Cat’s Rose

Chapter 43: Repeatedly (5)


Mrs. Chen thinks Lin Si shouldn't leave the Voyager.

What she meant was very clear. These ten years are extremely precious to a scientific researcher. If he stays in the voyager, Lins can definitely produce results that are not inferior to "limitless".

"My energy will be spent on helping expeditioners explore new planets," Lindsay said, "Its significance is no less than scientific research."

"But Lucia can replace you," Mrs. Chen said. "Moreover, interstellar exploration has always involved sacrifices. Even during the journey of the voyagers, nearly a hundred researchers died on planets with harsh environments."

"You can't sacrifice," she said in a harsher tone, "You, Tang Ning, Zheng Shu, the core personnel in each region—you group of people especially cannot sacrifice, your talent is one in a million, and you are in the top school on earth After graduation, the maximum amount of education and resources that the social rules at that time could provide have made you people—but we no longer have this environment, and our new generation can no longer have the quality of you people.”

"Our people are the same as resources, we lose as much as we use up," Mrs. Chen sighed, "If something happens to you outside, where can I find another person who is at the same level as you?"


Ling Yi is writing a diary.

He has been writing a diary since he talked about the second law of thermodynamics with Lins last time.

——Ling Yi thinks that this can save those things that are afraid of forgetting.

"It was discovered by Lin Si today that he didn't wear skeletons and fought with the colonel a few days ago. Lin Si is not happy."

"Lins asked me how to choose when my intuition is different from the machine's guess. I still want to choose my intuition, because programs written by Tangning sometimes have bugs."

After writing these two sentences, he began to hold his chin and think about what else to write today.

— seems to be gone.

So he wrote another line: "Lin Si hasn't come back yet, miss him." Then he closed the paper diary.

After doing this, he had nothing else to do. After memorizing a few chemical equations, he planned to ask Tangning some math problems.

After learning Fourier series, I started to learn multivariate integrals. That thing is very annoying.

He walked out of the training ground, took a familiar turn in several corridors, and walked to Tangning's usual laboratory.

Tang Ning's laboratory and Zheng Shu's office are at the end of this corridor. They are opposite doors. During working hours, the doors are always ajar.

A woman's voice came from Zheng Shu's laboratory, as if someone from another area was explaining some work matters, and after the explanation, they chatted about life.

Zheng Shu is very popular with the ladies, this kind of welcome is different from Ling Yi's - the ladies look at Ling Yi as if they are looking at their own children, while Zheng Shu treats Zheng Shu with some vague ambiguity, he Such an elegant and personable man is rare on a spaceship.

At this time, Zheng Shu's attitude towards the woman inside was also very considerate and decent, which made it easy for people to have a good impression.

At the same time, Tangning's room was filled with the hum of the brain's computer running and the rustling of paper and pens. It was obvious that he was the only one in the lab.

Ling Yi knew he couldn't disturb Tangning at this time, so he walked in quietly without knocking on the door - if he wanted to keep his voice down, ordinary people wouldn't be able to notice it.

Walking in, he saw Tangning calculating something in front of the computer - as for what it was, it was far beyond Ling Yi's current level of mathematics.

Sitting next to Tangning, Vivienne saw Ling Yi come in and raised her index finger to her lips to signal him to keep silent.

Ling blinked at her, walked through the holographic projection, and sat on the chair where Vivienne was. Vivian quickly understood what he meant, smiled sweetly, changed her posture, sat on Ling Yi's lap, wrapped her slender arms around his neck, and narrowed her eyes comfortably.

It wasn't until Tangning's calculation process was filled with sheet after sheet of paper that he finally came up with a series of results, and then quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands, writing about a few hundred lines of programs, and his concentration became a little less concentrated. After a while, he saw Ling Yi sitting next to him.

"Have you finished writing?" Ling Yi asked.

Tangning said "Yes", "I'm optimizing Lucia."

"Isn't Lucia already very powerful?" Ling Yi asked.

"She will follow the expeditioner to the distant star," Tangning said. "I was notified that the expeditioner will only have a group of mechanics to maintain her. She will take over all the equipment and life support systems on the spacecraft."

Ling nodded: "Lucia is amazing."

"It hasn't met expectations yet," Tangning said calmly. "She has an independent learning system. After following you to the distant star, she will learn a lot. In the future, she may be able to complete all the exploration tasks by controlling the spaceship alone."

Ling Yi blinked his eyes and digested the information. He felt that Tangning, who programmed Lucia's core program, was really an amazing person.

When Vivian heard Tangning talking about Lucia, she immediately became unhappy again. A dark cloud floated above her head, and it was raining heavily, "Lucia is better than Vivian in every way."

