Cat’s Rose

Chapter 40: Repeatedly (2)


Lin Si didn't speak anymore, and the marshal was silent for a while, and finally said: "Go back."

Lucia accepted the order, and the spacecraft returned home smoothly, gradually moving away from the huge hole in the dust that was annihilated by the antimatter weapon.

After a while, Mr. Lambert went to the colonel to discuss some usage problems and left the main control room.

The marshal looked out the window and said, "I still can't understand why you insist on not agreeing."

"I just think we should have a line."

"That's what you said before," said the marshal, "more than ten years ago, another group of scientists on the spaceship had already researched that... the fusion method of human body tissue and machinery. There is no need to start another neuron chip project. But it was also rejected in a discussion."

Rings: "I don't know that."

Marshal: "At that time, you hadn't been thawed yet."

"Human tissue?" Lin Si thought for a moment: "Is it the tissue of a living person?"

"The frozen human body in the ninth district will sometimes die," the marshal said. "I have read the plan of that experiment. If some tissues and machines are fused, there will be some very magical effects. The last group of people also did it. It has achieved results, but unfortunately it was opposed by too many people, and it was not put into use in the end.”

"If it were me, I would also oppose it." Lindow said, "If this technology continues to develop, it will eventually encounter great ethical problems."

The marshal sneered: "Could it be that your genetic modification project won't work?"

"I don't think they are of the same nature," Lindsay, "You seem to regret that the project was shelved, but you have been firmly opposed to my genetic modification project."

"I don't think they have the same nature. After you have more and more modified bodies, they will form a group, and even if someone takes the lead, they will breed separatism. But we can control the machine at will, no matter what it contains Does not contain human tissue." The marshal said coldly.

The atmosphere between the two of them had just eased up for a few minutes, and now it immediately became tense again.

But neither of them seemed to bother arguing about the nature of "limitless" — an argument that never came to fruition and instead turned to cynicism.

"On the one hand, you want your army to improve, but at the same time you reject their progress because of suspicion." Lin Si frowned, and said lightly, "Sometimes I think you are contradicting yourself, and there must be something ulterior in this contradiction reason."

"You should also go to a psychiatrist." The marshal responded coldly.

Lince narrowed his eyes at the Marshal.

The marshal must be on guard against potential dangers on the spaceship, but why is he so wary of his own soldiers

Was it because he thought the danger was coming from the Third Sector? Why

But if this is the case, I won't get any information from the marshal—the military has always kept secrets.

He changed the topic and came to a question that the other marshal hadn't expected.

"Mr. Marshal, I have always had a doubt," Lin Si said, "Why did Ling Yi appear on the spaceship?"

The marshal took a deep look at him, and then said: "Ling Ning offered to get off the spaceship to accompany his wife, and gave the vacant spot to their son. Our friendship has lasted for more than twenty years, and it is impossible for me to refuse .”

"Mr. Ling and Ye Selin have two vacancies," Lin Si said in a flat, yet aggressive tone, "but Ling Jing didn't come."

"The time for take-off is tight! We did our best to find Ling Yi and bring him aboard the spaceship," the marshal's voice raised a little: "Besides, do you think your quota was obtained out of thin air?"

"I think so," Lin Si looked directly at the marshal without giving in. "Did I take the initiative to board the spaceship?"

"When will you finally figure out what it means to put the overall situation first?" The marshal's tone was almost severe.

"I'll never figure it out," Lin Si's chest heaved. "At that time, there were still 500 million people alive on the earth. What is it to focus on the overall situation?"

"Even if we survive this disaster, the earth is no longer a place for human beings to live. We must leave!" the marshal said.

"The planet we live in is not suitable for human survival, why don't you advocate leaving?" Lin Sidao: "—So, you have been contradicting yourself, facing two similar situations, but two different attitudes , which is very strange."

He paused, and continued: "I don't know if your decision is right or wrong... I just can't accept it, knowing that the vaccine will be completed soon, why can't you stay on the earth for a while? Why don't you even leave hope for the earth?" Down? I know the wormhole activity was perfect for the jump that day, but…”

His voice was not as aggressive as it was at the beginning, but lowered a bit, and he even had a brief aphasia, and he picked up after a while: "... Wait a few more years, is it difficult?"

He looked into the marshal's eyes and asked this sentence again.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Marshal, he saw his own image, which overlapped with the young doctor when the Voyager took off.

