Cat’s Rose

Chapter 47: Repeatedly (9)


The conversation inside the door was still going on, and the colonel vaguely gave an affirmative answer.

Lins... no more expeditions? What about yourself

Ling Yi stared blankly at the silver-white metal door, his eyes blushing slightly. He didn't know when Lin Si made this decision, at least in the last conversation on this topic, Lin Si also told him that they would sail together in the sea of stars - he had been looking forward to this for the past few days .

There is no one else, no marshal and his wife who are always pointing fingers, and no heavy research projects, Lin Si will be very relaxed and do what he wants to do, there is only the colonel on the spaceship, and many friends he is familiar with in the third district— They are all people he likes very much.

They will have a very pleasant journey, meeting different mysterious galaxies and many huge and beautiful landscapes, Lin Si will explain to him the causes of these astronomical phenomena - at this time Lin Si will be very patient and gentle, he likes this time.

However, it seems to have changed now, if Lins stayed on the Voyager, all wishes would be dashed.

The disillusionment of the wish brought disbelief at first, followed by heartbreak and loss, but after the loss, he became angry.

Ling Yi bit his lower lip, blinked his eyes, and tried to keep the tears from falling.

He thought of Vivian.

Vivienne is a well-established navigation system. She has always wanted to take over the spaceship, or take over a few small devices, but Tangning would not allow it because he has been experimenting with many things on Vivienne, such as emotional simulation. This time Lucia left the Voyager and was installed on a new spaceship. Vivienne thought that she would finally be put into use, but it was the initial system that took over the spaceship.

In the end, she was just Tangning's guinea pig, and she didn't have the right to know about many things. Even if she wanted to do something, she could only obey orders.

—Like, Lins always has many things, many considerations in various aspects, but he won't tell himself.

But he also wanted to know what kind of trouble Lin Si had encountered, and then share a little for him.

I can only stay in the room or outside, waiting for Lin Si to come out of the Marshal or Madam's office and return to me, like a little pet.

He stood quietly, thinking of many similar episodes with minor differences. He waited boredly for Lin Si to come back, and occasionally sent a message or two. He wanted to send many messages to talk to Lin Si, but he was afraid of disturbing him. he.

He hates this feeling.

"...I hate Lance." He suddenly said to himself.

The corridor lamp illuminated his beautiful silhouette, and the black pupils that were always shining with stars were covered with a layer of misty water light, which reduced a little bit of Aijiao's innocence.

Ling Yi stood for a while longer to suppress his emotions, then knocked on the door of the main control room, went in, and activated Lucia with some simple steps.

The colonel looked at the console, his expression became serious: "The preparations are almost done, we can go out tomorrow morning."

Sweena: "Hope we have a safe trip."

She turned to Ling Yi again: "Is Ling Ling still going with us?"

After the colonel and Sweena knew that Lin Si was going to stay on the spaceship, they both tacitly agreed that Ling Yi also knew about it.

Looking at the progress bar of Lucia's activation, Ling Yi pursed his lips: "I don't know yet."

"It's better to go with us," Sweena shrugged. "It is said that Lin Si will be frozen if he stays on the spaceship. It's not good for you to be alone on the Voyager."

Ling Yi: ""

After he left, the colonel was a little puzzled: "Why is Ling Yi's mood a bit wrong today?"

"It must be unhappy," Sweena said with a smile: "After all, we have to be separated from Lin Si for so long."

Lin Si is sorting out the previous project materials and plans to hand over to Su Ting.

The Sixth District has no major project plans in the next few years, and the original staff will also be reduced. After he falls asleep, Su Ting will take over his authority to handle some comprehensive affairs.

Once the decision is made, these things are very easy, and the only thing that worries people is Ling Yi's problem.

Lance's selfishness wanted him to sleep with him, so that when he woke up, the situation could still be the same as now, and he could take care of and protect him.

Even if you don't sleep, you can stay on the voyager. However, the voyager will definitely not be peaceful in the next few years, so it is better to avoid it.

Lins himself was targeted by the conspirators behind the scenes, so the marshal chose to put him to sleep so as not to confuse the public. The Lucia system was transferred to the new spacecraft, and the "Voyager" system, which is strong in surveillance and safety, was reactivated. These measures all indicate that there will be a rigorous cleaning and investigation on the spacecraft in the future.

