Cat’s Rose

Chapter 42: Repeatedly (4)


"???" Ling Yi opened his eyes wide.

He just waited until the last one! Why are you late!

But Lin Si really put away the low-temperature box, and said indifferently: "I won't punish you this time, but remember next time."

Ling Yi: "???"

Those beautiful eyes immediately glowed with water.

Lin Si smiled slightly.

It's been three years, and this little guy still can't help being teased. Once he is teased by him, he doesn't even know how to fight back.

Fortunately, however, there was still such an insignificant morsel of Lince's conscience that he would not tease him for too long.

"It's not your share," Lin Si took off the transparent gloves, "Children's brains are still developing and will be affected by the chip."

Ling Yi didn't accept this argument: "I'm already an adult!"

Lin Si stood up, clasped Ling Yi's chin with his hand, lifted it up, and looked at it.

The jaw line of a teenager is round and cute, and the slightly warm skin is very soft.

"According to your age, you are indeed an adult," Lin Si looked into Ling Yi's eyes, and said slowly, "but in fact, you haven't even reached the period of changing your voice. This classmate, you A little late."

Ling Yi glared at him, turned his head away, and the tips of his ears were red again.

— How could Lin Si be so annoying!

When he grows up completely, he must bully everyone who bullied him back!

But after breaking free, Lin Si withdrew his hand and did not continue to bully him, as if he was a little distracted, and Ling Yi felt a little lost again.

He reluctantly said "Hi".

The voice is warm and moist and soft, with a little waxy ending.

Lin Si was thinking about Ling Yi. Lin Si had already seen the results of his previous examination. There was nothing abnormal about Ling Yi's body, but his hormone level was still in adolescence.

—purely late in development.

This should still be the responsibility of the accidental mutation, but Lin Si didn't research the principle, so he could only wait.

Moreover, the shape of Ling Yi's various tissues is still slowly changing, even the brain tissue. If it is compared to a set of programs, then other people's programs have always been like that, while his body's set of programs is still continuously self-optimizing. .

Now even Lin Si couldn't help but want to tie this kitty to the dissecting table and study it carefully.

He heard the "Hello", and turned his gaze back to Ling Yi: "We will wait until you are fully developed before thinking about the chip...Maybe you have to wait two or three years, and use the probe bone first."

When Ling Yi heard that he really needed to use the probe bone again, he was very desperate: "I still have to get a lot of needles!"

"The debugging of the skeleton has been completed, you can choose not to have the skeleton." Lin Si sat back.

"Then I will be very weak!" Ling Yi struggled to his deathbed.

"This reason doesn't convince me. I think you may not need a skeleton anymore." Lin Si said lightly while writing something on the form to be submitted to the marshal, "As far as I know, when I'm not around, you Having played the dangerous game of sparring with the Colonel's skeleton more than once, I've been wanting to find out about you two for a long time."

Ling Yi's arrogance was instantly extinguished, and his eyes wandered.

The colonel, who was adapting to the bone chip, heard the phrase "I've been looking for you two for a long time", and his back got hairy.

— Just kidding, where can I find out about Lin Si looking for Ling Yi again? Didn't it roll together again after pressing and kneading a few times

He is the real danger!

Isn't it just because no one wants to try Xiao Lingyi's limit, and he didn't win!

Lin Si adjusted his thin silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked at the colonel expressionlessly.

I saw the colonel's mighty and handsome black robot quickly dwarfed, moving nimbly and swiftly, crawling away like a big spider, and reached the other side that Lin Si couldn't see.

Several mechanics looked at each other, and decided to be more cautious in the future, and absolutely not to provoke the legendary wizard.

Ling Yi snorted out of confidence: "Although I didn't win, I wasn't injured..."

Lin Si put away the file and said, "It's not that I don't support you to undertake this kind of challenge, but you should make an accurate risk assessment before deciding whether to try this kind of thing. This kind of assessment is very easy, just ask Lu West Asia."

"I know," Ling Yi nodded obediently, and then said, "But I felt safe at that time, and my feeling was very accurate."

Lin Si let out a "hmm" and said lightly, "What if one day the result of the mechanical judgment is contrary to your intuition?"

Ling Yi thought about it seriously.

"I don't feel wrong yet," he concluded.

Lin Sidao: "But the machine is not at fault."

Ling Yi shook his head, a little distressed.

"Go to training, we'll talk about it later," Lin Si said.

Ling nodded.

Lince prepared the documents and planned to hand them over to the marshal.

Ling Yi's intuition has always been very sharp and accurate, so he has always believed in it... That's why he suddenly thought of this problem, but the possibility of this happening in the future is very low, so he didn't get entangled in this problem.

While walking in the corridor of the third district, a message from Mrs. Chen suddenly came from his bracelet.

"Lin, can you come to my place?"

Lin Si didn't know what happened to Mrs. Chen, but he quickly handed over the documents and went to the first district.

Mrs. Chen sat behind her desk and smiled at Lin Si who came in: "How are you doing?"

"It's okay." Lin Si's answer was very flat.

"The relationship between you and the marshal seems to have eased a bit," Mrs. Chen said with a smile, "I am also reluctant to accept the matter of the chip, but the two of you have made concessions to each other, and there is no greater disagreement. Feeling very happy."

Lin Sidao: "It made you worry."

Mrs. Chen: "This is not the thing that worries me recently."

Lynch: "What is it?"

Mrs. Chen's smile faded a little, and she looked into his eyes: "Lin, have you decided to explore the distant stars with the explorer?"

Mrs. Chen knew it so quickly, which surprised Lin Si, but he didn't show anything on his face, and said calmly, "Yes."

Mrs. Chen said: "Have you considered it seriously?"

When she asked this question, although she didn't express any clear objection, she definitely didn't support it.

However, Lin Si did not carry out "serious consideration", which is rare for him.

"We don't plan to equip the expedition with advanced scientific personnel and equipment," Mrs. Chen said slowly, "Lucia can already complete many decisions that need to be made in the exploration and navigation, and the focus of the expedition is on the survey. In fact, the role you can play is not very big. Moreover, even if you are on the spaceship, you can't organize an efficient scientific research team, and it is almost impossible to make any achievements—the scope of the expedition's first voyage has been determined , for at least ten years."

She looked into Lin Si's eyes: "You are still very young, the most creative, energetic, and productive decade of a scientific worker, if you choose to spend it on the expedition, it will be very difficult for you and the entire spacecraft." It is a huge loss, so I suggest you weigh the pros and cons, and then carefully consider your own decision."