Years later, he still couldn't forgive the ship, and he couldn't forgive himself, just as he had then.

And this question, again, has not been answered positively.

The marshal's lips moved, but in the end he only said one sentence: "The situation at that time was very complicated, and we really didn't make the most perfect choice."

Lin Si shook his head: "You have been hiding something, what else do I not know?"

The Marshal didn't answer, just patted him on the shoulder: "Take a good rest."


Ling Yi, Sweena, Adelaide and several mechanics were playing Texas Hold'em. Tang Ning, who came back from the first district, also joined in. □□It originated in the western United States hundreds of years ago. It is a chess and card game that tests the psychological quality and overall planning ability of the participants. It is difficult to rely on probability calculations and mathematical models to win. However, Tang Ning still has a great chance of winning Some. Adelaide is next, and the professional knowledge mastered by the psychiatrist has some use in this kind of entertainment after all.

Therefore, Zheng Shu, who opened the door and came in, saw the large-scale offline gambling scene after seeing the large-scale fighting scene last time.

Zheng Shu: "..."

He is also at the table.

"Lead by example! Boss, you lead by example!" cried the mechanic.

"I think it is necessary for you to experience how unpleasant these games can be." Zheng Shu's smile made them a little creepy, "Then, you will concentrate on your work."

Zheng Shu's words are correct.

After several rounds, more than half of the chips in the pool were somehow won by Zheng Shu.

Adelaide folded three times in a row and sighed: "We played a little bit of everything when we were young, and we also played this. Brother Zheng has never lost in this kind of thing."

Ling Yi was curious: "Does Lin Si also play?"

"Plays too," Adelaide answered him, "but he never ends."

Ling Yi: "How do you play that?"

Just as Adelaide was about to answer, the door was pushed open again, and this time it was Lins who came back.

He saw the scene in the room, and carefully looked at the chips in the card pool.

"No-limit?" He raised his eyebrows slightly, "You guys are very good at playing."

"Come on." Adelaide waved to him excitedly.

Lin Si hummed, bent his knuckles and knocked on the light switch three times. The light in the room immediately dropped by three degrees, making it slightly dim.

He walked up to the mechanic who had the worst loss in the previous game and was pushed out to be a dealer, and said calmly, "I'll deal the cards."

The mechanic happily sat back on the side of the card pool as if he had been pardoned.

The dim light made Lin Si's white shirt stained with some ambiguous colors, and the reflection of the silver bracelet on his wrist also made this feeling much more colorful, but he still had the usual expressionless face and indifferent temperament, only his hands The movements are dazzling.

Ling Yi watched Lin Si's ten beautiful fingers shuffling the cards gracefully and easily, and couldn't move his eyes away.

Adelaide leaned back in his chair comfortably in the semi-darkness: "That's what it feels like—you're sitting at the top of Las Vegas while Lince is shuffling the cards." In the casino, you can spend a lot of money at any time."

Rings: "So what's your bet?"

"Sweetener." In fact, Adelaide, who had no gold to throw, suddenly lost his confidence.

The latest creation in the second district—some powders that make nutritional supplements taste better, divided into grape flavors, tomato flavors... and so on.

Because the nutritional supplements are too bad to drink, this kind of thing is still very popular.

"So, boss, let us," the young mechanic yelled, "what do you want so much sweetener for?"

Zheng Shu thought for a while, "I can give Tangning a drink... I remember you like strawberries?"

Tangning did not speak.

Wearing a red princess dress, Vivian, the artificial intelligence, appeared out of nowhere and said, "Tangning likes grapes!"

Zheng Shu smiled apologetically: "That's because I remembered wrongly."

Adelaide tactfully changed the topic, and asked seemingly casually: "What flavor does Ling Ling like?"

"I don't know..." Ling Yi thought for a while and said, "They are all delicious."

"You are so easy to raise, you are not picky eaters." Adelaide praised Ling Yi.

Sweena interrupted: "But Lingling just lost a lot, Lin, I'm afraid you have to teach him how to play a good hand."

"Well," Lin Si said lightly, "It doesn't matter if he loses, my laboratory can make sweeteners, and any flavor is fine."

"So it's like this!" Sweena called out jealously.

Ling Yi just laughed and didn't speak.

—So, as long as Lin Si is around, he doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

Lin Si looked at Ling's bright smile, which was half a smile.

Adelaide looked back and forth between Lin Si and Ling Yi, and gave a "tsk" with great interest.