The days before the expedition set sail seemed to be calm, but in fact many things were brewing secretly.

After he finished the handover work, it was already night.

Ling Yi hasn't come back... something strange.

He sent Ling Yi a text message, but did not get a response.

Lin Si was a little puzzled, so he went to Ling Yi's favorite platform b79 where he could see the sea of stars, but there was no one there.

At this point in time, the training in the third area has ended, and the rest of the people have also come to rest, Ling Yi should not be with others.

Lin Si thought about Ling Yiping's usual behavior pattern and went to the third district.

Ling Yi has a nominal room in the third district, although he doesn't sleep here.

At that time, they also joked that if one day Ling Yi was bullied by Lin Si, they would run back here to sleep.

The iris verification on the door had recorded Lin Si's information, so he could walk in without knocking.

Sure enough, there was a lump on the bed in the inner room.

There was a faint smile in Lin Si's eyes. He sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and patted the cute bulge: "Why don't you go back?"

Ling Yi who wrapped himself in the quilt ignored him.

"What are you angry about?" Lin Si leaned over and asked him, and then tried to remove the quilt and fish him out.

Ling Yi fiercely resisted a few times under the quilt, but refused to come out no matter what.

Lin Si frowned, and a possibility came to his mind. He turned on his communicator and sent a message to the colonel: "Ling Yi knows I won't leave?"

The colonel's reply came quickly: "... doesn't he know?"

Lins: "."

The colonel on the other end of the communication saw the lonely period sent by Lin Si, suddenly realized something, scratched his head, and replied: "Doctor, you seem to be in trouble."

Rings cut off the communication and walked out of the room.

The moment the door closed, Ling Yi almost jumped out of bed. He lifted the quilt on himself, and stared at the closed door with a pair of beautiful eyes.

very angry.

He was so angry that he couldn't breathe steadily, his eyes were watery, his chest heaved rapidly a few times, and he continued to bury himself under the quilt angrily.

However, Lin Si didn't go away as he thought, and about twenty minutes later, the door opened again.

Lin Si hugged his quilt and put it on the bed.

Although Ling Yi was angry, he squirmed into the bed a few times to make room.

Lins tidied up and lay down beside him.

He heard Lin Si's voice.

"From the overall perspective... the situation does not allow me to leave the Voyager," Lins said. "Originally, I refused the request of the Marshal and Madam, but now there is a new danger. The Berlin virus was almost leaked last night."

"So I don't want to leave the Voyager, just like I didn't want to leave the earth a long time ago." Lin Si said lightly: "Can you understand?"

Ling Yi didn't respond, and Lin Si continued: "I wanted to talk to you about this this morning, but you ran away too fast. Do you want to be frozen with me, or stay on the spaceship with Su Ting? "

Ling Yi continued to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Lin Si smiled helplessly, and rubbed Ling Yi's head through the quilt: "I was wrong, good boy. Remember to tell me tomorrow, good night."

The night was as usual, extremely quiet, with only the sound of steady breathing in the room.

At two o'clock in the morning, Ling Yi's shrunken ball suddenly moved, and the quilt was opened, revealing a somewhat pale face.

His eyes were a little red, and he didn't look sleepy, so it didn't look like he woke up in the night, but he didn't seem to be asleep at all.

He sat up from the bed, took out his diary by the bedside, opened it, and wrote down today's date, then the tip of the pen paused for a long time.

He thought about a lot of things, but he didn't write down for a long time.

"I want to sleep with Lin Si and stay by his side all the time, although he is a very annoying person." He looked at Lin Si and said to himself in his heart, "But when we wake up, we are still like this .”

He didn't want to be like this—following Rance, waiting for him, he wanted to...

—He doesn't know what he really wants, but he is very, very disgusted with the current way of getting along.

Something was scratching his heart crazily. He tried desperately to know how he wanted Lin Si to treat him, but in the end he was at the end of his words. He could only stare blankly at the starry sky outside the porthole, his eyes sore.

"I don't want to leave Lins," he looked away, and wrote strokes in the diary, "but I can't not leave Lins."

The decision may have been rash, but it came from the heart.

He leaned over and looked down at Lin Si.

Uncontrollably, he raised his hand, wanting to touch Lin Si, but withdrew it again.

