Cat’s Rose

Chapter 46: Repeatedly (8)


Ling Yi woke up early today, tidied himself up, took a tube of nutrition and said he was going to find Tangning and Vivienne. Just as Lin Si was about to say something to him, he smiled helplessly and let them go.

Tang Ning is loading the emotion module for little Vivienne. Since the amount of simulated emotion calculations is too staggering, only some positive emotions are imported for the time being. Under the influence of this emotion, Vivian shows that she likes Ling Yi very much. It was agreed that I would come to play with myself for a while every morning.

A new day begins, and nothing is different from before. The debugging of the skeleton has entered the final finishing stage, and it has been determined that it can be officially put into use. The last batch of refrigeration equipment belonging to the ninth area was transferred to the ground base, and the transformation of the "expeditionary" was completed. It is now an independent spacecraft that can travel to distant stars.

There are more than 400 people participating in the "Expeditionary" voyage, and 200 of them have undergone the genetic modification of the "limitless" plan. In order to save resources to the greatest extent, the Expeditionary adopts a freezing mode similar to that of the Expeditionary. At the beginning, there were only 100 people. Activities on the spaceship, and the rest of the personnel are unfrozen according to market demand.

It is said that the soldiers in the entire third district fought hard for the 200 spaceships for the spaceship. After layers of screening, all the top elites were selected.

The colonel was very much looking forward to setting sail. After finally approving the material reserve with the second district, the whole person was infected by a certain atmosphere before the expedition, and planned to shout at the porthole: "The stars! My destination!"

This behavior, which would cause countless people to look at him, was not carried out in the end, because when the poor colonel was just brewing his emotions, he was gently patted on the shoulder.

The colonel's body stiffened, and at the same time, his keen sense of smell made him feel an extremely cold woody fragrance. This kind of perfume was very special and recognizable, and it was sometimes used by Lince.

The colonel immediately showed obedience that did not match his burly figure, like a fat cat whose neck was pinched, followed Lin Si to the office.

"Doctor, what's the matter?" The colonel asked flatteringly after closing the door.

Lin Si sat back at his desk and looked the Colonel up and down.

Although roughness and toughness are the traits the colonel is most proud of, when he faced Lins, he was indeed very well-behaved.

The spotless white shirt, the top button, the indifferent eyes, the fingers operating all kinds of precision instruments - often make people feel that they are not in the same world as him.

"Are you excited?" Lin Si asked lightly after looking around.

"Of course," replied the Colonel.

The floating screen in front of Lins opened, showing the star map of the voyage.

After the "expeditionary" departs, it will enter subspace navigation near the ER-1836 asteroid and lose contact with the base. There were three stops, five collections, and dozens of ore star explorations on the way, and finally arrived at the target planet for detailed exploration.

According to previous observations and analysis, the composition of elements on this planet is very complex, and various landforms and climate environments may appear. This means that the difficulty of exploration work has increased, but it also means that this place is very likely to become a habitable place.

The entire voyage ranges from six to ten years at least, or indefinitely at most.

"According to calculations, regardless of the environmental factors of the target planet, the probability of your survival is about 60 percent," Lin Si said, "Our navigation experience is insufficient, so the results of the simulator will have some deviations. We have applied for 500 intelligent brain hosts to build a small space simulator, and with the cooperation of Lucia, we should be able to increase the probability by another ten percent."

The colonel will naturally try his best to do his best, but he really doesn't care much about these probabilities, and said: "In any case, you are here..."

"That's what I want to talk about," Lin Si said lightly. "The situation is very complicated. Mrs. Chen and the marshal have both talked to me. I'm afraid I won't be able to sail with you."

The colonel was stunned for a moment: "Then..."

After a long time, the following text came out: "Then what should we do?"

—Although the colonel is always a little timid when facing Lins, he actually doesn't hate Linss, and even believes in Linss. People in "limitless" are like this. They have a lot of contact with Linss, so Knowing his style of work, there will be various accidents during the voyage. At this time, Lin Si's unique machine-like quick and accurate judgment is the best reassurance.

"You will take Lucia's core hardware with you, and you will also be equipped with several scientific researchers in various fields." Lin Sidao, "Lucia's processing power exceeds that of any living person, so don't worry."

The colonel frowned, apparently unable to fully trust Lucia's machine intelligence. It is conceivable that he will experience a period of painful adjustments with Lucia in the future.

But Lin Si wasn't worried about this issue. He already knew about Lucia's ability during the escape from the black hole. After working with her for a period of time, the colonel would definitely appreciate it.

"In case of an unexpected situation, can Lucia make the best judgment? She has not conducted such a test."

"Human thinking comes from neurons in the brain, and Lucia's thinking comes from computing units. Our neurons are limited, but she doesn't have them." Lin Si crossed his hands and said slowly to the colonel, "There has always been a saying in the scientific community that quantitative changes In a sense, her judgment is more credible than mine, especially after the last few upgrades, her autonomy has become higher."

The colonel still couldn't accept it: "We still hope that you can sail with us."

"Last night, an accident was discovered in the underground storage room, and the Berlin virus was only one step away from leaking." Lin Si said suddenly.

The Colonel's eyes widened.

