Cat’s Rose

Chapter 45: Repeatedly (7)


Ling Yi met Su Ting on the way back to the room, and is now chatting with Su Ting on the public platform.

Entertainment items on the spaceship are very scarce, and chatting is one of the few pastimes.

"All of us students are more or less like Yesselin—she is the kind of person who is easily attracted," Su Ting looked at the starry sky outside the porthole, with light in his eyes, "although we are safe now , very peaceful, with a lot of incredible achievements, but I still want to go back to those days on earth with Jesse Lin."

"I dreamed of Ye Selin before," Ling Yi sat beside Su Ting, thinking of the woman who made him live well in the dream a long time ago, and said to Su Ting, "She is sending me to a place , a circular…”

"That's a safe zone," Su Ting replied, "At that time, the virus was spreading in cities, and each city had drawn up a secret safe zone, and only those who passed strict inspections and confirmed that they did not carry the virus could enter... But the Berlin virus It's so contagious, we all know that safe zones are just a lingering slog, and the real hope has always been a vaccine."

Ling Yi didn't speak any more.

He doesn't remember anything about the earth at all, but he knows that the disaster is a painful memory that can't be let go in everyone's heart, and almost everyone keeps it secret. , Only then did I know that there is such a thing as a virus.

"Maybe you still can't understand," Su Ting sighed softly. "Sometimes I feel that it is too selfish for the Voyager to leave with all the staff and research results of the Wilkins Laboratory forcibly."

Ling Yi thought for a while, and said to her, "But we only have Voyagers now."

"Yeah," Su Ting nodded, and his tone became more lively, "Although I don't like this spaceship, I still work hard and do more things for the spaceship."

They changed the subject and chatted about other things—for example, the second district announced that they had a new conjecture on the structure of the black hole, and Lucia hibernated for three hours, as if a new round of maintenance and upgrades had been carried out.

The time has gradually come to the usual time to go to bed, Ling Yi got up and poured a cup of hot water for Su Ting: "You should go to bed."

Su Ting held his chin, looked at him and smiled: "Is the little baby so caring?"

"I have to wait for a while, I don't know when..." Ling looked at his communication bracelet, but Lin Si still didn't reply to his message.

"Hmm." Su Ting didn't ask any more questions, and answered him, "You should also go to bed early."

Ling nodded.

After Su Ting left, Ling Yi was the only person left on the huge silver-white platform, and the surroundings were very quiet, only the very distant and subtle hum of the spaceship operating.

This sound is everywhere, but it is often ignored by people and becomes a part of the silence. Only Ling Yi is very sensitive to it because he often lives on the ground.

Sometimes, he could even hear which part of the spacecraft turned on the high-power instruments.

That point was like a ripple in the current network of the entire spaceship, and then it reached a balance with the surroundings and disappeared into the calm and waveless water.

He sat at the table for a while, resting his chin on one hand, staring at the distant starry sky in a trance.

Lin Si didn't come back after he went out to deliver the documents to the marshal, and he hasn't responded to the news now, which made him a little uneasy.

It seems that many times, he is like now, waiting for Lin Si to come back.

—He also sometimes wants to grow up and be able to be with Lin Si, instead of doing things alone, or having nothing to do.

If you let yourself be the marshal, Lin Si will definitely not be entangled in so many meaningless affairs.

Looking at the vast ocean in the distance, Ling Yi fell into a distant trance.

Adelaide passed by the end of the corridor, and couldn't help but take another look here.

The gentle starlight shines on the silver platform, and the creature sitting in the center is so beautiful that it seems false. If there are butterflies on this spaceship, they will definitely come in groups, like flying to the most fragrant branch in the whole spring. flowers.

It's a pity that there are no creatures other than humans on the spaceship, but the psychiatrist passing by thinks that his ability to appreciate beauty is not inferior to that of butterflies.

He looked at it from a distance for a while, and concluded with a peeling gaze that this beautiful little thing was sinking into depression at the moment.

This melancholy is something to be wary of, because a child grows up with a lot of problems—and a spaceship is not an environment for a pup.

Whether here or on the ground, time flows in a liquid state, and daily life is simple, repetitive, and unchanging. He will get used to such a nearly static life, and his mind will grow very slowly—maybe in a few years, he will still be a child.

Tangning's situation was like this. Tangning now was not much different from Tangning when she was a teenager. Her life revolved around the keyboard and Zheng Shu's laws, and she lacked the concept of many other things.

The psychiatrist pondered for a while, and decided that he should find an opportunity to remind Lin Si.

He thought of the ever-changing earth again—as one grows older, the things a person will face are always changing, and the world he can see is also expanding day by day, as if on a boundless journey, one can meet many something unexpected.

Some parting melancholy suddenly invaded the heart of the psychiatrist, and he turned his head to look at the vast starry sky, and even became a little melancholy.

