and devices, as well as many unpublished papers and results to be completed, all gather in the Berlin laboratory.

And then — all gone.

To deal with viruses, these are the most needed.

It wasn't until Yesselin established the Wilkins Laboratory that she barely gathered the strength to start researching viruses.

Ling Yi looked at Lin Si, he had not experienced those things, but he was able to carry out some limited imagination—urgent research, panic atmosphere, and large-scale death.

He thought of the second law of thermodynamics that Lins said before, and asked him: "Is death also an increase in entropy?"

Lin Si smiled: "The increase in entropy is at the micro level, and death is at the macro level."

Ling Yibian pursed his mouth.

Seeing his expression, Lin Si added: "Speaking imprecisely... it's okay."

"The law of entropy increase is a physical law that will never change, so no matter what it is, it will disappear in the end?" Ling Yi asked, "Then will we disappear too?"

"Of course we will all die physically," Lin Sidao said.

"What about our civilization?"

Lins looked out the window: "Look at those stars."

Ling Yi obediently said: "Yes."

"Every star you can see is a star, and every star is surrounded by countless stars."

Ling Yi looked at the ocean of stars all over the sky, and imagined that each of them was actually a huge star, and then surrounded by countless stars like the planet he was on.

—At this time, he felt the insignificance of this spaceship every moment compared to before when he looked up at the starry sky.

"So our civilization is also very small." Linds said, "From a romantic point of view, we are trying to fight against the second law of thermodynamics, trying to keep ourselves from dissipating."

Outside the porthole, there is eternal silence in the infinite space.

This kind of infinity and silence brings people an unspeakable shock and fear. In this kind of silence, the universe is born, prospers, and then dies, returning to eternal heat death. This process is very grand, but even if it is so grand Things that point to a desperate ending in the end.

Ling Yi looked at the boundless sea of stars, got up from the ground, sat with Lin Si, and hung on him.

"I'm a little scared." He buried his face in Lin Si's shoulder, breathing in Lin Si's breath.

Because of the close distance, only a thin layer of white shirt separated him, so he could feel the slight vibration from Lin Si's chest when he spoke, this intimate feeling made his scalp shudder with comfort for some reason numb.

"Well," Lince said, "it's normal, we're all afraid."

"And we will all die in the end, so will our civilization and this universe," Ling said. "Then what's the point of us living and working hard to develop our own civilization?"

"You have to find it yourself," Lin Sidao said, "I can't help you, I just chose a coming-of-age gift for you."

Ling Yi didn't know why the topic turned to his coming-of-age gift again, but he was undoubtedly looking forward to the gift Lin Si prepared for him, so he put down the question just now and looked at Lin Si.

Lin Si took out a small rectangular box about the length of his palm, the box was black, and Lin Si's slender cold white fingers looked very nice - no, why did he start staring at Lin Si's hand again.

He diverted his attention and began to think about what should be contained in such a box.

Ling Yi thought about many possibilities, but something was beyond his expectation—a pair of glasses.

To be more specific, it is a pair of glasses with thin golden metal frames and slightly rounded glasses—it is always a pair of glasses, and I am neither short-sighted nor have a habit of wearing glasses to decorate myself, why would I give this

Lin Si took the glasses out of the box and put them in his hands: "I made them with Brother Zheng, and I gave them to you to play with."

Ling Yi opened the glasses and put them on—before putting them on, he thought to himself, although it looked ordinary, there must be a reason for what Lin Si took out.

But at the next moment, he held his breath.

The entire vast and boundless sea of stars, and the place where he stood, have completely changed their appearance!

Instead of dotted with pale gold dots on the black background, it has become a colorful picture with a faint glow.

The largest swirl nebula is a dreamlike layer upon layer of blue-purple, and the dust cloud exudes a soft, hazy purple-white, and it is even possible to clearly see the dust of different colors disturbing each other in the flow.

The crimson and bright Crab Claw Nebula is entrenched under his feet, with a kind of arrogant aggression.

The stars twinkle in countless faint colors, bringing an indescribable impact to those who see it-it is so beautiful that people take their breath away.

"Each element has its own color, which cannot be seen with the naked eye, but if you add a small spectrum analyzer, this is what I want to show you today," Lin Si said slowly, "It's desperate, but It's also beautiful."