"Mrs. Chen hopes that I can stay in a good scientific research environment. The marshal thinks I am a dangerous person, so they don't want me to follow the expeditioner," Lin Si said lightly, "This matter is not complicated, but it needs to be done choose."

The colonel thought for a while and said, "You mean the Voyagers are facing some conspiracy?"

"It can be said that, but we currently have no clue about this conspiracy, we can only guard against it, for example, if I stay here, I can deal with some biochemical crises."

"I understand." The colonel's expression became serious, and he asked later, "What about Ling Yi?"

There are four people in Tangning's studio.

Vivienne was being loaded with the emotional module, her holographic projection leaned quietly on Ling Yi's body, her eyes were closed, and her long golden eyelashes drooped down.

Tangning was looking at the floating screen.

Lucia's holographic projection—the female knight with white armor and blond hair stands quietly, leaning on a big sword, her blue eyes are open, like the surface of calm water.

Although it was just a holographic projection, her appearance and demeanor kept her body filled with a cold and sacred aura.

Ling Yi looked at her, and Lucia looked back.

Looking at each other from the two sides, they were all motionless, a little bit weird.

On the screen, the translucent code flowed like a tide, and when the progress bar below came to an end, Lucia's projection disappeared into the air like ripples disappearing on the water.

At the same time, Ling Yi raised his head and looked at the ceiling, as if seeing the fast-flowing information flow covering the entire spaceship in an instant.

"Hello." A majestic male voice sounded: "This is the navigation system 'Voyager', please edit the order."

Tangning was about to key in an order, but she and Ling Yi looked at the door at the same time.

The sound of a water glass being broken came from Zheng Shu's room next door. Tangning got up and walked over - he always paid close attention to Zheng Shu.

Ling Yi also followed. Zheng Shu's door was ajar. Tangning knocked on it, then pushed it open and walked in.

Zheng Shu was sitting with his back to the door. Sure enough, he broke the water glass. He didn't clean it up, but looked at the brain screen in front of him.

Tangning walked over, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay." Zheng Shu's face was a little pale, "while writing key codes, the screen suddenly went black, and I lost control."

"My fault." Tangning picked up the glass shards on the ground, collected them and threw them away. "Just now I took Lucia back and activated the 'Voyager'. It may have been a bit volatile."

"It's okay," Zheng Shu restarted his brain, "it's not difficult to write."

"Sorry." Tangning sized Zheng Shu up, probably to make sure he wasn't scratched by the broken glass, then turned and left the room, "You're busy."

Zheng Shu: "Thank you."

Ling Yi felt that Zheng Shu's face was very strange, and looked back at him before leaving—but Zheng Shu was also looking at him.

That look is very complicated, Ling Yi doesn't know how to describe it.

After returning to the studio, Tangning tore apart the metal wall, and among the countless complicated mechanical components, took out a large, flat black box that looked very heavy.

"I'll install it on the 'Expedition'," Tangning said. "This is Lucia's core hardware. You must protect it when you are sailing."

Ling nodded.

He remembered Tang Ning said that Lucia's powerful processing ability cannot be separated from the core hardware developed by the last round of scientists. She cannot be copied, and can only exist on one spaceship, and cannot serve both expeditioners and expeditioners at the same time.

Vivienne woke up at some point, staring at the black box containing Lucia, her voice was excited: "Can I take over the spaceship?"

"No," Tangning said flatly, "The spaceship will be taken over by the initial system 'Voyager'."

Voyager—this program with the same name as the spaceship was the system equipped with the spaceship at the beginning. After Lucia appeared, it was gradually replaced, but the third district affiliated to the military has always used it, because this system has a distinctive Military-style, hard-boiled, and tight-lipped, Lucia's navigation and analysis skills are impeccable, while her secrecy and security measures are excellent.

Today, Lucia is installed on the "Expeditionary" spacecraft, and the initial system "Voyager" has taken over the spacecraft again.

Vivienne let out a "hum", obviously very unconvinced.

The usually taciturn Tang Ning rarely explained, "It's the Marshal's request."

Vivian ignored him: "I'm angry!"

Ling Yi glanced at her unexpectedly, and said to Tangning, "Did you put negative emotions on her?"

"No," Tangning looked at Vivian. "She may have performed some reverse calculations... Machine intelligence will always do some amazing things."

Everything about humans, emotions, thinking, and even human nature can be realized mechanically in the form of computing. The difference is that human computing units are limited, while machines are infinite. As for whether quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes, there is still no answer . The leadership on the spacecraft has always managed this kind of cutting-edge project, and when it touches the ethical edge, it will be stopped-such as Lins' "limitless".

But the researchers themselves don't think about these issues, they are only surprised and excited by their own results - Tang Ning showed obvious pleasure at this time, entrusting Ling Yi to deliver the black box to the expeditioner, while herself Start to study those new codes generated by Vivienne's emotional calculation.

Holding the black box, Ling Yi passed through several areas, entered the interior of the expeditioner, and walked outside the main control room. When he was about to open the door, he heard a vague human voice inside. It was the colonel talking to Sweena. The sound insulation of the door is very good, even Ling Yi's hearing cannot hear clearly.

But the next moment, Sweena raised her voice.

"What did you say?" she asked the colonel. "Lance isn't going to come with us?"

Ling Yi was stunned.