Of course, this kind of light melancholy cannot be compared with the dark clouds in the marshal's heart.

In this severe situation, he could only come up with this simple but effective solution—to put Lin Si to sleep.

If Lin Si is the murderer behind the scenes, this move can make him unable to interfere. If not, it can let the murderer behind the scenes who has been using Lin Si as a shield show his feet. The spacecraft conducts another thorough investigation.

He looked at Lince, waiting for his answer.

The outline of Lin Si was illuminated by the faint white light of the bracelet, and his demeanor was familiar to the marshal.

From a long time ago, Lin Si's image has been like this-cold and calm, but you know that the calculation in his heart is precise and strict. When this ability is used to weigh pros and cons and calculate gains and losses, any person in power will regard him as A thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh—even though he might be harmless.

Naturally, Lin Si was not weighing the pros and cons and calculating the gains and losses as the marshal thought. He was thinking about the kitten he kept here.

He asked, "Who will take my place after I fall asleep?"

"We are still considering..." Marshal frowned and thought for a while, "Madam Chen will decide."

"Among these biologists, I'm already a conservative," Lin Si said lightly. "Many of them have a much more radical attitude towards science than I do. I hope you can think about it."

The marshal said: "All the activities of limitless will not be brought up again during the period of your sleep."

This is a very important promise, which means that the genetic modification of the human body, the current and future power will belong to Lin Si, and will not be interfered by anyone else.

So, Marshal actually tends to believe in himself... He actually doesn't care much about whether he is asleep or not, but he can't ignore Ling Yi's whereabouts.

"I'm not at ease... Ling Yi." He lowered his eyes slightly, "My original idea was to explore with him with the 'Expeditionist'."

"He can still follow the Expeditionary now."

"I don't mean that," Lin Si said: "First of all, he is a special mutant. Out of selfishness, I don't want to let him stay on the spaceship to be studied by later generations. Secondly, if I am not on the 'expeditioner', I feel that this voyage is too dangerous, and I don’t want Ling Yi to be in danger... The only safe solution is to let him sleep with me.”

"I can understand you." The marshal's slightly frowning brows stretched out, "I have a son."

The marshal's usual tough voice was slightly gentler, but still not lacking in strength: "For my son who is about to grow up, I will let him choose his own future direction."

Lin Sidao: "He's still very young after all."

"The reason why a child never grows up can only be because of his guardian." The marshal said.

Rings: "I don't think there's a problem with my approach to education."

A conversation between the two of them would never end happily with "agreement," which had happened many times. After walking out of this storage room, which was lurking in great danger, Lin Si recorded everything and adjusted the security level of the room to the highest.

After that, he took out his bracelet, checked Ling Yi's location, and rushed to the platform.

When he arrived, Ling Yi was looking out the window with his head propped up, looking a little sleepy already.

After he sat beside Ling Yi, the little guy naturally leaned over and put his head on his shoulder.

Lin Si reached out to rub his hair, Ling Yi rolled into his arms, and finally lay on his back on Lin Si's lap.

Although Lin Si always felt that Ling Yi was still a small thing, in fact, he was no longer considered very small, and his height was close to that of an adult—he squeezed Ling Yi's arm, and then looked at the proportions of his whole body, feeling quite uncomfortable. satisfy.

Good frame, no problems, can grow taller, proportions are good.

For no reason, Ling Yi felt that he was being scanned by X-rays, and his whole body froze.

Lynce asked him, "How was your day?"

"I finished my homework, then played with Su Ting..." Ling said, "Then it's gone."

Lin Si didn't ask anything else, and Ling Yi didn't speak, just staring at Lin Si in a daze.

Seeing his dazed look, Lin Si smiled: "Sleepy?"

Ling nodded.

Every night he would not sleep until he came back—Ling Si knew this little habit of Ling Yi very well.

... So it was difficult for him to accept that such a little guy who was closely connected with himself grew up alone in the distant star sea.

He wanted to tell Ling Yi what the marshal thought, but before he could say it, the words changed into: "Go back."

After returning to the room, Ling Yi fell asleep quickly, curled up in front of Lin Si, half a hand was exposed from the cuff of the plush pajamas, grasping the corner of Lin Si's sleeve, the fingertips were light and translucent pink, like a fluffy pajama. Small animals.

Lin Si looked at his sleeping face and turned off the lighting system after a long time.

The moment the room turned into darkness, he felt Ling Yi move, getting closer to him.

The temperature and the sound of steady breathing are infinitely amplified in the darkness, the spaceship is quietly suspended in the deep space, and the vast sea of stars embraces the portholes. This overly huge, silent and lonely beauty sometimes makes people feel frightened. Just like every night before, every time at this time, he would have the illusion that he and this warm little thing in his arms depended on each other for life.