Tangning's tone was very flat, "I don't like Lucia."

Immediately, the dark cloud disappeared and turned into a white cloud.

Ling Yi observed the interaction between the two of them.

When Tangning said she didn't like Lucia, she really didn't like Lucia, and it wasn't to comfort Vivienne - he was a little slow to perceive people's emotions, let alone comfort others.

Is it because Lucia has set an image for herself? Ling Yi knew that Tangning didn't like things that were out of his control, so he didn't load Lucia's emotional system until now.

He didn't dwell on this issue, because people's preferences are always very strange, outsiders can't understand, it seems that Zheng Shu is so kind to everyone, but only indifferent to Tangning... There are many bad things in this world matter.

Tangning asked him, "Is there something wrong?"

Ling nodded, and took out a few questions that he couldn't do before.

If he asked Lin Si a question, he would be teased by Lin Si, so he preferred to ask Tangning.

—Tangning never disliked him for being insane, because in Tangning's eyes, everyone except himself and Lin Si was insane.

After asking the questions, Ling Yi continued to study math at the next table, Tangning continued to write programs, and Vivien looked at them with her chin resting. The atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.

After finishing today's content, Ling Yi took out his diary and continued to record what happened today.

"I went to ask Tangning a math problem today. Tangning is very good. Lucia is also very good. Vivienne is very cute."

"But if one day Lucia is able to complete the mission of exploring distant stars by herself, as Tangning said, will she be very lonely?"


Lin Si walked out of Mrs. Chen's office, frowned slightly, a little annoyed.

When he was about to reach the sixth district, the communication rang again. This time it was Seth who wanted to apply for a highly dangerous reagent.

They are now working on a strong corrosive solvent. If successful, they can quickly decompose and extract metals, improving the efficiency of mechanical manufacturing.

Lin Si returned to his office, Seth was already waiting in the room, holding an application form.

Lin Si casually asked about the progress of the project, signed the application form, passed it to the second district for filing, and then led Seth into a storage room.

This storage room is located on the lowest floor of the entire Sixth District, with the strictest security and protection measures, and it is full of dangerous reagents and samples.

After the door was opened, dry and low-temperature gas rushed in, and because some special medicines could not see strong light, the storage room was very dark. There are metal racks that reach the ceiling, and various reagents and medicines are placed in the grid. Most of the labels have a skull on them.

The walls are also inlaid with grids, and there are some things with a higher level of danger, which are firmly fixed by brackets to prevent them from falling.

Seth walked between the shelves with a luminescent flashlight, looking for the reagents he needed according to the index.

The white light of the flashlight shuttled through the test tube racks, casting continuous vertical shadows on the ground.

Lin Si didn't make a sound, as if he was the only one in the room, Seth felt a little gloomy, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

He walked to the area where the reagents were, and was about to search carefully when he suddenly heard Lin Si say, "Stop."

Before Seth could react, he heard Lin Si's footsteps—he walked beside him.

A little fast, not like Lin Si's usual pace.

Lin Si took the cold light flashlight in Seth's hand and shone it on the white ceiling.

At the junction of the ceiling and the wall, there is a row of more than a dozen black ultrasonic vibration tubes.

Cleaning, sterilization, status monitoring... many things can be done through this row of ultrasonic tubes.

Where Lin Si shines, there are two thin and long black tubes, the direction of which has been changed.

They should have been neatly arranged horizontally, but at this moment, the two tubes were slanted to the left and slanted to the right, forming an unclosed V. This scene seemed abrupt and strange.

… so that the two sound waves from them must meet in some direction.

Seth was thinking about it when he heard Lin Si's cold voice quickly say: "Lucia, record."

Lucia, who was everywhere, received the order, and the mechanical female voice said flatly: "The photo has been taken."

"Cut off the power."


The room was completely dark at once, except for the flashlight.

The cold white flashlight moved away from the ultrasound tube and shone toward the side it was facing.

It was a grid sealed with special glass on the wall, and there was a test tube—the color was very strange, it was pale flesh-colored, like jelly.

The label reads "Berlin-III".

— That's a sample of the Berlin virus!

If... two ultrasonic vibration tubes are excited at a special frequency, causing resonance, and the glass shatters, then—

Seth's eyes widened, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

Lin Si quickly stepped forward, unlocked it with his fingerprint, opened the grid, removed the bracket, took off the test tube, put it into the low-temperature lockbox that Seth originally used to store the reagents, and fastened it tightly.

After doing this, he quickly called up the light screen of the communication bracelet and dialed the communication.

"Marshal, this is the sixth district, something happened."