His breathing trembled slightly, and he felt like crying.

—Looking at his favorite Lin Si, he wanted to cry.

"I'm going to grow up in a place without you," he said softly, "and then, I'll come back to find you."

The light from the distant stars shone through the porthole, revealing his expression at this time, although it was sad, it reminded people of tenderness.

He reached out and took out a tube of sleep spray on the bedside. Many people on the spaceship, especially the researchers, have a certain degree of anxiety. This commonly available medicine with relaxation ingredients can make them sleep better. Sink a little.

He sprayed Lince's pillow many times, far more than the normal dose, then picked up Lince's wristband, unlocked it, and canceled the alarm.

After finishing all this, he tore off that page of the diary, folded it, put it on the bedside, and left the room.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the "expeditionary" will set sail.

After Lin Si woke up from an extraordinarily drowsy sleep, his first reaction was to check the time.


He quickly got dressed, and from the corner of his eye, he saw the diary paper beside the bed. After the diary paper was unfolded, there was Ling Yi's handwriting.

The moment he saw that sentence, he understood what Ling Yi meant—although he didn't know why Ling Yi said it.

His mind went blank for a moment.

"Dr. Lin, you—" an officer in the third district was about to say hello to Lin Si, who rarely appeared in the third district, when he saw Lin Si typing a message on the communicator while passing by him in a hurry: "excuse me Pass."

When Lin Si came to the connecting port between the expeditioner and the expeditioner, the last group of people was boarding the ship, and Ling Yi was among them.

Ling Yi was looking in this direction, and when he saw Lin Si, he was startled, he bent his eyes and smiled, then turned his head and walked up the gangway.

He didn't look back, not once.

All his will is used to force himself to do this, as if leaving the city of Sodom, which is about to be burned by brimstone and fire (1).

Because he knew that if he turned around and saw Lin Si, he would definitely be unable to restrain himself and go back to him.

It wasn't until everyone boarded the expeditioner, the lift hatch closed with a "boom", and the slight sound of the curvature engine starting up sounded from all directions, that he suddenly turned his head and looked at the huge transparent porthole.

There was a touch of white in the crowd, and with this vague outline alone, he could completely describe all the details of Lin Si's appearance in his mind.

The spaceship gradually rose higher and higher, the crimson land was billowing with violent sand, the light green dome was like an isolated island in the huge waves, and the huge black hull of the Voyager was like a ferocious monster, gradually engulfing Lin Si's figure.

Ling Yi's panting was slightly short, he stretched out his fingers to touch the porthole, the planet receded into a bright spot, the scene outside the window gradually darkened, and the stars flickered slightly in the endless desolate darkness.

Until the curvature engine was fully activated, the spacecraft jumped into the third-level subspace, and there was only darkness around.

He withdrew his hands that were freezing cold by the porthole, and took out the photo from the left chest pocket of the military uniform near his heart.

At the engagement party, Ling Jing, who was wearing a white dress, was held by the sweet-looking Su Ting, smiling slightly, with all kinds of happy people behind her.

The light is on in the small building at the edge of the photo, and there are two vague figures by the window. It can be imagined that they are looking at their daughter lovingly and happily.

The laughing people in these photos were all buried on the earth tens of millions of light-years away, and the expeditioners at that time left the earth, just like today's expeditioners leave the base.

There is no signal, only blessings. In the vast universe, they have officially lost contact with the base, and they will never see each other again unless they return triumphantly.

His hands trembled slightly, and he turned the photo over, revealing that sentence.

"Facing eternity is the love of all of us, a lingering farewell."

He remembered that many years ago, when the voyagers left the earth, Lin Si must have stared at the fading homeland and the people in deep misery in front of such a porthole.

Lins yesterday is just like himself today. Everyone has a choice, whether voluntarily or forced. Because of this, gatherings are fleeting, partings are never-ending, and pain is repeated.

The author has something to say: (1) Sodom City: The city that Jehovah will destroy in the Bible. The angel told Lot’s family not to look back when they left, but Lot’s wife thought about her hometown, looked back, and became a pillar of salt.

This chapter is an important plot that I have always wanted to write, and then open the copy of the new planet, the kitten will grow up quickly QWQ

There will be an update tomorrow.